Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2010718-The-Character-Gauntlet-entry-part-2
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Contest Entry · #2010718
Second part of 15 prompt i have to complete.
warning: No native english speaker!

Prompt 11: “'Nearly' only counts in horseshoes and hand-grenades.”

A few weeks later, on a sunny day, Bendegoz had heard the news. He took a cup of coffee up to the porch and sat down. His house was far from the center of the city and close to his garden was a broken wall. Bandits could easily slip through, but Bendegoz didn't care.
He saw a young man coming towards his porch with a few papers in his hands. "They made me go all the way up here for you, because they thought you may find this interesting." he sighed.
Bendegoz remained in his chair, sipping his cup of coffee. "What is it, my boy?" he asked.
The young man handed him one of the papers. Bendegoz almost spit out his coffee. "You can watch them when they take off. I warn you though, it's gonna be very busy." the young man said.
"Watch? Are you crazy my dear boy? I'm going with them!" And with that he put down his coffee, grabbed his jacket and quickely prepared a suitcase with his stuff.
Off he was to Dormport, the city where the crew would take off.
He arrived with a big smile on his face, jacket wrapped around his waist and suitcase in hand. He entered the gates of the spacefield. All kinds of spaceships stood there; huge ones, but also small ones that could only fit one person. Bendegoz zigzagged through the ships, watching them in awe, wondering what ship they would go with.
Few meters away he saw two men in flyequipment and behind them a dozen of Heirax soldiers. The two men talked to a general-looking guy, someone with leadership. It was the general. He was always there with important missions and now that his soldiers got with them, he had to give the men advice. "I send with you, 30 of my men, complete with all their weaponry and equipment. You will have the lead at plane--" The general gazed at Bendegoz, who now stood close enough to hear everything they could say. "Who is this man? Guards!"
"No, wait! I am Dr Aurelius, Bendegoz Aurelius!" The general frowned.
"Yes, doctor, but not an official one anymore." said one of the men in the spacesuits. It was a former colleague of Bendegoz. One he actually hated. "Tellaer, you here to? How nice..." Bendegoz said with a fake smile. Tellaer gave a fake smile back.
"Tellaer is right," said the general. "You are not an official. You can't go." Bendegoz frowned, "But I've been working for Dormport for years!"
"Untill you got fired, and you sat down on your lazy butt all day long." Tellaer smirked. Bendegoz gave him a furious gaze, then turned his attention to the general again. But before the general could say something, the head of the crew, who stood next to Tellaer said something, "He may go with us." Bendegoz gasped. "But, you cannot have protection on that planet." The man was pretty small and had a serious look about him. "Thank you kindly, Maosin."And he bowed. Maosin laughed. "You are a lucky one, Bendegoz. You were one of our best scientists back in the day and you still are. I had hoped you would come."
A happy grin appeared on Bendegoz' face. "Alright then, if he says so." the General rolled his eyes and turned away, back to give his soldiers instructions.
Then, finally, all were ready to take off. Bags of equipment, food and weapons were carried inside. The scientists remained outside for a few minutes to discuss the last things, while the soldiers all went into the ship and sat down on the hundreds of seats. The ship that would carry them to Earth was named Thunder Egg. A massive ship in the form of a stealth jet, which could carry over a hundred of people. It shone a dull black, and had tints of blue. When it drove out of the hangar, the sunlight revealed a thunder logo on the side of the ship. Bendegoz was in total awe. He stared at the ship which such amazement, he couldn't wait to get on. To see how luxe it was inside.

Bendegoz entered the ship with great excitement. So many years he had waited for this very moment. To enter the ship that would take him to Earth. The scientists entered the ship two minutes late, but all soldiers were waiting patiently, all staring straight forward. Yes, they had strict rules, but come on! This is a vacation, a journey! Give those poor boys time to relax. That's what Bendegoz thought as he walked along the rows of soldiers. It was dead silent, only the massive engine could be heard. The scientists took place in the foremost part of Thunder egg. Soldiers were placed in the back for fast deployment, as they were close to the door. The scientists sat down in their seats. The pilot's voice sounded through the speakers on the ceiling. "Ready for take off in...5...4-"
"The belts come down Bendegoz, hold your arms up." said Maosin and he held up his arms as the belt came down and fitted around his waist. Bendegoz did the same. The engine roared. There was a shock and then they moved forward slowly. They went faster and faster, lifted up into the air. There were no windows of any sort to look out of. But he didn't need them, he was afraid of space.

