Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2012031-Contest-Winners
Rated: GC · Other · Horror/Scary · #2012031
Three writing contest winners are flown to Eastern Europe to receive a grand prize.
Jennifer, or Jenn, as she preferred sat in the leather reclining chair of the private jet in route with two other passengers to Transylvania. David and Daniel were the names of her fellow passengers. The three of them had placed first, second, and third in a writing contest that requested stories that were both scary and stimulating. Daniel placed third with his story of werewolves screwing drunken human sorority girls. David placed second with a story of dark magic, and demonic possession. Jenn unexpectedly placed first with a story about a vampire and his exploits with human women. Her contest entry was solely a response to a dare from David, who sent her the information via an email. He read her stuff on the writing website they both submitted their work to, and it was fortuitous that they both had placed, and earned this trip. This was the first time they met in person, and David definitely liked what he saw. She was small, stacked, and shy. She would blush, and avert her eyes every time their eyes met. Daniel was eying them both. He would enjoy having both of them in his bed, or even right there on the plane; after all it was a long flight from North America to Eastern Europe. Both men sat in seats that put Jenn in the middle.

"Doesn't it seem kind of odd?" Jenn inquired to no one in particular. "I mean why would someone sponsor a writing contest through the website that brings the winners to a foreign country?"

"I think it's great," David smiled reclining in his chair. "Loved your story by the way; you really know how to tease."

"Oh, um, well," Jenn flushed.

"Yeah," Daniel leaned closer. "I read both of your pieces, and I definitely enjoyed them. Although the vampire/human dynamic is a little over done."

"Oh, yes, because the werewolf/human furry dynamic is so original," Jenn smiled at him to let him know she was teasing.

"Alright," Daniel put his hands up in surrender. "You got me."

"I'm kind of surprised I won though," Jenn admitted. "Your idea was much more original David."

"Nah," David shook his head. "I've seen a lot of stories involving dark rituals, sex, and bloodletting."

"That's kind of creepy," Jenn cringed in her seat.

"You know I don't write that stuff normally," David laid a hand over hers, which loosened its white knuckle grip on the arm rest of the chair. He slipped his thumb under her hand, and circled the soft skin of her palm. He leaned in close when she tried to pull her hand away. "You like to write a lot of pieces involving group activities."

"I just like the idea of them," Jenn laughed nervously. She jumped when Daniel's hand took her other hand. Her head turned, and her eyes met his.

"Maybe we should try a group activity when we get settled in," Daniel suggested.

The lights in the cabin dimmed to ambient lighting. Jenn's breath became short and shallow. Both men's hands tightened incrementally when she tried to free hers.

"Why wait?" David inquired. "Looks like the mood has been set for us here."

"Whoa, hold on," Jenn protested. "I barely know either of you, and we're not alone on this plane," she cocked her head toward the flight attendants who were conspicuously ignoring them.

"I'm not talking about anything raunchy," David argued. "We could just kiss for a while and see where it goes."

"Well," Jenn looked back and forth between the two young men. "I guess a little kissing never hurt."

David went first pressing his lips to hers, and flicking his tongue across the seam between her lips. She parted her lips, and he slowly slid his warm, wet, soft tongue into her mouth in search of hers. Her tongue entwined with his, and they moaned with pleasure. Daniel watched eagerly awaiting his turn. When David released her mouth she turned to meet Daniel's mouth. His kiss was not quite as patient as David's. He immediately slipped his tongue into her mouth, and sucked so that her tongue was pulled into his. Jenn whimpered as his sucking mouth pulled a bit too hard. She pushed against his shoulders to encourage him to release her.

"Alright Dan," David pulled Jenn back, "Take it easy."

"Sorry," Daniel apologized. "I guess I got a bit carried away."

One of the flight attendants approached them. She was a voluptuous blonde whose uniform was a bit too tight. The three passengers looked up at her.

"There is a nice big bed in the back if you all would like to sleep before we land," the flight attendant offered. "I can bring you a night cap to help you sleep."

The three passengers exchanged looks.

"I think rest would be a wonderful idea," Jenn admitted yawning. Their plane had taken off soon after sunset, and it was going to be an overnight trip. "Wait, you said there was only one bed?"

"Yes, miss," the flight attendant smiled revealing perfect white teeth. "It's big enough to fit three average size adults."

"I think I'll pass," Jenn smiled apologetically. "I can sleep in this recliner."

