Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2015604-Picnic-by-the-Lake
Rated: 18+ · Assignment · Other · #2015604
October 23, 2014 NaNo Prep Assignment 23
Mike drove them to a lake on USF’s campus and parked in the parking lot, uphill from the picnic area. He got out, opened her door, and helped her out of the car. Opening the trunk, he pulled out a blanket and a picnic basket. Jill eyed the basket curiously.

“Would you mind carrying this?” Mike asked, holding the blanket out to her.

“Not at all.” She took the blanket and tucked it under one arm.

Mike carried the basket in his left hand and offered her his right arm. Jill took it and he led her down to an open patch of grass, near the lake. They found a flat surface and Jill spread out the blanket. It looked big enough to cover a king-size bed. She stepped out of her shoes, and slid her bare feet over the soft, suede surface. Jill moaned appreciatively at the softness under her feet. Mike took off his own shoes, got comfy on the blanket, and watched her slide her feet over its surface. He motioned her to join him, patting the empty space on the ground beside him. Jill made her way over and sat down with her legs folded to her left side. Mike smiled at her, provocatively rubbing the lid of the picnic basket.

“Watcha got in there?” she asked playfully.

“Mmm, lotsa tasty treats,” Mike said softly. He lifted the lid just enough to be able to reach in and pull out a container, then immediately closed it. He opened the container, and the sweet fragrance of ripened strawberries wafted over to Jill’s nostrils, wetting her appetite. He held out the container under her nose. “Want some?”

“Mmm, yes, please.” She inhaled the scent of the strawberries, but Mike pulled them away when she went to reach for one. Jill gave him an astonished and slightly pained look.

“Patience,” he cautioned. He pulled one out and gently teased her lips with the tip.

Jill opened her mouth and took a large bite of the succulent fruit. The sweet juice of the strawberry left a shiny coating on her lips. Mike watched them hungrily as she chewed. He wanted desperately to lick the juice off her lips and taste the sweet fruit in her mouth, but alas, restrained himself, following his own mandate of patience. Jill murmured with delight as she chewed the juicy, ripened flesh. She swallowed and smiled, in order to let him know she had finished her morsel.

“More?” he offered in a low, seductive voice.

Jill nodded slowly. She had never heard his voice get that deep. It was so rich and sonorous, nothing like his lecturing voice. He fed her another strawberry and ate a few of them himself. When the container was empty, he closed it and slipped it back inside the basket. Jill covered her mouth as the acid of the strawberries caused a small burp to bubble in her throat.

“Oooo, sorry,” she apologized. “I guess that was one strawberry too many.”

“Here, this should help,” Mike chuckled. He pulled out a bottle of white wine, two plastic cups, and a corkscrew. With little effort, he opened the wine and poured, filling each cup about halfway. He handed her one, and picked up the other. “Cheers!”

They tapped their cups together and drank. Mike put his cup down on the blanket and pulled out two sandwiches in Zip-Loc bags. He held one out to her. Jill took it and opened it. She bit into a tuna fish sandwich and once again, murmured in delight. They ate their sandwiches and drank their wine in peace. They watched as ducks swam on the lake and quacked back and forth at each other. When they finished eating, Mike stretched out on his side, facing his former student. Jill followed his lead, lying on her side, facing him.

“So Jill,” he began, propping himself up on one elbow, “what do you think of our little picnic so far?”

“I’m enjoying it.”

“Good.” Mike smiled. “I’m enjoying your company.”

“Thank you, I’m enjoying yours, as well.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I was a little worried you’d be freaked out by my forwardness, yesterday.”

“Well to be honest, I was, a little,” Jill admitted. “You might not believe this, but I’ve had daydreams about sharing a moment like this with you.”

“Oh?” He reached out and tucked a stray hair behind her ear, brushing it lightly with his fingertips. “Please, enlighten me.”

“Well, it was almost exactly like this. Except, you had …” she broke off, a little unsure. He would probably laugh at her, or think her too forward.

“I had what?” Mike slid a bit closer until their legs touched. “It’s ok, you’re safe here.”

“You had … kissed me,” she finally confessed. She looked away, trying to hide her embarrassment.

“I thought about kissing you,” Mike admitted, “while you chewed that first bite of strawberry, I thought of running my tongue over those moist, juicy lips, and tasting the strawberry on your tongue.”