Ten minutes in the air and there was another shock. The whole ship began to shake. The engine roared louder and louder. They were pushed back into their seats. Bendegoz grabbed his belt and held on tight. "We're going through the atmosphere." yelled Maosin, who tried to get above the sound of the engine. "The shaking takes a while but it should dissapear soon!" and his glance got back to the book he was reading. How could one read in these conditions?
But Maosin was right. Soon, the shaking ended with another shock and it became silent. The engine was now quiet. The belts released again and maosin got up. He gazed at Bendegoz, "You can get up," he laughed "I will show you the rest of Thunder egg." Bendegoz followed him quickly. "We will travel a week." Maosin said. Bendegoz frowned, "Only a week?"
"Yes, we are actually going very fast. There's a window further up, I'll show you."
As they were walking across the large halls and rooms, he saw all kinds of people walking around. Probably the operating crew of Thunder Egg. Pretty impressive. "Maybe you didn't know yet, but this ship is one of the fastest, if not fastest of the 'larger' ships." said Maosin, pride filling his voice. They got along booths, which were the toilets and bathrooms. A stairs down let to a kantine and another one to the sleeping rooms. Bendegoz' gaze went from right to left, up and down. "I imagine there's not so much beds for all of us?" he asked. "Ofcourse there is, we are with 20 people, and there are 20 beds."
"Ah, but I was talking about the soldiers and the other crew. Where do they sleep?"
"The crew does not sleep. They are actually a very tough species and also called 'Nightwatchers'. The soldiers...They sleep where they sit."
"Not pretty comfortable, is it?"
Maosin didn't answer. They arrived at the window. It was small, but large enough to see a thousand stars. Bendegoz widen his eyes. He saw pieces of rock flying along super fast. A flame illuminated their faces. For a few seconds only. It was a star outside that crashed into the shield of Thunder egg. Bendegoz expected some kind of alarm to go off, but there wasn't any. This was probably just normal.

There was enough food aboard to feet them all (including soldiers and crew) for four weeks. He had no idea how long they would stay there and hadn't asked either.
They rushed through Earth's atmosphere, or what was left of it. "Making land in 10...9...--" the pilot said through the speaker. Bendegoz gazed up, sped towards the small window, and saw thick clouds and mist racing along. The engine roared loud. The wheels of Thunder egg thouched the ground of Earth. The springs softened the landing, and the ship wobbled up and down slightly. The engine remained on as the soldiers deployed. Bendegoz and the others had to wait for the them to wipe out any threat. Bendegoz gazed outside with narrowed eyes, trying to see a piece of land but a sand storm blocked his sight. The next hour it cleared and Bendegoz stepped onto earth. He gazed around. All he saw was mountains and sand. Just that.
He knew the humans had destroyed their own planet but he did not know how.
They set up their camp next to Thunder egg, close to safety. Because Thunder egg was not Thunder egg without his guns. Massive rotating guns. The soldiers set their camp on the other side of Thunder Egg.
That night, they sat down outside, their open-air labs illuminated by giant lamps they installed. "Isn't it weird," began Bendegoz ,"That they humans removed themself off this planet? Were they even thinking?"
"Isn't it weird, that you can come along for free, while the rest of us worked so hard, and you didn't do a thing in those years?" Tellear grimaces. "Tellear, not now." grumbled Maosin and he glanced at Bendegoz, "Tomorrow we'll start with the research. We will set out, with our stuff and we will take samples." he said.
"Am I allowed to go?" asked Bendegoz.
"Yes. But you will need to protect yourself." Maosin came closer. "I'm only saying this for the others to hear, but I will give you guards in the next few days." He blinked. Maosin was always a good friend of Bendegoz, they worked a lot together in those days.
He had never been here before but he seemed so calm. Perhaps Bendegoz himself was too excited.

