Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2006322-Bad-Dreams
Rated: 13+ · Other · Crime/Gangster · #2006322
intruder gets payment of a sort
"Okay kiddo, you get to bed. And no reading under the covers," said Pete Margoles to his son Dillon.
"Ahhh. dad. You ruin all the fun," said Dillon.
"Lights out mister, I mean it,"
Pete stayed up and caught the end of a game then turned in. His wife Lisa was already asleep. She was so tired from taking care of the kids and keeping up a part time paralegal practice.
Late in the night, Pete awoke in utter fear. He had no idea why he awoke, but he knew something was wrong. Bad wrong. He got up and crept into the living room, listening for signs of movement. He went to the kitchen and got a chopping knife from the wooden knife holder. It was shiny. Lisa liked everything spotless. Sudenly Pete thought of Dillon. He went quietly into the hallway and noticed Dillon's door was open. This was strange because he liked to sleep with his door open.
He saw the shadow of the man silhouetted against the curtain. The man sensed his presence and turned with a gun. Pete had a wild idea and hurled the knife at the man as hard as he could.

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