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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · LGBTQ+ · #2011775
Lil Red plus Big Wolf equals huge trouble...
So here I am in a ruby red floor-length sleeveless dress with the neckline dipping between my breasts showing the sides of them. I guess I’m giving them something they can feel tonight… But Ms. Myra has been really stressed out lately. From having to go to an award ceremony she hates, to running into her sister who she apparently hates even more, to having her sister send me roses early this morning… Better not provoke her, I think she’s ready to blow any moment now… Ms. Myra notices me messing with my necklace, a long pearl one. “Don’t play with that, you’ll get it tangled,” she says. I guess it was too little too late, I had it in one big knot before she even finished. She helps me untangle it

My cheeks turn pink as she leans in close to me, "This makes me feel like a kid..." I say slightly embarrassed.

"That's because you are one." Ms. Myra states. "Okay, all set. And don't play with it during the party," she reprimands me.

Mr. Connor leads Ms. Myra inside and I leave to follow her, "Shorty," says Ms. Cox. "Got a minute?"

"Uh... sure" I say.

She leads me away from the crowd and into a hallway, "I want you to stay away from Myra." she states. "Myra is an artist, and she works best in solitude. So if you stick around any longer, you'll start to have the 'leech' effect on her. I've known Myra since we we're youngins, she's always been popular, but she's always been a loner. So in short, she doesn't need to be involved in anything unnecessary or scandalous, ya see?"

I try to fake a smile, "I don't know what you're talking about, there ain’t nothing between—"

"Don't lie to me," she says cutting me off.

"And what makes you think we doing anything?" I ask.

"Cuz I saw y’all in bed," she answers. She sighs, "Look Shorty, it's not that I don't like you. I think you're a good kid. But one thing I know for certain is that if you stay with Myra any longer, you gon get fucked up." A long pause comes between us, as if she wants me to marinate on what she just said, “But anyway, you should enjoy the party. It should be starting soon.”

“Y-You go ahead, I’m going to get some air.” I turn away as a teardrop runs down my face. Even though I get where she’s coming from, two women being together might be ‘scandalous’, but I got the sense that Ms. Myra really cares about me, and I…I… Without paying attention I ram right into someone and we both topple over, “Oh, I’m so s—“I look up and I see Ms. Myra’s sister on top of me. “Ms. Wolf!”

She helps me up and brushes off imaginary dust from my shoulder, “What are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be at the party?”

“Uh… I…” I manage to stutter out.

She takes me by the hand and leads me down the hall, “Well since you’re not doing anything, there are some things I want to talk to you about,” says Ms. Wolf. Once we get back to her suite there’s a spread of chocolate and sweets, “Have a seat, help yourself to anything you see. Unless you don’t like sweets—“

“I love sweets!” I say, sounding way too eager. “I-I mean, I like sweets, but how did you know? I ain’t even told Ms. Myra…”

“I have my ways. But more importantly, yesterday evening, when you told me off…” she starts. That’s when I start to think, Lord, I need a little help today… “But upon further contemplation, I realized you were right.” I’m so relived, for a second there I thought I was in deep— “So in short, I love you and I want you to live with me.” Aw, shit. This is bad. This is really bad. “I know you might still be attached to my younger sister, so here’s a little something to give you a glimpse of what it will be like when you move in.” She hands me a rather large white box with a red ribbon.

I open it and my jaw dropped, “T-This is the Galaxy Note 3! But how did you get it? This phone hasn’t even been released in the US yet.”

“I have my ways.” She says evading the question. “But more importantly, if you stay with Myra any longer, you gon get fucked up. So live with me, be with a person who actually loves you.”

I put the phone back in the box and sit it on the table, I really don’t know what to do at this point… “I need time to… uh, think about it.”

“There isn’t time!” Ms. Wolf shouts. She tries to calm herself down, “What I mean is, Rebecca, is that your life is at stake.”

My eyes widen, “How?” I ask.

“I’m assuming you know of your sister’s murder-suicide, correct?” she asks earning a nod from me. “Well the cause was not emotional instability, rather, an obligation. I’m assuming you’ve heard of suicide-bombers, well this organization is similar to that. Long story short, the ones pulling the strings are coming for you next. And I can’t protect you if you’re living with Myra.”

“This… is a lot to take in. What do I do if they find me?” I ask wirily.

“If they come, you will fight. You will fight because I will train you. I will train you because I care about you,” She gets up and pulls me in a loving embrace. “And I care about you because I love you.”

I pull away, “I-I’ll think about it…” I say dashing out of the room and down to mine and Ms. Myra’s. A lot has happened tonight and I just want someone to tell me it’ll be alright… But when I opened the door, the room was dark. I noticed a necktie on the floor… like the one Mr. Connor was wearing… I turn the lights on and find Ms. Myra and Mr. Connor in the bed. Our bed… tears well up in my eyes, “M-Ms. Myra? But you said you loved me…” I storm out of the room and end up balling in some stairwell. In the mists of my tears I hear my phone vibrate, it’s Ms. Tasha…

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