Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2015499-Princess-Pouts-A-Lot
Rated: 18+ · Other · Children's · #2015499
Bringing awareness of emotional abuse.
Princess Pouts A Lot

There once was a pouting princess from a far away land. She lived in a cage with a very mean man. She love him so much, oh, what could she do? To make her prince happy, if only she knew.

She cooked and she cleaned and mended his clothes. She's served him his food and he'd turn up his nose.

She pouted and cried, “Sir, what can I do? I will try harder if you want me too!”

“Go away”, he would growl, Your bothering me! Do something useful if you want to be free! Pounding his fist on the table, he'd yell, “Bring me the paper when I ring my bell! Now, go shine my shoes then bring me a drink! Then clean the dishes and scrub out the sink!” Tiny and frail, she'd tip toe away. Maybe, he'll love me on a sunnier day.

The princess would pout and hide her tears. Her prince would not like her to show any fear. She tried to look pretty and not make a sound! But, her prince would just laugh and call her a clown! “Your dumb and your ugly and smell like a cow. Your fat and lazy, oh please, tell me how! How do you think you can earn your keep? When you lay in your bed and do nothing but sleep!?”

At daylight, the princess would stare out of the cage, and long for her prince to lose his rage. “I must try harder to earn his love!”. But, he would just grumble and give her a shove.

Princess pout a lot cried at night. What could she do to make it right? She'd quietly lay down her head, “I mustn’t make noise or I won't have a bed.”. Maybe tomorrow, he will love me more. I must not cross him or make him sore. She did not want to live alone. Stuck in a cage like a dog with no bone. Maybe, he'd change if she could do more. Maybe, he'd love her and unlock the door.

If she were smarter and read many books, would stop giving her those dirty looks? If she were thinner and much more toned, he'd love her forever and not leave her alone.

So, she worked day and night and escaped in her dreams. He had taken her all, even her self esteem. “What can I do to be free of this cage? Free of this prince and all of his rage?”.

Then one day, while he was away. She fell to her knees and began to pray. “I'm locked in a cage and can't take anymore. Won't you please help me and unlock the door?” Before Princess Pout A Lot could rise to stand, she felt the presence of a very strong hand. A gentle voice coaxed her near. “Come closer my princess, there is nothing to fear. You are free on this day to leave this cage. Your no longer a prisoner of your prince's rage.

You did more than anyone could. To make your prince happy, like I knew you would. But, I love you more than anyone can. So, go into the world and take your stand. Help others who were once like you. Trapped in a cage being abused.”.

She looked into His loving eyes. Stroking His cheek, she began to cry.

“Weep no more my beautiful child. My Grace and Mercy will carry you miles. Hold your head high and always remember....It is only to me, that you must surrender!”

The KING placed a golden ring on her finger...”Go now, my beauty and do not linger! Pout no more for you are free! To fulfill my purpose and what may be. Never again, shall you be known...as Princess Pout A lot , who's all alone!”.

It was only then, she began to sing.....she was free from her prince to serve her KING!

L. Girard


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