Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2009271-Raven-Chapter-1
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #2009271
Raven Chapter 1
The sun was shining warm against my skin as it cascaded down in ribbons of light, casting light shadows over the warm meadow. It was probably the most tranquil scene I had ever seen in my life. At least it was until the recognisably high pitched squeal of my alarm and the voice of Colin Radley, the radio host of the 107.3HFM morning show found its’ way into the peaceful dream. Still blurry with sleep and trapped in the bed sheets that I had obviously rolled around in during my dreams, I attempted to reach for my alarm to hit the snooze button, this particular clock picked because of its large snooze button that made sure no matter how sleepy I was, a good hit in the general direction of the little bed-side table would surely make its mark and give him another few minutes sleep. Whereas usually that would be the case, this time was different. This time instead of my hand meeting the cold plastic of the clock in a satisfying thump, it met nothing but the cold morning air, falling to rest on the side of the bed in a not so satisfying bump. Normally while this would surprise me, the tittering of laughter by the doorway gave away the secret to the missing clock.

“Sarah, seriously how many times have I told you to not go into my room?” Sarah didn’t hold back now. Through my watery eyes her small figure stood doubled over by the doorway, cackling like a witch while clutching the clock in her arms.

I’m sure if you have had a younger sister you would know what it’s like. She walks uninvited into your room and takes your stuff without asking, bothers you when you want to watch cartoons on TV, steals any food that you’ve placed in a container with your name on it; especially if it’s cake or anything sweet, and then brings home all her girly friends who whisper behind your back and talk loudly about what boy held who’s hand and things like ‘Isn’t Jason just the cutest’; often followed by giggles. Jason by the way is my best friend and accomplice in all things prank-wise. We met in year five and have been friends ever since, hanging out and pulling off pranks like last week when we managed to get away with soaking his sister Jess’ toothbrush in salty olive oil then got it on video. when she finally figured out, brush hanging halfway in her mouth as she poised in a slow motion scream, we had gotten in a lot of trouble and a harsh scolding from our parents but it was totally worth it. If this was Sarah and Jess’ way of getting us back for that, it was lousy as far as revenges go, and I’ve been through a few in my lifetime.

“Ha ha stupid sleepy head, good morning!” Her chirpy laughter was beginning to hurt my ears, I hope she hurries up and does whatever pitiful excuse of a revenge she has so I can go back to sleep. Instead she decided to continue on with her chant as she skipped down the hallway. “Peter Peter stupid head, got him up and out of bed!” Her refrain continued until it echoed off the tiles walls of the kitchen down the hall.

“So what”, I called back to her, feeling a sly grin cross my face. “It means I have at least one more hours’ worth of pranks to pull on you.” That stopped her in her tracks and I could hear her heavy footsteps crossing back towards my room as she began to shout.

“MOM! Peter’s being mean, he says he’s going to pull pranks on me all day!”

“I never said that you little snitch!” When I got my hands on her she won’t know what hit her. If there was one good thing about being woken up this early it was being able to spend a whole day coming up with the worst prank imaginable. I wonder if I could find a frog in the backyard to put in her cereal box tomorrow, she hates frogs; well, anything that looks slimy pretty much. I don’t exactly love them either but when it comes to revenge, I think I can manage.

Light laughter echoed down the hallway as mum, dressed in her black business suit and silver earrings, picked up her coat from the closet close to my room and continued on, her heels making a sharp clatter on the polished floors. “Now you two do we have to start this so early in the morning?”

“Mum she took my clock and woke me up, can you ground her or something?” She paused to let out a long sigh while giving me the look. You know that look that every mother gives that says ‘you behave and be nice to your sister’. I hate that look.

“Well it’s good to see you up early for once.” A small smile crossed her face as she continued down the hall calling. “Does your hair always look that bad in the morning? Now get dressed and have some breakfast I need to talk to you both before I go to work.”

Well since I was up I might as well make the most of my day. Luckily Sarah had left my phone intact so I could call Jason to see if he could come over for the day. Dialling the numbers and raising my phone to my ear, Jason picked up almost immediately at the first ring.

