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A man comes home to find kids have egged his house. |
Jeff stared at the smashed eggs littering his driveway, sidewalk and house. He couldn't believe the destruction the neighborhood kids had done. His neighbor Sue had just pulled into her driveway. Opening her car door, she asked, " What happened?" "Oh, it looks like the neighborhood kids were not happy I wasn't home for Halloween." "Give me a minute to put my purse and some other stuff in the house and I will be right over to help you clean it up," Sue said. "Thanks Sue." "Jeff, this stuff is hard to get up. They must have thrown them right before dusk because they've baked into everything.” Sue said as she continued scrubbing the sidewalk. "I'm glad I wasn't home or they would have egged my car too." Jeff said. "Let me go get some other brushes and soapy water from the house, I'll be right back." "Okay, I'll take a break until you get back." Sue sat down on the front lawn. She loved feeling of the grass. It was as soft as a baby's skin. She took her shoes off and rubbed her feet in it. It felt so good. She had known Jeff from the time she moved in. He was like the gentleman from the olden days. Always a big help when you needed someone. He helped her bring boxes in and he helped her put up her pictures. It was her friend Melinda who introuduced them at her party. Sue knew he lived with is mother, but she had only seen her one time. She had heard her shrill voice calling Jeff many times. "Hey, here's a scrub brush for you, and one for me. I really appreciate you helping me with this disaster. I owe you a nice dinner.” "Thanks, it's not a problem. I'm just glad I was here and could help." Sue stood up and put her shoes back on. Jeff laughed at her. "You like my lawn, don't you?" "Yes. It is so luxurious. Is it a special type of grass?" "Yes, it comes from a seed. It's Kentucky Blue grass. I've really enjoyed it because it stays the same all year." "Mmmm, I might buy some for my house. Later I’ll get you to write down where I can order some. Now, hand me those old dirty rags and I'll put them in the washer." "No, no, throw them away," Jeff said. "I have rags, rags and more rags." And he laughed. "Okay, I'll go get the garbage can around back and put them in it." "No!" Jeff said. "It's too full. Let me run in the house and get the other big can." "Jeff, I can push the trash down and make a little more room," Sue said. "No, just wait, I'm going to get the other one. Besides, we’re going to have a lot more dirty rags before we finish," he said as he went in his house. When Jeff came back out Sue was just rounding the corner of the house going to the back. Jeff ran and caught up with her. As he rounds the back, Sue is trying to pull the garbage can towards the driveway. “What you are doing?” "Pulling your garbage out, the men come tomorrow." "Leave the garbage alone. I'll get to it later. Let’s try and get more of this egg off before it ruins my house." Jeff replied. "Okay," Sue said as she walked back to the front of the house. "What have you got in there? It's so heavy," Sue said. “A lot of junk from my mother's room. I was cleaning it out last night." "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up your mother. I still can't believe she stole away in the night without letting you know where she was going or if she was going with someone. And to clear out your bank account. What a witch she must have been," Sue said as she lifted the lid. "In more than one way," said Jeff as he quickly took the it out of her hand and placed it securely back on. “Let’s get back to work now.” Sue went over to where there was more egg on the house and began to scrub it. That was weird, she thought. He acted so strange about the garbage can and he really got irritated at me. Oh well, it’s his can. I'm glad Melinda introduced me to him. He seems nice. His mother, on the other hand, well she couldn't really say as she had only met her once. Jeff and Sue worked well into the night scrubbing, washing and cleaning the house, the sidewalk and the driveway. Jeff stepped back, “It looks like we got it all. I bet you're exhausted, aren't you?" "You bet, and I'm ready to go home and shower, then climb into bed. It's been a long day. Could I have a little more water before I go home." Sue said. "Sure, come on in and get your water. I need to change my shirt real quick. It’s soaked with yuck. I don't know how you managed not to get as dirty as I am." . "Sue laughed, I guess I'm a born scrubber." Sue followed Jeff through the livngroom and diningroom into the kitchen. "Be back in a second." Jeff said. Sue got a glassfrom the cabinet and filled it up with water from the firdge. She was so thirsty from all that work. This is a nice house, she thought, as she looked around the kitchen. He has updated his stove and oven. I love the granite counters. I wanted to put granite in my kitchen but couldn't. This looks really nice she thought as she went to place her glass on it. CRASH! "Everything okay in there?" Jeff shouted. "I broke your glass. I'm so sorry." "Don't worry about it I have plenty." "Where is you broom and dust pan? I want to sweep it up." Sue shouted back. "Look in the pantry room, it's behind the door on the wall." Sue found them and swept up all the glass she could findand then looked around for a garbage can to put it in. "Jeff, where is your garbage can in here?" Sue asked. He didn't answer. I guess he doesn't hear me. I'll dump it in the garbage can outside. Sue walked out the back door and down the little steps. She went over to the garbage can and raised the lid .A shock went through her entire system rendering her speechless, and shaking, glass falling everywhere. "I told you to leave the garbage can alone Sue. Now look what you have done." "Your mo...mo..mother!” A piercing screem slid down her tongue and out of her mouth echoing throughout the neighborhood...but only for a second. Jeff made sure of that. "Damn it Sue, we could have been friends. You had to be just like my mother. To curious for you own good," he said as he dragged her body into the garage and closed the door. Word count 1193 |