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Rated: GC · Assignment · Other · #2014861
October 18, 2014 NaNo Prep Contest 3 entry. Describes a scene at a party at Mike's
They pulled into a semi-circular driveway in front of a large house. It had a covered porch whose roof was supported by four columns. There were four sections of railing connecting the columns to each other, and to the house. Four steps led up to the porch, bordered by banisters which matched the railings around the porch. They climbed the steps, walked to the front door, and Jill rang the doorbell.

Mike answered the door wearing a green, button-down, short-sleeved shirt. He wore a pair of khaki pants, the same braided belt that he always wore in class, and the same brown loafers. He smiled down at Jill, his blue eyes bright with excitement. He also took in the group that arrived with her.

“Good evening, ladies!” he exclaimed. “I’m so glad you came!”

He reached out, gently taking Jill by the arm, and drew her into the house. The other ladies followed her in. Mike closed the door behind them. They stood in a grand foyer with hardwood flooring, an umbrella stand and a coat closet. Pop dance music emanated from deeper inside the house. Mike offered Jill his arm, and led them all into the living room, where other students were milling around. Mary, Amara, and Sarah had been there before, so they took the liberty of making themselves at home, leaving Mike and Jill alone. He had to speak directly into her ear so she could hear him. The warmth of his breath on her ear warmed other parts of her body.

“The kitchen is to the left,” he pointed to a doorway to the left of the foyer, “and some of your fellow students are congregated outside by the pool. There are hors d’oeuvres and drinks out on the table.”

The doorbell rang again. “Please excuse me.” He left her side to greet the new arrivals.

Jill settled in on an empty couch. She looked around the room, and spotted a few people she recognized from her study group. Suddenly, a pair of feminine hands covered her eyes, the smell of sweet perfume filled her nostrils, and a sultry female voice implored her to “guess who?” Jill recognized the voice immediately, and instinctively blurted out “Diana?” She turned her head when the hands pulled away from her eyes, and found herself mouth to mouth with the leggy blonde dominatrix.

“Hey there little Rose,” Diana purred. “You can call me Karen here.”

“Dr. Schaeffer,” Jill corrected herself.

“Nope, Karen,” she corrected back.

“I’m Jill,”

Karen moved around to the front of the couch, and sat down beside her. She wore a sleeveless black dress that stopped one quarter down her thighs. She crossed one of those smooth long legs over the other toward Jill.

“So, I see you followed Jacob’s instructions,” Karen observed. “He’s really good at getting women to do what he wants.”

“Yes he is,” Jill admitted. She wasn’t sure if she should tell Karen her other reason for being there. “Is he here tonight?”

“I sure am,”

Jill jumped at the deep male voice that answered her question. She turned to find Jacob leaning on the arm of the sofa. He leaned in and gave her a soft peck on her lips. He sat on the other side of Jill forcing her to scoot closer to Karen.

“Hi Dr. Wind,” Jill smiled up at him.

“You can call me Jacob here,” he smiled back. “So, are you enjoying yourself sitting here people watching?”

“Yes,” Jill answered. “I was talking to Mike, but then the doorbell beckoned him away.”

At that moment Mike returned to find his two favorite colleagues chatting up his favorite student. He smiled, and took a seat on the coffee table in front of them.

“Jacob, didn’t you get enough of my star student over spring break?” Mike asked good naturedly.

“How can I have enough of this?” Jacob inquired cupping Jill’s chin and tilting her head up for a kiss.

Jill giggled, and pulled away. Jacob smiled and leaned back into the corner of the couch. Karen stood, and moved around the back of the couch to caress Jacob’s hair.

“Come on baby,” she coaxed. “Let’s leave these two alone.”

Jacob smiled and stood. He allowed Karen to lead him outside to the back patio. Jill scooted to where Jacob had been sitting to make room for Mike.

“Can I get you something to drink?” he offered.

“A Coke, please?” Jill requested.

“Would you like a shot of Captain Morgan with that?”

“Yes, please,” said Jill.

“Coming right up.”

Mike returned a few moments later with a crystal glass containing ice, an unopened can of Coke, and a shot glass with rum, all balanced atop the can. He set a coaster down on the coffee table in front of her, and put the glass on the coaster. He poured the rum into the glass, and popped open the can, adding Coke to the glass until the foam nearly overflowed the glass. He excused himself to greet more arrivals.

While she sipped her drink, Jill observed the people around her. Some were talking and laughing others were kissing and groping one another. She did her best to avert her eyes from those more intimately engaged. A few moments later, Mike returned with a plate full of food, and took a seat beside her. He set the plate down on the coffee table beside her drink, in easy reach of both of them.

“Hungry?” he offered.

“Thank you.” She plucked a carrot nib off the plate and dipped it in ranch dressing. Mike watched, as she inserted the small carrot between her lips, and bit the tip off. “So, do you throw parties like this every semester?”

“Yes. I see you, Mary, Amara, and Sarah are becoming close.” He leaned a little closer, sliding his free arm across the back of the couch. Jill leaned closer as well. Mike slid his arm around her shoulders, and pulled her against him.

“Are you enjoying yourself?”

“Sure,” Jill said, relaxing slightly. “I don’t really know many people besides the ones I arrived with, and a few that were in the study group.”

“Well, some of them were in your class,” Mike pointed out. “Some are from the graduate level course.”

Just then, Amara came in from the patio. She walked over, and took a seat on the other side of Jill.

