Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2006930-Wicca-of-the-West
Rated: GC · Short Story · Contest Entry · #2006930
Owen meets the love of his life when she enters his shop for the first time.
Owen Padraic stood behind the counter of his occult shop pouring over the accounting books for the current month for his business, Wicca of the West Coast. His family owned a shop on the east coast that held a similar name, except theirs was Wicca of the East Coast. They got the idea from the Wizard of Oz. Owen decided to open his shop on the west coast of the United States to establish a life of his own separate from the rest of his family. His sister remained on the east coast, and was more than happy to assist their parents with the day to day functions of their shop.

Owen looked up from the books when the bell above the door dinged to let him know a customer was entering his shop. He watched the beautiful stranger enter. She wore a thin green blouse over what he guessed was a tan camisole. The skirt she wore went to her ankles and flowed around her legs as she moved. Her flaxen hair hung to her waist and was tied back in a loose pony tail. He watched as she cautiously perused his wears. He could tell this was her first time in a magic shop. He moved from behind the counter and approached her.

"Hello," Owen announced as he approached. She jumped nearly letting the object she held slide from her fingers. It was both of their good fortune that she had quick reflexes. Owen breathed an inward sigh of relief as she set the figurine back on the shelf. "Can I help you find something?"

"Oh, um, yes," she looked up at him with confused eyes. "I'm trying to find a gift for a friend of mine."

"Is your friend a Wiccan?" He asked. He'd encountered one too many customers who were just looking for a unique gift for a friend who was into the New Age movement.

"Yes," she answered. "I kind of waited until the last minute because I wasn't sure what to buy her for her birthday. The party is tonight."

"How fortunate that you came here," Owen smiled warmly. "I'm an expert at giving Wiccan birthday gifts."

He led her to a book shelf along the back wall of the store. He showed her various titles of books that any practicing Wiccan would like to own.

Next, he showed her a collection of essential oils that could be used for rituals or aroma therapy. He opened a few of the bottles so that she could smell them. She found each scent more provocative then the other. She refused to smell any more when one caused her brain to fog over.

They moved onto another table piled with various journals her friend could use for dream journaling, meditation, or a Book of Shadows. The reference to Charmed made her laugh. The sound of her laugh made him smile. He found her innocence charming, and alluring.

He showed her various other favorable gifts; tarot cards, crystals, athemes, calligraphy sets, etc. When she did not seem interested in any of those he led her to a collection of candles.

"There are so many colors," she sighed. "Do they have particular meanings?"

"Oh yes," Owen picked up each one and explained its meaning to her. He made sure to draw her in with explanation of the red candle. "It represents energy, health, passion, sex, protection, fire, fertility, fast action, strength, potency, lust, and blood."

"So many choices," she breathed.

"If you're having trouble choosing I can show you some gift basket options," Owen offered.

"That would be great," she smiled. "I'm Tara, by the way."

"I'm Owen," he led her back to the counter and produced some gift baskets that he put together in the beginning of the day. "This big one is only fifty dollars. It contains one of everything I just showed you."

"Perfect!" Tara exclaimed. "I'll take that one!"

"Alright," Owen put away the other baskets, and rung up the largest one. "What color ribbon would you like for it?"

"Um," Tara paused.

"Blue represents friendship and loyalty," Owen offered.

"Blue then," Tara smiled gratefully.

She handed over her credit card. Owen ran it, and handed it back to her. He endeared himself to her even further by helping her carry the large basket out to her car, and stowing it safely in the back seat.

"Thank you so much," Tara smiled.

"You're welcome," Owen held out his business card. "Feel free to call me if you need anything. My cell number is on the back."

Tara watched as he went back into his shop, and stood behind the counter. She sighed as she drove away leaving the handsome stranger to his business.

.          .          .

That night Tara pulled into her friend Diana's drive way. She peered around the huge gift basket that she carried in both arms as she made her way to the front door. She struggled to hold the basket in one arm, and nearly dropped it when she knocked on the door. A pair of strong hands caught it, and steadied it as she regained her grip on it.

