Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2012371-repulsive-people
by crane
Rated: GC · Prose · Other · #2012371
a description of a disgusting excuse for a person
repulsive people

white boy with mold in his dreadlocks who’d never date a trans woman because “i’m not attracted to penises,” he drones. hasn’t showered in five days, doesn’t ever wash his hands and then scoops honey out of the jar with his fingers before scraping the excess back in. stains on his sweaty v-neck and jeans that sag low enough to show his ancient yellow underpants. bloodshot eyes and a constant sniffle and the stench of cigarettes like old cheese around him. calls all girls sweetheart and honey in his oily patronizing voice and complains that “bitches don’t know how to take a compliment” when a woman nearly breaks his wandering hands on the subway. men’s rights activist who thinks that female privilege is claiming illness to avoid sex, probably a brony who followed a ten year old girl around a convention until she found a place to hide from him. complains endlessly about “welfare queens”, fetishizes women of color. slime in his shower drain and under his fingernails, hates feminists and activists of all sorts, would out a trans person and probably raped a girl when he was in college. tosses the r slur and f slur around casually, probably the n slur and t slur too. “all mentally ill people should be locked up,” he proclaims, and if he ever donated a penny once in his life it was probably to Autism $peaks.
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