“Whoever you are do you know what time it is?” As you could tell, Jason much like me or any boy of our age, had been fast asleep when I called. If my mum thought it was hard to get me up in the morning she would probably give up if she had to wake him up, that guy could sleep through World War Three if he wanted to.

“It’s Peter, you want to come over to my place for the day?” His groaning lessened but he still didn’t seem amused at the thought of getting up.

“Like seriously, do you have a clock? When the big hand’s on the twelve and the little hand is on the six, that means it’s—”

“Yeah I know what that means Jason, I can tell the time. And by the way I have a digital clock, well I used to until my sister decided it would be funny to set it to six a.m. then take it away so I couldn’t hit snooze.”

“Sisters huh, what are they good for? Alright I can get up but you better have that PlayStation set-up on the big TV or I’m not going to be happy.” He hung up with a groan. Jason may have liked to sleep a lot but he would usually get up without a fuss for me. Like I said we were best friends, I would do anything for him and he would do anything for me.

I finally made it out of bed and to the kitchen, having just thrown on a pair of black jeans and a clean shirt, only bothering for a second to roughly run my hand through my auburn hair so it stuck up at the front and all down the middle. It wasn’t exactly how I would look if any of mum’s friends were coming over or if we were going out but it was better than what I did look like first thing in the morning. Sarah was still clutching my clock while she ate her cereal and mum was busy putting away the cutlery and dishes from the dishwasher. She turned around to scowl at me for my appearance but then smiled kindly as she handed me a plate of toast with jam on the side as she did every morning no matter what time I got out of bed.

“Did I hear you on the phone, is Jason coming over today?” I nodded, crunching slices of toast dipped in jam, much to my sisters disgust and my delight. “That’s good I need at least one responsible person in this house.” I looked at her with mock outrage as she laughed.

“I am insulted that you wouldn’t think I’m responsible, I am thirteen after all.”

“And that’s what worries me Peter, you are just thirteen. Still a boy.” She mockingly pinched my cheeks like a grandmother and laughed.

“well so is Jason mum”.

“I’m just kidding honey. I’m sure you are responsible when you want to be.” Avoiding my glare she continued. “I have to go to work today and will be a little longer than usual. I know it’s Saturday but I’ve been called in for a big case and I can’t get Alice to come in because she’s on holiday”.

“Mum I’ve told you before, I’m old enough to not need a babysitter.” Despite my various complaints she insisted that whenever she needed to go out and leave us at home we had to have someone there to look after us and Alice was kind enough to do it for a smaller rate than most babysitters. It’s not that Alice wasn’t nice or that she babied us, in fact she was pretty cool. Last time she came she brought a new game she had just bought and said I could play it as long as I didn’t bother Jess. The thing is though that I am thirteen and thirteen year old boys just don’t have babysitters.

“Now don’t go on about this again Alice is a nice girl who’s been kind enough to come in whenever we need her but she’s on holiday so it’s time for you to prove how mature you really are ok?”

“You mean we don’t have to have a babysitter?” Finally today was looking better and better.

“As long as you and your sister swear to a truce until I get back.” We stared at each other, clearly Jess didn’t like the idea of being looked after by me and I didn’t like it much either, but when mum asked as to do something we did it. “Thank you. Now, I’m off wish me luck.” We both did and watched her take her car down the driveway and around the corner, stopping to roll down her window and quickly talk to Jason who had just walked around. With a nod she continued on and Jason climbed the steps to the front door as I opened it to let him in.

“I hear you’re on a truce.” It was a bashful comment but I could see a smile forming on his face.  “Suppose that doesn’t apply to me now does it? How about I play referee if needed?”

“That’s probably a good idea, she woke me up then took my alarm this morning so we’re not exactly on good terms.” Again he smiles and took off his shoes, vintage-style black converse. Well, when I say vintage I really mean they had been worn so often you would think that he found them I a graveyard.

“So I heard.” Then to Sarah, “Nice one!” They high-fived, leaving me to suddenly become defenceless.

