Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2008801-Change-of-Season-Change-of-Perspective
Rated: E · Poetry · Nature · #2008801
Along with the change of season, comes by change of perspective
There was a time when I fretted not
about meter or rhyme.
I just picked up my pen and wrote
what was on my mind.

My dreams were of:
gentle winds that blow across the billowy grass,
of nightingales who sing their song
cuddling their young at their breast,
of golden meadows, where wildlife roam, and
trickling streams which flow along
nature's antique paths, lapping over and over,
mossy and sage-painted stones.

Crooked boughs on crooked trees
which shed their peated mops,
summer leaves turn over now
to wave their last good-byes.

carousel of nature's dance
plays throughout the year.
Honeysuckle sweet and stout no longer fills
the nippy air.
Greeted instead with freshly plowed fields
and bales of hay, newly made.
Giving up its life sustaining gifts,
the exposed naked earth shivers.

The excited
chatter of squirrels
grow quieter still, as their cheeks expand to full.
Into the swaying
canopy they leap,
rustling the foliage as they go to store their winter's ware.

Silence reigns as the azure skies meet the darkest nights,
up above the
harvest moon
shines down upon us, nice and bright.

In the early morning dawn, as the world awakes,
my breath is taken aback every time, by the
sweeping coral strips, zigzagging through the
burnt, fiery sunrise.

I rub the chill bumps on my arms,
happy and content.

Form, no longer on my mind.

Theme: Nature - Autumn

You must use at least four senses (smell, hear, see, touch, taste) as well as giving the reader an emotion whether tis anticipation, exhilaration or dread (for example).

You must give the reader color without using standard 'colors'. (see below)

Words to use: Canopy, carousel, chatter, harvest,

Words NOT to use: red, green, brown, black, gray, blue, yellow, orange, smell, hear, see, taste, feel, touch, cold, hot

Must be at least 20 lines, rhyme or not.
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