The next day they went out into the mountains. Ten scientists and eleven soldiers. Behind the mountains was a desolated town. Bendegoz raced forward, but Maosin stopped him. "Let the soldiers check it first. You never know what hides there."
After the soldiers checked and everything was clear, the scientists moved in. They scattered around the area. The soldiers walked among them and at the town's borders. Bendegoz entered a small dusty house. Couches were pushed over, chairs and tables lay across the room. He checked every corner, every closet and drawer. He stumbled upon a book. An unique looking book with a drawing of mountains gracing its cover. He swept off the dust and looked at it from all sides before opening it. "This is amazing," he murmured.
He glanced at the cover again. "Tolkien, eh?.." he whispered. He wanted to put the book into a bag he was carrying, but another hand took hold of the book. Bendegoz gazed up. "You do not deserve this...." It was Tellear and he was not looking so happy. "You do not deserve this book," he pulled it out of Bendegoz' hands, "You do not deserve the food, the journey.....All of it!" He whispered. "You do not even deserve the guards. And they are the lowest of us all!"
"Don't humiliate those poor men, Tellear. They are doing their best, they are pu--" Tellear interupted him. "Shut up, Bendegoose! I don't really give a sh*t. You,..you do not deserve to be here! Look at all those years you sat on your lazy butt! You did nothing!" Tellear became louder and louder. Bendegoz didn't have a chance to say anything. "Look at me for example. I was the one who studied and studied at Dormport, I was the one who organized this trip!"
"No, I did." Maosin said as he appeared right behind Tellear. "Get out, or I will send you back to earth." And gone was Tellear. He went through the door as red as a shrimp. "Don't worry Bendegoz, you deserve this. Even better more than Tellear. We will not be sending you away any time soon."
But now Bendegoz was not so sure about that. He still heard the words of Tellear ringing in his mind. Did he really deserve this?

Word count: 2052

Prompt 10: "Confusion now hath made his masterpiece."

Bendegoz sat down in his comfy chair with a bottle of Ale. He sighed. Lamia really took all his energy from him. Maybe that was the reason he was fired back at Dormport. But this disease was killing him. Literally, from the inside. Lamia was a nasty sickness that not many people had and so it was rather rare. A weird bacteria was growing inside, eating its way out.
Out of the night that covers me, black as the pit from pole to pole.

He stood up, strayed to the kitchen and got a bottle of pills out. He spread them out over the wooden table.
I thank whatever gods may be, for my unconquerable soul.
It was a secret, that sickness of him. He wouldn't tell anybody about it. Not until that day came. But he did not know when. This year, next week, maybe even tomorrow? But never did Bendegoz imagined his day would come faster.

In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud.
They saw he was sick, they must've saw it. Because why else would they fire him? He was never lazy, he always did his best. But that's what he thought. And he couldn't read others' minds.
His eyes shut tight as he took the pills.
Under the bludgeonings of chance, my head is bloody, but unbowed.

Someone knocked on the door. Bendegoz opened and saw his daughter. She had red eyes, as if she hadn't slept enough. She rubbed her eyes as she came in. The door closed behind her. "You like something to drink?" asked Bendegoz.
"Ale." Her voice was raw, and rough. But there was a slight vibration in it. Nervousness?
Bendegoz handed her a bottle of Ale. "Thanks." she murmured, then sipping the bottle. It remained quiet for some time. Willow was on his giant pillow, resting. "Dad,.." she began, "..We really need to settle here." Bendegoz frowned. "Don't you have another place to hide with your 'friends'?"
Beyond this place of wrath and tears, looms but the Horror of the shade.
"My house is dying. It's falling apart. Don't you see?" He gazed at the ceiling, which looked like it was rotting. "If you settle here, this place comes down. On top of your heads!"
Something in Ylia's eyes changed. Like weed catching fire. Had she become crazy?
She had.
She charged at Bendegoz, holding a knife, that seemed to come out of nowhere. Willow noticed and sprang up towards Ylia, but a stab inbetween his eyes ended it right away. Its body crashed to the wooden floor, making it tremble. Bendegoz froze, for he didn't expected it. He clambed to the couch with one hand, the other was in front of his face, serving as protection. He saw the knife blinking in the candle light and then he felt an unexplainable pain. He fell back into the couch, with his hands around her's, which were holding the deadly weapon. He gasped, his eyes widen. She gazed at him, as if she had no emotions. After a few seconds, Bendegoz seemed like the calmest person in the world. His eyes going back to normal, his breath slow and controlled.
And yet the menace of the years, finds and shall find me unafraid.

"I had to.." she whispered.
"I hope death doesn't reach you as soon as mine did." He said. Warm blood flooded the ground, and his hands, making it warm and almost comfortable. He sighed slowly.
"I'm sorry. He said we really needed this please or else he would kill you himself." she cried.
"So you listen to a strange man, and kill your own father?..... My daughter?"
"But I'm not your daughter.." she whispered.
".....what?" Bendegoz gasped.
It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.

"Mom..she had....someone else." A tear rolled down her cheek. After a while of silence, the time Bendegoz needed to think about it, he said: "Then...I take it back." He coughed.
"I hope..death does reach you as soon as mine.....I'm sorry, but it's just all you did..for me..It doesn't make sense.." He began to sputter.
It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.

