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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Entertainment · #2015582
This is the first segment of the story, which has chapters 1-9 plus two short stories.
A short story:
"Do you like tacos?" Asked Tim.
"Of course! Who doesn't like tacos."
Replied Tom.
"Really?! Are you sure?!" Exclaimed
"Sure about what?" Asked Tom
"That Who doesn't like tacos!"
Explained Tim.
"Ok. Where, did you hear that?"
"Yes, I did." responded Where.
"Who are you?!!?" Asks Tom.

"No, I am not Who." States Where.
"I know that." Responds No.
"What,what is happening!?" Asks
"My brothers have come, it seems."
Responds What calmly.
"Oh, ok. How are you?" Asks Tom.
"I am fine." Replies How.
Then Tim and Tom woke up.


This is a story about a knight. His name was Sir
Requirolot. He was knighted after he finished his
fifth quest. It took him five quests to become a knight because he was
peasant-born. His King ,whose name was
Inenormis, finally gave him knighthood after Sir
Requirolot (whose name was Fritz at the time)
singlehandedly saved the kingdom 5 times. I say
singlehandedly because he was born with only
one hand. This was the first time a one-handed
peasant ever became a knight, so he was very
pompous. By this time he had completed 108
quests and he was anxious to get past 110,
because after 110 he would have completed the
most quests any knight had ever completed. The
knight who had currently won the most was Sir
Multum Conciliat, who had completed 109 quests
and died on his 110th. The quest had been to kill
the wicked witch of the west, which had been
accidentally completed by Dorothy when her
house landed on the witch ( The story can be
researched in the book "The Wizard of Oz" by L.
Frank Baum, who had been there at the time ).
Unfortunately, Sir Multum Conciliat was
confronting the witch at time when Dorothy came,
and he was also crushed by the house.
Anyway, Sir Requirolot was looking for the
Diamond Taco for his 109th quest. The Diamond
Taco was the ultimate taco. And when it was
stolen, all the tacos turned rotten, and Sir
Requirolot was sent to find it. When Sir Requirolot
heard of his quest, he saddled his horse Sir
Neighselot and took off. Sir Neighselot was
imported directly from Narnia and was able to talk
( He was also quite a pessimist. ).
About an hour Sir Requirolot took off in the dreary
cold summer night ( Even Summer nights were
cold after the Diamond Taco was stolen ),
someone jumped in front of his horse and yelled:


The Person who stopped him was a
peasant, who was named Fritz
Tolkien Johnson. His mother gave
him that middle name because
hundreds of years earlier a man
named Tolkien made an amazing
book series, but the last copies of his
series had disappeared about 50 years ago
in the book burning of 2284 and
only a few quotes remained. His first
name was Fritz because it sounded
He had grown up like any normal
peasant. Unfortunately the
thirteenth mutation of the black
plague had hit his town when he
was 12 and his brother need his arm
amputated. As things changed he
got the honor of getting an
education. He decide to become
carpenter, and he was so good at it
he started the first collage for just
carpentry. A week ago he noticed all
the tacos rotted and the sky turned
black. He was mostly worried about
the tacos. Then just today he noticed
that a dragon had moved into the
local cave, the burritos had rotted
and the sun disappeared, so all in all it was a bad Wednesday. He was
mostly worried about the burritos.
Suddenly he saw a knight ride
slowly along. Fritz stared at him.
Something was strange about him,
but because the sun disappeared he
couldn't quite tell what was.
Suddenly, he realized that the
knight only had one arm! It was his
Younger brother Fritz-2. It suddenly
dawned on him why he preferred
Sir Requirolot. He jumped in front of
his horse and yelled "Stop!"


Fritz wanted to warn his brother about the rotting of the burritos and the dragon, but mostly the burritos. Something peculiar happened at exactly the moment he said "Stop!" that prevented him from saying anything else. You couldn't see that something, but you could hear it. Well actually, you couldn't hear it because at time all sounds stopped suddenly and without warning. When they realized what had happened, they were amazed! They lack of the diamond taco had made sound nonexistent! Fortunately the knight had some paper and a pencil (if you think it is strange that he had them, remember that the year is 2334) and they managed to communicate. "What did you want to warn me about?" wrote the knight. "The tacos and burritos are rotten, the sky is black and there is dragon threatening the village!"
wrote Fritz Tolkien back. "Well I can't do anything about the tacos and sky immediately but I can kill the dragon!" wrote-replied Sir Requirolot.

Suddenly the horse made vigorous movements, and nearly threw Sir Requirolot off the saddle. Since it was a Narnian horse Sir Requirolot knew to ask why it nearly knocked him off,so he put a note in front of him that said: "Why did you try to unseat me?" They then gave the horse the paper and pencil and after about an hour the horse managed to write this: " Do not go to the dragon! He is an invincible dragon that tries to kill everyone, but the Diamond Taco keeps him away! Now that the taco is stolen he can't be stopped." And if you thought things couldn't get any worse, well you were wrong because just than an earthquake happened.