“Hey you two,” she said. “How are you getting along?”

“Just fine,” said Jill. “Where are Sarah and Mary?”

“They’re playing out by the pool,” Amara laughed. “Sarah found her favorite boy-toy out there.”

“Poor Brian,” Jill giggled.

“He’s unfortunately, having to take my remedial class over the summer,” said Mike in a low voice.

“I can’t say I’m real surprised,” said Jill. “He had a lot of trouble opening up in our study group.”

“Perhaps he needs a little one-on-one tutoring,” Amara suggested. “Maybe you should give him some pointers, Jill.”

“Jill wrote a very interesting paper on polyamory,” Mike remarked.

“What are your feelings about that?” Amara inquired.

“I think it’s a good idea, at least in theory. But, I can’t see it as an option for myself. I come from a pretty conservative family.”

“Yeah, it’s tough if you come from that sort of background, to explore unorthodox options,” Amara agreed. “But if you can make it past those initial hurdles, it can potentially be very rewarding!”

“Definitely more of a challenge, but I posit that it can be done,” Mike added.

“What about you, Mike?” Jill prompted.

“I think it’s a healthy option, for a consenting group of adults. If you’ll excuse me, though, I need to continue mingling with the other guests. Why don’t you ladies introduce yourselves to some of my other students?”

Amara stood and offered her hand to Jill, to help her up from the sofa. Jill took her hand and stood. She topped off her soda and allowed Amara to lead her out to the backyard.

Some students sat in lounge chairs, while others sat on the edge of the pool, their feet dangling in the cool, blue water, which glowed with underwater lighting. It was already 8:30, but it still felt oppressively hot outside, and the water definitely looked inviting. Jill wished she had known there was a pool. Sarah and Mary sat on either side of Brian. Sarah was scooping up handfuls of water and rubbing it on the back of her neck, occasionally flicking droplets at Brian. She giggled as he tried to block the small droplets from hitting him. Jill walked over to the edge, and stepped out of her sandals. She spotted Jacob and Karen sitting at a large round table watching the students on the patio. Jill gave them a small wave before sitting down on the pool’s edge. Mary scooted down along the edge, opening a space between her and Brian. Jill sat, dangling her feet in the sparkling water. She pulled her skirt up to keep it out of the water. At least this will help, she thought. Amara sat on the opposite side of Mary, also dangling her feet in the water. Due to its length, the bottom inch of material of Amara’s skirt got saturated with water as she lazily swung her feet back and forth. Brian smiled shyly, and flushed a bit. His face turned as red as his hair, enhancing the brilliance of his green eyes.

“Thanks for the 4 1 1 about the pool ladies,” Jill teased Mary, Amara, and Sarah.

“We didn’t want to spoil the surprise,” Mary laughed. She flicked a bit of water up at Jill.

Jill squealed and reflexively attempted to hide behind Brian to block the water from hitting her dress. Brian wore a pair of khaki shorts and a red polo shirt.

“Hi Jill,” said Brian. “I had wanted to tell you, you wrote some pretty interesting papers in our class.”

“Thank you.”

“Man, sure is hot out here, don’t you guys think?” Mary interjected.

“Yeah, it sure is, ” Jill replied. “I could’ve brought a bathing suit.”

“What’s wrong with what you’ve got on?”

“It’s white,” said Jill.

“Well, I don’t know if you’d noticed, but I’m pretty sure no one else here wore a real swimsuit, either. I’ll jump in, if you will,” Mary giggled.

“In your dress?!” Brian asked, incredulously.

“Sure! What’s the difference? Hell, I still might do it, even if you’re too chicken!” Mary challenged, looking at Jill. “Amara, Sarah, what do you say? You with me?”

“Well, this dress got wet in the rain this past Wednesday,” Jill admitted. She looked back over her shoulder to where Jacob and Karen were seated. They were both watching avidly.
“Mmm, I bet Dr. Hottie loved that,” Sarah giggled.

“Stop calling him that,” Jill protested giggling and blushing. “You’ll get me saying it, then I’ll slip up in front of him, and there will be badness!”

“Badness?” Sarah raised her eyebrows. “No more Buffy for you, you’re starting to talk like her.”

“You like Buffy the Vampire Slayer?” Brian asked.

“Yeah,” said Jill.

“Correction, she likes Angel and Spike,” said Sarah. “Who happen to be on the show.”

“So, you like dark broody guys?” Brian inquired, hoping she’d say no.

“Not really,” said Jill. “I like Bad Boys gone Good.”

“Ah,” Brian nodded.

“I think we just got transported to the planet of the geeks,” Mary asserted.

“Hey!” Sarah exclaimed. “There’s nothing wrong with appreciating the man pretty in a show that was meant for dudes originally.”

“Good point,” said Mary.

Amara attempted to bring them back to the matter at hand, “My dress is already somewhat wet.”

“I’ll get wet with you Mary,” Sarah volunteered.

“Oh, and not only does Dr. Lancing have this magnificent pool … but did you see the hot tub, past the diving board?” Mary asked, excitedly.

Jill and Brian looked in the direction Mary pointed. Sure enough, about six feet beyond the edge of the pool with the diving board, there was a large, in-ground hot tub, which Jill judged could comfortably fit four to six adults, maybe more. It was tough to estimate from where she sat.

“So, Jill, I think Dr. Hottie has a thing for you.” Mary’s statement and second, abrupt change of subject caught Jill off guard. “You two looked pretty cute together on Thursday.”