Men came into his house seconds later. He did not recognize any of them, but the one in the front looked like he was the leader. Bendegoz heard him say: "Good job, my dear..." The rest was beginning to mute and fade away. His ears started to die, his eyes too. Those that survived all those years. He saw his daughter and the man, embracing eachother like a couple. That was the moment it all went dark.
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

Poem 'Invictus' by William Ernest Henley

Word count: 802

Prompt 9: "The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword."

Bendegoz ran after his daughter through the narrow streets. He had to watch himself not to fall. "Ylia, wait!" He yelled and slipped across the cobblestones. "Ylia, listen!" he said once he was closed behind her. She snarled, "What?" and turned around to her father.
"Just hold up. I don't want you to go there, it's not safe!" he said gasping from his long run. "Ha, it's safer than this place!" She had a fake smile for a few seconds. "You have no idea what's up there! I know, I've been there." Bendegoz said.
"Yes and that was probably like, 30 years ago? Things have changed, father. I'm not a little girl anymore." And she continued her walk. Bendegoz followed. He thought she would stop walking by now, they were almost walking for an hour or so. At first it went quiet and easy, but then he started talking about The Resistance again, and that turned the whole thing around. He did not know exactly what kind of connection she had with them, but he was certain she had something to do with them, and he had to withhold her from getting away. Which she was doing at the moment.
A few seconds later, she walked into a street alone, Bendegoz staying behind, giving up. He watched her go. A man came walking towards her. Bendegoz stayed to see who it was. Suddenly the man grabs Ylia and quickly throws her to the ground. She gets down, her elbows hitting the cobblestones. Bendegoz gasps. He tries to make his way to her. He's sees the man beaten her, pushing her face against the hard stone. More men come in to help: Agents. What were they doing here?
At that moment Bendegoz is grabbed by the shoulder and pushed down. He falls unto his knees and hands, bewildered. Then he receives a kick in his stomach and he falls to his side. He starts couching. He glanced up in shock. There it was; A cyber-armored man, towering above Bendegoz. The sun illuminated his grey metallic-glass like helmet which covered his whole face and made him have no individuality at all. No identity, which was probably the meaning of it. He leaned over Bendegoz, grabbed him by his jacket and lifted him up. Bendegoz gasped, didn't knew what to do. Like he could do anything, the grip was too powerfull. Bendegoz stared at the helmet. There was no face, there were no eyes. Just a dark abyss. Even though there were no eyes, the glance of the helmet itself was intense.
Bendegoz shivered. Behind the man came other men with the same armor and same helmets. They had their guns hanging on their chest, holding it with one hand, leaving the other hanging.
They were Heirax soldiers, and they had come to Daeventrus after all.

The undercover agents that attacked Ylia in the back of the street, now had her restrained and took her with a tight grip. Bendegoz was also restrained and was sitting on the ground. He was still shivering from the beating he had received. He saw more Heirax soldiers going into the streets, guns ready, scanning the area. It was still very much unknown to them. "Get him on his feet." said one of the agents to a soldier. Bendegoz had just been sitting for a minute and was lifted up again. The agents had control over the soldiers. This he knew, he had seen it all the time in Dormport. But that didn't mean soldiers were less strong.
"Old man, what is your name?" the agents asks.
"Bendegoz Aurelius." he answered, shivering.
"This is your daughter, yes?"
Bendegoz hesitated. He thought about what could happen, depending on what answer he gave. "Yes." He admitted.
"Do you know she has bonds with the Resistance?"
"No, she hasn't. I can assure you sir." He saw people gathering around them, gazing at him and Ylia. They better get out of here, before they too become victimized.
"We have evidence. You know about it, so we are taking you and your daughter." The agents says. Then he smirks, which disgusts Bendegoz, and walks to a truck. "This isn't right. You are a madman, like your soldiers and your king!" Bendegoz panicked, which made him say those things. He knew where they would go. The agents stops, turns around with a furious look on his face. He walks up to Bendegoz, until they are face to face. "You have no rights here. You think you can just come here without any permission?" He managed to say to the agent, something even a soldier would not dare to do. "I have the only right.*" The agent whispers. "Besides, the city overseer already knows we were coming, so that's no point to discuss." He turns back to the truck. "Beat him some more! I think he doesn't know the rules of our nation." The soldiers grab their batons and start their torture session on Bendegoz. Ylia screams to let him be, but she is ignored.