“Hey I thought you were on my side?” I knew there was a reason for that off-handed look.

“Sorry, referee remember? Your mum’s orders.” I can’t believe she was serious when she said that having Jason around would mean there would be someone responsible. Even still I can’t believe she would actually think that he would break his word and the truce with his sister. Sometimes I’m pulled between being annoyed and amazed at my mum’s ability to judge what I’m going to do before I do it. Next time then, after the truce is over.

Jason unpacked his backpack, taking out a few sodas and games. He also took out what looked like a doll wrapped in pink cellophane with a note clumsily attached to it. He handed it over to Sarah much to her delight.

“My sister told me to give this to you, said you wanted it or something like that. Honestly though I don’t know why girls these days play around with those sorts of dolls when they could be hanging out with actual people.” I saw what he meant when she had finally managed to free the doll from its cage of cellophane and enough sticky tape to piece together a small house. Inside was boy doll wearing khaki shorts and a blue polo top which didn’t button up until halfway down its’ chest. Seriously those doll makers should rethink who they’re selling these to.

“I’m going to name him…” She looked around as if trying to find a name in thin air before her eyes rested on the gift-bearer. “Jason.” She giggled, swinging the doll in her arms. Jason didn’t exactly look thrilled with the idea.

“I’m not sure whether to be flattered or entirely creeped out.” My money is on being creeped out. But that’s just me. “Why don’t you go play with…that while I keep your brother busy so he doesn’t annoy you?” I was about to protest but then thought better of it. After all he was trying to get rid of my sister so we would have some peace at last.

“Thanks Jay!” She continued giggling as she skipped down the hall to her own room, talking to herself or the doll; I couldn’t exactly tell.

“Thanks Jay!” I mimicked. “Why don’t you come play with me as well, we could play family?” He made a disgusted expression but quickly hid it behind a smile.

“Why does she always call me Jay? Does she like me or something?”

“Yuck! Seriously she’s my bratty sister, don’t say things like that! She’s probably just trying to be like all those girls at school, always hanging around the older boys.” He laughed at that. It was the truth though. At Saint Bell’s college it was well-known that the junior girls hug with the middle-school guys, though I’m sure the guys didn’t want it that way.

“Well you never know, how do you know she’s not my type?”

“Jason, you wouldn’t know your type if it was tattooed on your wrist.” He feigned being hurt and playfully jabbed me on the arm. I hated it when he did that, it always hurt.

“And I suppose the great Peter Baker knows his type oh yes!”

“Of course I do. Girls are my type. Doesn’t matter what type of girls, just girls in general.”

“Well some people just don’t think about girls the way you do Peter.” I wanted to protest but didn’t. Jason looked a little weird like he was uncomfortable or as if someone had just inched him. “Anyway”, he hastily tried to cover up his momentary pause, “I thought I told you the conditions of me getting up? I don’t see a PlayStation set up anywhere.” I apologised, I had spent the time between getting up and seeing mum off planning my revenge on Sarah that I had completely forgotten about the PlayStation.

“Sorry, forgot. I’ll set it up now. Mum’s not home till much later so we’ve got a whole day of nothing, just like I like it.” As I set up the PlayStation on the big TV in the living room Jason emptied a plastic bag of games onto the floor, sifting through them to pick the first one he wanted to play.

“I suppose then you forgot the homework Mr. Morgan gave us? Remember? The chapter to read for English.” I had remembered, but I had all of tomorrow to finish it off before Monday’s lesson.

“No I remembered, just haven’t done it yet. What was the chapter again?” He sighed while handing over Star Wars Battlefront II. Jason was one of those people that did his homework the moment it was given and got good marks for it too. I usually got pretty good marks but if there was a chance of slacking off I preferred doing that. After all, six hours a day during the week is enough let alone needing to do school work outside of school in my own time when I’d rather be reading, hanging out with Jason or playing games.

“It’s the first chapter of Wind in the Willows. We need to read it and comment on the use of animals instead of people. I’ll summarise the chapter for you but you have to answer the questions.”