“What?! Really?” Jill asked. It was her turn to exhibit incredulity. She flushed, considering Mary’s statement. “Why do you think that? And Sarah look what you started!”

“He’s been paying a lot of special attention to you, tonight,” said Amara. “Would you be interested in him?”

“Oh, yes she is,” Sarah chimed in for Jill.

Jill shot Sarah a look. “I …” she began, “well, I did write that paper on the ethical implications of professors having relationships with their students.” She was proud of her quick cover-up. She typically had a hard time coming up with ways to redirect conversation when she was flustered like that.

“And …?” Mary persisted, “What is your position on that? Besides, you passed the class, so technically, you’re not even his student anymore.”

“I’m taking his graduate level course in the fall,” Jill asserted. “I don’t think there is anything wrong with it. As long as the student is over eighteen, and the professor isn’t using his or her authority to coerce the student.”

Just then, a hand rested on Jill’s shoulder. She jumped, and turned to look behind her and saw Mike, Jacob, and Karen standing just behind them. She looked away from them to try to hide her crimson face. Her sudden movement nearly caused her to make good on Mary’s earlier dare. Brian and Sarah scooted down in the opposite direction, toward the shallow end, to make room for Mike and the other two to sit with them.

“Jacob and Karen wanted to say good bye to you before they left,” Mike informed Jill.

Jill stood to say good-bye. Both Jacob and Karen hugged her, and gave her a light kiss on the cheek. Jacob and Mike hugged, and then it was Karen’s turn. She pulled Mike against her and lined her mouth up with his ear.

“See ya later Dr. Hottie,” she whispered in her best fem fatal impression. Mike gaped at her when she pulled back. “What that’s what the girls are calling you.”

“Is that right,” Mike eyed Jill who shook her head in denial, and pointed at Sarah.

Mike smiled, and accepted a soft open mouth kiss from Karen. Once she and Jacob had left Mike sat cross-legged between Brian and Jill. Brian felt uncomfortable, his hip pressed firmly against Sarah’s. Sarah, on the other hand, was enjoying being so close; she flirtatiously placed a hand on Brian’s thigh.

“What are we talking about?” Mike inquired.

“Some of the topics of my papers,” said Jill. “We were just discussing the one about the ethics of professors having relationships with their students.”

“Oh yeah, that was a very interesting read.”

“It was all hypothetical, of course,” Jill quickly pointed out, hoping no one would catch on to her deeper feelings about the matter.

“And what is the next step in research, after proposing a hypothesis?” the professor prompted.

“Testing,” Jill answered, after a moment’s thought back to the section of class in which they covered basic research methodology.

“Very good,” Mike wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him. “You see everyone, pure genius, in the flesh.”

“Mike!” Jill exclaimed. “Please!”

Mike brushed his lips over her ear. “Perhaps you’ll stick around afterward to test that hypothesis?” he whispered, suggestively.

“Perhaps,” Jill responded in a soft, giggly voice. “Will I get that kiss you promised me?”

“I guess you’ll have to stick around to find out,” Mike teased, softly. He let the tip of his tongue slide between his lips to touch her ear. Jill squirmed away, gasping softly.

Mike released her and stood. He walked along the side of the pool, toward the steps at the shallow end. He picked up a small remote control which sat on a table where he stood, and dimmed the music.

“Can I have everybody’s attention, please?!”

The students that were still inside came out and found places around the pool, so they could listen. The noise of conversations subsided.

“First of all, I would like to propose a toast – to the end of the semester.” He raised a wine glass he had been drinking from. Everyone shouted “Cheers” in reply. He resumed his speech.

“All of you have worked extremely hard this term, and your grades are a reflection of that. Those of you who still struggled, despite your best efforts, I hope to see you in the summer term, and am working on developing a system to provide you additional support. It’s a challenging class, not just because of the material, but because many of the concepts we cover challenges so many deeply-held ideals. And with that in mind, this evening, I would like us to conduct a little social experiment. I know none of you brought anything to swim in, at least not in any conventional sense, but it’s a hot night, so let’s all enjoy the pool, and cool off.”

Mike continued, laying out some ground rules. They could wear as much, or as little clothing as they felt comfortable in. A few nervous chuckles could be heard in response to the professor’s latter suggestion. In addition, they could get in the pool via the steps, off the edge, or the diving board, that was all up to them. He was also careful to explicitly state that it was completely voluntary. He just asked that anyone with reservations bring them to him to discuss privately, as he wanted the opportunity to help as many people as possible expand their horizons.

Jill decided to take the initiative hoping it would please Mike. “Well Mary, you’re on!” She slid off the edge, into the pool. The water felt nice and warm. Her dress became transparent as it absorbed the water, revealing white bra and panties underneath. The act of sliding off the edge, as well as her entering the water feet first, pushed the skirt of her dress partway up her thighs. As she stood in the water, the fabric lazily drifted around her legs. Jill quickly covered the areas of her dress where she could see her bra and panties. She backed up against the wall of the pool to cover her back. The tight fit of the material when wet revealed the outline of her figure. It was very clear she had not thought this through.

Mike took a moment to remove his shoes, socks, and belt. He walked back along the side towards the deeper water, and jumped in after her, splashing Amara, Brian, Sarah and Mary. His button-down green shirt became transparent and his pants darkened. He swam over to Jill, and held on to the edge beside her.

