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A minor side story of future characters in the Lighthouse Series. |
Word count: 1,722 "I can feel the chills of the dead coming from the forest," said the tall man, "and I can hear their whispers for revenge." "You worry too much, Layle," said the other man, covered in robes with a hood pulled over his head. "We must get through the Dark Forest to get to the Golden Army." The tall man groaned out his displeasure at the thought. Ivy, his betrothed, had died on the way to this forest and now they must fight their way through it. Layle wasn't a warrior, nothing like Garen or Kyle; he could barely use Fire of Color. It was said that the Dark Lord took refuge in the Dark Forest, now known as the Forest of the Dead. He could feel the coldness of the forest creeping over him, sending goose-flesh up his arms and neck. He looked over at his partner, Gale. He and Ivy had met him on the way over and he was a powerful Fire Raider, almost a master of Purple Fire. He was of average height and had a muscular build. His long, brown hair licked the side of his face as the dark wind blew through them and his bright, purple eyes starred into the forest. He had the same eyes as any other Fire Raider; bright and the color swimming in the eye like a liquid. Layle was taller than Gale was and slender. He had the eyes of the Fire Raider as well but his were bright silver. He had the power of Silver Fire and he never understood why the Father would bless such an untalented Fire Raider with the most mysterious and difficult Fires out of the seven Fires. He had become stronger since he'd left Kio and even stronger when Ivy was killed by a Hell Raider. Layle had vowed to cut down any Hell Raider that crossed his path. He would never forget how huge they were, easily standing at ten feet with arms and legs bounded with muscles as large as small tree trunks. The anger flashed in him and he looked over at Gale. "You're right," he said. "We have to get through this forest to join the Golden Army. The War of the Lighthouses grows more critical for every moment we waste here." Gale nodded his approval and walked toward the Forest of the Dead, Layle close behind him. The closer they grew to it, the heavier the Darkness became. Chills went through their bodies and it wasn't a normal chill, but a dark one that expelled from the depths of the forest. The sounds of screeching creatures forced their ways into Gale's and Layle's ears and the smell of rotted and burning flesh climbed into their noses. The Darkness of the forest had devoured them completely now that they entered it and the presence of the Darkness grew heavier around them making it difficult to walk through. They both had hands on the hilts of their swords, looking around the area carefully. The Dark Lord had to be close to them with how strong the Darkness was. Sounds grew louder and closer to them and Layle felt a hand grab firmly onto his should, causing him to whip around, drawing his sword on the creature behind him, but it was no creature. It was her, his betrothed, but at the same time, it wasn't her at all. Ivy's once perfect, auburn hair was now a tangled mess and a pale greying. Her eyes were a ghostly white and her lips a deep blue. Worst of all, the part of her head that was removed by the Hell Raider's great sword was still gone, her brains partially hanging out. She moved toward Layle unnaturally fast, clawing and biting at him. He moved away from her quickly, reluctant to cut her; she may be some dead creature but it was still his Ivy. Gayle came up from behind him and sliced his sword across her torso, a deadly blow to any man or Hell Raider, but not to her. She let out a cruel and deafening laugh and lunged at Gale. He held up his arm in defense and threw her to the ground, lighting his free hand up with a brilliant Purple Fire. Ivy attempted to lunge at him again and he shot a bolt of Purple Lightening at her, shooting a hole through her chest where the heart should be. Another laugh escaped her mouth and she pulled a sword out that her body seemed to have formed, and then jumped on to a tree limb and back down at Gale. He threw a ball of Purple Fire at her and she dodged out of the way and was then gone from Gale's sight. He saw her reappear at his side, but it was too fast for him to counter and she slashed the sword at his neck. The loud clash of steel on steel echoed throughout the forest as her sword met Layle's. He held up his arm and a stream of Silver Fire escaped his hand, hitting Ivy in the face, her laughs growing louder as she collapsed to the ground. The creature that was Ivy rolled back and forth on the ground, slapping and clawing at her own face still laughing until the Fire cut her voice out. Finally, the creature stopped twirling and was motionless, her face melted and unrecognizable. "What the hell was that?" Gale asked, breathing heavily. "The walking dead," Layle answered. "A dark power that could only be used by one creature." "More like the laughing dead. That was the most unnerving battle I've ever had." Layle nodded his agreement, and then had a strong shiver go throughout his body. Gale had the same shiver go through him and they could both hear the hissing laughter all around them, growing louder. "Nice of you to kill my first undead off," a voice hissed through the air, "but can you kill an army?" A shadow began to appear in front of Gale and Layle, circling around until a solid body was standing there. The creature had red eyes and the Darkness flowed off him as if he was the one expelling it. Layle backed away in fear at the creature, it was Him, it had to be. There was nothing else in this world that could release such a dark and cold feeling. The Dark Lord was walking toward them slowly, drawing out his sword. "Look around you," he hissed, "you will never make it to the Golden Army. I will not allow anyone else to join Cody's side in this war." The two of them looked around and saw scores of creatures surrounding them. They looked the same as Ivy did, all of them dead, or should be. "This is my army. The Dead Army. I would love to test my pets on you, but I am afraid that I must kill you myself." The Dark Lord melted toward Gale and cut him down, blood exploding from his chest. His screams of pain tore through Layle's head as he collapsed to the ground, bleeding out. He tried running toward him, but the Dark Lord was already there, swinging his sword. Layle was able to parry the attack and came back with an attack of his own. Every cut he made in the Dark Lord let off a stream of Darkness but it didn't hurt him at all. Layle sheathed his sword and let his arms go to his side. If only he could master Silver Fire or at least control the elements. It was at that thought that the earth around him began to tremble. Layle lifted his arms up and waved them forward, a shroud of earth flying past him and aiming for the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord let off a quick smile and melted into a black mist that maneuvered deftly around each rock that flew at him and came into contact with Layle. He knelt over from the pain that shot through his body and was next, flying through the air from a hit to the face. Swords can't kill him and he's too skilled to let himself get hit by the elements, how could Layle get out of this? Gale was left on the ground, bleeding out and dying. Neither of them knew Black Fire so he couldn't be healed. Layle caught himself in the air and landed softly back on the ground and drew out his sword to charge at the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord drew out his own sword and a shower of black and silver rained out from the contact of the two blades. Layle slashed wildly at the creature, but each strike was blocked and sent back his way. Cuts and gashes started showing on Layle's body, but he ignored the pain and continued his assault. He had to beat him so he could get Gale treated. He had to beat him so he could join Garen and Cody. The pain started to overwhelm him though and he could feel his sword and body grow heavy. His attacks got slower and his body started getting cut more, blood soaking through his cloak and pooling on the ground. His body finally gave out as he lunged at the Dark Lord, collapsing down with heavy breathing and blackness flashing in and out of his vision. This was it; there was nothing left he could do to fight the Dark Lord. He tried to reach out his hand for Gale, making one last effort to save him, but his arm wouldn't move. His thoughts led to Ivy and how they could still be in Kio living happily together. Why did everything have to end so quick and so painfully? Before the darkness of his eternal sleep was full, he thought he could see a flash of Gold Fire that drove back the Dark Lord and then another flash, this time of Green Fire. Someone had found them, they'll be saved. Then, the darkness finally collapsed on him and Layle ceased to see or feel anything except for the beautiful face of Ivy, her deep brown eyes looking into his and the touch of her soft lips on his, after that there was nothing but black and coldness. |