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Rated: E · Article · Other · #201046
Josie explains her assignment.
Much to Sam and Josie’s surprise, and pleasure, Josie found herself in Sam Coulson’s English Lit. class the next hour. Sam tried his hardest to concentrate on the lesson plan, but with each glance towards Josie, he lost his train of thought and would stumble over his words. Josie was in a similar boat. Something about the subject matter, coupled with Sam’s style of teaching, propelled Josie into participating in class far more than a seventeen year old would. She realized she needed to back down after she recited the origin of pastoral, much to Sam’s shock and delight.

After class was finished, Josie smiled at Sam and motioned that she would be back after school. Sam nodded his head, grinning softly to himself.

At last, the final bell of the day rang. Sam wasn’t sure if what he was feeling was excitement or dread. He had waited nervously all day to speak with Josie after school, and now that it was finally here, he found himself wishing for more time to prepare himself.

As his last student filed out, Josie entered his classroom. Sam’s breath caught in his throat as he saw her again. She was beautiful. He had always thought she was beautiful, but after only seeing her in his dreams for the past five months, and seeing her again today, in person, she simply took his breath away.

“Josie,” Sam started nervously, “I’m so glad to see you. Thank you for coming back.” ‘Coming back, to my classroom, or to me’ Sam thought to himself. “Would you like to sit down?”

“Hello, Sam.” Josie said, trying to control her nerves. “No, thank you. I don’t have much time, really.”

Sam nodded as he stood and went to shut his door.

Josie took a deep breath and continued “I’m sure you are wondering what I’m doing in your classroom, posing as a student.”

For a moment, as Josie spoke, Sam had actually forgotten why she was there. All that mattered to him was that she was. “What? Oh, yes. You could say I was more than shocked to literally run into you in the hallway this morning.” Sam responded, giving her a sexy grin

“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize this is where you taught, or I would have made sure I was assigned to a different school.” Josie apologized. “I’ve finally been given a chance to write a story, and I’ve been assigned here as an undercover reporter, to report on what it’s like to be a teenager today.” Josie explained, trying to exude a persona of professionalism, all the while thinking how handsome Sam looked.

“Wow, Josie. That’s wonderful! I know you’ve always wanted to be a writer.” Sam responded proudly.

Josie blushed slightly, pleased that he remembered that. “Thank you. Actually, I guess I owe it to you. I took your advice and began pitching story ideas to my boss, and I think I wore him down.” Josie explained, her eyes studying the top of Sam’s desk

‘That’s great, Josie. I’m really happy for you.” Sam said sincerely, trying to meet Josie’s eyes.

“So, Sam. Obviously, if I’m going to get the story and do my job, I’ll need to you keep this between us?” Josie said, looking up at Sam.

Sam was lost in her eyes again. “Of course, Josie. I’ll do anything for you.” Sam replied, hoping she would understand his full meaning.

“Thank you. I really appreciate it.” After hesitating a moment, Josie continued. “Would you prefer I transfer to a different class? I’m sure I could do that without raising any suspicions.”

“No. No, Josie. Please don’t. I promise, I won’t do anything to jeopardize your story.” Sam said beseechingly.

“Okay. Actually, I’d prefer to stay in your class, if you don’t think it will be difficult.” Josie said. Sam’s heart jumped. “There are some students in your class, the ‘in-crowd,’ that I think will be able to give me some very useful material for my story.” Josie continued.

Sam’s heart fell. He had hoped she wanted to stay in his class because of him. ‘Why should she, Sam? You hurt her, remember?’ Sam thought to himself.

“You’re right. I think spending time around Guy’s group could be beneficial. ” Sam replied. “Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you, okay?”

“Thank you for the offer, but I’ll be fine.” Josie said. As she turned to leave, she said, “Thanks again. I’ll see you tomorrow, Sam, er, Mr. Coulson.” She said, quickly correcting herself.

And with that, she was gone.

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