“That was brave of you,” he said in a congratulatory tone. He was about to offer a high-five, but realized her hands were otherwise occupied.

“Yeah, well, I think I just lost my nerve,” Jill replied sheepishly.

“Just watch the others,” said Mike. “Some of them are as nervous as you, but you have just inspired, or at the very least, encouraged them.”

Amara stood and jumped in next. Her skirt lifted as it hit the water, revealing a pair of red thong underwear. Her skirt swirled around her legs as it absorbed water. Her entire outfit became dark and shiny. “Oh, what a relief!” she exclaimed. “This feels wonderful!”

“Hey guys! Wait for me!” Mary stood and backed up a few paces, then took a running leap into the pool, feet first. As her dress hit the water, it rose to her armpits, and then slowly drifted back down around her as she surfaced. It immediately became completely see-through, revealing a matching pair of D-cup breasts with pink nipples, and a white lacy thong. The white material of her undergarments also became transparent, leaving little to the imagination.

“Wow, Mary!” Mike exclaimed. “That dress makes a beautiful bathing suit.”

Mary giggled and swam up to him and Jill. She gave Mike a quick peck on the cheek. Amara swam over to join them, as well.

Other students slowly began to follow their example, some more tentatively than others. Most of them were dressed fairly casually, in shorts and t-shirts. Some of the guys removed their shirts; some stripped down to their boxers or briefs. The ladies wore a mixture of shorts outfits with tanks or tees, skirts and blouses, and sundresses. After seeing Jill and her companions eagerly dive in, most seemed less hesitant to take the plunge. Several stragglers still hung back on the first or second steps in the shallow end.

Brian and Sarah, who had gotten splashed by Amara, Mike and Mary as they jumped in, had backed away from the edge, and then walked over to the steps. Brian found a spot away from the other students, and stepped into the water, keeping an eye on Jill, whom he found most attractive, especially in the condition of her clothing. He remembered that dress from the day of their final. He had not gotten a chance to see her wet in it. He now stood on the second step, the water at about his knees, facing the people in the pool, keeping Jill in sight. The water lapped at the hem of his shorts.

“Hey!” Sarah exclaimed from behind him. Completely startled, Brian jumped, and sat down on the first step. His face reddening, he turned to see her standing on the pool deck behind him. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you!”

“I uh…” was all he could manage.

“Mind if I join you?” Without waiting for an answer, she proceeded to walk down to the third step, and then sat down on the second, next to Brian, her hips butting up against his. Her dress darkened as it absorbed the water.

“I’ll race you out to the deep end,” she challenged.

“Umm, well, I’m not actually a great swimmer,” he said, trying to come up with some excuse, so he could leave. He was visibly turned on now, through his shorts, and was embarrassed by it. Sarah, on the other hand, approved.

“Aww, come on, please?”

“I’m sorry, Sarah, I think I should probably get going; maybe next time.” Brian abruptly stood up and walked out of the pool. Sarah would not be dissuaded so easily. She got out of the pool and ran after him.

“Wait!” she called after him. Brian stopped dead in his tracks, giving her an opportunity to catch up with him. “Can you give me a ride home?”

“Oh, umm … sure.”

“Thank you. Just let me tell Mary,” said Sarah. She ran back to the pool where Amara and Mary were trying to help Jill relax. “Brian’s going to take me home!”

All three of them looked up at her. Jill even turned to face her. “Are you sure, Sarah?”

“Yup,” she squatted down to whisper in Jill’s ear. “Have fun with Dr. Hottie. Call me tomorrow to let me know how it goes.

“Sarah, come on, stop!” Jill giggled. She was starting to feel the effect of the rum that had been in her Coke.

“See you later!”

After taking some time visiting with the other groups of students, Mike found his way back to Jill, Amara, and Mary, who had been spending time playing water games. Mike slid an arm around Jill’s waist. She tentatively slid her arm around his. Amara swam up on Jill’s other side, sliding an arm around her opposite side. Mary swam up, treading water between Amara and Mike, across from Jill. She put an arm around each of their waists, and they put arms around hers, forming a ring.

“Enjoying your little harem, sire?” Jill playfully asked Mike.

“Oh yes, very much,” Mike smiled down at her. “I want to congratulate the three of you.”

“For what?” Mary asked.

“For the three highest grades in both sections, this term.”

“Can you tell us how we ranked, among the three of us?” Amara inquired.

“Sure,” said Mike. “But let’s make it interesting, shall we? What should the person with the highest grade receive, as a reward?”

“A kiss, from the teacher?” Jill suggested. She was half kidding, but the other two women nodded in agreement. Jill cringed inwardly. There’s no way I had the highest grade, she thought.

“Oooh, Jill, that sounds so naughty,” said Mary, giggling with excitement. Though she was well-supported with the arms around her waist, and the waists she was holding on to, she began treading water again, pushing the skirt of her dress up around her hips.

“Fair enough,” said Mike. “And what should the other two get, as punishment?”

“A spanking,” said Jill. She wasn’t quite sure what had come over her. It must be the rum in the Coke, she told herself. Though, she kind of wished Jacob had been around to hear her offer up that suggestion. It probably would have astonished him and made him proud.

“From the top student,” Mary added, excitedly, now bouncing up and down, as her feet did still touch the bottom.

“Whoa, careful, girl!” Mike laughed, eyeing Mary’s dress lustily.

