Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2014095-The-Red-Shoes
Rated: 13+ · Sample · Teen · #2014095
Just a small part of a story I have been working on still needs a lot of editing and work.
We pray for our sorrow to end; the sickness is unavoidable and unforgiving. We cannot avoid our inevitable ends, we can just make the time before we go a time to remember. We want our loved ones to remember us how we were, before we got sick.

Iâm walking down the path towards school; itâs a sunny day, such perfect weather for this perfect day. Tonight is prom night, I am going with the school hunk (well he is a hunk in my eyes!), he is so dreamy; it is quite a funny story how he came to going with me, the fat geeky girl:

I was walking down the hallway, heading out to recess; the hallway was full of students, it was crowded like being in a tuna can; everyone was so jam packed! So, I finally almost got to my locker when a boy Chad, stopped walking so the flow stopped and I bumped into him! Leaving me falling to the ground⦠He held out his hand for me to grasp so I took it; but instead of helping me to my feet he began to help me up then he let go of my hand. He just let me drop back on the floor on my tailbone, it hurt; everyone passing in the halls just walking by, stepping over me like a small hurdle. I was looking up like a young child waiting for someone to notice, but people just stepped over me and even stepped on me. One boy stopped though, Pete; a boy in my English class, he was sweet and complete eye candy to me; with his beautiful ringlet bodied mousey brown hair and not extreme blue eyes, but I could look into his eyes all day⦠I wouldnât blink for a moment if I got the chance.

He held out his hand to help me up, I took it, in hope I wouldnât just be dropped on my bottom again. He helped me onto my feet swiftly and with ease like I weighed no more than a feather; considering I am not the skinniest girl, not exactly fat either, but I am curvy; with the cruel politics of high school that categorises me as fat compared to the girls that stick toothbrushes down their throat after food breaks and most likely meals consumed anywhere else.

I thanked him for helping me up and went to turn away from him, but the first fall on my bottom had made me limp; I tried walking away from him as âstructuredâ as I possibly could without limping. He caught on that I was hurt and called out my name, I still kept walking. He must have done a hop, skip and a jump up to me and put his arm under mine for support and he walked me to the nurseâs office. it took a while, he stuck with me though; mates hollered out for his attention but he just, I guess you could say waved them off saying another time guys. When I got to the nurses office, she handed him an ice pack for me; he put it on my tail bone area, it sent shivers down my spine, I didnât know how to react. All I could think was: cute guy making contact with my bum; thank you higher power!

After the ice pack had defrosted and we had cramped the nurseâs style for half an hour, the nurse suggested going home to rest up. I didnât have any way of getting home, I didnât have cash to get on the bus, my parents were working interstate and I had no friends with a who could drive that had the license to say that they knew how to... Pete piped up and said he could drive me home, the nurse got the wrong idea and thought we were a couple⦠she wrote him a note, which I have to this day! Saying:

Dear Student Admin,

Pete will be taking his partner Arielle home, she has bruised her

tailbone and lower back.


Nurse Bridgette

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