Across plains they drove, along villages they came and people kept staring. They were in a platoon of trucks driving off to Dormport, picking up other prisoners as they made their way to the capital. There were over 5 trucks with prisoners in them. Some of them guilty, but most innocent. 3 other trucks drove behind them, filled with Heirax soldiers.
The road to Dormport was a long one, with lots of rocks and stones blocking their way. But the trucks just went over them like there was no obstacle. They were made for these kind of rough terrain, not to mention the soldiers, which could also survive rough terrain.
An hour later they arrived at the gigantic gates of Dormport. Much larger then the ones in Daeventrus, but less decorated. They were so large that guards could stand on them, guarding the entrance. Bendegoz looked up through the glass roof. The gate was at least 50 meters high, and several others behind it were of the same size. Ylia was next to him, staring up at the gates with widen eyes. She had never been in Dormport, never wanted to go either. For the city was the capital of Heirax and swarming with Heirax soldiers.
She had seen The Spear from miles away. But she could she the details as she came closer.
They drove through a street that went up the cliff Dormport was standing on. At the end of the cliff stood The spear. It was the controlling power over almost all of the continent. Maybe even others, who knows? The Spear was ancient and no one knew its original purpose. The odd patterns and script was likely to be a story of a journey towards the Heavens. Or maybe even Hell.
In front of them was a tremendous building. It was even larger than the Gate and was fully decorated. The entrance was like a dome; large and round. But they strove along the building. All the prisoners seemed to be in awe of the building.
Minutes later they crossed the square at which Bendegoz always arrived for his work, which was now on their left side. Like all buildings here, it was huge and wide. Guards walked outside. It looked like a medieval building but with hints of futuristic features. This were the labs. Horrible things happened there; Bendegoz didn't want to talk about it. Never.
After that they got through a street of the rich and wealthy. They were dressed in fancy suits and dresses and some of them had a Heirax guard with them. Only the rich had rights to have protection. If the guard would die, he would simply be replaced for another.
That made Bendegoz sick.

On their left side was now The Spear again. They could see the entrance and houses that stood before it. One wide path of cobblestones led to the entrance. They were so close to The Spear, that he had to lay his head in his neck to look to the very top of it. Up close it was more impressive and all of them watched in awe. Its immense size and detail was so intense for some that they began to cry. Why would you cry for a building?. You might think. But it wasn't just a building. It was power. Ancient and still standing. Most of the prisoners come from far across the mountains, and have never seen anything like it. Some others wanted to see this as long as they lived. And for others it was perhaps the last thing thay could see, before they died, that was beautiful.
They stopped at an area with large cages. Inside were people. Lots of. And they all gazed up in curiousity.
Bendegoz, Ylia and the others were dragged out of the truck and led to the cages. The people inside stepped back in fear of the soldiers. The prisoners got divided. The men on the right and the women on the left. The ground was dry and torn. The people looked dirty and scared. There were even children. The door was closed and the soldiers left. Bendegoz gazed around, looking for food and water. But there was none. There was nothing.

The next morning was sunny and it got very hot with all those people around. Bendegoz was sitting, leaning against the wall of the cage, sleeping. Ylia was gazing around, looking around for anybody she might know. She glanced up. There was The Spear gazing down on them. Birds flew around its top. She could not sleep at night, with The Spear watching over her. Towering above all.
But she got used to it for the next few weeks. In those weeks she saw people beat eachother up out of frustration. Soldiers would stand outside the cage, watching, pointing and laughing. Sometimes, they would even get out some people to beat up for fun. This was an inhumane place. She worried about her father. Were they beating him too? Pushing him to the ground, making him eat sand?
All these things were possible, nothing was impossible.

It was three nights before their judgement. It was growing dark, sun hiding behind the mountains. Bendegoz had cried today, for a few hours long. Why would this happen to them? She hadn't done anything for the resistance and now they threat them like this. Like animals. The night was warm but at the same time cold. Bendegoz was awake and was staring to the high buildings of the Rich in the distance. The light were on inside. He imagined how warm it would be inside. He shivered and wrapped a dirty blanket around him. The light of the stars did not make him cheerfull this time, like they always did.
He gazed to the women's cage. They were also sleeping. He coudln't see Ylia though. Then, flashlights flickered in the dark distance. Five Soldiers arrived, looking weary, but also rather bored. They got to the women's cage. Bendegoz narrowed his eyes. One of them opened the door with a key, and they all stepped in. Closing the door behind them, they made their way through the many women, looking at them one by one. They pointed, Bendegoz could not hear what they said. They stopped somewhere and pulled up a woman. Bendegoz moved himself closer. He could now catch some of the words. "...looks cute......take her to...." Their flashlights illuminating the woman's face. Bendegoz shot forwards, grabbed the bars, his eyes wide open. It was Ylia, still half asleep, murmuring. Bendegoz tried not to scream. They noticed him, took her out of the cage and dissapeared in the dark. "Ylia!" Bendegoz screamed, and he went crazy. He jerked the bars, as if he was able to destroy them. He teared up. Other people woke up. Soldiers entered the men's cage to get control over Bendegoz. He was no match for them. They beat him down. He landed the wrong way. His leg was broken now and they were just laughing. "Control yourself, old man. Next time we won't be so nice." One of the soldiers said, and they took off.
Nice? They broke his leg!