Jill’s breath caught in her throat. Her heart skipped a beat, and then began thumping against her ribs. She thought perhaps Mike could hear it, because he backed up, slightly. He took her hand though, and held it between the two of them. His thumb massaged her knuckles; the way he had the first day they met. Jill smiled at him. He lifted her hand to his lips and brushed them lightly over her knuckles. She let out a gust of air as the touch of his lips ignited a spark inside her that hadn’t truly been ignited in a long time.

“I will kiss you, Jill,” Mike promised, “but not today.”

“Why?” Jill asked.

“I’m saving that for a special occasion.”

“And this isn’t special enough?”

“No,” Mike answered. “It is special, don’t get me wrong, but I want you to be sure you really want it.”

“I thought that was clear already,” Jill countered, a bit confused.

“I want you to truly want me to kiss you,” he clarified. “I want to do this right; I don’t want you to feel coerced in any way.”

“Ok,” Jill nodded. “Will you kiss me on Saturday?”

“We’ll see what happens.” Jill caught a twinkle in his eye. “Want to walk with me along the lake?”

“Yes,” Jill answered. “what about the basket and the blanket?”

“We can leave it here,” Mike assured her. He stood and reached out a hand to help her up. Jill took it, and he pulled her to her feet. He stopped her when she went to step back into her sandals. “You won’t need those.”

Jill debated for a moment, but decided to allow him to lead her down to the sandy shore line of the lake.. She tried to stifle giggles as the soft grass tickled between her toes. Mike smiled down at her. The sand was soft, and smooth under their feet. As they walked around the lake Mike slowly eased them toward the shallow water that was lapping at the sand. Jill gasped as a small wave lapped at her bare toes. She stopped when he had eased them in a bit deeper so that the water was over their ankles.

“Wait,” she protested when he tried to get her to go in further with him.

“What’s wrong?” He asked. “Too cold?”

“No,” Jill answered. “I’m not wearing a bathing suit.”

“Neither am I,” he coaxed , pulling her into the lake a little further. Now the water was up to the middle of her shins.

“Dr. Lancing!” Jill exclaimed as he attempted to draw her in further. The hem of her dress skimmed the top of the water. “Someone could see us!”

“There’s no one else here,” he assured her. He turned her so that she could see the parking lot. His red sports car was the only one in the parking lot. “See,” he murmured softly in her ear. “It’s just you and me.”

Jill sighed softly as his breath gusted over her ear. Mike pulled her back a little further so that some of her skirt was submerged in the water. It darkened and clung to her legs. Jill felt his arms encircle her waist from behind. He gently eased them back into the water until her entire lower body was submerged. Her skirt was soaked and clinging to her legs. Her loins clenched with desire. She could feel his hardening erection against her back. She looked down and saw that the legs of his shorts were soaked and clinging to him. She gasped as his wet hands slid up her body so that they emerged from the water, and cupped her breasts. She was at a loss for words. She wanted to protest for the sake of decency, but she didn’t want him to stop. He gave her breasts a gentle squeeze to get her attention. All she could manage was a soft gasp in response.

“May I continue?” He inquired in her ear.

All she could do was nod. That was all he needed. He slowly pulled her backward into the water keeping her breasts in his hands. She watched as she was submerged into the cool water that darkened her dress, and made it cling to her. She yelped when she felt the ground suddenly drop from beneath her feet. She reflexively kicked her legs to keep herself afloat, and felt Mike’s arms tighten around her. He was not trying to restrain her, but to hold her above the water. He turned her to face him, and she instinctively wrapped around him to stay above the water. He was still able to touch the bottom so her weight did not throw off his balance.

“There now,” he said softly. “That wasn’t so bad.”

“No,” Jill giggled. “So, you like this?”

“Getting women wet?” Mike smiled at her. “Very much.”

“You should have told me you were planning on getting me in the water,” Jill chided.

“Where would the fun be in that?” Mike teased. “Would you like to get out now?”

“Yes please,”


He carried her all of the way out of the lake. Water ran down from their sodden clothing. Mike eased down on to the blanket with her still wrapped around him. Jill released him as soon as she felt the ground beneath her back. Mike moved to lie beside her, on his side facing her.

“You are so beautiful when you’re soaked,” he mused.

The dress was dark where it clung to her bra and panties. Jill attempted to cover both areas with her hands, but Mike gently moved them away so that he could have an unobstructed view. His shorts and shirt were also darkened by the water, and clung to his body.

“Thank you,” he breathed.

“For what?” Jill inquired.

“Indulging me,”
© Copyright 2014 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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