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Chapter 27: Tom's Bad First Day |
Chapter 27: Tom’s Bad First Day Tom had left Liz’s house shortly after she had. He did not watch the press conference, and did not listen to it on the radio. He drove the short distance to his apartment, turned off his car and walked up to the stairs up to his apartment. “Stairs,” he thought. Two weeks ago, he could have bounded up these steps with ease. Now, each step burned his legs like he had been running full speed for several minutes. Huffing and puffing he made his way to his third floor apartment. He put his key in the door, opened it and hit the light. “What the fuck?” he thought as there were several boxes in his apartment. He walked up to the first box and there was a note. “Cloths for your first day! Love, your Master.” The date on the note was a few days ago. Tom opened the box and sighed. Inside were small clothes. He grabbed the tag on one of them and dropped it. They were cloths for young adults. For children. And they were now the only cloths that fit him. Tom took the boxes and with a heave brought them to his bedroom. He placed them on the bed and unpacked them. Sure, they were nice, but they were not his cloths, cloths which probably would never fit him again. While he was unpacking he looked at the picture next to his bed. It was from New Years Ever, several months before his girlfriend became a super heroine. He picked it up and looked at it. They were equals at that time, and very happy. Now he was a slave, a foot slave, and she was his owner. Tom put the picture down, set his alarm and got undressed. He slid under the covers, turned off the light, and fell asleep. Tom felt like he had just closed his eyes when the blaring buzz of his alarm woke him up. He was still exhausted. Ever since Mega Woman had drained his strength, he had been exhausted. He slowly got out of bed and went into the bathroom for a shower. “Ung,” he gasped as it was hard for him to turn the dial in his shower on. Feeling weak, he got into the shower and cleaned off. He next got dressed in his new cloths. “I look fucking ridiculous,” he said aloud as the reality of his new position of what had occurred over the last few weeks began sinking in. What had first been fun, kissing and worshipping his girlfriend…a fantasy come to life….now was becoming a burden. And worse, it was becoming no fun. Tom grabbed his keys and a breakfast bar and headed towards Grant High School. After twenty minutes of travel Tom pulled into the parking lot and parked. He heaved himself out of his car and headed towards his office. “Hey Mr. Reynolds! You are back!” a voice said. Tom turned around and saw one of his favorite students. “Hello Phillip. Yes, I am feeling better,” Tom lied. “Good to hear,” Phillip said as he was shocked at how small his guidance counselor looked. Tom entered the building. He usually would have gone to the teacher’s lounge but instead went straight to his office. He sat in his chair, his now oversized chair. KNOCK KNOCK. Tom looked up. “Yeah?” he asked. The door opened and Tom’s good friend Nancy Smith came in. “Hey Tom, we were al so….” she did not finish. “My God…what, what happened?” she asked. “My girlfriend turned into a super powered she beast and she used her eyes to drain most of my strength,” Tom thought. “I was sick, really bad flu. It, it kinda took its toll,” he instead said. “I would say. You, you look like, less than half of your size. Are you okay?” she asked. “Sure, sure,” he lied. “So what did I miss?” he asked. Nancy sat down. “Not much, the school has been buzzing about this Mega Woman,” she said. “I bet,” he answered as she began to straighten his desk. “What do you make of her? She had a press conference last night and she….” “Can we talk about something else please?” Tom said. Nancy was taken aback. “Oh, sure, okay,” she said. Tom sighed. “I don’t mean to, to be rude. It is just, that is all anyone has talked about for a week. I guess I just need a mega break,” Tom said. Nancy smiled. “Sure, I understand. Maybe we all do,” she said as she stood up and walked towards the door. “You sure you are okay?” she asked. Tom looked at her and forced a smile. “Yes Nancy, thanks for checking in. Lunch today?” he asked. “You bet. My treat!” she said as she left, closing the door behind her. Tom’s phone rang. He picked it up, still not used to how heavy everything had become. “Tom Reynolds,” he said. “Hey Foot Servant!” his Master said. Tom looked around. “Hi Master,” he said. “You watch the press conference last night? It was flipping amazing!” she said. “No, I, I had to get ready for work. I missed it,” he said. “Oh, well, they are replaying it. We can watch it tonight