“Also,” Amara interjected, “the top student should remove an article of clothing, of their choice, to make the others jealous.”

“Should we all close our eyes?” Jill asked hopefully.

“Sure,” Mike agreed. “That should make it fun.”

Everyone broke their mutual embrace, and the three ladies lined up, in the middle of the pool. They closed their eyes, with excited anticipation. A few seconds later, Jill felt a soft pair of parted masculine lips on hers. She reflexively parted her own lips, to allow a warm, wet tongue to dart into her mouth, to touch hers. All too soon, it pulled away.

“You can open your eyes now, dear,” Mike purred softly.

Jill opened her eyes and saw his deep blue eyes staring back at her. His mouth was only inches from hers. “Oh,” she gasped. She was both elated and dismayed. Her elation came from the knowledge that the man she had been crushing on all semester had just given her a very sweet and sensual kiss. Her dismay came from the realization that she now had to remove an article of clothing.

“That’s right,” said Mike. “You had an average of 100%. That’s an all-time record.”

The other two women, both of whom had opened their eyes by now, clapped for her success. Jill followed through on the other part of their deal, with the consolation that the party had cleared out by now. She hadn’t even realized how much time had passed, as she had really been enjoying the time with Amara and Mary. Jill took a moment to decide what she would be willing to take off. Amara and Mary watched in anticipation. Mike pulled Jill close.

“I love you in this dress,” he whispered. “Would you like me to help you pick an article to remove?”

“Okay,” Jill acquiesced.

Mike reached up under her skirt and slid her white cotton panties down off of her tight little ass. Jill gasped as she felt the wet cotton being peeled off her. Mike squatted down bringing her panties to her ankles. Jill stepped out of them, and reflexively covered the area where the dress clung to her sex. Mike laid her panties out on the patio by the pool.

“Alright, you two,” Mike addressed Amara and Mary, “it is time for Jill to administer your punishments.”

Amara swam over to the edge of the pool with a big smile on her face. She pulled up her skirt, and leaned over the edge, raising her ass out of the water. She also pulled down the wet thong, pulling it off over her feet. She discarded it on the patio, on top of Jill’s panties. Jill gave the wet skin a light slap.

“Oooo!” Amara let out a soft squeak. She moved so Mary could take her place.

Mary assumed the same position, and lifted her short skirt. Following Amara’s example, she too pulled her panties off, depositing them in the pile of clothes. Jill gave Mary’s wet skin the same light slap she had given Amara. She did not make a sound, just gave Jill a sweet smile.

“Well done, ladies,” said Mike. “Now, Amara and Mary, you two tied, with an average of 98%. That is also a record. What would you like as your reward?”

“A kiss from the top student,” said Amara, “like the one she received from you.”

“Alright, who wants to go first?” Jill asked the other two girls.

“Why don’t they race for it?” Mike suggested.

“Are you going to participate?” Jill inquired.

“Sure, that’s a great suggestion,” said Mike. “We’ll swim to the other side of the pool.”

“Okay,” Mary and Amara agreed.

“Jill, you go to the other side and wait,” said Mike. “You’ll judge who makes it across first.”

Jill swam to the opposite side of the pool. “READY! SET! GO!!!”

The three of them swam toward her. Mary got to her first, followed by Mike, and finally Amara.

“Stupid skirt,” Amara scowled at having come in last.

“Why not just take it off?” Mary giggled. “Then, we’ll have a rematch.”

Jill pulled Mary close and kissed her mouth, her lips parted. Mary parted her lips allowing Jill to slip her tongue into her mouth. Jill touched the tip of Mary’s tongue. The two women pulled away from each other with visible reluctance.

“Wow, Jill … that was pretty incredible,” Mary breathed.

Jill turned to Mike, and gave him the same passionate kiss as he had given her. Mike took the initiative, and entwined his tongue with hers. Jill made a strangled sound of surprise as he sucked her tongue a little deeper into his mouth. He tasted of red wine. They continued stroking each other’s tongues, in and out of their mouths for a few more seconds. He ran his hand down her back, and gripped her bared ass through her dress. Jill squeaked, and pulled her mouth away from his. Mike smiled at her as they pulled apart.

“And last, but not least …” Jill turned to Amara and gave her a kiss, similar to that which she had just received. “That was for being so patient,” she said, when they finally pulled apart.

“Mmmmm, thank you,” said Amara.

“I like your pussy,” said Mary, pointing at the front of Jill’s dress. “I’d like to see it without the dress.”

“I’d rather not,” Jill smiled tentatively at them.

“Oh, come on,” Mary pressed.

“Now, Mary,” Mike interceded. “Let’s not push her too far.”

“You’re right,” Mary pouted. “Sorry.”

“Now, why don’t you three race to the other side of the pool?” Mike suggested.

“Right,” said Jill.

Mary pulled her dress up over her head, tossing it on the patio. Amara, likewise, pulled her skirt down, and then removed her top. They both giggled at each other when they suddenly remembered they were naked underneath. Neither of their dresses would have covered bra straps, and they had removed their panties just a few moments ago.

“Oops,” Amara giggled.

“Oh, what the hell,” Mary laughed. “Ready, Jill? You can take yours off too, if you think it’ll help any.”

“I think I’ll be alright,” Jill said. She found it hard to make eye contact with Mary or Amara. How could they be so uninhibited? She glanced at Mike, to see his eyes glued on them in admiration. Jill’s heart sank. There was no way she would keep his attention, now.

