Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2011786-Common-Sense-101-Chapter-One
Rated: 18+ · Other · Philosophy · #2011786
looking at failures of common sense

Exploring the effect the Media both News and Social have on Common Sense

NEWS MEDIA: Ferguson,Missouri, August 9, 2014, a white cop shot an unarmed young black man! It was splashed all over the News, by the Main Stream Media, okay common sense says, it was NEWS, that needed to be reported, but not really the coverage it got.This writer has not seen the evidence so is not in a position to judge if the shooting was WRONG or RIGHT that is something that rightly should be left to the LAW and a judge and a jury to decide. Anyway, the constant coverage it received inflamed tensions in a racially divided town to the point it erupted in riots. Justified? Maybe? Common Sense would say, lets see the evidence first, then, if we are not convinced JUSTICE was done we protest, and seek justice through the court system. Was that what happened? Not hardly, the blacks in the community were of the opinion that since the shooter was a WHITE MAN, the shooting was racially motivated. And they proceeded to tear up their own neighborhood, destroying stores that belonged to other people that also lived in that neighborhood, there were reports of looters carrying off armloads of shoes and beer. With buildings burning, how did the police in the town react one might ask? Aggressively; overly so in some opinions. Looking at the situation with a little common sense, there will always be some people that try to take advantage of anything for their own personal gain, like Reverend Al Sharpton, and some people in a position of authority, who tend toward the abuse of that authority, Barrack Obama, and some who reveal in violence, just for violence sake. Here in America, we have a system of checks and balances, that when combined with a little common sense, judging from past performance, seems to work for the good of all concerned. All we need to do is give it time to work, and look past the biased view point, that others spin on the situation for their own benefit.
It is only Common Sense that every person has a bias, something they strongly believe! The NEWS MEDIA is supposed to be objective, and above the projection of the reporters bias in the stories they cover. But more and more you can see the bias seeping through. Anything involving guns, which will be discussed in a later chapter, the reporters personal feelings, on the subject of them, comes out strongly. Also Race and the bias is obvious, combine the two and you can practically hear the venom splashing on the sidewalk or street. The cause of the day seems to be WHITE GUILT, whatever is wrong it is the fault of the whites. Really, blame all whites for things their ancestors did century's ago? Let's just look at me for example, WHITE MALE, living in the SOUTH, he must be a racist, common sense would tell you that, wouldn't it? It might would indicate that at a quick glance, but it doesn't know the whole story, and to judge anyone on the color of their skin is wrong be they black, white, red, yellow, or purple with pink polka-dots. My family came over in 1657 to escape religious persecution in France, there was only 150 people in Montreal when they arrived, they had no slaves, they worked hard building a new life and repaying the costs to get there. My ancestor built the first mill to grind grain in the New World. As the family grew, they branched out into the fur-trade, inter-married with several Indian tribes over the years, along about the time of the Civil War two young men of the family, twins named William and Henry enlisted in the Union Army from the state of New York. During one of the battles William was wounded, Henry stayed with him and both were captured by the Confederates and sent to a POW camp near Alexandria, Louisiana. William survived his ordeal thanks to a young lady who worked as a nurse at the prison camp, after the war they were married, and Henry returned to New York alone. That dear readers, is how I became a WHITE MAN living in the SOUTH. The purpose of this story is to show Common Sense by itself is sometimes not enough, it must be tempered with REASON, mixed with LOGIC, and used to examine the FACTS. is that what happened in the Ferguson, Mo. riots? I will let you the reader answer that for yourself.
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