“Yeah ok, thanks.” If there was one good thing about Jason being a slight nerd, it was his willingness to help me out, free of charge. Well, usually free of charge. On the rare occasion I did have to bribe him with food or let him borrow one of my games. A small price to pay for freedom on the weekends.

It was late afternoon, and two games later, when we decided to take a break to eat. Mum had left some stuff for hotdogs in the fridge so we heated them up, making sure there was an even coating of tomato sauce and mustard for the best flavour. Sarah was still in her room playing with her doll but eventually came after I called her seven times.

“You know I don’t mind if you don’t eat but we promised mum we wouldn’t fight until she got back.” She mumbled a thanks and took her food back into her room, clearly occupied with that weird doll. “You know what Jason, I think you should bring dolls more often. I think this is the first day I’ve had in ages that I haven’t had to deal with her wanting to play or screaming at me.”

“Well that’s probably because of the truce your mum swore you to but I’m happy to take the recognition. Just call me Fix-It Jason.”

“Gee don’t quit your day job Fix-It Jason, you’re terrible at names. I feel sorry for you if you ever get married and name the baby.” Jason playfully jabbed at me again but I anticipated and managed to dodge this time, deciding to take the joke further. “I mean, if it’s a boy you’d probably call it Baldy and if it’s a girl you’d probably name it after a food…Apple or something.”

“Oh very funny, you should go into comedy. You know if I was a girl my mum wanted to name me Mya Claire? My dad didn’t like it though, thought it sounded like ‘my Éclair’, like the desert.” Jason got up, hitched up his jeans to his waist and strutted around while jutting out his chin. If you had ever seen his father, you’d know this was a pretty good impression. “Mya Claire! Why don’t you just call it my Neenish Tart!” That was it. Never in my life had I laughed so hard. It was a good ten minutes before we both recovered, and even then it was painful to breath so we remained lying on our backs where we spent the last few minutes laughing, unable to get up.

“In all seriousness though, I don’t think I would ever have a son or daughter, or a wife.” It wasn’t like Jason to sound all serious. I managed to haul myself up into a sitting position facing Jason.

“Why’s that?” He also sat up, though still holding his side as it probably still hurt from all the laughing.

“I don’t know. It’s sort of hard to say.”

“What? Are you afraid of girls or something? Come on, don’t tell me you’re afraid of girl germs. What are you? Five?” It was a bit of a jest to try and break him out of his seriousness. He lightened up a little, enough to smile but not enough to look me in the eye.

“No it’s not that.”

“Then what?” Then a thought crossed my mind. Thinking about the past few years and how he’s acted today and even now when he won’t look me in the eye as if he had some big secret. “Do you like girls?” He paused, knowing I had hit the spot.

“Umm…no, not really.” He looked away for a minute then seeing my expression he finally busted. “Please don’t hate me I just don’t know why. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier but I didn’t know how you would react. Pease say something. Yell at me or hit me just do something please!” I never had guessed that all this time he held this secret. When did he find out? More to the point how did he find out? His expression was pleading and he fought to control himself as I realised I had been quiet since he spilled. He waited to hear me say something or hit him. Quite honestly I wasn’t sure what to think or do. So I did both, giving him a solid whack on the arm that made him cry out in pain.

“How could you? I mean all this time you kept this from me?” He began to back away, trying to put space between himself and me.

“I’m sorry I didn’t know how—”

“I’m not finished with you yet.” I interrupted, glaring at him and feeling betrayed, like I didn’t know who this person was anymore. Well, for a moment at least just to scare him. Then I gave him a broad smile and a gentler tap on the shoulder. “Seriously did you think that something like that would stop us being best friends? Idiot I don’t care about that you’re my friend and that’s all that matters.” He paused as if not knowing what just happened, looking quizzical.

“You mean, you don’t care at all?”

