Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2008980-Natasha--Naomi-Girls-Night-Out
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #2008980
The fifth entry. Naomi's friends treat her to dinner. Though, Naomi is very hungry...
"Thanks again for inviting me to dinner." Naomi said, looking over the menu.

"Hey, what are friends for?" Ruth replied.

"It's the least we could do for letting us sleep over last week." Taylor commented.

"Still, the stuff here isn't cheap, especially with the three of us..."

"No, Naomi. I said I'd pay, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. Get whatever you like! My treat." Ruth said with a smile.

"Good, because I'm starving! I haven't eaten since breakfast!"

Finally, a waiter came to their table as soon as the girls were ready to order. "Right, gimmie the steak. Make it rare." Taylor said.

Ruth just looked at Taylor in disdain. "I'll just have the veggie burger, thanks..."

Naomi looked like she was concentrating hard on something. "Hmm... I can't decide between the chicken or the salmon... The chicken is so crunchy, but the salmon is so savory..." Naomi was practically salivating at the thought.

Taylor rolled her eyes. "Why don't you get both?"

Naomi gleefully smiled. "That's a great idea! I'll get both!"

Both Ruth and Taylor were surprised. "Um... Naomi, I was actually..."

"Naomi!" Ruth interrupted. "When I said 'my treat,' that wasn't permission to order everything on the menu!"

Naomi got a sheepish look on her face. "Sorry, Ruth... I just couldn't help myself..."

Ruth huffed. "I usually expect this from Taylor, but not you, Naomi!"

"Yeah, the edgy moocher thing is all mine!" Taylor replied, sipping her drink. "I should probably work on my delivery... it's way too deadpan."

Naomi was trembling. "I-I'm sorry! I'll pay for my extras, I promise!"

Ruth paused, then sighed in defeat. "It's okay... I said I would pay for dinner, and that's exactly what I'll do. Don't worry about it, Naomi."

Naomi still couldn't help but feel guilty for making her friend pay more for her. "Okay..."

Aside from that, the three of them idly chatted between each other while they waited for the food to arrive. They were mostly catching up, discussing new plans and last weeks sleepover. However, Naomi wasn't fully concentrating on the conversation. She was more concerned about her grumbling stomach.

Luckily, their food arrived before it got out of hand. They all happily took their food and started eating. Naomi seemed the most eager as she ravenously ate her plate of chicken tenders. The other girls noticed as well. "Geeze, Naomi... what's gotten into you?"

Naomi immediately stopped. Her face turned red. "I-I don't know! I don't know what came over me..." They exchanged uncomfortable glances and returned to their meal. Naomi returned to a more mild-mannered pace. They had a few minutes of eating, with the occasional conversation sprinkled in.

Even with her two meals, Naomi was the first one finished out of the three of them. Naomi was wiping her face with a napkin while the others were staring at her empty plates.

"Geeze..." Taylor started. "You weren't kidding when you said you were starving."

Ruth sighed. "Well, at least you should be full now..."

"Actually..." Naomi had a sheepish look on her face.

Ruth just stared at Naomi in disbelief. "You're kidding."

"I know... I'm surprised, too! Before, I thought that all that would fill me up with leftovers, but now..." Naomi rubbed her slightly bulging stomach. "I feel like there's still room for more..."

"Well, don't look at me!" Ruth said firmly. "I'm not paying for anything else."

"I know..." Naomi said, embarrassed and dejected.

Taylor was just idly looking around during the conversation when something caught her eye. "Maybe you won't have to. What about that?" She pointed to a wall with several pictures around a gigantic looking burger.

"The Big Larry?" Naomi said nervously. "I don't know..."

"Woah, woah, woah..." Ruth replied. "What is the Big Larry?"

"It's an eating challenge they hold at this restaurant holds occasionally..." Naomi answered. "It's a huge 8 pound quadruple hamburger with everything you can think of on a burger, lettuce, tomatoes, bacon, you name it."

"It got started when the cook's wife, Wendy, ordered too much meat. So they started the challenge. They originally called it the Big Goliath, but then they named it after people who successfully beat the challenge. It's been called the Big Lemmy, Big Morton, Big Iggy, Big Ludwig, Big Roy... It's never been named for a girl before."

Ruth and Naomi looked blankly at Taylor after that lengthy explanation. "Okay, how do you know all that?" Ruth asked. "You've only been here a week!"

"I like to stay informed. The point is: If you can down that entire burger with two sides of fries, your meal is free!" After she said that, a waitress arrived. "Is there anything else I can get you?" She asked in an unenthusiastic tone.

"Yes, this lady will be taking the Big Larry challenge!" Taylor said, pointing to Naomi. The waitress stared in disbelief, then returned to the kitchen shouting, "We've got a Big Larry!"

Naomi was suddenly panicked. "Taylor, what were you thinking? I'm not sure if I can eat that much!" She said, getting self-conscious.

