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The first part of a 3 part story. |
"Soul!!!!" yelled Maka at the time of her lungs as Soul had just been pierced by a demonic sword. Soul and Maka had been assigned by Lord Death to investigate rumors about a mysterious being who took the souls of human beings in the Czech Republic. The two arrived early the next morning and immediately began searching for clues that could lead them to the beings whereabouts. While searching around the town, Maka came across what seems to be like a cellar door, except she could sense the soul of somebody inside. Curious, Maka called Soul over and told him to break open the lock, "Your kidding right? Remember what happened last time you were curios about something?" said Soul annoyingly, "Of course i'm not! I sensed the soul of something in there and I wanna know what it is!", not wanting to argue with Maka, Soul breaks the lock open and opens the cellar doors, The two then begin heading down the stairway. Once they reached the bottom, they both began to look for a source of light they could use to see their way around. Being as careless as normal, Soul runs into a bookcase, which conveniently had a lantern sitting on the second shelf, 'Wow! good job Soul!" yelled Maka enthusiastically, "Yup cause I totally meant to do that..." said Soul, getting up while rubbing the newly formed bump on his head. As they continue their search, Maka came across a door with strange handwriting on it, "Soul, come look at this", "What do you think it means", said Maka as Soul approached the door, "How they hell should I know?" said Soul in a calm tone. All of a sudden the door swung upon and a bunch of kishin possessed humans ran towards them, surprised, Maka said "Quickly Soul, Transform!", Soul then immediately transformed into a scythe and they began fighting off the possessed humans. After what seemed like an eternity of fighting, the possessed humans began running back into the dark hallway, curious and confused, Maka ran after them. The hallway seemed to continue forever and ever, tired, Maka sat down and took a few breaths, "What do you thinks goin on" said Soul in his normal voice, "I don't know, but it can't be good!" said Maka as she got up and began running again. After running again for what seemed like forever, the two finally reached a doorway. As they walked inside, the door slammed shut behind them, startled, Maka jumps back and readies her scythe, only to find that there's nothing there. "Are you okay?" asks Soul in a concerned tone, "Ya i'm fine, I thought I heard something but it was nothing.". Maka and Soul continued to search for clues in the room they had just discovered, "Maka, you might wanna come look at this" said Soul who looked surprised at what he had just found, "What is it?" Maka asks as she comes over and looks at it, "I don't know, but it looks like some type of seal", "Do you think we should break it?" Maka asks in a curious tone, "Ah why the hell not? I don't see anything bad happening if we do". With this being said, Soul changed into a scythe and broke the lock holding the chest shut, suddenly the chest burst open and a mysterious being appeared in front of them. "Are you the ones that freed me?" the being asks and a questionable tone, "Yes we are!" Maka shouts at him, "Now tell us, who are you?", "You obviously don't know how to read you stupid girl, i'm the great demon sword of destruction, I was sealed away in this chest many years ago because of the destructive path I chose to go on", "You've gotta be kiddin me" Soul shouts angrily, "Are you saying we just freed the thing we've been looking for?". "Damn boy, you should really learn how to shut your damn mouth!" the sword says, lunging forward at Soul and cutting straight through him. Maka watched in despair as she had just watched her friend and weapon get stabbed in front of her. "Soul! Soul!!" Maka shouts, Soul raised his hand and put it on her mouth, "Y'know, you need to learn how to shut up, anyways you gotta get outta here, don't worry about me, I'll be fine" Soul says as he coughs blood up, just after he finished speaking. Maka burst out in tears and clutched her injured friend, the being walked forward and said, "Don't worry girl, you'll be joining your friend soon enough", and with that he raised his sword and prepared to strike. Time seemed to slow down for Maka, all she could do is watch as her death was near as the sword got closer, she closed her eyes at waited for her imminent death, just as the sword was about to strike her, a loud clang was sent echoing through the room and down the hallway. Maka opened her eyes, she saw that she was still alive, confused, she looked up and saw a strange man blocking the swords attack, her eyes widened, "Who are you" she asks confused, "Never mind that! You need to take your friend and get the hell out of here, I''l hold him off until your safe, afterwards, I'll take you and your friend to the nearest hospital". Thinking drastically, she did as the man instructed her to and began running down the hallway, "Not if I have anything to say about it!" The sword yelled and immediately went after Maka, "I don't think so!" The man shouted jumping in front of the sword and knocking him back into the room. The man then turned around and grabbed Maka, "We'll get out faster this way, just hang on!", after this was said, the man used a special technique that transported them out of the building. Maka, confused, looks at the man, she asks, "Just who are you and why did you save us?", the man looked down at Maka, "You really wanna know who I am? Fine. My name is Zeal, I was commanded to protect that chest until given other commands, unfortunately, the swords power caught me off guard and locked me in the chest with him, you see, when you freed that sword, you also freed his guardian, and with that, I must thank you for saving me from that wretched place.", "You mean we accidentally freed a death sword but also freed his guardian? Wow, i'm, I mean we! are really sorry!". Zeal then patted Maka on the head and said, "I think we should get your friend to a hospital", "Don't worry, we're actually really close to the DWMA academy", Zeal's eyes suddenly widened, "The DWMA academy huh? i haven't been there in so long, well I guess I was bound to return sometime", and with this being said, Zeal and Maka, who was carrying an injured Soul, made their way back to the academy, but they we're in for a BIG surprise. END PART 1 |