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Rated: E · Other · Nature · #2005138
A poem dedicated to the light within the light of our inner-most secret.
The Nature of Being,

My philosophy on Theology, Mysticism, Alchemy and Psychology.

The very word "Psych-ology" must first be explained and understood, as do many other terms, in order to have an exact understanding of this thesis on my Philosophy.

Of coarse, everybody knows that anytime the suffix - ology is used it is always understood to mean 'study of" the proceeding word. However, psych is a less understood word. It comes from its Latin root " Psyche " which means 'Spirit'. I am always meaning study of the spirit when I am referencing the word psychology.

Another word less understood and almost always deliberately is Alchemy. Almost always this word is wrongly associated with the Occult Sciences that have little to almost nothing to do with reality. However, in my use of the word I am only meaning the science that assist us in realizing the nature and truth of nothing other than The True Reality. For me Alchemy is the science not of experiment , but of EXPERIENCE. It is Knowing by and through the KNOWN and not that kind of pseudo knowing through things unknown.

The Soul of all things are brought into existence by way of God's command, why else would He say it is from His command ?

Now what purpose does the Soul serve us in This physical world ? God says in the Qur'an while informing the angel, "I am placing upon the earth a Divine Representative or Khalifah". Taking this bodily form of man to be a microcosm of the whole universe or macrocosm we could understand that the Khalifah or Divine Representative that God placed in the earth of man is his Soul.

Take as an example someone who has been told that over and beyond his horizon, past his eye sight, "There is a fire !" He could believe or not believe that a fire exist, however, were that same man to see smoke on the horizon he would more than likely believe that there really is a fire. Now there is the man who actually sees a fire and he is left with no other choice but to believe that there is, in his experience, a fire and for me this is the scientist. However, The Alchemist is actually standing in the middle of the fire and he could never deny its heat as it burns him. This is True Certainty of Belief, This is Alchemy.

An Alchemist is also a psychologist because for him the spirit or the soul is the tool of his trade. He is constantly testing, inspecting and studying his soul. Not just the soul , but the very nature of the soul.

Know dear reader, God was a hidden treasure and He Loved that He May be Known. So, He created creation for that very purpose.

"He who knows himself Knows his Lord."

"There is a piece of flesh in this body that if it is bad then the whole body is bad, but if it is good then the whole body is good. That piece of flesh is the heart."

"All things have their rust and their polish. The rust of the heart is sin and its polish is the remembrance of its Lord."

The first of things to be created by God was His Light that is found at the inner-most secret of all that He created. The Heart is a mirror in which the soul might come to see the reflection of God's Light if that Heart has been thoroughly polished with His remembrance. If the soul learns to dress itself with those Divine lights reflected in the heart then the seen and seer are one and the same.

The friend is the mirror of The Friend.

Light upon Light, His is The Light of the heavens and the earth.

It has been said about the Prophet Joseph that he was wise, powerful and very beautiful. Well, once on his birthday his male servant was not sure what to buy a man like Joseph who had it all. So, after much deliberation the male servant decided on buying him a mirror so that Joseph might be able to appreciate all that he had.

You, I , we , are all that man Joseph and God has given to us all a mirror called the Heart in which our souls can behold that beauty we know as God.

The Soul in its purest state has all those attributes of perfection, those attributes we know as God's because truly only God is perfect. However, when the soul is mixed in with this lowly body form it becomes forgetful of all those attributes of perfections that God dressed it with. Yet , He has not left us hopeless for He has gifted us with a mirror called the heart and when it is polished and clean through remembrance of God's most perfect Names then the soul can peer into the mirror of our hearts and begin to recall those Divine attributes that it once had.

This I call the secret of our secret. May God guide us all back to the perfection of our soul.

O' Most splendid Light and Sacred Secret hidden within this skin !
For how long shall the veils of sin keep you hidden ?
Is that even possible knowing your Glorious Grace ,
That any veil could ever hide your wonderful face ?
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