“Suit yourself,” Mary replied.

Mike smiled approvingly, and swam to the other side of the pool to judge the race. He gave the cue to go and they took off. Jill took the lead, and made it to the other side first, then Mary, and finally Amara; last again.

“What’s your excuse, this time?” Jill laughed, looking to Amara.

Amara sighed. “Just admiring the view.”

“As much fun as we’re having, I hate to break things up,” said Mary. “But I’ve got to get going. Gotta work in the morning.”

“And, she’s our ride home,” Amara added.

Amara and Mary climbed out of the pool and struggled, putting their sodden clothes back on. Jill moved to join them, but Mike took her gently by the arm. She looked at him questioningly. His eyes were completely focused on her, now.

“Didn’t you want to stay and test your hypothesis?”

“How will I get home?” Jill asked.

“I’ll drive you home whenever you’re ready,” he offered.

“Alright then,” Jill agreed.

Mary and Amara waved goodbye to Mike and Jill, then headed around to the front of the house.

Mike wrapped his arms around Jill. “Are you ready to get out, darling?”

“If you are.”

Mike slipped his hands under the hem of her dress, and lifted her onto the edge of the pool. He slid his hands down her smooth, wet thighs before pulling away. Jill picked up her panties and stood as he pulled himself out of the pool.

“I can put your things in the dryer for you while we hang out,” he suggested.

“Do you have something dry I can put on?” she asked, covering her crotch with her hands.

“I’m sure I can find something,” Mike smiled.

Jill handed over the panties.

“And those?” he asked, indicating her dress and bra.

“Oh, no!” Jill protested. “I don’t want to remove them out here.”

“I understand,” he said. He sounded a bit disappointed, but headed back toward the house.

Jill followed him in as he led her to the back of the house. He stopped at a utility closet where his washer and dryer were installed, and dropped her panties in the washer. He led her further, to the master suite.

His bedroom was decorated in warm browns and creams. A king-size bed sat against the far wall. It had a wooden headboard with four pillows stacked in front of it; two on either side of the bed. The pillow cases were cream, and the bedspread was a dark chocolate brown. There was a matching nightstand on either side of the bed, and a chest of drawers against the wall, to the left of the bed. On the wall, to the right side was a doorway leading into the master bath. A recliner sat in the corner between the left and front walls.

As Jill surveyed the room, Mike came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He leaned down and kissed her neck. Jill moaned reflexively, tilting her head to the side, stretching her neck out for him. She moaned softly as he trailed kisses up and down the length of her neck. He ran his hands down the front of her soaking wet dress, squeezed her breasts, and murmured approvingly in her ear at the squishing sound of her wet bra.

“Do you treat all your top students this way?” she asked softly.

“No, this is definitely a first.” He un-wrapped his arms, and turned her to face him. “you’re the only one.”

Jill shivered in his arms. There were goose bumps on her skin. She wrapped her arms around herself. It was not just the chill of the air conditioner on her wet skin that made her shiver; it was also the idea of being in her professor’s bedroom, in such a vulnerable state.

“Darling, you’re cold,” he observed. He ran his hands up and down her arms. “Why don’t we warm up in a bath?”

“Alright,” she agreed.

Mike led her into the master bathroom, also decorated in creams and browns. He started the water running into a bathtub she guessed could comfortably fit four adults. Mike unzipped her dress, and slid it from her shoulders. Jill kept her back to him, and slid her bra straps from her shoulders. Mike reached out tentatively, and unhooked her bra. He excused himself to get them some towels, and to start the clothes. Jill spotted a bottle of bubble bath in one corner of the tub. This should help preserve some mystery, she thought, as she added the recommended amount to the bath water. It smelled like a tropical island. Once she was sure the water was deep enough for her, she climbed into the tub and sat facing the doorway. Mike returned to the bathroom, carrying two fluffy towels, which he hung on the towel rack beside the tub.

“I see you’ve made yourself comfortable,” he said approvingly. “Guess I need to catch up.”

Jill watched in fascination as he slowly unbuttoned and pealed the wet shirt off his body. He was deceptively muscular under that shirt. His chest, abs, and arms were covered with a light dusting of dark hair. He kept his eyes on her as he unbuckled the braided leather belt and slowly pulled it out of the belt loops of his pants. He unbuttoned, and unzipped his pants. He leaned forward and slid them off his hips, letting them fall to the floor, and stepped out of them.

“Hmm, guess I should leave these on?” he smiled at her, running his hands around the waistband of his boxers.

“I’d really appreciate that, at least for now,”

Mike climbed into the tub at the end nearest the faucet. He reached back and turned off the water. He leaned back against the tub’s edge and stretched his legs out. He touched Jill’s legs with his toes and she giggled nervously. He smiled at her.

“What are you doing all the way over there?” he asked playfully. He rubbed her leg with his foot. She had a layer of fine hairs on her smooth legs.

“Nothing,” Jill smiled. She reached out under the bubbles, tickling his foot.

“Hey!” Mike laughed, yanking his foot back.

He crossed his legs under the water and pulled her into his lap. She squirmed a bit at first, but he wrapped his arms around her to hold her. She stopped squirming when she felt something poke her lower back.

“Mmm, your skin is so smooth,” he whispered in her ear.

“Thank you,” she said. “So, what is this to you?”

“Wonderful,” he whispered. “I want more than just to be physical with you, Jill.”

