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Character Sketch Template Example Image ![]() ![]() Name: Suizan McCabe Age:20 Location:Portland, Or Family History: Mixed culture Chinese mother, Scottish father. Upper class, Resided in area now 18 years, established in society. Career aspirations:She wants to be a journalist. To have her own byline, to be respected as a writer (This becomes more prevalent when she learns in the opening she really has no marriage options in her class even if her dad offers a huge dowery. Her Chinese blood is tainted and no man wants that in his linage) Race: 1/2 Chinese and 1/2 Scottish Features: tanned skin, eyes slightly almond shaped, Brown/black hair that is very wavy, hard to control at times. Heart shaped face. Not beautiful, but she is animated which gives her an inner glow and people perceive she is pretty Appearance: 5'4, 35-24-34 figure, sturdy stock. has large feet, size 8 for the era. Likes: to write and read. She loves to try different things. She goes to concerts, author readings, plays the piano but not well, has a passible singing voice and sang in her school choir. Dislikes: raw fish, sushi, brussle sprouts. The restrictive clothing women must wear as well as some of the actions. She fights against the fact reporters are men and that she isn't allowed to apprentice at the Oregonian or Journal Physical condition: see above Ailments: none Education: graduated from High School even though most of her friends opted not to and got married between 18-20 Socioeconomic background: Upper class. They socialize within the group of Masons her father belongs to. His money and connections around the world and USA have garnered him a spot in this society where others would be shunned because of the racial marriage. Mari (Americanized name) (wife) lives a quiet life within the house walls. She is aware of the sigma of her race and opts to allow her daughter and husband to live freely without her to hold them back. Suizan is aware of the race card, but has chosen to accept her mother's role for now. She has lived in this society and been accepted all her life without any problems, until now Parents: Semus McCabe, Mari McCabe Siblings: none Ambition: to be a journalist, writer, author Hobbies: write, got to parties with friends, She helps her mother with the gardens (more like Japanese style) Significant Others: none, She is friends with all the men in her class, but none stand out. They take turns squiring her to parties and dances, plays and concerts. None are constant. Intelligence: Moderate. She is a little clueless at times but that is a sigma of her era. She tries to branch out but she is limited by society and race Emotional Stability: normal Flaws: quick to speak and judge, can't cook, She doesn't see herself as others do. She takes people at face value and hurt when they don't respond. Other Traits:She is kind to the plight of others, she is aware of the race sigma but doesn't see it played out in her group. Pivotal events in life: She over hears her father trying to buy her a husband and the men tell him none will marry her Favorite foods: Chinese, salmon, seafood and steak. Favorite music: Classical and modern Favorite reading material: classics, newspapers, dime novels when she can slip them in Religion: Methodist Personality: Funny and a mix of outgoing and introverted. She has some self-conscience issues due to her inquisitive nature and book learning. Dad tells her to keep her mouth shut and stop asking questions Habits: ? Favorite thing to do: read, go into town and look for news items to write about. She likes to submit stories but none are accepted Comfort level with opposite sex: She sees the men as friends, companions but lately needs to look for a husband according to her father. Things he/she takes pride in: Her writing Things that bother him/her: Injustice Things that make him/her laugh: slapstick comedy, a good joke. Speech patterns: / *Smile* *Frown* *Wink* *Blush* *Rolleyes* *Sad* *Envy* *Pthb* *Angry* *Laugh* Prose Synopsis of the Central Character: Suizan McCabe has reached an age where she is expected to marry. After she discovers her prospects for marriage within her friends are nil she focus' on her desire to become a journalist. She writes more stories but they are all rejected. She goes to visit the editor but he's always to busy. She gets her dad, a fellow member of the Freemasons, to come to dinner. She asks Ed why he won't print her stories, and why she's reading them reworded and with another reporter's name on them? She is angered by his sexist remarks and proposes a contract where he publishes a set of articles on the gold miners. He doesn't think there is an interest. She says if he won't agree she'll go to the competitor and ask them. He agrees. He signs the contract. Suizan must convince her father and mother to let her go to interview these men. They against it. She is adamant and will go without their permission. They agree if she takes a maid, she agrees. She is willing to fight for what she wants. She sees a need for change in women's rights- need to look up what was going on at that time in OR Over the period of this book I hope the reader will cheer her on even when she is pushed back. That everytime life interferes with her goal or goals she finds a way to keep going. I see her as a character who will pull the reader along just to see what she will do in the mine fields, as a housekeeper( a job she has only observed) and when she faces culture differences.