"Don't be silly," David argued standing and pulling her to her feet. "We're all mature adults here. I think the three of us can sleep in the same bed, and still respect each other's boundaries."

"Sure," Daniel agreed, getting to his feet.

The three passengers followed the flight attendant through a sound proof door that led into a large room where there luggage, and a king size bed nearly filled the room. The flight attended gestured to a sliding door that led into the bathroom. She left for a few moments and returned with a tray, carrying three glasses of dark red liquid. David took one glass, and sipped.

"Brandy," he assured the other two.

Daniel and Jenn each took one of the remaining glasses. Daniel sipped his, and hummed appreciatively as the thick burning liquid slid down his throat. Jenn took a tentative sip, and coughed as the brandy burned her throat. Her cheeks burned, and her entire body was swept up in a wave of warmth. She sat on the edge of the bed, and tried another sip of the drink. This time the warmth went all the way to her toes. She felt herself getting a bit light headed. She held out the glass to the flight attendant.

"I'm sorry," Jenn said weakly. "I can't drink anymore."

"That's alright," the flight attendant smiled and took the glass from her. "It's probably the altitude."

David and Daniel finished their drinks, and set the empty glasses on the flight attendant's tray. The flight attendant bid them good night, and left the cabin pulling the sound proof door behind her. David and Daniel joined Jenn on the bed.

"What should the ground rules be for tonight?" Daniel asked.

"I would say we sleep in our boxers at least," David smiled. "Jenn, perhaps you should take off those blue jeans and your bra for comfort?"

"Good idea," Jenn stood slowly, and made her way to the bathroom. She pulled the door open, and stepped inside closing it to obstruct their view

When she emerged Daniel and David were laying on either side of the bed in their boxers. They both patted the space between them. Jenn dropped her pants and bra on the ground, and crawled up the bed to lie between them wearing only white cotton panties, and her t-shirt. Each man slid an arm behind her head to serve as a pillow. They lay on their sides facing her, and stroked her stomach with their fingers.

"So, is kissing all we're going to do tonight?" Daniel inquired. His hand slid down her stomach to her panties. He gently stroked her through the soft cotton. "Or perhaps you'd like to see David and I kiss?"

"Whoa, hold on," David protested. "I don't swing that way."

"Oh, come on," Daniel argued. "We each got to kiss her while the other watched. It's only fair we give her a show."

"I suppose," David sighed.

Jenn watched as the two men leaned over her, and pressed their lips together. Their eyes closed; lips parted; and their tongues entwined. As they kissed their hands cupped Jenn's breasts, and massaged her nipples through her cotton t-shirt.

Outside of the cabin the two flight attendants sat in the vacated passenger seats with a laptop set on the fold out table. The screen displayed what was happening in the cabin. The men were pulling up the woman's t-shirt, and each sucked one of her erect nipples into their mouths. The woman arched her back as their hands tore her panties in half, and slipped fingers inside her.

"Are you seeing this master?" The blonde flight attendant asked. Her skirt was hiked up and she was fingering herself.

"Indeed I do," a heavily accented voice spoke through the speakers of the laptop. "I see you too, Lucinda."

"I can't help it," Lucinda purred. She was opening her blouse now to free her ample bosom. The red head beside her leaned over, and began to suck on one of the huge red nipples Lucinda offered. "See, Justine is also aroused."

"So, I see," the voice purred. "Be careful ladies your fangs are showing."

The two flight attendants continued to pleasure each other falling to the floor of the main cabin. As they brought on their ecstasy they sank their fangs into each other.

Matthew sat in the master bed chamber of his palace with his laptop connected to a large flat screen TV across from his own king size bed. The image on the screen was split to show both the human foreplay threesome, and his mates engaging in lesbian foreplay. He ran his tongue over his glistening fangs at the sight of the two human males bringing the female to multiple orgasms. He stroked his inhumanly large erection imagining having each, and every one of them as his own.

.          .          .

David, Daniel, and Jenn awoke when the early morning sun glared in through the windows of the bedroom cabin. Jenn still lay between the two men with her shirt hiked up, and her panties hanging in tatters around her thighs. David raised his head from the pillow, and gave her a sleepy smile. Daniel shifted on the other side of her, and gave her a similar look. They each leaned in, and gave her a kiss good morning. Then they gave each other a similar kiss. They dressed in new clothes from their bags, and moved into the main cabin. The flight attendants that waited on them the night before were gone. A breakfast was set for them on the dining table across from the leather recliners. As the private jet finished its journey the three passengers sat, and indulged in the wonderful meal and coffee. They spoke as close personal friends would, despite having just met the evening before.

