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change bout about by meditaion. |
NEW DAY Dawn brings with it a new day which we face with yesterday’s brain. Seeing today through the filter of yesterday brings us to repeat the old and miss the clarity and beauty of the new which is ever present. The way we have been psychologically conditioned is constantly running in our semi-conscious background as well as on the surface of the mind, both day and night, and is lightning- quick to jump in with its judgments and conclusions as we go through many hundreds of mental transactions and challenges each day of our lives. For those who are serious students of true meditation it is this conditioning, this background, which is always past memory that produces the noisy repetitive distractions which prevents the quietness which has been sought after for centuries through meditation. There are many who still believe that the purpose of meditation or meditating at some point during the day is to get away from stress and conflict as the result of an average repetitive day. This of course can be done but it provides only a temporary interruption in what otherwise is the constant flow of thought from the conditioned brain. It is this flow of thought which needs to and can be brought to a natural end. In true meditation the hidden conflicts and fears are exposed then drop away permanently under the laser fire of silent attention in which the me, the I, the ego is not operating. With the past dissipated, the nameless, the eternal may make its move of which you will not speak. One may say that the Gods arrive when you are completely out of the way. This action then becomes a true spiritual event which reveals the truth in all things. This past conditioning was believed at one time to be fixed and unalterable until Sigmund Freud arrived upon the scene with his complex yet accurate inquiry. His discoveries have revealed that the understanding of conflict in the deeper levels of the mind can lead to a positive change in one’s life, and can bring about a newness. Mr. Freud’s inquiry which produced his findings is now going by the wayside and has given way to what could be referred to as direct perception mindfulness which occurs in the true modern day meditative mind, a mind which is truly alert and supremely attentive throughout the day. To pile on top of one’s buried caldron of discontent, that is to cover it up with a new belief system, a new escape, is futile because that which is buried and covered up, will one day resurface. It is the nature of consciousness to reveal that which has been suppressed for no matter how long just as it is the nature of gravity to hold one to the earth. . Meanwhile this buried material continues to cook in the fires below producing a repetitive and conflicted life day after day as well as fueling the growing list of psychosomatic illnesses. Contrary to the belief of the vast majority, there is no such thing as new thought! If you take out your mental microscope you will see that every thought, even the projection of what you call a new idea into the future always comes from past memory, always from the old. Newness on the other hand is always quiet, a perception, the product of a brain which has come upon a rest,a brain in meditation, if only for a few seconds. The very word “understanding” meaning, to comprehend, to discern, which is to discover the known and true, has no basis at all in thought or thinking. This is an extraordinary realization to come upon. Understanding occurs and comes about only in the silence between thought. In that silence, a nonverbal perception then occurs, learning occurs, and intelligence has then been awakened, then that which has been understood is converted to thought. To have followed this and to see it for oneself opens up a whole new world of clarity! Perception, seeing, observing that which is true is a product of a mind in meditation which is not separate from the mind of daily life. This action is one of absolute silence which produces the new day, a truly clear day free of all yeaterdays and open to the eternal creative vastness of that which has never been seen. AHA Writings 9/24/14 |