“Really?” she asked, looking at him over her shoulder.

“Yes, I’ve wanted this since the first day I saw you.”

“I’ve wanted this since the first day of class,” Jill confessed.

“What are you thinking that makes you so sad?” Mike inquired. He leaned in and kissed the corner of her mouth.

“I was just remembering what was happening during my first semester,” Jill admitted.

“Forget about him,” Mike ordered. “he is a fool for treating you so poorly, and he deserves whatever he gets for it.”

“You’re right,” Jill smiled. “So, do you make it a habit of memorizing women’s appearances?”

“I pay attention to detail,” he licked her earlobe.

Jill giggled again. She was definitely more relaxed, now. She felt him trace the outer edge of her ear with his tongue. She cooed and rubbed his arms. She let out a surprised squeal when he dipped his tongue into her ear. When she tried to pull away, he gently held her head in place, circling the edge of the opening of her ear. Jill giggled, protesting at first; but as he continued, she began enjoying the sensation.

“So, umm, can we just go over what this is, and what the ground rules will be for this relationship?” she asked, before they got too far off track.

“Well, as I said, I’m interested in a relationship with you.”

“Just physical?”

“No… Not just physical. I think you’re a very special lady, Jill, and I’d actually like to have more than just a physical relationship with you.”

Jill flushed with emotion. This was more than she had even fantasized about.

“What are you looking for in this?” Mike asked.

She was speechless for a moment. “Yes … I want the same. I want to really get to know you, share who I am with you.”

“And, since we’ve started down this path, we probably should cover everything,” Mike continued. “How do you feel about other people sometimes participating with us?”

“You mean, like Amara and Mary?” Jill asked.

“Yes, they are good examples. There might be other potentials, too, just in the spirit of full disclosure”

“Well … they’re a lot of fun. I’d be ok with that.”

“You know, from class, that I try to open students’ minds to other, less traditional approaches to sexuality and relationships. That is, as you put it, a part of who I am. Is that something you’re ok with?”

Jill considered this carefully for a moment, and then nodded. “As long as you always come back to me at the end of the night, then I’m game for anything,” she told him.

“And if you’re not there?” Mike inquired.

Jill went rigid at that. She had not anticipated that question. “I’m not sure I’d be ok with that.”

“I would be ok if you wanted to explore with other guys … and/or girls,” Mike stated. “Even if you ended up falling in love with another individual.”

Jill looked back at him in shock. “That’s definitely a new one for me.”

“Remember our class discussions about polyamory. I do believe it is possible that one can both love, and be loved by more than just one other person. Perhaps for now, we can come back to that,” he offered.

“Alright,” Jill agreed.

“You truly are remarkable, Jill. I know this has to still be on the strange side for you, and yet, you do demonstrate a great deal of openness. I think you will find it extremely rewarding. I encourage you to experiment on your own, as well. I just ask to hear about your experiences … you know, purely scientific interest. I might even enjoy just watching, from time to time.”

“Umm, well sure, why not,” Jill replied contemplatively.

“Turn to face me,” he whispered.

Jill turned in his lap and sat with her legs draped over his right leg. He tilted her chin up and took her mouth with his sliding his soft, wet tongue in and out. Jill slid the fingers of her left hand into his hair, and her right arm around his neck. He tightened his left arm around her, adjusting her body so that she straddled him. As he kissed her, his wet hands slid slowly to her large breasts. He circled her nipples with his thumbs, under the water. Jill moaned; her nipples stiffened under the caress of his thumbs. He pinched her hardened nipples between his thumbs and index fingers.

“Ah! Mike!”

Mike gave her an evil grin. He slid his hands from her breasts, down her sides, to her hips. “Mmm, it would appear I’m still overdressed.”

“Let me help you with that,” Jill said as she gripped the waistband of his boxers.

Mike repositioned his legs so she could more easily slide them off. Once they had been discarded with the other clothes, he gripped her hips and pulled her over his legs, as they had been before. He rubbed her hot sex over his hard erection. They both moaned with desire. The water sloshed around them as he massaged himself with her body. He slid his wet, slick hands up her smooth side, and embraced her against him.

“I want to make love to you, Jill,” he whispered. “This is why I wanted to wait until tonight to kiss you.”

“I want you, too,” said Jill. “But, I also want you to respect me in the morning.”

“I will, do not doubt that.”

“Can I spend the night?”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

He began rubbing her over his length again. “So, is that a yes?”

"Yes, but not in the tub.”

“Agreed, I was about to suggest moving to a more comfortable location.”

Jill slid off of him. Mike climbed out of the tub, and then lifted her out, setting her on her feet. He wrapped a towel around his waist, and gathered up their wet clothes. He left the room to put them in the washing machine. Jill used the remaining towel to dry off the excess water. She reached into the tub to pull the drain plug. He returned as she wrapped the towel around herself.

“You were gone for a while,” she remarked.

“I was making some minor adjustments.”

Mike took her by the hand and led her back into the bedroom. There were candles lit on each nightstand. They filled the room with the scent of sage and lavender. The fragrance filled Jill’s nostrils, increasing her desire. Mike dropped her hand and went to the bed. He used the remote on the nightstand to turn on the stereo. There were speakers in all four corners, piping soft classical music into the room.