When the jet landed they were taken to the castle they would be staying at for the weekend in a limousine. It was an exact replica of the castle described in Bram Stoker's Dracula. Being an avid fan of that particular novel, Jenn couldn't help but take picture of the castle from each side. She also took pictures of every room they entered as they were shown to their rooms. Each of them was given a room of their own. Jenn's room was between David and Daniel's rooms. Each room contained a large four poster bed covered in satin sheets and a suede duvet. Thick woolen bed curtains hung from the canopy of each bed. Jenn noticed two doors in the walls that separated her room from David and Daniel's rooms. She sighed happily when she saw that the locks were on her side of the doors. She enjoyed the naughty fun from the night before, but she didn't want either of them sneaking into her room while she was asleep. After they settled in they were led to the dining room by a servant who bade them to eat the meal that was set on a small table with three chairs around it.

"Shouldn't we wait for our host?" Jenn inquired.

"The master and his... sisters are out for the evening," the servant explained. "You'll meet them tomorrow evening."

They sat and ate in silence. The servant continually came around to refill their wine cups. Jenn put her hand over her glass when the servant attempted to refill it a third time. The servant eyed her curiously, but moved on to refill the other glasses.

"What's the matter sweetie?" Daniel teased bumping her knee under the table. "Don't you want to get drunk and fool around with us again?"

"I think I just want to sleep tonight," Jenn smiled at him.

"Why don't we take a look around the castle?" Daniel suggested.

"What if we get lost?" Jenn inquired nervously, recalling what happened to Johnathan Harker when he got lost in Castle Dracula and fell asleep.

"Don't worry," David assured her. "We'll all be together."

"Yeah," Daniel agreed, "and we can use something to mark the corners as we turn them."

"Like what?" Jenn inquired.

"I found this chalk in my room," Daniel produced a piece of white chalk from his pocket.

"Perfect," David smiled. "We can mark without doing damage."

They left the dining room, and took a right, which Daniel marked with and X on the corner. They found themselves in a conservatory with a large pipe organ. Jenn eyed the large instrument dubiously. She chuckled wondering if it would start playing eerie music on its own. Sure enough as they turned to leave the organ began to play an eerie melody that Jenn recognized from the end of Fantasia.

"Ooooo, spooky," Daniel laughed. He walked over to the organ, and felt around for the wires. When he did not find any he checked different parts of the instrument for some sort of electronic mechanism. He knocked his fist against the wood of the instrument until he found a hallow spot. He loosened the panel and pulled it off. "Holy shit!"

Daniel fell back and covered himself with the wood piece he'd removed from the organ as a swarm of bats came screeching out from inside the organ. Jenn shrieked as they headed straight for her. David pulled her against him, shielding her from the frantic creatures as they whizzed by looking for another dark place to hide. Once the bats cleared out David held Jenn at arms-length to see if she was bitten. Daniel replaced the panel, and joined them. After that incident Jenn insisted on going back to her room. David and Daniel walked her back to her room. Each of them leaned in, and gave her a soft kiss good night before retreating to his room.

Jenn closed the door, and locked it. She turned and was startled to see a lit candelabra sitting on the table beside her bed. The sound of running water drew her attention to a door way she did not notice before. She lifted the candelabra, and stepped into a bathroom that contained a full sized tub, with steam rising from it. The scent of lavender, vanilla, and something spicy permeated the room. She set the candelabra on the shelf above the bath tub, stripped off her clothes, and stepped into the scalding water. It seemed to cool as she lowered herself into it. She could hear the sounds of moaning and heavy breathing coming from the bedrooms on either side of her. Her loins clenched at the thought of David and Daniel, and the pleasure they gave her the night before. She wondered if they too were pleasuring themselves to that memory. As she pleasured herself she felt herself slipping into unconsciousness. Just before her head slipped below the water she was lifted out of the tub. She noticed the candles were out, but did not recall blowing them out. The dark figure that held her carried her to the bed, and laid her on the satin sheets. It pulled the duvet and top sheet over her. She slipped into sleep as soon as her eyes closed again. She felt hands caress her, and a mouth kissing and licking over her smooth skin. Her eyes opened to see a form moving under her covers in the moon light.

"David?" She gasped. When the form under the covers released the sensitive flesh it was greedily sucking on she tentatively lifted the covers, and saw a pair of glowing red eyes looking up at her.

