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by Sassy
Rated: 18+ · Sample · Biographical · #2011966
How I made a successful brothel in red light center
My first two months in Red Light Center didn't go too well, it did not stop me from moving forward though.

Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of helpful men around the world, but they were only after one thing, lol.

I went to all the clubs looking for a break into the WG business on here, I didn't have much luck with this, either, as the [women] who ran the clubs and those that worked them were not forthcoming and friendly towards me.

I still kept exploring.

After about 3 weeks of this I decided to invest a little cash to buy some in-world money called rays. I used this to buy a small club layout and a zaby layout, I figured If no one was willing to teach me, I would just learn in my own.

I called this one Sassy Sluts and made Slutty Saturdays, which we still have every Saturday. That has grown from 1-2 people to about a steady 30-50 on a Saturday, we started in a small club and have moved to a medium club and it's cozy there, we think we will keep it awhile. It is also open 24/7 for the WG's that wish to freelance there and the men who seek them out. We also have a huge video playing handpicked porn from myself, and suggestions from others, changing often so we don't get bored. -wink wink-

I finally met, who is now my BFF, VeronicaAnn. We both joined around the same time.

It was she who said, "Hey Sassy, I have found a great club to work for and it's called Syn Renoir Orgasmz", and me wanting to learn and make rays (that do convert to RL cash) was excited, so I said, "yeah, let's go".

I want to call it 'my worst experience in RLC, but as I look back, it was just a stepping stone for me.

The owner of Syn Renoir Orgasmz, LisaRenoir, started off very friendly. Everyone was friendly, in fact.

Even the regular men that hung out there were nice and more than helpful.

I was learning things at this point and making friends, I absorbed all I could as fast as I could, I was so excited, I spent hours and days in Red Light Center, all devoted to SRO and LisaRenoir.

VeronicaAnn AKA Roni was always exploring and I would jump to her or she would come to me if I found something cool, but I found I liked being at the club trying to make all the rays I could a better fit for me.

I felt I was finally given a chance to see what this WG stuff was all about and if I could make money on here, for real.

During this time, I met Kevin_KT_SSS, who had been frequenting Syn Renoir Orgasms for several months, and we became inseparable, that was Aug 29th, 2013. We are still together and now married in RLC, he is my rock, a solid man that I am very grateful to be married to. LisaRenoir and the rest of SRO wished us well in our growing relationship, but did she/they really mean it??

One day, Lady_Triicks boots Roni and then LisaRenoir banned her from the club. I, too, would have stood up for my "sister" and done the same thing as Lisa.

But with Roni being my BFF, it caused some issues. I was intent on being loyal to the club and woman that gave me an opportunity to be a Working Girl in a Virtual World.

Needless to say, I stayed another few weeks, had fun, made rays, earned a place on the wall for my pic and the family tag SRO. Only to have it all gone within a few days, when Steven_North, LisaRenoir's decorator, wanted free pussy from me. I was like, "NO WAY DUDE", and he felt that he was such a great,passionate lover with a lot if stamina that I would want to fuck him 'just because'.

When I mentioned how I paid him for his deco skills and he should pay me for my sex skills, he became hateful and mean and cried to Lisa, who felt I should havce fucked him for free.

It became obvious that a lot of the women in Syn Renoir Orgasmz had been fucking him.

I was gone within a week, Lisa fired me, but I stood there and challenged her to do so. I mean, I had done nothing wrong.

I was a bit upset about the stage being used that I always used and I jumped for awhile to let that person use the stage, this is what Lisa claims she fired me for, JUMPING AROUND, which is total bull shit because I was and am a loyal woman and I was giving her my all, so we parted, I cried for days in RL.

I had won a layout in a raffle at jamz and chose a small one with 7 rooms.

Looking at it today, I'm like "WOW, that was small".

I began hanging there, having named it Sassy Seductions and some friends from SRO followed.

I dropped the SRO from my name and changed it to SSS for Sassy's Secret Society. My first sisters were (in the following order) were; JuicyJackie_SSS, Tana_Rose_SSS, and Jessica_TG_SSS,and they remain with me as loyal friends to this day, and VeronicaAnn is still my BFF.

My family was born from that fallout with LisaRenoir.

It was a rough beginning, 5 or 6 of us hanging out, me trying to figure out the business end of this awesome virtual community that I had discovered.

We needed people coming in.

There were renovations made, signs to be made, events to be posted, sponsors to get, aghhhhhhh so much to do and learn. I learned it and am still learning things. Deco does not come easy for me but running a brothel is peaches and cream.

Within 2 months, the family had grown and we needed a bigger place as our popularity had grown too.

But as our popularity grew so did Lisa's hatred of me really begin to shine through.

She was stalking me and telling people to choose her club or mine. She would PM other business owners when I would be visiting their venue and telling them not to trust me or do business with me. No one listened, thankfully. She banned people for coming to my club. She bans any SSS immediately.

TO THIS DAY, over a year later, she still haunts me, bans and boots people who know me, I feel it's her loss not mine.

So VeronicaAnn has been a large part of the success of SSS and will most always make all my posters, banners, etc for events. She knows my likes and dislikes by now and has done a wonderful job thus far.

Kevin_KT_SSS, the love I found at SRO does all the deco, while I tend to mess things up, although I try deco, I am not apt at it. I did, however, deco 8 of the 10 rooms at the second Sassy Seductions, and am quite proud of them.

We had parties there, every Thursday was Nawty School Girl Night, with DJ.

We also had VWW there a few times, but we kept growing and growing, so within 10 months, we needed a new bigger venue, one where the family could work together and not be so cramped, Kevin built one for us.

We have moved here within the last two months and it is a beautiful, spacious, brothel.

We will not be moving again with all this talk of Red Light Center 2 being launched soon. Sassy Seductions Gentlemen's Club In Red Light Center is the place to be if you want to hook up with a stripper or a prostitute in a virtual manner.

The download is free and it is all from the privacy of your home.

OH YEAH it's LEGAL too.

There are WG's here that also do voice and cam sex.

Whatever you want can be found at Sassy Seductions or within Sassy's Secret Society. We also have a Porn theater where you get to choose what you want to watch, come check it out, the graphics are awesome.

Although my first few months in Red Light Center SUCKED, I got through it and have built a small but awesome world.

I hope if you are already in RLC or are joining RLC that you're experience will be better than mine was, so feel free to come to Sassy Seductions, Sunday through Friday, and Sassy Sluts on Saturdays, we will all treat you with respect and friendliness.

If you are considering joining Red Light Center but have questions, please use the comments section below and I will get back to you......ASK AWAY........ Smiles, Sassy
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