A short story 2 + chapters 4-6

Once upon a time there was a fool. This fool grew up in a village called Smorsh. It was a dreary life in the village. Everyone worked hard farming. Everyone except the fool, that is. The fools name was Fritz. One day (among other things) a dragon came to the village. Everything had been done to kill the dragon, but nothing worked. The dragon didn't attack often, but he was always close to the village.

Soon, a forest started to grow inside the village. The king ordered everyone to cut them down, but the trees were as hard as diamonds. Farming became next to impossible, because the trees grew nearly everywhere. However, it did not change what Fritz did. Fritz never farmed. He always dug truffles out of the ground, like a pig. His mom always told him that he eats like a pig, and he thought that that was what she meant. About a month after the dragon came to the village, he found a golden key while digging. Later he found a treasure chest. He tried to open the key with the chest, and when that failed he opened the chest with the key. Inside the chest was a taco. He immediately tried to eat the taco, but it broke his teeth. He took a closer look at it, and found that it was made of gold. Excitedly he managed to get it out of the hole. After he got it out of the hole, he put it in a wheelbarrow and took it to the dragon. When he got to the dragon, he lifted it with all his strength, and threw it. The dragon died.

The end of a short story 2

The earthquake was the last straw as far as the knight was concerned. The The Diamond Taco had been stolen, all the tacos rotted, the sun and sound had disappeared, a dragon had appeared and then an earthquake. Everything had started shaking, and a crack had appeared in the ground. He jumped on his horse, and fell, and then hurried back on fell again. Each time he fell off, he got more careful. Finally after crawling carefully on he finally managed to barely stay on. He rode away and Fritz and ran away to his house. Luckily the earthquake wasn't that bad, and the emergency quesadilla supply hadn't been sucked into the ground by the cracks.

The knight ended up falling again and the horse just kept on running, so the knight had to walk. A hurrying man shuffled  by. A scurrying mouse passed by.
The darkened sky seemed to surround everything. The knight crossed the river.
He loved crossing the river, because after he crossed it, everything changed, except his quest.


In a sudden flash of blue, everything disappeared. A second later the knight was in a new place, but with same quest. It was a nice place. The grass was green, the trees brown and green, the sky blue and the clouds white. A river was flowing through the place. The place was a forest, concluded the knight. But everything seemed strange but he could not quite see what.

He went further in and he saw it became more forest-like by the minute.
The grass became suddenly greener, the trees taller, the wood darker, and beans on some of the trees. He felt like he was being constantly watched, but something else felt wrong. He noticed that he was weraing blue, glowing armor, and felt relieved that the armor also came into the world. It had become night, and the knight felt as if he should have made a shelter, but it was too late by then.

  He suddenly felt something in his back, it hurt a bit but his armor blocked it off. He ran and tried to pull off the arrow, but he couldn't. He had concluded that it was an arrow by the way it shook when he ran. He had been scared when he felt the pain, it was very minor pain, but it took him by surprise. He hid behind a tree and checked his backpack that had appeared when he came to this world,and found he had a blue glowing sword. He put it in his hand, and went to confront the archer. Before he even went away from the tree, he heard a strange sound. It was a quite sound, but persistant. The sound was "sssssssssssssss".


The knight was not scared, but he was intrigued. He turned around and saw a something that did scare him. It was a green creature that looked very bizarre. It had a cube head and 4 legs. It did not look like any thing he had ever seen and he WAS terrified. What was stranger is that it had a blue aurora. Before he could react it exploded and made a gigantic crater. It hurt him very much, but it did not kill him.

He felt like he needed to eat to heal, but he did not have any. He ran away and found what looked like a temple. He was very scared, so he went in. It was made of stone that looked like it was cobbled, and overgrown by moss. "If this is a temple," He figured "I might find a priest or something who will give me food." He went in slowly, and looked around. There was no one inside. The room was empty and unremarkable. He felt as if he should explore. Forward there was a staircase made of the same stone as the whole building. He went down and turned left. He saw a chest and went straight towards it. That was when the trap was activated.

The arrows went straight towards him. Since he was weak from the exploding animal, and hungry from lack of food, he died.


As he died he thought about his quest. He thought how he would have to start from the beginning, and that would be hard. Everything had went reddish when he died. He was not scared, but he was sad. Suddenly something asked him " Would you like to respawn, or would you rather exit?" Intriegued he thought " I would like to respawn."

He suddenly appeared in an amazing building, made with many blue blocks (which he had later found out were diamond blocks, and sea lanterns, both of which were rare) he heard people marvel how it was made in survival (which minorly confused him, but he knew there were so many words only people in one dimension would recognize a certain way)
He noticed he still had everything he had before and he felt bewilderd for the first time that day. He asked someone (that person looked like a penguin that was red and green instead of black and white) about it.
This is exactly what he said: "Dear sir, I inquire how when I died I amazingly did not lose anything I had before."

