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A story told from AJ, a high school to working man, telling of his life of love. |
Hopeless Endless Romance By: Scott I believe it is time to tell you this story. I am going to tell you about my life. But before I begin on the story, I think you might remember some of events. Why is it that we keep looking for love in everything that we do, even though we know we will never know what to look for? This is what I asked myself everyday when I woke up and before I went to sleep. I’m Allan Jacobs, people used to call me AJ. I am going to skip all the baby things because for it all it was just “normal.” It starts while I am 16 or 17, I do not completely remember. I woke up at 6:00 A.M. every morning to get ready for school. I was a Junior in school at the time. I lived a good life compared to most people at my school. I made good grades because I try really hard to excel in all my subjects. My family life would be considered unusual to some people but to me I had to take all the bad and try and make it good. My parents divorced a long time ago and I never really saw it coming when it happened. I would say that it was one the hardest experiences I’ve ever encountered. I have one sister and she is the only person I can say I am close with. She is much older than me and guides me with her advice and she looks out for me. When I went to school everyday I saw my friends and how happy they were when they sat there wrapped around their girlfriends at the lunch table. I was the only person at the table that did not have that lucky girl beside me. It did not bother me that much, although I knew I would like to have a girlfriend. I look around at all the girls I pass in the halls and I try to imagine which one I could picture myself with, but none of them set a spark in my heart. My friends always ask me to ask a girl on a date who thinks that I am “cute.” I tell them the same ridiculous excuse every time, “I will not because she said cute.” It is not that I am conceded, it sounds more like they only see my appearance rather than my personality. I am what people would describe as a walking cliche of a hopeless romantic. I was sitting in my Advanced English class at school, when the teacher tells us to stop our work and welcome a new student. Me knowing everyone at this school, I hope this person is interesting so I can get to know them. The teacher then introduces a girl named Luna. The appearance of Luna was of the typical cheerleader status. I see her magnificent features, but remember I could care less about that. I only cared if could be able to know what her personality was like. Luna sits next to me in this class and asks, “What are we learning in this class right now?” I replied to her, “Umm, English. Haha, I am sorry! We haven’t learned anything yet because we just started the class because of the school’s scheduling.” Luna looks at me like I was the most idiotic person on Earth. I ask Luna, “Where do you come from?” Luna says, “I am from California!” It just so happens that she is from the one place I would love to live in, and it gets my mind racing as if she might be “The One.” Since my freshman year I had searched for the “perfect girl” that I would love forever. The only problem was she still was not at my school. Everyday I would think to myself that I should date a girl just to say I have a girlfriend, but that would be wrong to them because I would not be fully committed. I just really want that “perfect girl” that I can call mine. I am going to skip a year to my graduation. During this time I am walking to get my diploma and my friends have all abandoned me because I would look to good to be with anyone. The truth was that I did not jump into anything that would have not been fair to anyone. I sat down with my diploma just thinking when I'm going to pack up and move to California. I ended up leaving the day after graduation and told my family I was going to leave early to go ahead and get started in California before I start college. When I got to California I found myself in Los Angeles. I had started working once I got settled in California. I had been working at a gym and helped trim people to become fighters or just to get fit. While doing that kind of work I had met a lot of new friends that shared a lot of my interests. My closest friend, Dakota, and I rented out and apartment when I started working at the gym. During the summer between my Freshman and Sophomore year in college we all went to travel Europe. I spent plenty of time with my friends traveling in Europe. Once we reached Italy my friends and I went to this small locally owned Italian restaurant. While there we met some other group of people that traveled Europe the same time as us. The only thing was I didn't know someone special was in that group. We kept traveling Europe with that group and I began to build a bond with this one girl that could make my heart stop if she looked at me for too long. This girl’s name was Macy. When we reached our final place I realized I never asked her where she was going back home to. I was stunned when she told me she was from California. All that time I had never ran into her before. We all flew to Los Angeles when we finished traveling Europe. I showed Macy what the apartment looked like and she ended up staying over that night because we stayed up all night watching movies. We let each other know that we should keep in contact more often. School had started back up a few days after she had stayed over. We continued to hang out more often and then it eventually happened. I asked Macy to be my girlfriend because I felt she was the one. She told me it already felt like we were dating so it never really changed anything. I eventually asked her to move in with me because Dakota was moving in with the girl he engaged a month before. We started moving her things into my apartment in June. We never argued or fought except for the small pity things anyone would fight about. We loved each other from what I could tell. We traveled Europe again after I had graduated college. It was so much better traveling with her than my friends because I felt completely myself. We had dated for almost a year at this point and dated for almost another after that year. I had started a career in fitness being a personal trainer. I did not make the best money but I loved what I did. Macy went to college and became an accountant for a large firm. She made the money in the relationship but I was fine with that because we loved what we did. I had been dating her for two-and-a-half years and realized how much I loved her. I laid a letter on her side of the bed before I left to go to the gym. The letter contained two pictures of us in Italy. The note inside stated, “My whole life is a constant search for that one love, whether it be between two distant people or two very close people, and I wanted to say I love you! P.S. Hurry down to the gym I’ve got something for you!” She arrived soon than expected while I was at the gym. I saw her come in through the door fast as if I had got her a car. I then told the person I had been sparring with, “Throw me your gloves please!” He did as I asked. I asked her to put them on. She also did as I had asked. Once she had put her hands in the gloves she had felt a lump and asked, “What is in this?” I told her, “Try and pull it out and I will see.” As she pulled it out she had realized what it had been. She pulled out a ring and soon began sobbing. I said, “I have traveled the world to find a woman I could give all of my heart to and that’s you! Will you give all of your heart to me?” She replied, “Oh, my! Of course I will.” I told her she needed to start thinking of when to get married. I told her we would have to go see my sister if she wanted any help with anything. I called my sister and she told me she was surprised I did not do it sooner. She was ecstatic when Macy asked her for help planning the wedding. We got married on June 7, 2025. I had Dakota as my best man and Macy had my sister has her bridesmaid. We were happily married for a long time. Until this one morning when she woke up and did not feel well. We went to the doctor and he said she was pregnant. We were over the top happy to know we would have a child. We had just spoke the other day of having a girl. I made sure she was well during her pregnancy and kept her safe. Nine months later Macy had a beautiful baby girl. We had named her Jenny Jacobs. When Jenny had her first birthday party Macy had began to have very frequent headaches. I had no idea what to think of it so she just took medicine to calm it. Macy kept having headaches everyday and soon began having seizures. I knew something was then wrong. I drove Macy to the doctor and left Jenny with Dakota and his wife. When the doctor tested her he pulled me to the side and told me the most devastating news I had ever heard. He had told me she had a terminal tumor growing around her brain and she did not have long to live. I went in to tell Macy but it had seemed as though she had already known. I told her and we both broke down into tears. We went home and spent time with our daughter and acted as though nothing was going to stop us. Of course the day came. I woke up one morning to go to the gym like I normally do and tried to wake Macy up and she would not wake up. I called an ambulance and Dakota to come get Jenny who was now 2 years old. I rode in the ambulance with Macy all the way to the hospital. But once we reached a room the doctor told me she was “DOA.” I could not handle that i had just lost my wife that I waited forever for. I told Dakota to not bring Jenny here. I did not want her to see her mom like this. From there I realized the love of my life had died and the other one was with my best friend being taken care of. This is how it began to be me and you against the world Jenny. I have done my best to keep you safe, but now I can not. I know that you are 18 and do not want me to stay with you forever even though I wish I could. I just want you to remember that love is important. It is important if it is about the career or the person. Always love everything as though tomorrow never comes. |