He pulled back the covers on the bed and motioned for her to climb in. Jill un-wrapped the towel and dropped it on the floor. She walked over to the opposite side of the bed with her hands covering the scars on her belly and chest. He watched her, his desire for her growing as her naked form made its way to his bed. He idly began to stroke himself. Jill climbed into the bed and pulled the blanket up over her naked body. Mike climbed in, pulling the covers over himself, as well. He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. Jill opened her mouth and he slid his tongue into her mouth. She entwined her tongue with his, and they simultaneously caressed each other with hands and tongues.

Mike moved forward, rolling her onto her back. He slid his leg between hers, and trailed kisses down her chin, neck, and chest. He sucked one of her erect nipples into his mouth, and flicked it with the tip of his tongue. Jill writhed and moaned under him, rubbing her wet sex against his thigh. She kept a hand over her chest. Mike switched to her other nipple, and tormented her with pleasure until she released, down his thigh.

“Ohhh! Mike! That feels so good!”

His lips curved into a smile against her breast. He attempted to trail kisses down her belly to the apex between her thighs, but stopped when his lips encountered her other hand on her belly. He pushed himself up on his elbows to look down into her eyes. She lay there underneath him with her hands on her chest and her belly.

“Ok, hold on,” Mike knelt up on his knees, and gently gripped her wrists. “This isn’t going to work if you feel you have to hide things from me.”

He gently pulled her hands away from her body. His eyes took in the light pink lines across her chest and belly. He leaned down, and traced each scar with his tongue. Placing her hands on his shoulders he continued trailing kisses down her belly to her apex. He slipped his wet tongue between her outer lips, flicking her already-engorged clit. He sucked it into his mouth, flicking the tip with his tongue, causing her to writhe again. She moaned and clawed at the sheet beneath her. She pushed her hips forward, rubbing herself fervently against his face. This was love-making, like she had never experienced in her life.

Mike moved his mouth down to her wet opening and circled it with his tongue as he had her ear. He caressed her clit in circles with his thumb in the same direction. Her hips gyrated to his rhythm.

“Take me, please,” she pleaded.

He swirled his tongue inside her hot, wet pussy. Jill let out a groan of relief as he continued inside her. She came again, and he drank her warm, sweet juices down. He slid his warm body back over her and gave her another deep kiss, letting her taste herself on his mouth. The hair on his body tickled, but she was barely conscious of it, as stimulated as she was. The tip of his dick touched her sex as they kissed. He pulled his mouth away and looked down into her darkened blue eyes.

“There are condoms on the nightstand,” he said. “That is, if you want this to go any further.”

“Yes, please,” she whispered breathlessly.

“I love how polite you are, even in the midst of erotic moments.”

“You can thank Dr. Wind for that,” Jill giggled. “I’m on the pill.”

“I can assure you, I’m clean, but I’ll use the condom if it will give you piece of mind.”

“I trust you,” Jill assured him.

Mike aligned himself with her opening. Jill gripped his biceps, biting her lower lip to steel herself. It had been a while since anyone had been inside her, and it always hurt a little the first time, especially with a new partner. He slid gently into her opening. Jill whimpered as she stretched around him. He kissed her mouth softly to try and soothe her as he slid the rest of the way inside. Jill opened easily enough to accommodate him. She was so wet and tight. He held still while she became acquainted with his size. Her walls loosened around him, and he began to move slowly inside her. She moaned and began to move with him. He pushed himself up on his forearms to look down at her face, positioning his hard shaft so that it rubbed her against her sweet spot. Jill’s eyes widened and her cheeks flushed with her building orgasm. Mike kept his thrusts deliberate and slow.

“I’m… gonna… cuuum!” she gasped.

“Go for it, my darling,”

Jill’s mouth made an “O” face as she let her orgasm overtake her. Her muscles convulsed around his hot, hard cock, and she buried her mouth into his neck to muffle her cries of ecstasy. The milking of her inner walls on his cock made him lose control. He rapidly thrust inside her until he achieved his own release. He threw back his head and let out a moan that could have been mistaken for an animal’s howl. He fell on top of her and laid there while they caught their breath.

“That was amazing,” Jill gusted in his ear.

“Agreed. Can I get you anything?” he inquired after a pause.

“Water, please.”

Mike pulled out of her, and slowly made his way to his feet. He left the bedroom momentarily to switch their clothes to the dryer. He came back with a tall glass of ice water. Jill sat up, pulling the covers up over her breasts. She took three big gulps of water. Mike climbed back into the bed beside her.

“Thank you,” she said.

“You’re welcome. May I?”

“Sure,” she handed him the half full glass.

Mike drank some of the water, and then leaned behind her, placing the glass on the nightstand. He took advantage of their position and pressed his lips to hers. He kissed her and wrapped his arms tightly around her. He made love to her mouth in the same way he had her sex. Jill moaned as he slid his hand down her heated flesh to the soft spot between her legs. He began to stroke her outer lips. She pulled away from him just enough to speak.

“Stop,” she whined, “you’re going to get me revved up again.”

“No, I’m going to keep you revved up,” he corrected. He slipped his fingers between her outer lips, and continued to caress her.

“Please, no more,” she pleaded. “I’m too sensitive.”

“Alright,” he said, pulling his fingers away. “Are you ready to sleep?”


They each blew out the candles on their respective nightstands. Jill lay on her left side, with her back to him. Mike scooted up behind her and spooned with her. He turned down the volume of the music, but left it playing quietly in the background. They fell asleep to Brahms’ Lullaby.
© Copyright 2014 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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