"Whoa there," a familiar voice chuckled. "There's breakable stuff in there."

Tara peered around the basket, and gasped in surprise when she saw Owen. He smiled in greeting, and offered to take the basket from her. He wore a black button-down shirt with the top two buttons open to reveal a red under shirt. His green eyes danced with amusement under his dark bangs.

"Fancy meeting you here," he offered.

"Yes, it's a small world," Tara chuckled.

The door to the house opened revealing a tall brunette with blue eyes. She wore a slinky black dress and fuck-me pumps. Her eyes took in the sight of Owen and Tara on the front porch, and she smiled happily.

"Hello, Tara, and Owen," she greeted. She took the basket from Tara. "Come on in."

"Happy birthday, Diana," Tara offered as Diana led them into her living room to join the other guests.

"Thank you," Diana smiled as she set the gift basket on the table with her other gifts. "See Tara, I told you you'd find exactly what I wanted at the Wicca of the West. It looks like you might have found something you want too."

"What do you mean?" Tara asked.

"Owen," Diana smiled as she handed Tara a glass of wine. "He seems to like you."

"I bought something from his shop," Tara stated matter-of-factly. "I'm sure he likes everyone who does that."

"True," Diana agreed, "but that doesn't explain why he hasn't taken his eyes off you since you arrived."

Tara scanned the crowd for Owen, and found him leaning against a wall separate from the crowd watching her.

"Go get him," Diana ordered handing her another glass of wine.

Tara made her way through the throng, and offered Owen the wine. He took the glass, and sipped the dark red liquid, watching her over the rim of the glass.

"I wish I had known your friend was Diana," Owen sighed. "I would have known exactly what to suggest for you."

"I'm sure she'll appreciate the gift basket," Tara smiled. "Wiccans can always use extras of the things that are in there, right?"

"Diana's not just any Wiccan," Owen explained. "She's a high priestess, and she has a standing tab at my store."

"Oh, well, I'll remember that when I buy her another gift," Tara smiled.

"She'll pass those tools on to her student," Owen explained. "So, in the end you did save her some money. That will work out for you too."

"Me?" Tara looked at him in surprise.

"You're going to be her new student," Owen pronounced.

"What are you, a fortune teller?" Tara asked.

"Nope," Owen wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close, "just very observant."

Tara gasped just before he crushed his mouth to hers. He delved her mouth with his warm, wet, tongue; tasting wine and desire. She responded by pulling him closer when he attempted to slide away. He managed to free his mouth to speak.

"Come with me," he whispered.

Tara followed him as he led her out of the living room, and down a hall, through a door into a bedroom. The room was dark except for the red candles on both night stands. The king size bed in the center was made up with a black duvet, and red satin sheets. Sonorous music was coming from speakers mounted in the corners of the room.

"You live here," Tara asserted. "Are you and Diana...?"

"House mates, and coven members," Owen filled in. "Nothing more."

"When did you have time to set this up?" Tara asked.

"I didn't," said Owen. "Diana must have."

"She set us up," Tara realized.

"She set the mood," Owen corrected, "and worked it out so that we would meet today. The rest was all us."

He pulled her against him, and picked up the kiss where they left off. While they kissed he unbuttoned her blouse to expose the tan camisole underneath. After he disposed of her shirt she unbuttoned his, untucking it from his khaki dress pants. The shirt he wore underneath was a red t-shirt that hugged a well-defined upper torso. He slid her skirt from her waist to expose a black lacy thong.

"Mmm, I wonder if you're wearing a matching bra," Owen teased as he began to roll up her camisole. He smiled victoriously when he saw the black lacy cups holding her round, firm, breasts. "Were you planning on having sex tonight?"

"I wasn't ruling it out," Tara admitted. "Our time in your shop left me a bit..."

"Aroused," Owen finished. He pulled his t-shirt off, and discarded it with the other garments. "You look so... well I really can't choose a word."

