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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #2005391
Story of a kidnapped girl who is changed by unknown captors.
        The illusion of infinite space caused her to scream out against the inside of her mind.  The field of white seemed to go out in all directions, giving the illusion of floating in a white void.  As her head thrashed around she quickly realized that in reality the room she was confined in was quite small, and the total lack of features on the self illuminated walls gave the illusion of endlessness.  The intersection of the planes of white light seemed to miraculously change direction, providing only a hint of the corners of the room.

        Shaking off the initial shock of waking up in the white space, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.  Opening her eyes she tried slowly to move and found the attempt quite futile.  She looked tilted her head forward and immediately became aware of the mask clear mask secured tightly to her face, and clear tube that went over the corner of the white corner of her solid bed.  She tried to shake her head gently in a conscience effort to find an angle that would separate the mask from her face, but again her attempts at controlling her situation were thwarted.

        Resigned that the mask was there to stay she turned her attention to her the rest of her body, and was once again shocked with horror as she realized she was quite naked.  This surprised her due to the comfortable temperature she felt on her skin.  The block of luminous material she was secured to was also a puzzle, as it looked like glowing marble, yet was conforming perfectly to the contours of her back.  It was as if whatever material it was molded, just for her body.  The restraints she finally noticed were far less extraordinary, and seemed to be nothing more that straps of Lycra strapped across her body at various points to make sure she kept immobilized.

        Her mind tried to focus on the last thing she remembered.  She had just gotten off work late, and was making her way to her car in the parking structure adjacent to her work... and then she was here.  She had no memory of being grabbed, or falling.  Just the sound of her key jangling as she prepared to enter her car, and then the sea of white.

        Other than her obvious state of distress she seemed unmolested. From what she could see of herself there were no marks or bruises to indicate that she had been harmed.  She concentrated slightly and felt none of the tell tale signs that her womanhood had been penetrated.  While this last point could not be proven conclusively, the feeling of not having been violated was comforting.

        Her comfort was quickly shattered as choir of mechanical wines emanated from all around her stone bed.  Over the corner small robotic arm with long needles were emerging and moving towards her bound form.  She tensed and twisted, but her restraints gave her no room for moment, and she felt  the first pinch of pain come from her inner thigh.  The feeling forced her whole body to become rigid, but it lasted only a few second before another needle found purchase in her arm.  Tears streamed from her eyes as points of pain registered from all over her body.  The last two hurt the most, as they seemed to emanate from the soft flanks of her breasts. After what seemed like an eternity she looked down and say the needles attached to tubes, who's origins were as unknown as the tube providing her air.  She could make out the one in her arm, but noticed the tubes feeding into her breasts were easily twice the size of the smaller ones protruding from her arms.

        Her eyes widened when a florescent blue fluid seeped up the tube making its way to the tunnel of her flesh.  Her minds panic was cut short by the presence of an odd smell in her breathing apparatus that seemed to take away all her cares.  She kept her head perched trying to hold on to her terror and determination, but in the end it was like being suspended from a bar over a dark abyss.  Just as the strange fluid had made its way to the caverns of her body, she let go and let her head fall back to the recessed space.  Her body felt like it was throbbing all over, strange tingling began to flood her sensations.  It was warm, and inviting like she was being immersed in a pool of safety and comfort.  Her brown eyes quickly dilated and her vision blurred.  The room was going dark and whites of the whites of the walls began to become patterns of moving fluids mixing and churning like the visualizations of music.  A androgynous voice began to echo in her mind “Let responsibility and care wash away....”  This mantra began to repeat over and over as the colors of the roomed flowed and melded into one another producing patterns and colors she had never seen before...

          “Let responsibility and care wash away....”

        She began to smile and nod mentally, letting her wants and cares disappear into the sea of colors and patterns.  Sensing her acquiescence the miasma of colors changed and the warmth and pulsing in her body became sexual.  She felt as if the tubes where now pumping liquid arousal into her veins... and then she heard it for the first time, the bell.  In the midst of her vision was now the unmistakable image of a sphere of gold.  Fine lines of black traced its meridians forming needle points where the gold sealed back together.  The image shook and the sound of the bell echoed through her being.

        “Let all will flow out of you....”

        She felt the nub of flesh nestled within the folds of her vagina throb with a need to be stimulated.  The bell shook again and she cried out with frustration within the mask.  She was no longer interested in freedom, but needed release.  Her body felt as if it was on fire, wracked with pain and pleasure fight for domination of her senses.  Her skin tingled and itched as the tubes relentlessly pumped the glowing fluid into her blood.  She felt her breasts throbbing and becoming heavier on her chest, she looked down, and for a brief second was knocked out of her stupor by the sight of a soft white fur that was growing out of the side of ever enlarging orbs in front of her.  The bell rang again and the throbbing was renewed.

        She no longer cared about what purpose she had been taken for her, she went back and forth between wanting to bat her hands and the image of the bell, and running her fingers against her throbbing clitoris.  The sides of her vision were slowly being filled with matted layers of soft white hair, where before her hair and been short and dark.

        She felt the unmistakable feeling of all of the needles being retracted while the sound of machinery announced the retreat of the robot gnomes that had felled the female Gulliver.  The retraction of the tubes had given no relief from the miasma of needs her body and psych were feeling.  She felt the pressure of the straps release, and then felt them fall away and she quickly lifted her arm, but stopped immediately as she noticed the snow white fur contrasting the ebony color of the skin that surrounded it.  She pulled her hand to her face and flexed her fingers were now swollen and clawed.

        The bell rang again.  “Let responsibility and care wash away....”