The penguin responded:" Well duh! Gamerule keepInventory is true." And then the penguin walked away.

The knight had decided that the penguin would not tell him any more, so he just let him walk away. He walked out of the building, and looked around. He saw a big river, and he decided to follow that. Then it happend.  The sky suddenly went black, and everybody had panicked. The knight felt a shiver go down his spine, and he felt the temperature go rapidly go down. He heard everyone panicking that the end had come and he felt scared.

Suddenly, floating black demons with purple eyes appeared. He tried to kill it with his sword, but it teleported away, and all that was left were purple particles in the air. Something hit him from behind, he turned around and saw a black dragon with purple eyes also. He decided to run to the blue castle and hope it wouldnt' kill him again.

End of Chapter 7

The knight was terrified. The dragon had made him so. He stood still in shock for only a second, but that second felt like exactly 32.9203942 minutes. He started sprinting toward the fortress, and as he approached, a chipmunk person held a bow and notched an arrow. The chipmunk pointed the bow right at the dragon. As he shot the bow, time seemed to slow down. It went right toward the dragon, and the arrow hit it right in the head. The knight thought for sure the shot would have killed it, but the enderdragon just cringed a bit and flew in the opposite direction. The knight thanked the chipmunk and just kept running.

As soon as the knight reached the castle, he noticed how people had started making a wall made of a dark block around the castle to protect it. The knight barely made inside when they sealed it off. The knight suddenly got an idea! He yelled:"Are there any tacos here?!?" A wolfy replied: "Well, there is one......"

"Just one?"

"Well yes, and that taco happens to be our king!"

"Well take me to him!"

Immediatly a chicken appeared and clucked:" Follow me, if you wish to see the king."

The knight followed.

As he approached the kings throne he slowly felt more and more in awe of the castle. The deeper they went, the more amazings things they saw.
The knight saw lapis lazuli, gold, emerald, and diamond blocks. He saw contraptions that appeared to make more black blocks out of thin air when someone pressed a button. The knight was even more astounded when he saw the throne.

It reached up about a hundred blocks high and it was 50 blocks wide. The throne was made of every single block ever, most of them repeated several times. The knight climed up a ladder to get to where the king sat. The king was a literally a humanoid taco, with the mask of a human.

The King said:"Why dost thou come to speak with me?"

The knight replid:"I wanted to see the king to inquire if there are any tacos, but I see dost thou art a taco."

"Why did you want to see the king about the taco supplies?"

"Because we might be able to throw the tacos at the dragon to make it go away" (if you think that that sounds stupid, remember that tacos repel monsters)

"I am unfortunately the last taco left. We were once mighty here in Minecraftlandia, but after the diamond taco was stolen, the tacos all started to gradually dissappear. I am the king, so I was able to repel evil longer then most kingdoms, but from what I hear my fortress is under attack"

Right at the word attack, a big explosion happend, and the roof broke to reveal a three headed flying monster.

End of chapter 8

The knight looked into the six eyes of the monster. It chilled him to bone, but he had to look. It looked like a skeleton but it had no arms or legs, just rib cage and three heads. There was one central head, and next to that head on either side was a head that looked a bit smaller, but otherwise just like the central head. The skeleton was competely black.

The knight felt as if he withering away on the inside, when suddenly a black head, just like the skeletons head, was shot at him. He moved away just in time, and the akull hit the floor and exploded. Then suddenly a barrage of arrows hit the wither, and it suddenly had a blue aura, like the creeper ( the knight had found out that that was what the name of the exploding creature was ).  The knight hoped the monster wouldn't explode. Then the monster shot three blue skulls right at the king and his throne. The throne exploded and the king died, but within minutes the king was back and fighting.

Just as that happened, the enderdragon came and attacked alongside the wither.  The knight felt as if he would faint, but he was too busy too faint. He scheduled his next faint for next year, and he did not want an early appointment. With another barrage of arrows coming from an army coming from an army of robots, the enderdragon flew away, but it had no effect on the wither. The knight decided that he needed to take a more active part in the fight, so he tried to fight the wither personally. He went right up to him and fought hard. The wither shot many black heads, and couple a couple blue skulls, but the knigh dodged them all. The knight ran around the wither, jumping to and from him, constantly hitting him with his sword. The wither, without ceremony died, and dropped a weird star shaped thing. The king picked it up and hurriedly went to the nearest crafting table.

After a little the king built a small pyramid out of emerald blocks, and put a block that he said was a beacon on the pyramid. It shot out light at the top. Then came twenty more withers. The knight had just started to panic when something very strange happend. It started raining tacos.

End of chapter 9


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