The creature bared its fangs, and before she could scream, it lunged over her sinking the sharp k-nines into the soft flesh of her neck. She felt something hard push inside her, and her inner walls convulsed around it as it released inside her.

.          .          .

Jenn awoke the next morning feeling tired. She slowly pulled herself to an upright position, and lowered the blankets. There was no sign that anyone spent the night with her. She was dressed in a shorts set that she packed to sleep in. She moved slowly to the bathroom, and flicked the light on. The candelabra was gone, and the tub was empty. In fact it was bone dry. Jenn moved back out to the bedroom, and noticed the heavy curtains were drawn over her window. She opened them to let in some light. She hissed as the glaring light burned her eyes, and skin. She pulled the curtains shut to relieve her suffering. She ran into the bathroom, and examined her reflection. She was pale, and her eyes were blood shot, but nothing else seemed out of the ordinary. I guess my dream caused me not to sleep well. Jenn brushed her teeth, and dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt. She made her way to the dining room, and found David and Daniel sitting at a small table with only three chairs. Jenn took the empty chair between David and Daniel. A plate was set in front of her, and a cup of coffee fixed just the way she liked it. Jenn ate her food, and sipped her coffee. It seemed to perk her up a bit.

"How was your night?" David inquired.

"Strange," Jenn answered. "I had a strange dream."

"Oh?" David leaned in with interest.

"The last thing I remember was...." She paused remembering touching herself in the bathtub to the sounds of their pleasure. She decided to edit that out, "I nearly fell asleep in the bathtub. I woke this morning in my bed."

"How did you get from the bath tub to your bed?" Daniel asked.

"I'm not sure," Jenn admitted. "I guess I was too tired, and just moved on auto pilot."

"Interesting," David leaned closer. "Was your dream erotic?"

"I'd rather not say," Jenn smiled. "Maybe I'll write about it."

"Oh, come on," Daniel encouraged. "What's the point if we don't share this experience with each other? My dream was totally hot. It felt so real I think I moaned in my sleep. At first I thought you had snuck into my room Jenn. It was fun, at least until..." Daniel trailed off.

"Did it bite you?" Jenn inquired.

"Yeah," Daniel admitted. He pulled down the collar of his shirt to reveal two healed puncture marks on his neck. "I discovered these when I woke up this morning. I guess one of those bats found a hiding place in my room."

"Mine too," David nodded showing them the puncture mark on his neck. "I thought I was dreaming of you too last night, and yes, in my dream you bit me."

Jenn shifted in her seat, and covered her neck with her hands. David noticed, and pulled one of her hands away from the side of her neck to reveal punctures larger than the ones on his and Daniels neck. Daniel dropped his fork, and they all jumped at the metallic clang of silver hitting china.

"This is a bit too freaky," Daniel stated. "All three of us had similar dreams, and all three of us woke up with bite marks on our necks."

"Did either of you try to open your curtains this morning?" Jenn inquired.

         "Yeah," David set his own fork down. "The light burned my eyes."

"Me too," Daniel nodded. "I think we need to get the hell out of here."


The three left the dining room, and headed back to their bedrooms. Jenn unlocked the doors between her room and theirs so that they would not be isolated from each other. They grabbed their bags, and headed for the front door. David attempted to open it, but as soon as the sun spilled in he grunted and pushed it closed. He leaned against it, and his skin was pink.

"We can't leave until the sun goes down," Jenn breathed.

She suddenly felt tired, and in need of sleep. The other two accompanied her back to their rooms. They dropped their bags, and Jenn climbed into her bed. She squeaked when both Daniel and David climbed in on either side of her. They were once again stripped to their boxers.

"We closed and locked our doors," David informed her. "Is your door locked?"

"No," Jenn admitted. She moved to climb out of the bed, but David stopped her, and left the bed himself. He locked the door, and climbed back in beside her. "None of us should be alone."

"Right," Daniel agreed. "All we have to do is get through tonight, and then we go home tomorrow."

The three of them slept until almost noon. Jenn awoke to the feeling of her breasts being fondled. She found herself facing Daniel, and his hands were cupping her bare breasts. He leaned down, and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. She looked back to see David propped up on his elbow watching. His hand stroked her side, sliding the covers down her body to reveal their nakedness.

"When did we undress?" Jenn inquired.

