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Together yet in different worlds |
Quite the 14th Birthday Event... now on to poetry that has nothing to do with birthdays, parties, balloons or streamers! Theme: Nature - Autumn You must use at least four senses (smell, hear, see, touch, taste) as well as giving the reader an emotion whether tis anticipation, exhilaration or dread (for example). You must give the reader color without using standard 'colors'. (see below) Words to use: Canopy, carousel, chatter, harvest, Words NOT to use: red, green, brown, black, gray, blue, yellow, orange, smell, hear, see, taste, feel, touch, cold, hot Ghostly fingers lace across the meadow as a hint of wood smoke lingers. Jacket time called in by geese migrating, flying high although it is too early for such things. Canopy leaves whisper of vermilion journeys and already, cinnamon and nutmeg chatter underfoot, begging the question of out-of-monthly night-orb dance; gilding all but the sand-hill crane's wings silhouetted against the bloated fish-belly of harvest moon. Apple-wood ringed in copper shoots sparks to rise and dip: crimson fire flies mingle with late lightning bugs as the burning wood turns flame to teal and celadon. I sip my mug of coffee, savor the crunch of free fall apple, not yet fully ripe, inhale the newborn essence of the sleepy time dawning. A hart grunts beyond the rim of meadow, not yet in rut, nor has the fever risen, but it tingles in the blood, marked by moon and flight of crane, measured in wax and wane of more than lunar heraldry. As autumnal urges surge, the hunters yearn to begin the hunt: both stag to knock the doe or arrow nocked in bow for buck. Symmetry scaled in balance of skill, of blood, of luck. My Robin, my Puck, grins as fingers itch to seize his moment, his string to pluck. Feelings carousel, a dizzy spin to music heard only in the head and heart and yet like notes upon a sheet of some autumnal symphony marked by crack of branch or snort or stomp, or madrigal, perhaps, where each integral word becomes a part of something more immense than antlered heads or bony branches, more intense than riotous shades of a grounded rainbow swirled on orchestral pallet. Too tumultuous, I fear-- belied by lazy scetchings of wood-smoke stitching the meadow as we reclined in moon glow to drift on independent rifts of thought: where he already was on the hike and I had new poetry to write. |