Two days later was judgement day. The entered the large gates of The Spear. Everywhere were guards and soldiers. No way to escape. The inside of the Spear amazed them. It was even more decorated with statues of herioc looking men with long beards and swords, angelic women and other mythical beings. Bendegoz noticed a dragon statue next to a bright light. That was from the time dragons were appreciated and even holy. Luckily they didn't remove it. Massive stairs circled up. They were brought to the first floor. There they were judged, by people which looked even richer than the richest. Like gods they sat there, looking down on them like they were prey. They were seated on a risen plateau. Hours gone by when Ylia finally stood in front of the judges. She looked weary, tired and scared. Bendegoz didn't knew what happened to her three nights before, but he guessed what it could be.
The hall looked high-tec but they just read papers on which they would state their judgement. There was also a small description of what Ylia had done. 'Contacting and working with Resistance.'
"The punishment is..." Ylia was already about to cry. She knew what would come. "...Death by furnace." Bendegoz staggered, almost losing his mind. He glanced at Ylia as she passed him by, led away by soldiers. A tear rolled down her cheek.

Word count: 2270

Prompt 8: "You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."

"May I ask where you come from?"
"Haha, well, I come from the continent of Birn. But honestly, I like it better here."
"Is that so? What do you like about this place?"
"Well look at the view! That's pretty amazing. In Birn we don't have these large hills and lookouts. It's all flat."
"Sounds rather boring haha!"
"Oh, it is, believe me."
"You see that light up there? That's the glow of Planet Hallelujah. And close to that planet floats Earth."
"Have you ever been to Earth?"
"No, unfortunately. I would love to, though."
"hmm...I'd rather stay on this planet ha!"
"Well, everyone has their own opinion. But most people think earth of a rotting planet, one that is doomed by the human race."
"I would think the same."
"Well then we have nothing to say to eachother anymore, hahaha!"
"Hah! But you'll stay here right? To watch the sunset with me?"
"Ofcourse my dear!"
"I'm glad. Wouldn't be as beautiful with you gone."

"Ah, now that it's beginning to get dark, can you see Earth?"
"You mean that dark green round stone?"
"Yes. If I'd still had my Telescope, I could watch it all day."
"Really? You have a telescope? Where?"
"Back at Daeventrus. It's the building with the giant abscess, can't miss it."
"That thing?"
"Yes, it's far from the center of the city but there is a pub close."
"Can you see Earth up close with that thing?"
"Yes, I made it myself when I was still working at dormport."
"That's impressive! How?"
"Long story. I had to collect lots of old metal and other scientific articles to make it work."
"And how did you get it upon the roof?"
"Another long story, my dear."
"What about yourself? Also a long story?"
"Hah, no, no. Not that long."'

"What about children? You have any?"
"Yes, I have a daughter. Shy girl she is. Ylia is her name."
"That's really nice."
"Well, lately she had been involved in some of that resistance chaos. I told her she should not join them, hah, almost begged her. But she wouldn't listen. Typical hah!"
"Just like my son, Jessop. He ignored me when I began about his relation with the resistance. There was no stopping that boy, he just did what he wanted."
"Yes. I did not even expect it from my own daughter. She not the type to do that. To beat up people, and bribe them and attack and whatever things those people do."
"My son had once been caught by Heirax soldiers. They beat him and yelled at him. Yes, he could be rude some times, but they did not have to beat him for that."
"Agreed. How did he get out of that situation?"
"He did not."
"Oh, I am very sorry for your loss."
"Don't be. It was a long time ago, and I've gotten over it."
"Okay, but I'm still sorry for you, dear."
"Thank you, that's sweet."