"Yeah, what if she can't? We'd have to pay even more!" Ruth replied.

"Would you two just relax? If there's any girl that can take on that Big Larry, it's our girl, Naomi!"

Naomi blushed, while Ruth was unamused. "You better be right, Taylor, or you won't hear the end of it." She grumbled.

"Hey, when have I ever been not right?"

"Really, you want me to go there?"

Before their argument could escalate, the waitress returned with the biggest burger the girls have ever seen, along with two plates of fries. "Alright, you've got an hour to eat all this burger along with the fries. You don't finish in time, or you call it quits, that's it. Good luck." The waitress started a large timer and set it on the table.

Once the timer began, Naomi took a big bite or of the monstrous burger. It hardly made a dent in it. Naomi continued ravenously eating the giant burger. After a couple minutes, a couple spectators started coming over to watch.

Around the fifteen minute mark, Naomi started slowing down. She wasn't even halfway finished. *Urp* "Guys... I don't know. I'm starting to feel pretty full."

Taylor tried to encourage her. "Come on, Naomi... You can do it! You'll go down in history as the first woman to conquer this challenge! Don't you want that?"

"I don't know!" Naomi complained between swallows. "There's so much left, and don't even get me started on the fries! I don't know if I can finish..."

"You just focus on that burger, Naomi. We're here for you." Taylor shifted glances, then discreetly took some of the fries from the plate and put them in her mouth.

Ruth, in the meantime, wasn't interested in the display of gluttony starring Naomi, and she idly laid her head on her crossed arms, quickly getting bored. She saw Taylor sneak some of the fries, and she jumped up. "Taylor, what are you doing?" She said in a hushed tone.

"Helping us win." Taylor mumbled.

"But that's cheating!"

"They never said we couldn't. Besides, do you want to pay for this or not?"

That snapped Ruth out of her boredom. After a moment of consideration, Ruth began taking some fries, too.

Naomi was still busy eating the burger. She was halfway finished with it when she began to feel like she was hitting her limit. The timer hit 40 minutes when Naomi slowed down greatly. "Ooh... I'm too full now..."

"Come on, Naomi, don't give up! You don't want Ruth to get upset for blowing her bank, do you?"

"I... really don't want to pay for all this..." Ruth replied sheepishly.

"I... I know, but I feel like I've hit my limit."

"Come on, Naomi! You've got some room in there somewhere! Ruth, rub her belly."

Ruth jumped in shock. "What? Why do I have to do it?"

"Because you're closer, and I can't reach."

Ruth sighed, exasperated and reached over and massaged her plushy belly with one hand. "The things I do when I'm feeling generous..." She grumbled under her breath.

Naomi blushed while Ruth rubbed her overstuffed belly. "N-No... it's fine, really... I'm not a..." Naomi was interrupted by something rumbling deep within her. She quickly covered her mouth, but she still let out a relatively loud belch. Naomi's blushing became even redder.

"You feel better now?" Ruth asked gently. Naomi shyly nodded. "You got some room now?" Naomi nodded again.

"Go get 'em, tiger. It's in the bag."

"Technically, we're not taking leftovers, so we don't want it in the bag." Ruth replied. Taylor shot an unamused glance at her.

Naomi managed to get her second wind, and she began devouring the remainder of the burger. When she was slowing down, her friends started chanting her name. "Naomi! Naomi! Naomi!" The crowd started chanting with them. Once she crammed the last of the burger into her mouth, the challenge was nearly over. With one final swallow, the Big Larry had fallen.

The crowd started cheering as the waitress returned with the manager. The waitress opened Naomi's mouth and looked inside. "Yep, she's a winner."

The manager held up a camera. "Smile!" The camera flashed. "What's your name, young lady?"


The manager waved Naomi's friends together. "Let's get one more all together." The three girls posed together for another picture, and then one more picture. "So, now the challenge is called the Big Naomi! How's it feel to have a menu item named after you?"

"I-It's great..." Naomi said shyly between restrained belches.

"You feeling pretty full?"

Naomi nodded. "I never want to eat that much again..."

They shared a chuckle. "Well, now your bill is on us, so... we hope you'll come again." He added quietly, "Seriously, your bill was enormous, please come back..."

"Oh, don't worry. We will." Taylor answered for them all as both Taylor and Ruth got up to help their bloated friend up. Naomi had a dazed look on her face, and her now much larger belly wobbled with each step. Ruth unlocked the car while Taylor eased Naomi into the back seat. "Best. Night. Ever." Taylor said.

Naomi let out a large belch again. "W-Would it be too much to ask for a tummy rub?" She asked, getting super drowsy.

The girls quickly exchanged glances. "Not it." Ruth quickly said as she hopped in the driver's seat. Taylor chuckled as she hopped in the back with Naomi.
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