"I'm not sure," David murmured softly. His hand slid around her body, and stroked the apex between her thighs until she parted for him. "All I know is we woke up naked and you lay between us stroking our cocks."

"I what?!" Jenn gasped in shock. It was then that she realized both of her hands were moving over Daniel's large cock. She thought of letting go, but his moans against her breasts, and David's probing fingers urged her on. "Why are we acting this way?"

"It must be the food," David breathed. "I've wanted you since we ate our first meal on that jet. Our hosts must be slipping something in the food they're feeding us to lower our inhibitions."

"And it doesn't bother you?" Jenn exclaimed as David dipped his fingers into her throbbing wet opening. She squirmed as his fingers and thumb teased her sensitive spots.

"The only part of this that bothers me is the fact that we were bitten last night," David answered. "Sex with you is a bonus."

"Mmm, agreed," Daniel scooted under the covers, and licked her juices from her folds, and David's fingers. "For me sex with both of you is a bonus."

"Aren't either of you worried about the implications of the nature of our hosts?" Jenn moaned as David's fingers slid out over her taint, and using her natural lubricant began working their way into her anus. She cried out as his finger entered her.

"So, they're a bit more open about sex then we're used to," David whispered in her ear. "As for the bite marks, we'll let them know they have bats when we meet them tonight."

Daniel emerged from beneath the blankets, and slid smoothly into her. He moved in and out making her cum until her juices ran down her taint, lubricating her anus. David attempted to insert another finger, and she cried out in pleasure. When he was able to get three fingers inside her he removed them, and slowly introduced his cock.

Lucinda, Justine, and Matthew watched the show taking place in their guest's bed. They watched eagerly as the two men fucked the woman in multiple different positions.

"Mmm, a bit of vampire blood goes a long way," Lucinda laughed.

Matthew squeezed each woman's ass as he watched the erotic exploits of his guests. "So, the men drank your blood straight?"

"Oh yes," Justine nodded. Her hand was stroking his large cock. "I fed mine from the vein in my breast. He loved it."

"And I fed mine from my groin," Lucinda purred. She wrapped her fingers around her master's cock beneath Justine's hand. "He was a bit resistant at first, but when I gave him the choice of drinking or suffocating he got the idea."

"Well done," Matthew smiled. He groaned as the two women jerked him off. His eyes remained fixed on the little woman who was now working one man's cock with her mouth while the other delved her with his tongue. He groaned with pleasure as one inserted his cock inside her, and then chuckled when the younger man slid his cum soaked cock inside of the older man's ass. The other man looked shocked for a moment, but took it in stride as the thrusts in his ass pushed him deeper into her pussy.

"He's so adventurous," Justine sighed. "How did your evening go master?"

"Sadly, she did not drink my blood, before she saw me for what I am," he moved his hands to the front of his mates' bodies and slid fingers in their pussies and anuses. His thumbs worked their clits. The three of them moaned and climaxed in time with the people on the screen.

Jenn, David, and Daniel awoke later that evening to the sound of organ music being piped through the corners of her bedroom. Jenn crawled out of the tangle of covers, and pulled her robe on. She opened the door, and poked her head out into the hall. The music seemed to echo through the entire castle. She felt herself being drawn to the music, and was about to leave her room when David pulled her back inside the room, and slammed the door shut behind her.

"We stay together," he reminded her.

Daniel clambered out of the bed, and pulled his clothes back on. David and Jenn dressed, and the three of them made their way back to the conservatory. There a tall man with long black hair sat playing the organ. He plaid the crescendo into a finally, and then turned to face them. He wore a pair of black jeans, and a black t-shirt that hugged his muscular body. His hair and clothes were a sharp contrast to his pale skin.

"Good evening," he greeted them. He stood and moved to them with the grace of a predator. He took Jenn's hands, and pulled her too him. "My dear you look tired. Perhaps we should go to the drawing room for some tea to perk you up?"

"I'd like that," Jenn smiled up at him. His eyes were so dark, and alluring.

"Hold it," David moved between Jenn and the tall dark stranger. "Who are you?"

"I'm your host," the man stated. "Please come with me to the drawing room, and we can get acquainted properly."

With that he strode off, taking Jenn by the hand, and guiding her out of the room. David and Daniel exchanged bewildered looks as they followed the older man, and their fellow guest out of the conservatory.

"Check out Dracula Jr." Daniel muttered to David from the corner of his mouth. He froze when the man in front of them shot a look of pleasant victory over his shoulder. Daniel reached out, and grabbed David's arm. "Did you see that? I think he heard me."

