Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2014088-Coma
by Mathis
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #2014088
What if one day you woke up?
                        Warm. Warm was all that Janessa felt. She felt it streaming down her face, into her eyes. She was, at that moment, blind. Blind to the world around her; she could only see red. Janessa was terrified, she felt like her existence was crumbling! Where was she? What was going on? Why did she feel numb? Her heart began to race, her head throbbed even more prominently than before; she blacked out.
                        When Janessa finally woke up, she regained her sight, along with a realization of her surroundings. She had no idea where she was, almost nothing was visible. The air was cold, but Janessa remembered it being the middle of July when she was last awake. Pacing in dense fog that seemed to hail over the land like an evil tyrant, Janessa tried to find any clues as to resolve her location crisis. She paced, for what seemed like hours, in a fashion that led to the thought  that she was traveling in one direction; but she couldn't be sure for the fog seemed to grow in intensity. As Janessa walked, she heard noises that were not there grow from nothing to subtle voices and murmurs around her. She blocked these noises out by trying to remember what had happened before she blacked out.
                          " I was at home, sitting on the couch. No, I was on the way to Matts house. No, I.. I.. Damnit, I can't remember." Janessa became infuriated at her lack of recollection.
                          " Where are those noises coming from? They seem to be following me! Hell, who am I talking to. HELLO," Janessa hollered in disillusion," is there anyone out there?! I know there is someone there, I can hear you! Help me!". She continued hollering with increasing amounts of anger and equally increasing amounts of skepticism. How was no one hearing her?
                          She continued walking until she came across a well lit road, with virtually no fog what-so-ever! Something was off; Janessa could immediately feel the hairs on her neck stand on edge. She saw flashing lights, a body, paramedics, a car, the whole scene was slowly piecing itself together as Janessa watched in horror. That body was her own. She was watching paramedics put her body on stretcher, but Janessa wasn't even disturbed at that. What did disturb her was the rate at which everything was moving. Why were they taking so long to care for her? She had obviously been in an accident, and they didn't seem to care! After what seemed like ages, Janessa realized that it was the world around her; the world was simply in slow motion.  Janessa took advantage of this time perception and slowly crept towards her lifeless corpse. She couldn't be detected by anyone, so she was safe. She touched her skin. Cold. As she touched her own body lying there on the stretcher, she could feel something watching her. Watching her, mocking her, mocking her self-pity.
                          She turned to look, but she didn't anticipate what she was about to see. Eyes. Everywhere. She was being watched by people she didn't know, some of which were completely unrecognizable. They were dead. All of them dead, and pointing at her. She ran in the opposite direction from where the demons stood and watched. When the fog consumed everything again, Janessa felt safe. She knew now that the fog meant she was alone. Aside from the voices around her growing from subtle murmurs to a audible mashing of conversations, Janessa felt isolated. Her entire being was crumbling.
                          She spent days walking, five to be exact. Janessa had been counting the days she had been walking, counting not to keep time but counting to see how long it would take before she found something. She wasn't looking for anything specific, maybe just a sign. A sign that she was going somewhere was all Janessa was looking for.
                          She found that sign, finally, on day eight. Eight days of straight walking. No food, no water, nothing, just walking. What she found, though, was more than she was looking for. She found a hospital; Home Health Hospital. The hospital was deteriorated, run-down. What help was this? She found the entrance and helped herself in. No one was at the registry desk, so she went ahead and called for someone. No response. She heard nothing, not even footsteps. She found a log book though, lying on the desk next to a black, cord phone. She picked up the phone while she stared at the log book. Nothing but fuzz. Maybe a wire had been cut. Janessa began to shake with a cold feeling as she touched the log book. It was dated in the top corner, 10-12-14. That was the day she had blacked out, or at least the last day she remembered being conscious. She opened it, slowly, and flipped through page after page of names. Page 5. Page 5 contained the information she was dreading to find.
                          " Janessa Moore, Age:23, Gender:F, Time-in:3:45 a.m, Cause for Visit: Auto." 
                          Janessa broke into tears. Her head began to throb. She tried to find what room she was in, but it wasn't written down.     
                          " This place is huge! How am I ever going to fins where I am?!".
                        Janessa was off. Like a bullet she ran, through each of the halls, through each double door she encountered. The voices grew, grew from mangled words to solid phrases being practically screamed directly into her ears. She made out her mothers voice, her fathers too! She was close, she knew it! She could feel the hairs on her neck standing again like they did when she first found her body at the crash! Room 387, Long-Term care. She had found it at last, but her room made no sense to her. Why was she in long term care? She has been gone for two weeks at most! She threw the door open only to find blurs of color and the voices began to speed up. Her head was pounding at this point, she couldn't make anything out. Her heart raced, she could hear the blood pumping through her veins. She blacked out.
                          When she woke up the second time now, she could comprehend the world around her. Nothing was moving, time had stopped. Her mother was there, as was her father. Janessa was an only child, and being in the vegetative state she was lying in there on the cot had obviously taken a toll on her parents. Her mother had a single tear frozen on her cheek. Janessa wiped it away as she looked into her fathers eyes. He was caressing her mother. The amount of flowers  and cards placed around the room led Janessa to think that maybe she has been on that cot for a lot longer that she had previously believed. Movement. Slowly, everything began to pick up speed until everything was happening in real time. A man dresses in a white overcoat walked into the room.
                          " Mr. and Mrs. Moore, it has been seven and a half years and we haven't made any progress. I know it has been a tough decision for you, but are you sure you would like to let her go?"
                          " Margret, are you sure this is what we want?"
                          " Ye... Yes George. I...I can't wa.. watch her like this anymore."
                          The tears began to stream, not only from her parents, but from Janessa as well. Has it really been seven and a half years? How? Why were her parents giving up? She felt violated. She felt stripped of her rights. Were they seriously just giving up on her, giving up on her during her most vulnerable state?
                          " Mr. and Mrs. Moore, please say your final words, we will take care of the rest when you are ready to go. I will see that you will be assisted in taking care of a service and Janessa's final resting."
                          " Thank you sir, all of your services have been much appreciated." George was very stern in his words, as to not show his underlying weakness at watching his daughter being pulled away from him.
                          Janessa watched her parents walk over to the cot. She walked with them. They stood and cried, no words. Janessa knew what was coming. She began to shake her lifeless body violently. Nothing happened. Her head throbbed, her blood pulsed, her heart pounded. She screamed, shook, and tried everything to resuscitate herself from hell. When she watched her parents walk from the room, she knew she had very little time. Her head became heavy. Everything she was doing was useless. The doctor reentered the room. She became weak, let out another small sigh and blacked out.
                            Janessa woke this time on the hospital bed on which she was previously looking at herself lying on. She woke up! She watched the doctor come near and look into her eyes. He simply sighed and walked over to the machine which seemed to be what was keeping Janessa alive. He turned it off and Janessa heard a corresponding drone. She had flat lined. She was dead. How she was dead, and all herself living was beyond her. She attempted to get up from the cot but seemed to be paralyzed. She knew not what was happening. The voices began up again. This time only a small buzzing in the background. The fog began to roll through the windows and under the door. She was dead and now she was sure of it. The voices grew to faint whispers outside the door. They were here to take her. Who they were was unclear, as unclear as to where they were going to Janessa. They came for her, silhouettes with outstretched hands, and she let them. Outside the door of the room, they were back in the fog. Janessa was alone. She has simply become one of the voices. 
© Copyright 2014 Mathis (wilsonjon98 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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