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Rant about some of the Presidents recent actions. Posted for Facebook originally. |
Something’s just not right, the things you think of when you can't sleep. Reasons, I have to be careful not to spit this out in riddles, it’s a writing thing. No for once, it’s not some chic who hurt me that’s keeping me up. That was last night, tonight its worldly matters. I was never a supporter of Obama, I don't believe he is even American, he was born in Kenya... I did however respect the man for only two reasons, he is our president, he is older than I. I no longer respect this man and here is why. Just a few hours after he addressed the nation regarding journalist James Foleys brutal beheading by isis, he was seen playing golf at his country club, playing golf, there are photos of him looking so happy, waving to his country club buddies. Now, if golf relieves someone’s stress, that is fine I support it. But here is what made me lose all respect for this man. In a press release to an outraged public over this, he apologizes and admits he was wrong. His biggest regret he said, was he forgot about the press cameras. That's his concern? The fucking cameras? That caught him enjoying life, playing like a child. We are at war, I'm not sure everyone knows this, we just had two American journalists beheaded and thanks to technology, put on display for the world to see. There is no more powerful message than that. This jackass then says in the same interview, he is uncomfortable in the "theater". Our commander and chief is uncomfortable, in the job he ran for. He openly admits it, that’s the only thing I do respect about him now. He says there is no intelligence to show that isis is a threat to "the homeland" BUT they may become a serious threat to "the homeland" in the future. This guy openly admitted he had no clue what to do about isis strategically in a recent press conference. Now he is uncomfortable in the theater, and the enemy may be on our soil in some not to far away future time. I didn't vote for Obumma, all this shit I just typed is why. Well, more because growing up, I was taught that the president of the United States, was American Only. The enemy, I don't care what they are called and whose faces are shown. They are the same friggen groups, its like saying last year East Providence was Alquida, this year North Providence is the Islamic state. It's the same fucking thing and what stresses me out besides local 'law enforcement' 'issues' throughout our entire land. Is our enemy, raises their children, to hate every one of you, and I and every American. Think about that, while our kids are in school for education, home playing on their gadgets enjoying being alive. The children of the enemy, by AGE 9. Can kill any adult without hesitation with a variety of weapons. By age 16 they are enlisted into the main war machine. I hope I am wrong and of the two people besides me who might read this, if you think I am crazy, I hope I am. My mother never believed in me, why should you. But I know I am right, I know they are coming the first opportunity they get. Some are already here, they have been for years and our leader feels uncomfortable being in charge of everything. I know I am not the only one with this stuff on my mind. I will add this also; I personally fear no man, evil, or death. I am empathic, and can feel emotions of everyone around me, 10's of thousands of us are worried, and more join us every day, soon to be 100's of thousands in that boat. There are millions of us who have no idea we are even at war, the television tells them we are "conducting airstrikes overseas" to 'help' the new Iraq government. I know there are small groups of people formed all over the world who want to change things, help our planet out a little, and help humanity fix itself. They are too small and need the right leadership. The only reason things are so bad, is because 'we the people' gave away our freedom many years ago, in exchange for what we believed was the right thing to do. Some 'Politician' talked us into giving up our rights, in exchange for security, communication, a better way of life. What the Politician didn't mention was that everything he was offering, the protection and better life, was only for his family and friends. That’s it, in its simplest form, we been had. Most of us know it, and now don't know what to do other than what we are told to do. That is not freedom, that is slavery. Well I suppose I will try to get some rest now, I needed that out of my head. I thought about making this private just now; it is very difficult to unlearn the programming they have engrained in us all since birth. Ill edit it later, I typed this out on my phone and have no idea how it looks. I understand how important words and word structure are; I'm really just too tired to care. If anyone looks at the overall article/rant, and dismisses anything I have said based on my spelling (no spell check) or grammar, guess what? Your programs running perfect. Finding flaws in me, will not make you flawless. I'm tired of humanity doing that to each other too. Good night/morning Team Earth. |