"Relax, dude, he's just playing a part," David assured the other man.

When they reached the drawing room their escort eased Jenn onto a sofa, and fetched her a cup of tea from a set on a small white tray, which sat on a rolling table covered with a linen table cloth. She took the cup and saucer in both hands, and sipped delicately to avoid burning her tongue. The tea was sweet, and raspberry flavored.

"Is it what you like?" The man asked as he sat beside her, and slid an arm across the back of the sofa. He gestured for the other two men to have a seat in the empty sofas that formed a triangle around the round coffee table in the center. Each of them took a seat on a different sofa.

"The tea is wonderful," Jenn smiled. "How did you know this was what I would like?"

"I make it a point to know what all of my guests enjoy," their host stated. "I'm Matthew Solomon."

"You judged the contest." Jenn realized.

"Not just me," Matthew motioned toward the door way. Two tall busty women entered, and each sat beside one of the young men. "The red head is Justine, and the blonde is Lucinda. They helped me select the winners."

Justine sat beside Daniel, and offered him one of the glasses of wine she carried. Lucinda offered her other glass to David. Both men took the wine tentatively, and sipped. Matthew's arm slid down onto Jenn's shoulders as she sipped her tea. He slowly bent his arm bringing her closer until she was pressed against him. Jenn looked up at him in query.

"You looked a bit lonely over there," Matthew smiled giving her another look at unusually long teeth. She flinched at the sight of them. "Do I frighten you?"

"No," Jenn lied. She made eye contact with his red eyes, and her heart increased its beat. It must be a trick of the light, she thought. She lifted the tea cup to her lips, and found only a bit of liquid dribbled into her mouth. She set the cup on the saucer, and set both on the coffee table.

"Ready for something a bit stronger?" Matthew offered her a glass of wine.

"Thank you," Jenn squeaked. How did he move so fast? She glanced at the other two men who were enthralled by the female company sitting with them. A small pang of jealousy stabbed into her heart. Why am I jealous? She wondered. We just fucked, it's not like either of them are mine. Jenn sipped her wine, and turned her attention back to Matthew. "So, this is your castle?"

"Yes," Matthew answered. "My sisters and I have lived here for as long as we can remember."

"Sisters?" Jenn inquired.

"Justine and Lucinda," Matthew gestured to the other two women.

Just then a servant entered the drawing room. She looked at the three siblings, and trembled. Jenn caught it before she replaced her smile. The servant curtsied, and announced that dinner was ready. The six of them followed her into the dining room. Mathew moved to the head of the table, and pulled out a chair to the right of his own for Jenn. She sat and he pushed the chair in for her. Lucinda sat to her brother's left, and David took the empty chair beside her. Justine sat to Jenn's right leaving Daniel the other end of the table. Servants came in from the kitchen, and set plates in front of them. One of the servants refilled the wine glasses. They drank and ate, and discussed the merits, and pit falls of each of the entries.

"Did you know you have bats?" Jenn inquired finally.

"Bats?" Matthew eyed her curiously. "What kind of bats?"

"Big ones," Daniel answered. "I think they're vampire bats."

"Oh?" Matthew eyed him from his end of the table.

"They bit us," Jenn announced.

"Bit you?" Lucinda inquired. "Where?"

Jenn pulled her hair back to show the puncture wounds on her neck. Matthew eyed them inwardly pleased with his work. He leaned closer, and touched them with his finger.

"My, that looks like it hurt," his voice held concern. "Perhaps we should move you to a different room?"

"We got bit too," Daniel offered his neck for inspection. Justine eyed the wounds on his neck. She and Matthew exchanged looks.

"Were you bitten too?" Lucinda asked looking at David.

"Yeah," David answered, "but we want to stay together."

"Of course you do," Matthew smiled. "We wouldn't dream of separating you. Come we'll show the three of you to more suitable accommodations."

Each sibling took candelabra from the table, and led their guests on a tour of the castle. They took them around so many twists, and turns that they were disoriented. Eventually, they were led to the rooms they would be staying in. Inside there was king size bed big enough to fit all three of them. There bags were already in the room waiting for them.

"Will this suit you?" Matthew inquired.

"Yes, thank you," David answered. He moved to go in, but Lucinda took his arm.

"Please, come for a walk with me," she looked up into his eyes. "I don't sleep well if I don't have an evening stroll through the garden."

