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Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #2005345
Meet Chris and Nick, fighting sequence, another plunged. Action, fantasy.
There was the clang of metal and the hissing of blades flying through the air. The silver and golden armor glinted in the sunlight; the swords clashed and rung out in a clear, high pitch. With a lunge or a parry there was a silencing smash of saber against saber. As the men leapt forward and pranced back, the dance was complete. There was strike against strike as the knights fought, but neither wavered or tired.
The one in silver feinted left and swung in a smooth, clean arc towards the other's head. They ducked, and swung their own sword. The silver man raised his sword up to meet the sword and kicked out and the other. The blade smashed into the other, and the silver one lost his balance and fell to the ground. The gold put his foot on the others chest and yanked off his helm, revealing emerald eyes and shaggy, brown hair. He tipped his sword down to the others silver breastplate.
"I believe I just won, Chris." He proclaimed, lifting his steel, shining sword and slamming it into it's scabbard."Again. I am Nick the unbeatable," he boasted.
A loud booming came from under the helm, and the silver one ripped it from his head. His snowy white hair glinted, eyes squinted into a playful scowl.
"Nah," He said slowly, and roughly pushed the Nick's foot off of his chest. "I let you win. Gotta keep that ego up, I mean, after all it is basically the only thing keeping you up. No talent, no skill? Gotta be tough."
"Look who's talking, old man," Nick shot back, a ghost of a smile on his thin face.
The other boy stuck his tongue out at Nick. "I'm your age, so... that kinda backfired, didn't it?"
Nick shook his head and punched Chris lightly on the shoulder, grinning at him. He bent over to tug his shin guards off.
"I didn't say I wasn't old. I just pull it off." Nick said, throwing his armor piece by piece into his bag, Chris behind him doing the same.
"You're barely seventeen!" Chris exclaimed, sitting back when all of his armor and his sword was off and in his bag under the towels. "Sometimes, I worry about you." Suddenly Chris froze and stood slowly, a mischievous grin on his face, oblivious to Nick.
"Aww, that's so sweet! Thank you!" Nick exclaimed.
"Hey, Nick," He started. Nick finished dumping the smelly towels over his weapon and armor, and stood, facing away from Chris.
Suddenly, Chris kicked out at Nick's knees, making him fall to his knees.
"Wha-" Nicks was kicked again in the back, forced to fall to his face on the ground. Then there was a knee on his back, pinning him to the ground.
"Hey, what's the big idea?" Nick demanded, swiveling his head to look at Chris who was grinning down at him.
"I believe I just won, Nick." Chris mimicked.
"What about my poor, frail ego?" Nick asked, struggling to get get up, but Chris refused to move.
"Hmm..." Chris tapped his chin. "Do you still thing you can best me?"
Nick grinned. "Any day."
Nick threw his elbow back right into Chris' thigh, then twisted and swung his fist at Chris, connecting with his jaw and sending him flying. Chris landed with an oomf, and he sat up with a big smile on his face. He spat out blood.
"I assume that was for me ego, as well?" Nick said in an innocent voice, throwing his back over his shoulder and throwing Chris' to him.
"'Fraid not, Nick." Chris stood from ground looking towards the village, just outside the meadow they were training in.
"Why do you grin, even when I knock you senseless?" Nick demanded, shaking out his stinging hand.
Chris ignores him. "So you're ego is back, better than ever, I presume?"
"Not really. I was aiming for your chest." Nick confessed, and Chris busted out laughing, shaking his head. Nick shrugged and slung his bag over one shoulder, Chris following suit. Nick jerked his head forward and started towards the edge of the field.
They both placed their feet carefully, aware of the holes and dips in the ground. They made their way down to the wall of blackberries, ducking under them and crawling through the tunnel carefully hidden and unnoticeable to the untrained eye.
"Nick, you're a dope." Chris said after a moment, stopping to pop a juicy, round fruit into his mouth before continuing to crawl.
"Me? A dope? I am offended!" Nick exclaimed, and fell silent once again. "What am I a dope for this time?"
"You'll figure it out in a second."
Nick rolled his eyes and smiled, reaching up to brush the the bush blocking the entrance away. He stood and held it away from the hole for Chris before dropping it.
"Ow," Nick muttered and raised his finger to examine it. He pulled the spike out of his skin and tossed it aside.
"I told you," Chris sighed, and reached out a hand to stop the swaying of the branch working as a door. He straightened, turning to the town and waving towards the town. "After you."
Nick rubbed his stinging finger. "Ow." He repeated.
"Come on, Nick." Chris shouldered his bag and started walking along the dirt path leading to the town. It was silent, as always. The birds picked up their songs as the boys got far enough away from them. They had learned to stop their songs and fall silent as people came by because most of the town was starving, so they had taken up bird hunting. Even the smallest bird was an accomplishment back then because of their speed, but now a blue jay would be cause for a celebration.
"Poor birds," Nick mused after a moment. He paused and whistled to the birds, coaxing a few chirps from the more daring of the birds.
"Poor birds? Why?" Chris glanced at Nick and shook his head, walking again.
"Well, they're being hunted. For meat," Nick said, and jogged to catch up to his friend. He switched the bag to his other arm, the large bag becoming heavy.
"Nick, the entire town is in poverty. They have no money to buy food with. What do you suggest they eat?" Nick stayed silent. "Look, Nick, as soon as we find some buried treasure we'll buy everyone meat. Like real meat. Venison, Beef, chicken, you name it." Chris smiled and clapped Nick roughly on the back.
Nick looked up at Chris and nodded, then gave a lopsided grin. "Then we'd better get digging."
Soon, the dirt path changed into the uneven, cobblestone road of the town. Chris adjusted his bag and sped up ever so slightly, glad it was early morning so not many people were out.
"I know we do it everyday, but I'm always nervous about coming into town with our stuff," Nick said under his breath, lifting the strap of his bag in emphasis. "Uh, Chris?"
Chris stared ahead, brow furrowed in confusion. "Is that... Tammy?"
Running towards them was a woman of about forty, her hair was gray around the edges and up in a pony tail. Her eyes were staring at them. She wore jeans and a green t-shirt, and she was closing in quickly.
"Boys, I've been looking everywhere for you! You need to come quickly!" She exclaimed through her labored breaths.
"What's wrong?" Chris exclaimed, setting a hand on her shoulder and staring into her eyes. "Is everyone alright?"
Nick's eyes grew wide and he took a step forward. He pushed Chris's hand roughly aside and said under his breath, "Has it happened?"
Chris shook his head. "You ask that every time." He looked at Tammy again. "Wait... has it?" He asked her at her shocked expression.
Tammy nodded slowly, and she stared at Nick. "Yes, it's happened."
Nick took of running, his bag hitting his back as he took long strides.
"You can't mean..."
Tammy looked back up at Chris and nodded. "Yes. Another has been plunged."
Chris sprinted after his friend, Tammy standing there stunned. "Yes, it's happened. It's finally happened." She murmured to herself.
© Copyright 2014 slipknot (ibaspillihp at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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