"About your daughter..."
"Did she ever got problems with the soldiers?"
"Not that I know of. Though I'm afraid that soon she will."
"And there's not much I can do about it at the moment."
"Why not? You really must do something about it or she'll end up like my son. Please, I don't want her to have the same fate."
"Yes, no one deserves that. But what am I suppose to do? Being the old man I am?"
"You are not old. You're only 60, still got a lot of years to go!"
"Haha, I wish that was true."
"Why? You think you will die young?"
"You can tell me, you know I love you right?"
"My daughter...She doesn't know yet. I have Lamia.."
"Oh my...how...how long have you got?"
"Just 5 years left. How am I ever going to tell her this?"
"I will help you, sweetheart. I promise."
"That is very nice of you."
"And I hope for you, that your dreams come true in those years. Going to Earth and all."
"I truely hope so myself, hah!"

Word count: 678

Prompt 7: “Because I'm a damsel in distress. And you are a knight in whatever. A really dirty car.”

Two days later, Bendegoz visited the pub on the other side of the city. It was a cold, windy night and the moon shone down on Daeventrus. Torches were burning and lighted the streets. Lebuinos seemed even bigger in the moonlight.
After 2 hours of drinking and laughing he went home. He trotted through the narrow streets and along other pubs.
He was shivering once he reached his home. When he wanted to open the door he noticed it was already open. He tried to stay sharp but it was not easy since he got a lot of Ale that night. He stepped in, as quiet as he could. But the wooden planks crackled beneath his feet. He stood still, waiting for something to jump him. But there was nothing. No one. So he went on inside. Everything looked fine. It was still the same as how he left it. He closed the door behind him. He could feel the tension rising. There must be something here, why else was the door open? He locked it when he went away, did he?
Bendegoz went towards the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. All his Ale, gone. There was indeed someone here. But he did not think once about shouting 'anyone there?'
He went out of the kitchen into the large corridor. The stairs in front of him where clean, no sand, dirt or footsteps. Maybe he was just confusing himself. Maybe there was really no one there and he just forgot to close the door in a proper way.
So he went back, but then he heard voices. Quiet, as if far away. It came from upstairs, closer and closer. Bendegoz rushed to the closest obstacle that could give him cover. A comfy chair wide enough to hide himself behind.The voices got louder. Men were in his house. Footsteps came down the main stairs where Bendegoz stood a few seconds ago. He did not dare to peek around the corner of the comfy chair. What he heard was the sound of armor rattle. So they were probably raiders or bandits. It couldn't be Heirax soldiers. "The bitch told me this was a good place to hide," he heard one of them say. He could not exactly tell how many there were. "But now she's all like: 'I know another place, we should not be here.'" the guy mimicked. Who were they talking about?