"I think that is an excellent idea," Matthew agreed. "We should all take a stroll through the garden."

The three guests exchanged wary looks with each other, but they allowed their hosts to lead them to a door that led outside of the castle. In the garden there were various night blooming flowers; lilacs, jasmine, and lavender. The scent of the flowers filled the air, and Jenn could not help but inhale. The soothing scent calmed her nerves, and she allowed Matthew to lead her away from the others. He led her to a gazebo that over looked the garden. Jenn moved to one of the railings, and leaned on it to look out over the beautiful grounds. Matthew moved up behind her, and rested his hands on the railing caging her with his arms. He nuzzled her, and brushed his lips over her ear.

"I'm terribly sorry that your first evening here was so traumatic," he whispered. "I hope you won't hold it against me."

"No," Jenn shook her head. "I wouldn't. You probably had no idea there were bats in your organ."

"My organ?" He inquired.

"That's where we found them," Jenn explained. "The thing was playing by itself, and Daniel was trying to find the spot that housed the controls so that he could turn it off. He removed a wood panel, and they came flying out like.... Well... like bats out of hell."

Matthew squeezed her against his body as he laughed. She turned in his arms to look up at him. She was worried he would be angry that they were fooling with his instrument. Instead he was laughing hysterically.

"That is truly amusing," he chuckled. "I haven't laughed like that in a good long while."

"I hope we didn't damage it," Jenn offered.

"Oh, no," Matthew took a deep breath to calm his laughter. "That organ has been in my family for generations. She's a stout old thing."

Jenn smiled genuinely relieved that he could see the humor. Matthew took her in his arms and began to waltz with her around the gazebo.

"There's no music," Jenn protested.

"Close your eyes," Matthew instructed. "Now, imagine we're at a ball. I'm dressed in a black tuxedo with a silk shirt, a black bow tie, and a cumber bun. All of which match the lovely shimmering gown you're wearing, which is..."

"Purple," Jenn breathed.

She could see it all as he described it. They were dancing on a balcony outside of a ballroom. He twirled and spun her until the world spun around her, and she leaned into him to maintain her balance. He bent her in a graceful dip, and sealed his mouth over hers. She tasted a warm, sticky substance as she slipped into unconsciousness.

She regained consciousness as her body writhed on satin sheets. A tongue licked inside of her, and a pair of lips formed a seal over her opening and clit, sucking greedily as the tongue thrust deeper. Her fingers stroked through long soft hair. She looked down as the mouth released her, and a pair of red eyes met hers.

"Oh God no!" She cried as she stared into the eyes of the dark beast looming over her.

"God can't save you now," the beast laughed. "You are mine, dearest."

She shrieked as he sank his fangs into the sensitive flesh between her thighs. Her eyes flew open, and she sat up flailing. A pair of masculine arms wrapped around her and hugged her close to a warm chest. Another warm male body scooted up behind her, and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Sssh, it's alright," David's voice soothed. "It was just another nightmare."

"He bit me!" Jenn sobbed hysterically. "He bit me down there!"

"It's all over now," Daniel's voice whispered in her ear. "He brought you back to us last night after you passed out in the gazebo."

"No, that's not what happened," Jenn protested. "We were dancing and he told me to close my eyes. He worked some sort of spell on me, and then..."

Her words were interrupted by a knock at the door. David left Jenn in Daniel's arms and opened it to find Matthew on the other side. He wore a three piece suit and a silver tie. He smiled once again showing his teeth. David positioned himself in the doorway to block Matthew's path.

"Good evening," Matthew greeted. "Am I interrupting something?"

"We're ready to leave," David told him frankly. "I'm not sure what you and your sisters are up to, but we don't want any part of it."

"Oh, well, this is unexpected," Matthew looked pained. "Lucinda and Justine will be so disappointed. They were looking forward to tonight. We made reservations at a very lovely place with dinner and dancing."

"We'll pass thanks," David attempted to close the door, but Matthew caught it with his hand.

"I'm not sure what we did to upset you," he soothed, "but please let us take you out for dinner tonight to make amends. I'd hate to have us parting on bad terms."

David opened his mouth to refuse, but Matthew's eyes locked on his. He suddenly relaxed and smiled. Matthew returned his smile. David stepped aside, so that Matthew could make eye contact with Jenn and Daniel. They both relaxed as well, and smiled at him.

"Now then," Matthew smiled triumphantly. "You'll find suitable attire in your wardrobe. Please meet us at the front door in an hour."