        Her vision once again was fixated on it as it hung in front of her.  She pawed at it furiously as her left hand followed the soft skin where her leg met her stomach, it was still bald, though somewhere in the back of her mind she knew that there was more of that soft fur else where. Something soft brushed her hands and she took hold it.  It was soft and cylindrical, and as she felt of it she felt it both in her hand, and as a phantom appendage of some previously unknown part of her body..

        The bell rang again.  “Let all will flow out of you....”

        The shudder and pulsing could be delayed no longer and her fingers quickly spread the lips of her womanhood as her middle finger raked violently against the exposed flesh.  A flash of electricity shot through her system and she let tried to let forth a screen of pleasure, but let out a sound she had never heard out of a human before....

“MEOWWWWWW.....”  Her mind took no notice of this as she continued to furiously stroke herself, though somewhere in the back of her mind she marveled at the size and sensitivity emanating from between her legs. The unknown appendage thrashes across her hand, and again she paid no mind.  While the ringing bell still filled her visual perceptions fondling her breast with her free hand had become a higher priority than swatting at the ball... though the instinct was still there.

        The impending climax built inside her with every stroke of her flesh and ring of the bell.  The spinning patterns of the room and the voice drifted the periphery of her consciousness.  The wave suddenly broke and her back arched far more than she should have been able too, as the orgasm overtook her far stronger than any other she had in her life.  The sensation from her body melded into one intense feeling of warmth and she lost consciousness.

        When she opened her eyes again she was in a different room.  This room was not an enigma of design like her previous cell.  This one was made up of brick walls and an unremarkable drop ceiling.  She was lying on a large collection of pillows on the floor that felt very comfortable, but she wanted to move.  No longer shocked at the fur that now covered the back of her hands and arms, she licked pulled her hand to her mouth and dragged a new and rough tong against it.  In a quick motion she rubbed the moist area against her nose and eye.  After repeating this motion a few times she stretched out and let out a long yawn exposing her newly elongated “canine” teeth.

        She stood up on her legs, but always maintained a slight crouch as she sauntered over to mirror.  Every movement was now exaggerated as she swayed her hips and abdomen in a manor opposite from the slow sensual movements of the fur clad tail protruding from her “tail bone”....  Once at the mirror she began to make various poses as she examined herself. She took note of the changes as a she began to make a throaty purr.  Her mind had given up her former life and responsibilities, so she didn't have enough memory to compare her new self to the former.  Her hair was now a luxurious white that cascaded down her shoulders like a water fall across her back and the tops of her breasts.  A stripe of bare skin from her neck went down her front such that the skin around her vagina was fully visible.  She turned around and admired the white fur with the concentric black tiger strips. The stripes crossed her back and came around to the front where the fur covered the sides of the breasts, but became so sparse that there was a gradual terminator of skin and fur at her sides.  The Chocolate brown of her skin clashed against the white of her fur creating a beautiful contrast.

        As she played with her nipples small droplets of milk began to form, and she immediately began to feel herself get wet with arousal.  Her face hadn't changed, except for her eyes and ears.  Out of the mounds of hair to ether side of her head were now protruding 4 inch cat ears.  Out of a faint curiosity she felt where her human ears had previously been, and found only bone and smooth flesh.  As she felt around searching for what had once been, her new cat ears drooped down showing her concentration. She smiled and laughed at the site, causing them to stand back up at full attention.

        She got closer, and where her eyes had ones been brown with circular portions of black, were replaced with pools of indecent green crossed with a line of black.  In her observation her heart stopped as she noticed the collar that she was wearing.  A band of black lace suspended a spherical golden bell at her throat.  Her ears dipped and her tail began to sporadically twitch with anticipation, as she reached up with a clawed digit and gave it hard push.


        Her body shuddered as and rubbed her hands demurely around her body and breasts marveling at her new larger breasts, and toned washboard stomach.  As the soft fur of her hand rubbed against the, now larger, areola, droplets of white began to form at the tips of her nipples.  As she saw this she felt herself get wet with desire and need.  She felt what was coming and tried to make her way back to her bed.  With wobbly legs she struggled to cross the room while her hands explored out of her control. She subconsciously reached to her throat and gave the bell another push.


        The need overtook her and she fell into a heap just making it to soft pile of cushions.  She furiously stroked herself, as she took a nipple into her mouth.  She felt herself message her breast and streams of warm sweet fluid began to run down her throat.  Had she a third hand she would no doubt had continue to ring the bell, but luckily such an action was out of her reach.  For all her thrashing and gyrations the bell remained silent.  A part of her sighed in gratitude, unsure if she would survive the experience if the ringing continued.

        In her minds eye she began to see the flow of colors and hear the voice....  Her eyes glassed over as the memories washed over her.

                “Let responsibility and care wash away....”
                “Yes.....” she heard herself respond...
                “Let all will flow out of you....”
                “Flow out....” she said weakly.
                “Yes sire.... fill me....” she moaned midst her rampant

        Lost in the sensation of her own masturbation she was unaware, or just didn't care, that the door opened and a man walked in.  He looked down on her writhing form, and an unmistakable bulge began to form in his pants.

        “Well, I think your ready to receive your first litter.” he said
casually, but with a libidinous edge to his voice.

        Her ears perked up at the mans voice and her mind picked out the word “litter” and quickly made the connection.  The thought of it caused her body to respond with copious amounts of estrogen.  She could feel her ovaries contracting preparing her womb for the man's seed.  Her orgasm was fast approaching, she wanted more, she needed to be filled, to full fill her purpose she must be filled.  She turned her head and glanced at the man with pleading eyes as milk dripped from the corner of her mouth. He had pulled a string out of his pocket, she recognized the object that dangled on the end and prepared mentally for what she knew was going to follow.  The man gave the string a shake.

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