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Chapter 26: Mega Woman's First Press Conference |
Chapter 26: Mega Woman’s First Press Conference Liz drove several miles outside of the city and pulled into an abandoned factory parking lot. She turned off the car and sat in the dark. Had she gone too far with Tom? She had never really threatened him like that, and certainly had never transformed into Mega Woman to scare him into doing her bidding. Sure, he had sworn to worship her and be her servant but still, she felt bad. She had to remember that she was given the gift of the Divine to protect people, not scare the shit out of them. Sure, if that power came with some perks (like people wanting to worship her) she would take them, but she should never use it to intimate those who had done no wrong. “Thoughts for another time,” she thought as she got out of the car. She looked in her back seat to make sure her bag of cloths to change back into was there. Having burst out of her cloths at home, she was already in her Mega Woman outfit. She looked at her cell phone in her front seat. The press conference started in five minutes. “Okay, let’s do this girl,” she thought as she closed her eyes. “I AM THE DIVINE!” A mass of reporters from all over the world had amassed at city hall. A sea of satellite trucks lined Main Street and what looked like almost one hundred cameras were pointed at a podium. However, this was no normal podium. It had been adjusted to Mega Woman’s height and stood over seven feet tall. And while there were several reporters, there was also a sea of people. The police had alerted all officers to report to control the crowd. There were people from town, but also folks from around the country and a few from different countries. Many had signs. “I love you Mega Woman!” said one. “God Bless Mega Woman,” “Mega Woman is God” said several. And then there were detractors. “There is only one God, Not a Mega Woman,” “Go Back to Your Planet Alien,” “America will never yield,” and “Go Home FREAK.” “Here she comes!” someone in the crowd yelled. Everyone looked up and saw Mega Woman approaching the city from the air. The crowd began to roar with applause and screams. Mega Woman smiled as she flew towards town hall. She had already read the signs using her mega vision. Most were positive, but there were quite a few who seemed to distrust her, which was all the more reason to do an interview. Mega Woman stopped about one hundred feet above the podium. She straightened up and lifted her left leg slightly as she ad seen Superman do in the movies and comics when he was descending. She put her arms out and slowly descended. “MEGA WOMAN! MEGA WOMAN!” the crowd chanted to her delight. She slowly descended until she was behind the podium. She smiled, knowing she could just project her thoughts into each person there. However, that might scare some folks so a microphone would have to work. She waived to the crowd. “Give us a flex!” several people yelled form the crowd. Mega Woman smiled as she waived with her left hand, and flexed the world’s biggest and strongest bicep with her right. The crowd erupted with more cheers as a blinding flash of cameras engulfed Mega Woman. She let them cheer for a minute and then raised her hands. “Please, please, everyone, thank you so much for this awesome greeting. I truly appreciate it. It means so much to me but please, please let’s start shall we?” she asked. The crowd quieted down, with the exception of a few “I love you!” and “Go home freak!” echoed from the crowd. “Thank you so much everyone. I wanted to call this press conference to address some of the things that have been said about me. First and foremost, I see some here are not a fan of mine, and that is okay. If I were you, I would be leery as well. I mean, never before has there been a person on Earth with the amount of power I have. But I want to rest assure you, and the world, I am not here to harm but to help. And that is why I think it is so important for me to address your questions, the word’s questions in an interview. Therefore, I have chosen Brian Williams of NBC news to conduct an interview with me. Mr. Williams,” Mega Woman said as she scanned he crowd. “Ah, there you are, please stand,” she said. He slowly stood up, knowing this was the story of the century, or perhaps, the millennium. “I think you do a fair and good job, and I want you to tell the world my story. I will be in touch with you shortly about details. No question will be off limits. Do you accept my offer?” she asked. The crowd turned to look at him. “Yes Mega Woman, I do. Thank you,” he said. Mega Woman smiled. “The honor is mine Mr. Williams, now….” she did not get to finish. “Fuck you, you fucking freak! The world will not yield to your lies, nor will I or my God!” a voice said as a man charged past the police, raised a 45 Magnum and unloaded his clip towards Mega Woman. THUD, THUD, THUD, THUD, THUD, CRACK was heard as the bullets pounced harmlessly off her chest and right bicep, with the last bullet crashing through the wooden podium and hitting her invulnerable abs. Before the police could respond the man was quickly levitated into the air. The crowd gasped and the police backed away from the floating man, who was slowly coming towards Mega Woman. “Let me…go…you…god damned….devil!” the man screamed as he floated eye level with Mega Woman, his feet at least two feet off the ground. Mega Woman grabbed his gun, and with a casual squeeze of her thick fist, crushed the gun. “Sir, I understand you are afraid. I can do things no person can, no person has ever done, but violence is not the answer. The answer is communication. Lucky for you your bullets are less than useless against me, but you could have hurt some one who isn’t invulnerable,” she said as she looked at one of the cops. “Officer Meadows, please come forward,” she said. Christopher Meadows was shocked. How did she know his name? “Yes Mega Woman,” he said as he approached the stage and came up to her. “Fuck she is tall,” he thought as he felt so small next to her towering and massive frame. The man floated back down to his feet. “Office Meadows, this is Scott Ryans. He is the minister of a sect of Christianity that wishes to destroy anything that is contrary to what they think God is. He has committed violence before. Please take him into custody,” Mega Woman said having read the man’s mind. Officer Meadows’ mouth dropped. “How…how did you know that?” he asked as he put handcuffs on Mr. Ryans. Mega Woman looked at him and smiled. “My secret, but you will find out soon. Now, please take him away officer,” Mega Woman said. “Yes ma’am!” Officer Meadows said as he took the man away. Mega Woman turned back to the crowd. “Now where was I?” she asked as the crowd erupted in cheers and chants of Mega Woman! Mega Woman smiled. “Ah yes, the interview. It will be conducted in the next few days. I look forward to telling you about my powers, and about my total willingness to only help humanity. I thank you all for your attendance,” she said as she levitated up. The crowd cheered and the reporters shouted questions. Mega Woman, using her mega hearing, could hear each question even though they were shouted at the same time. She smiled down on the crowd and flexed her right bicep when something caught her eye. She turned her attention to a guy in the back of the crowd with a sign. “Mega Woman = Mega Awesome!” the sign read. And it was being held by Mike, the guy she worked with. Mega Woman smiled as she rose higher into the air and leveled off before streaking away from the cheering crowd. “I think Mega Woman needs to mess with Mike at some point,” she thought as she flew back towards her car, using her mental and vision powers to make sure no helicopters, drones or even satellites were following her path. Meanwhile, a few miles away Lance Byrons stared at his TV screen as he watched the press conference. “She has too much power, power that should be mine,” he thought. A few days ago he thought he was close to perfecting his machine that would unlock the power of his divine stone; however, the last test provided no results. It might still be a while before he could unleash the power. “Hmmmm….” he thought as he stood up. “Perhaps she could be enticed to work with me, for me,” he thought as he turned off the TV. “Jane!” he yelled. His meek assistant immediately came in. “Yes sir,” she said. “Find me a way to have a meeting with Mega Woman,” he said. “M…ega Woman?” Jane stammered. “H..how? She is..so..powerful, how can I…” she didn’t finish. SLAM. Lance hit his fist on the table. “I don’t care how, just do it. NOW!” he said. “Yes sir,” Jane said as she crept away knowing the only way to contact Mega Woman was to have her save some one. “I…I guess I am now Mega Woman bait,” she thought hoping to God Mega Woman would show up to save her, and take the bait. |