"Thank you," Tara flushed, and looked down at her hands clasped in front of her panties. "I've never done this so soon before."

"So, you had someone in mind for tonight?" Owen inquired. He lifted her chin to look into her eyes.

"Diana," Tara admitted.

"You prefer women?" Owen asked.

"I prefer men," Tara assured him, "but I'm not opposed to women."

"Good to know,"

Owen smiled and lifted her into his arms. He walked over to the bed, and sat her on the edge. He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants slowly spread them open to reveal a meadow of dark curly hair that matched the curls on his head. Tara reached out and gripped the waist band of his pants. She slid them from his hips, and down as far as she could reach. He finished sliding them down, and stepped out of his shoes and pants, removing his socks along the way. Tara's eyes roved over his muscular body, and settled on his throbbing manhood. She pulled them away, and made eye contact with him.

"Do you not enjoy looking at me?" Owen asked. He knelt in front of her, and pulled her thong off. He spread her knees apart, and stared openly at her glistening sex. "I love to look," he scooted in and pressed a kiss to her smooth outer lips, "I also like to taste," he murmured against her sensitive flesh.

"Owen," she gasped as he sucked her sensitive flesh into his mouth. She lay back as he lifted her legs onto his shoulders for more leverage. She reached down, and ran her fingers through his long silken curls. "Oh, yes, that feels so good, but shouldn't we rejoin the party?"

"We will," Owen assured her. "But first..."

He stood and lined himself up with her wet folds, teased her by circling her opening with the tip of his cock. She gasped as he inserted the round tender tip into her. He grunted as she flexed around his sensitive spot. Her wet folds spread in welcome as he slid the long shaft of flesh deep inside her. He slid the straps of the bra from her shoulders freeing the large mounds of flesh. He pinched her nipples to dark pink points. He leaned down, sucked one into his mouth, and circled it with his tongue. Tara moaned and her sex clenched around his shaft.

"Owen," she gasped.

"Tara," he breathed. "I want you. I've wanted you since you walked into my store this afternoon."

"And now you have me," Tara smiled up at him. "Will you still want me after?"

"I'm almost certain I will," he began to move in and out of her.

As he moved in and out of her he pushed her further onto the bed. Once they were both completely on the bed he lay over her, and continued thrusting to a slow rhythm. She moved her hips in response to his thrusts, and moved her hands over his muscular back. His pace quickened, he stiffened and filled her with a warm liquid pleasure. His release stimulated her own orgasm, which caused him to remain hard inside her.

After they came down from their orgasmic high they redressed and joined the party. They did not leave each other's side for the rest of the evening. Diana smiled knowingly and raised her glass in salute. It was her birthday, she had received many wonderful gifts, but her favorite gift was the knowledge that her two closest friends had found their way to each other through her.

After the last guest departed and they said good night to Diana Owen and Tara returned to his room. They lay naked between his sheets, connected in the most intimate way two people could be. Owen moved slowly this time, making each thrust agonizingly slow, eliciting long moans of pleasure from Tara. He felt her sex clench and release numerous times before he lost count of her orgasms. Tara felt her brain fog over as he continued to give her multiple orgasms.

"Owen, please," she gasped tiredly. "I can't..."

"Just one more time," he whispered.

He built her up to one final orgasm, and filled her with another powerful orgasm. As she curled up he blew out the candles. He climbed into the bed behind her, pulling the red satin sheets and black duvet over them. He spooned her as they came down from their second orgasmic high of the evening.

"Are you busy tomorrow?" Owen inquired into her ear.

"No, why?" Tara inquired turning to look up at him.

"I'd like to spend the day with you," he answered. "We can stay here in bed, and I can ravish you, or we can just wing it."

"I think the winging sounds good," Tara smiled up at him, "with some intermittent ravishing."

"I like that idea," Owen pressed his mouth to her. "Good night, Tara."

"Good night, Owen," she caught his lower lip between her teeth. "I look forward to tomorrow."

Word Count: 2,479
© Copyright 2014 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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