Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2015403-The-Super-Seagull-Karate-Compeition
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2015403
Matthew the seagull enters a Karate competition and he's in it to win it.
The Super Seagull Karate Competition

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One day there was a seagull named Matthew and he was going to karate. He was small compared to other seagulls but strong and smart. When he got to karate he saw that there was a sign that said: ENTER IN THE SEAGULL KARATE CONTEST TODAY TO WIN A LIFETIME SUPPLY OF FISH!!!!. Under the sign it had the rules it read: anything goes just have fun and don't die. Matthew decided to go and register for the competition after his karate. When his master seagullman noticed Matthew had something on his kind seagullman decided to ask what he was thinking. Matthew told his master that he was going to enter the karate contest. When seagullman heard this he decided to start to train Matthew harder that never before to make sure he won.
Seagullman first started with making Matthew run for miles to increase his stamina. He also made Matthew learn how to fight in the air more effectively. When he saw Matthew could do no more he sent him home and told him to come back tomorrow. When Matthew came back the next day he had another hard day of training and improved a bunch. These training sessions went on until the day of the competition. Matthew was excited for he had dedicated the last 2 months to training to be the winner. So when the first round match ups were decided he was against a small mean looking seagull from the middle of nowhere. When the fight begun Matthew attacked first jumping up and swooping down with a foot ready to kick. The little bird reacted quickly and jumped out of the was nimbly dodging the attack. Matthew was surprised at the little birds speed and stumbled on the ground when he landed but quickly regained his footing. But in the time Matthew had wasted the little bird had started charging at Matthew. Matthew quickly jumped up and took to the sky. Matthew went high into the clouds so he could attack the bird without him knowing. When the little bird saw Matthew fly up he quickly followed suit and saw Matthew disappear into the clouds. Matthew saw the little bird but the bird could not see him so Matthew got above the bird and swooped by landing a kick on the little bids side.
The little bird was knocked out of the air and started to fall quickly to the ground but luckily they had a safety net and they caught the little bird. After Matthews round Matthew went into the stands and watched as many of the other contestants fought. Finally the last round was a battle between skirk the monster and fluffy the happy. Skirk immediately attacked and catching fluffy off guard he quickly charged at fluffy and knocked him down. Skirk was getting near fluffy to finish the match when suddenly fluffy jumped up and kicked skirk in the face twice. Skirk, taken by surprise retreated and charged again folding his wings against his body for extra speed. Fluffy tried to escape but skirk was too fast for fluffy and fluffy was knocked out. When Matthew returned to the ATHLETE HOTEL he and his master tried to formulate a plan to defeat Skirk and win all his other battles.--------NEXT DAY-------
Matthew went into the arena to see his opponent:barglebar. Barglebar was huge with giant muscles and tiny wings. Matthew knew his only chance was to fight aerially and win. So right when the match started Matthew jumped up and flew into the sky. Barglebar was forced to follow unless he wanted to look cowardly.
As Barglebar took to the sky Matthew quickly flew down and while descending hit Barglebar in the stomach. Barglebar began to fall but barely recovered before he landed on the ground. As Barglebar got back up he saw Matthew on the ground and knew his chance had come. He quickly but quietly charged at Matthew with his wings stretched out and grabbed Matthew. Matthew, taken by surprise struggled to break free but Barglebar was too strong and started spinning Matthew around preparing to throw him off the arena. Matthew knew he had no choice so he used the super ninja karate pressure point and knocked out Barglebar. The crowd gasped and cheered and as Matthew was celebrating his victory he was taken away and knocked out..... When Matthew awoke he was in a green tent. He also saw Skirk! Skirk came up to him and said you better not win any more fights or I will capture your master and feed him to the sharks. Matthew tried to reach out at Skirk but he was cuffed down. Then, Skirk punched Matthew in the face and Matthew was knocked out..... When Matthew awoke he was in the ATHLETE HOTEL in his room. Matthew immediately went to go find his master and tell him what had happened. But Matthew could not find his master anywhere...
When Matthew saw he would not find his master he gave up and decided to wait till the next match to talk to Skirk and ask hi if he was the one who took his master away. Matthews next match was against a tall and slender seagull who looked like he was afraid. When the match begun the seagull came at Matthew and right before impact jumped up and landed a jump-kick hard on Mathews shoulder causing him to fall down. Matthew could now see that the fearful face he had seen before was a cover for the beast inside of the gull. Matthew pretended he could not get up and right when the other seagull thought the match was over Matthew quickly swept his legs out from under him and grabbed the other gull and threw him on the ground. Matthew was going to advance to the next round! When Matthew went back to the stands to watch the other competitors fight he saw Skirk beckoning to him around a corner.
Matthew hesitated then decided to follow Skirk. If Skirk attacked him Matthew was confident he would be able to beat him. So as Matthew moved cautiously through the crowd he tried not to draw attention to himself. When Matthew had gotten to the place where Skirk was, Skirk immediately jabbed out with his wing Matthew nimbly dodged the attack for he had been expecting a attack like this and thought that Skirk would have been smart enough to realize he was outmatched until Matthew saw two hulking seagulls with tazers with the word Skirk on theirs shirts. Unfortunately one person saw this fight and said "look it's Skirk and Mathew" The entire crowd totally forgot about the fight and the arena and turned to watch the fight. Matthew knew he couldn't lose not now not in front of everybody. Matthew knew the time had come. Matthew looked up the sky and squawked. The crowd gasped as they realized the super awesome move Matthew was attempting. Matthew started to glow and turned big and beat up both Skirk and his men in one swipe of his wing. Then the crowd declared him winner and he got a big golden trophy and unlimited fish for life! But no one ever found Matthews master....
Or is it......?
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