After he left David closed the door, and the three of them dressed for the evening. David and Daniel dressed in suits that matched Matthew's. David's tie was gold, and Daniel's tie was crimson red. Jenn wore a purple dress that left her shoulders bare. The built in bra lifted her breasts to show a tantalizing amount of cleavage. She giggled as both David and Daniel slipped their tongues between her breasts.

"Hey!" She playfully swatted them with her hands. "We can't keep our hosts waiting."

They emerged from her room arm in arm, and made their way to the front door. Justine, Lucinda, and Matthew stood waiting for them. Matthew quirked an eyebrow and their three guests unlinked. Justine and Lucinda clung to David and Daniel as they left the castle. Matthew offered his arm to Jenn, and she took it tentatively.

"I won't bite as hard tonight," Matthew gave her a wicked smile flashing his true fangs at her. She shrieked and attempted to free herself. "None of that!"

Jenn's shriek cut off at his commanding tone. The other four didn't seem to notice the exchange. David was helping Lucinda into the limo they would be riding in, and Daniel was already in the back seat of the other limo with his face buried in Justine's bosom. Once David was in the limo with Lucinda the two limos pulled away leaving Matthew and Jenn to climb into the third limo. Matthew pulled her to the limo and opened the back door. He pushed her head down, and used his body to block any escape. Jenn climbed meekly into the car, and crawled all the way to the other side of the bench seat. Before he climbed in Matthew gave the driver some instructions. The driver closed the door once he was in, climbed into the drivers' seat, and put up the privacy patrician. Jenn stared out the window as the car pulled away from the castle. She turned to look at Matthew and found him moving toward her to box her in. She attempted to elude him, but he was too fast. He pinned her to the back of the seat, and stared into her terrified eyes.

"I want to finish what I started last night," he growled. "This limo won't stop until I do."

"David and Daniel..." Jenn began. She turned her head to break eye contact with him.

"Are too enthralled with Lucinda and Justine to miss you," Matthew whispered brushing his lips over her ear. "Now, look at me."

Jenn felt her head turn and her eyes stared into his red blazing eyes. She felt herself relaxing as he pulled her into his lap. He arranged her so that her legs hung over his, and he cradled her in his left arm. He bit into his right wrist, and held it up in front of her.

"Drink!" He commanded.

Jenn turned her head away, but he quickly pressed his wrist against her mouth. She opened her mouth in surprise and the sweet thick liquid poured into her mouth. She swallowed to keep from choking, and the first swallow was all it took to have her sucking the blood from his wrist. The last thing she heard as the intoxicating blood took her under was a deep feral moan of pleasure.

Jenn regained consciousness slowly as four mouths licked and sucked at her breasts and pussy. Her eyes rolled up to see Matthew smiling down at her. He motioned with his hands and four mouths ceased their pleasurable torment. Jenn cried out in terror as she saw the faces of David and Daniel baring the same red eyes, and long sharp fangs as the creature in her nightmares. She tried to get up but four sets of hands pinned her down with little effort. Matthew motioned with his hands for the other four to proceed. Jenn shrieked as their teeth punctured her skin. Her screams became soft whimpers, and then weak gasps for air as the four viciously sucked the life from her. Two fingers rested on her carotid artery, and Matthew's voice counted her heartbeats.

"That's enough now!" Matthew announced.

Three mouths stopped their ferocious sucking and licked over the wounds they made. One continued to suck on her breast.

"Justine, pull him off, or I will," Matthew warned.

The mouth was violently pulled from her breast taking a chunk of flesh with it. A tongue hastily licked the wound to repair the torn flesh. A wrist seeping blood was place over her mouth, and she sucked weakly. As she continued to drink her strength returned. She gripped the wrist before it could pull away, and sucked more vehemently.

"Now, now, dearest," Matthew's voice purred in her ear. "As my mate you must drink from all of our children."

His wrist was replaced by Lucinda's breast, and then Justine's. David offered her his blood, which he sucked from his own wrist, and released into her mouth as they kissed. Matthew was less than amused when Daniel slit open the flesh on his erection, and slipped it into his mate's mouth. She took each offering willingly. Once they finished the other four left Jenn and Matthew alone. He climbed onto the alter, and laid his large naked frame over hers. He slid inside her wanting hole, and brought her to multiple orgasms. As he released on her final orgasm they both sank their fangs into each other.

Word Count: 7,336
© Copyright 2014 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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