“No of course not. Why would I?” A slight gleam hit his eye as a single tear threatened to roll down his cheek. A little awkward and unsure what to do next I handed him a tissue from the box on the coffee table next to us and handed it to him. “Now stop crying, it’s weird to see you cry.” He laughed and wiped away the tears that had begun to drift down his face.

“Hey, you have no idea what it feels like to get that off my chest.” Putting the tissue into his hoodie pocket he gave me a wicked grin that could only mean one thing. “Now how about another round? Or are you finished being beaten by me at a simple game?” His jest lightened the mood making it a little less awkward.

“Beaten? And I suppose those times I won you were resting your eyes?”


         It was another few minutes before I ventured a question.

“So…you like anyone from school?” Jason’s face went red, giving me just enough time to shoot his character and win the match.

“Hey no fair” he complained.

“Just answer the question.” Again his face went red but this time he fumbled the controller to distract himself.


“Who is it? Come on you can tell me.” Jason took a deep breath, finally giving in and turning away from the screen.

“Well you know Kyle from 9C?” I nodded. “I may have a thing for him...but he’s not into guys so I guess it isn’t going to go anywhere.”

“Well even if he did like guys I think you’d have to get in line behind all the junior girls first. That’s if they don’t tear you to shreds.” I barely had enough time to balance myself before I started falling over, pushed by a sneaky hand.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to push you over, here” he held out his hand and pulled me up before I promptly pushed him over in return.

“Sorry, but I did mean to do that.” Just before he could think of retaliating, Sarah came out of her room and crossed to the front door calling out.

“I’m going to check the mail.”

“Come on Jason, we better go with her so she doesn’t go running off on her own.”

         By the time I managed to pull Jason up and head outside Sarah was at the mailbox and taking out the letters, shuffling through each one. Suddenly a gust of wind blew by, making the trees bend and sway precariously and the weathervane on the neighbours hours to spin around madly. Without warning, one of the envelopes in Sarah’s hand caught the wind and flew out, twirling in the breeze to blow over into the middle of the road where she, without warning, stepped out onto without seeing the car speeding through the lights at the top of the hill that came towards the house. I willed my legs to move and they did, fasted then they ever had gone. I could cry out to Sarah to look out but would she see the trouble and quickly get out of the way or would she stand there not knowing what to do. Aware of the car fast approaching and Jason racing a few metres behind me I hopes and prayed that I would make it in time to drag her away from the road and give her a good scolding before mum got home.

Now only two metres away from Sarah I realise that the car is going way to fast and that I won’t make it in time. With a last burst of energy and effort I throw myself onto the road, aiming to push Sarah as hard as I can, knowing full well that the screeching in my ears was a combination of the car breaking, Sarah realising what was going on and Jason shouting for both of us to watch out. Something hit my hands and I knew instantly that I had made it and could push Sarah out of the way so she wouldn’t get hurt. Unfortunately there only enough time to push her out of the way and in an instant my body had replaced hers where she was standing. Then I found myself on the ground, my vision slightly foggy and my fingers tingling. I tried to get up but although I had the sensation like my legs were moving, I could tell they weren’t. Suddenly my hearing cleared enough to hear drowned out noises, the running engine of a car and a far-off siren. I could just make out the voice of Sarah a few paces back on the sidewalk and Jason murmuring something to her. She called out.

“Please wake up Peter please. I promise I’ll be nice to you and won’t call you names or wake you in the morning or take your stuff. Just please wake up…Peter….PETER!” I tried to call out but was only capable of a scratchy grunt. Footsteps announced Jason coming to kneel in front of my eyes so I could see him, more footsteps and what sounded like wheels on pavement announced the paramedics quickly approaching. Jason leaned in to my vision and held my hand tight.

“Peter listen to me. Remember when we had just become friends and we agreed to never break any promise?” I managed a weak nod. “Then promise me you’ll fight this and be ok? Promise me, I want to hear you say you promise. Promise you won’t leave me I don’t know what I’d do without my best friend.” With some effort I managed to grunt out that I would be ok and that I wouldn’t leave him. Then everything went black.

© Copyright 2014 Daisukee (daisukee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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