when you come over. You can kiss my feet while we do. Doesn’t that sound like fun?” she asked. “I, I know how much you like that,” she added still feeling a little bad about the night before. “Sure. Sounds great. Hey, I gotta run. I will see you later,” he said. “Okay. Um, have a good first day babe. And remember, anyone gives you shit…” “Mega Woman will come save the day. I know, bye,” he said hanging up. The day passed without incident. Tom found himself having to explain his vast transformation to almost everyone, including students. However, he had made it past the first day, each day would get better. Tom packed up some college applications he needed to review for students and headed out the door. “Hey, Reynolds,” a voice said. Tom turned around. “Oh, hello Greg,” he said as he watched the left tackle of the football team, and his trashy girlfriend Cindy walk towards him. “You know, I heard ya been sick. It sure looks like it,” Greg said. “Oh yes, the flu. Really took a toll. Listen, I have to go, but maybe we can talk…” “No more talking Reynolds. Cindy here did not get into State. Something about a bad recommendation from a teacher here. I bet that recommendation came from you.” Greag said. It was true. Tom had not written a very good recommendation. The fact of the matter was Cindy did not apply herself and was more interested in partying than studying. “Look. I, I don’t want any trouble. Let’s set up and appointment and we can discuss this tomorrow,” Tom said backing away. “You know, I was going to give you a pounding for her,” Greg said as he walked faster towards Tom and grabbed him. “But now,” he said looking Tom up and down, “Now I think she can do the job,” he said. “Let me go!” Tom said as he weakly struggled in the stronger man’s grip. Cindy walked up to Tom. “Mr. Reynolds, I need to go to college. I ain’t dumb, and I ain’t getting in ‘cuz of you,” she said. She looked at Greg. “He’s so fucking small. I think you are right honey,” she turned to Tom. “You is going to write me a good letter, or I will beat you, got it?” she said. “Cindy, I, I can’t do that. It, it isn’t ethical. Now please, you all do not want to get into trouble for this,” Tom said. Greg looked at Cindy and smiled. “Go ahead hon,” he said as he let go. Cindy grabbed Tom’s kid’s sized shirt and pulled him towards her. “Ung,” Tom gasped as he grabbed her arm and pulled. Nothing. “Fuck dude, you really are weak! Weaker than me!” she said. “Please, I, ung, I have been sick,” he said as he strained against ht 17 year old girl’s superior strength. “Good,” Cindy said as she reached her hand back and landed a solid punch to Tom’s face. “Ung…owwww…” Tom moaned as his head recoiled, blood pouring out of his nose. “You gunna write me a better letter?” she asked. “Please…please…” Tom found himself begging. Cindy punched him again, this time letting go allowing Tom to fall on his back. She went over to him and put her sneakered foot on his chest. “Get up weakling!” she said. Tom, using all his meager strength, could not get up. He grabbed her calf and pushed, his arm shaking. He could not move her leg. He felt ashamed. All his strength could not move a teenage girl’s leg one millimeter. Cindy stomped on Tom’s stomach. “Ommmffff…” Tom gasped as he lost his breath. She released him and he began crawling away. “Where ya going teach?” Cindy said as she walked by him and kicked him in the ribs causing Tom to scream in pain. Cindy bent down and pulled him up, punching him in the face again. “You gunna write me that letter now teach?” she asked. Dazed and bleeding, Tom shook his head up and down. “That a yes Reynolds?” Greag asked. “Y…es,” he gasped. “Thanks!” Cindy said as she dropped him back to the ground. “Oh, and Mr. Reynolds, you really need to take your vitamins. You just got your ass kicked by a teenage girl. You gotta be the weakest man on Earth!” she said laughing as she and Greg walked away and then stopped. Greg turned back to him and walked over, standing over Tom. “And Reynolds, my girlfriend just whooped your ass. Fucking embarrassing. She is a girl. You tell anyone what happened here,” he said as he flexed a good sized bicep. “You aren’t going to be dealing with her, you will be dealing with me. And if you thought she was strong you fucking wimp, you will think I am Superman,” he said as he walked away. Tom lay on the ground for several minutes before picking himself up. He felt horrible, his stomach, nose and ribs ached terribly. He picked up his briefcase. It was time to have a talk with Liz. In the safety of her apartment, it was okay to be so weak, to be her slave. In the reality of the outside world Tom knew he could not live like this. Live like the weakest man on the planet. |