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Rated: GC · Chapter · Horror/Scary · #2014137
I am working on a horror/thriller book. this is the first chapter and the intro.
I’m Going to tell you a story, but in order for you to understand I must give you some Information. This story takes place on Pangaea. Compared to life on Pangaea your life must seem like heaven. Water and food was in short supply, and the world was ravaged by war and crime. three different class of people lived on pangaea, government workers and anyone rich enough to buy their way in lived in the Skyblocks. The Skyblocks where a series of square houses raised to the sky by a power known as the Hex. we will talk more about the Hex later. Below the skyblocks was the city that the locals called Hades. In Hades gangs ran the streets, there were 5 main gangs. in order from the least to most important gangs, “The killers” very original, “Crying Tyrs”, “Thunder Guard”, “The Crucified”, and the most powerful gang had the most modest name of all, “Hades Knights”. everyone just called them “the knights”. and below them is everyone else, Homeless, Dead, or even worse, selling their bodies to members of a gang, either to fuck or use as bait in some kind of trap. One person however was sold by her mother, and this is the story I have come to tell you. Before I go any farther, know this, the story I’m about to tell is not for the faint of heart, if you get queasy at the thought of blood, torture, murder, or horrible wrong doings by the human race, then I suggest you close this book now and give it to someone else. If not, enjoy.

chapter one

Once upon a time, in a town called Hades, lived a desperate woman, so desperate she was willing to sell her own body in return for a hot meal.

“Please, I’m Starving to death, I'm offering you my body, my LIFE to do whatever you want, just so I can eat!” the Woman pleaded with Jarod (the slave runner for The Crucified).

“I hear you woman, the problem is no one wants your body, you're too old, and wrinkled, and… and… fat! thats the word I was looking for.” Jarod replied sarcastically. The woman was only fifty slightly aged looking, what he was right about was her weight, she was pregnant.

“I’m Pregnant! please… take pity on me?”

Jarod was skinny, his face was covered in stubble, he had a short mohawk and the bad habit of chewing tobacco. he spit out a short wad of tobacco juice and moved his face real close to the women's, “I… AM!!!” he shouted into her face, making her jump back in her seat and let out a gasp. Jarod stood up straight again and began pacing around the woman.

“although, we could make some use of that baby, if you're not to attached of course.”

“we could feed you, give you protection, and when that baby is born we take it, and we never see you again.” the woman considered this. What kind of world would this be for a baby to grow up in anyway? how would the she even care for it? she held out a timid hand and said, “deal.” Jarod smiled and shook her hand.

“Gooooood!, you’ll be granted protection from everyone who might want to hurt you, and we will feed you good food. but once your child is born, we are taking it, to do with what we want, and after that we better never see you again, or we will kill you. Understood?”

“understood.” her reply was quiet and shaky, but she knew if she didn't comply she would be brutally murdered and possibly raped.

         During the following months she ate better than she did her entire life, and she always felt safe when walking the street, there was always a gang member no more than a block behind her. one night she had chicken wings, FUCKING CHICKEN WINGS!!! how many people got chicken wings in a place like Hades? she asked herself this question so many times, every time the answer was “no one, I am like a queen”. she went on to herself like this for the longest time, but as the days drew closer to her due date, the more she regretted her decision. she became attached to the child growing within her. she didn't want to ever have to give it to these animals. how could she ever even think this was a good idea? a baby in the hands of murderers, cannibals, RAPISTS! oh god, what have I done? she thought to herself. she wished she could turn back time, that way she could fix the mistake she made. but no matter how hard she tried she could not. And despite her hopes that the day would never come, it did.

“OWWWWWWWWWW!!!” the woman screamed as she pushed the baby from her womb. she was bleeding very bad, worse than normal, way worse. Jarod was present, but not in the room, one of the crucified nurses walk out and told him she wouldn't make it. he seized her by the arm and leaned in real close to her face, “can you save the baby?”.

the nurse replied shaking but certain, “Rochven is the best doctor in the world, he will save the baby.” Jarod let her go and stood up straight again, “good”. he spit out a stream of tobacco.

         Some time later, the doctor walked out, Jarod approached and again questioned if the baby would live, the doctor simply said “I saved them both, separating them is your own problem.” Jarod entered the room. the mother was holding the child, still covered in fresh blood.

“hand him me.” said Jarod gesturing with his arms for her to give up the baby.

“I… I can’t. please don’t make me.”

“we had a deal.”

“I know, and I can make it up to you, just tell me what I need to do, anything, please just dont take my baby girl.”

“it’s a girl? good, we will find a use for her when she gets older. now give her to me.”

“NO! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!” the woman screamed in terror and gripped the baby tighter. the baby began to cry.

“oh you made him cry. and no one is going to help, I pay everyone in this place.”

Jarod starts to slowly walk towards her.

“NO!, STAY BACK!” she started kicking at Jarod’s feet.

once he was close enough Jarod dashed down and grabbed the baby, ripping it from its mothers arms. he then began to repeatedly stomp on her face. SQUISH! SQUISH! he continued like this until her head was no more than a sticky mush under his boot.

“haha, no need to cry little girl, you're with me now, and uncle Jarod will take real good care of you.”

“NURSE!!! take this damn baby to the cribs. and get someone to clean up this mess.”

the nurse relieved Jarod of the baby and said, “yes sir”.

         for the next few years the baby stayed in the cribs, until she could walk and interact with other children, then she was moved to the care center, this is where they will live until they are 16 and get assigned a job and a name. most women become nurses, cooks or whores. almost all men become warriors.

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