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by Javad
Rated: E · Essay · Other · #2014141
Socialization process
Socializing process.

Who is the sociable person?

Important factors.

Socializing is an inexplicably labyrinthine process that extends throughout our life, in which people of all ages learn to interact with each other effectively. It is tacitly understood that immediate family and school play extremely important roles in children's socializing process.

One of the features of a sociable person is being able to associate with people of all walks of life. Sociable people are mostly outgoing, amiable, affable, and they provide a genial atmosphere in conversations. Some of the psychologists adhere to this belief that we are born with some intrinsic traits, and our personality is shaped by lots of interactions throughout our lives. However, in reality this ideology appears to be an utter fallacy that demands clarification. Although it is not possible to change every aspect of personality, it is undeniable that a great proportion of who we are, attributes to the people we have met since we were born. Therefore, facing different people and situations can still influence some of our traits.

Given every intimate individual single details, we reach to the point that "nobody is perfect." Every individual in society has some fortes and foibles in the way they associate with people around. Some people are insanely kind, hugely amiable, and pretty talkative [when you use the word "too", something is being done to a higher degree than it is desirable, permissible, or possible]. Another cross-section has utterly inward-looking, bitterly reticent, and extremely reclusive dispositions. A certain segment of society is quite aggressive, and rather coy about what happens in their lives. Unfortunately they are often in a pensive mood. Generally speaking, each of these groups reveals some disorders in their behavior.

Depending on parents' behavior, children may grow up in diametrically different ways. If parents provided a cozy and convivial atmosphere in their homes, their children would sure become communicative, companionable, and expansive. On the other hand, children raised in oppressive atmosphere would turn more timid, diffident, withdrawn. The less the children are allowed to express their honest opinion and participate in making domestic decisions, the more they are likely to become acquiescent, reflective, and introspective.

Schools also play a major role in making children more sociable. Peer groups, group activities, and other pedagogical programs are among the contributing factors that urge children to be more gregarious. In all the afore-mentioned activities, children learn ways to become jovial and confident. They also learn how to solve their problems in an amiable manner as well as reaching an amicable settlement.

Overall, there is a direct correspondence/co-relation between "who we are", "people we meet", "the places we go to", and consequently "who we will be like in ten years". They all directly determine "the people we will have met by that time" and "where we will have ended up in".

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