They did not pass the comfy chair, as Bendegoz hoped for, but instead decided to stay there. One of the guys sat down in the chair, making it crackle. For it was an old chair. Bendegoz got it from his grandpa.
But this was no time to think about his grandpa. He had other concerns right now. The men continued their conversation. "I'm not leaving this place. Hell, look at how huge it is!" Said the one on the chair.
"And that Ale wasn't bad either. I'll stay here no matter what she says."
"I'm sure she's gonna try to make us leave. We'd be better off without her."
"Isn't she our seeker? She's pretty good at it that's for sure."
Was 'she' who he thought it was? Was it Ylia?
Only one way to find out. But he could not move away from this place. "We could easily find another seeker. Probably not as good as her, but still."
"meh, i don't know. We'll ask her if she changed her mind tomorrow. It's not like she could go anywhere now. And it looks like the owner isn't back yet." some of the men walk away to the livingroom, but the one in the chair remains. Damn just move already! Bendegoz can now see them, as they take place on the large couch. After a few minutes of waiting, bendegoz noticed the man in the chair was asleep. He crouched towards a closet in front of him, next to the stairs. It was totally dark in that place, providing excellent cover for Bendegoz. The man was in a deep sleep, leaning to one side. Bendegoz moved up the stairs, as quiet as he could, looking behind him every second. His heart was pounding in his chest and he got warmer and warmer. No one seemed to be on the second floor. He slowly checked all the rooms, zigzagging across the hallway. Every room was as he left it. Still no sign of 'she'.
So up he went, taking the stairs to the attic. A huge attic. He opened the door and saw a woman on the ground. It looked like she was asleep, laying on her side. But there was a moan of pain. Bendegoz rushed to her. He rolled her onto her back and saw it was his own daughter. He almost yelled, "Ylia!" but managed to whisper "Are you okay? What have they done to you?" she slowly opens her eyes. They are red and tearing. As if she had cried. "Dad, I've made such a big mistake...forgive me." she managed to say. "I... I could not protect you." he almost teared up "I failed to protect you. "you must forgive me." She reached with her hand to his face. "I shouldn't have told them to come here. It's my fault."
At that moment the 3 men come in. Bendegoz had left the door open. How stupid.
"How the hell did you get in old man?" the one at front asks. Bendegoz didn't answer, only gazing at his daughter, who was bruised and bloody. "Do you live here grandpa?"
Bendegoz was always known as a very nice man with manners. One that would never hurt anybody, and was also a bit weird, being a 'crazy scientist' and all. But now the father in him got out. And it didn't got out quiet. "I overheard what you said downstairs." he murmured while stroking Ylia's face. "Yes we're taking this house. The bitch told us to get in here, but now she's denying she ever said that. Who are you anyway?"
Bendegoz looked at him with an intense gaze. "I'm her father." and he stood up. His back was hurting though. He was getting old. "Her father eh? Better kill them both then." the man smirked. Bendegoz charged forward to him in anger, his fists at the ready. But he was no match for the guy. He smacked to the ground. He gazed at Ylia, trying to reach her hand. "I will protect you Ylia! Always!" he yelled but was kicked in the head with great force. Then he was pulled up. The masked man looked him in the eye. "How are you planning to protect her, when you can't even protect yourself?" again, he threw bendegoz to the ground, and he laughed. "Let's beat him up like his bitch daughter, and then we'll make him watch us kill her." said the guy, obviously the leader. These where the resistance people? These were the people his daughter befriended with?
As if reading his thoughts, ylia said:"I believed them, they aren't resistance, they are raiders-!" she received a punch to the jaw. Blood poured from her mouth. "Get your hands of her! I will rip you apart and send you next to your mother's grave!"
He screamed, not knowing what to do, a small tear running across his cheek. "What are you going to do? Protect her?" he grins and pulls a pistol from a belt on his left leg. Bendegoz started to think this wasn't real.
"And it's indeed true: we are outsiders. Or how you like to call us 'Raiders'. We just needed a house. Turned out she was a very good seeker. Had an eye for great houses. So now that we have this house, we don't need her anymore."
"What tells you you can stay here forever. They will find out about you." bendegoz said.
"Who will find out? Heirax soldiers? They don't come here. And this place is far from the center."
"Daeventrus has guards you know."
"Guards who fail to protect, like you."
He continued the execution. "Be happy, other raiders wouldn't be so fast with killing. They might take a knife and slowly cut your head off."
Bendegoz spit at him. Something he himself never imagined to do. But this was a different situation. The man concentrated at ylia, walking around her, swinging his gun like he was king. "Oh," he said, pushing the gun against Ylia's head. "there won't be a cliche 'any-last-words' tonight." Then he pulled the trigger. The bang made Bendegoz blink his eyes, making him shiver as he stared at his daughter, who now lay in covered in blood. Her chest wasn't moving up and down, no eye movement. They were wide open, staring at the metallic ceiling. But tears did not come to Bendegoz' eyes, yet. Only anger for the moment. He charged at the man with the gun, pushing him into a rack of glass. He punched the man's face as hard as he could. The other masked men tried getting him off, but his rage had made him stronger, fierce and aggressive. A father was, like a mother, protective of their children. Bendegoz now had the feeling he could kill all of them, but his body was just too old. He received a few punches to the chest, and he coughed. He was thrown at the wall. With his arms forward, trying not to hit his head against the wall, he accidentally pushed a button. It was a small yellow one, hardly noticable. He frowned but then he saw what it was for. 'Activate security system'.
The feeling of losing exited his mind. The men came at him from behind, laughing about the old man that couldn't defend himself. Instead, the security system of his house did that.
A hidden gun showed up out of the metallic ceilling. It turned, aimed at the men and fired with great power. The muscle flashes were blinding and the sound deafening. Bendegoz covered his head, his arms covering his ears. A few seconds he stood there, then it went silent. He heard the hot shells fall from the gun. He opened his eyes, turned around and saw all 3 men on the ground. Probably dead. He ran pass them to Ylia. Her eyes still staring at the ceilling. Bendegoz had hoped
she was looking at him, but he knew the bitter truth. She was dead. No denying it.
One of the man groaned, meaning he was still alive. Guards came rushing in, weapons pointing at the man, for they knew Bendegoz well. They felt his sadness and held back for a while. Didn't approach him. Bendegoz didn't notice any of this. He had only eye for his daughter, crying and thinking about the days before when he screamed at her. If just he could turn it all around. He should've died, instead of her.

Word count: 1816
© Copyright 2014 Goldammer (goldammer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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