Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2004907-Alice-Hamanaka-vs-The-Crystalanians-Ch1
Rated: GC · Other · Action/Adventure · #2004907
Alice, a girl with strange powers, fights to get revenge on her daughter's killers.

Alice Hamanaka stumbles through the front door of her daughter’s mansion, the smell of alcohol strong on her breath. Her snow white ponytail swings as she stumbles, her black-corded silver pentagram necklace and purple flame necklace doing the same. She sees her famous singer daughter Alicia, Flame Steps over to her, and throws her arms around her neck. A Flame Step is like a teleport, but temporarily turns the user’s body to purple fire to transport them, then turns them back to normal when they reach their destination.

“Aliciaaaaaaaa!” Alice coos at her daughter. “I missed you!”

“Ugh Alice, you’ve been hitting the bottle too much again, haven’t you? You're a thousand and twenty two years old, please start acting like it. You may be physically only 18, but that doesn't give you a free ticket to act like a rowdy teenager.” Alicia scolds, her purple eyes looking at her mother in disappointment. She had just come home from playing at a concert and was too tired to deal with Alice’s shenanigans. Alice’s black wife-beater type tank top, black leggings, and black combat boots stank of spilled alcohol.

“Hell yeah I’ve been hitting the bottle! It’s the year 3034, we gotta live it up,” proudly states Alice, her eyes locked on Alicia, her purple lipsticked lips in a big smile, and her left hand on the handle of her purple bladed katana on her left hip. Alicia shakes her head in sadness.

“Alice, I thought we talk-“


Alicia is interrupted by the front door being broken down. As the door’s remains fly across the room, three men carrying swords walk into the house. But these are not normal men. All three of them and their swords appear to be made completely of red crystals. The floor clicks from the force of their crystalline feet walking upon it.

“Alice Hamanaka?” questions one of the intruders.

“Get the fuck outta my house,” slurs Alice, still inebriated, drawing her sword.

Before she can even draw her sword completely, Alice blinks and the intruders completely disappear for a millisecond, then reappear in the same spot. Alice turns to look at Alicia in confusion, but as she turns her head, purple blood from her own neck spurts across the room and squirts down her chest. As she looks at Alicia, who’s soaked in her own purple blood, she appears to fall apart right before Alice’s eyes, cut to pieces.

Alice passes out because she has lost so much blood. She wasn’t able to close the wound on her throat for some reason even though she’s able to regenerate.

Alice opens her eyes, which are black with purple irises, and tries to survey her surroundings. Her neck is healed. Her thickly eyelinered eyes with purple eyeshadow, which is tattooed on because she’s lazy (as with her purple lipstick), blink as she tries to figure out where she is. Her sword and necklaces and rings are gone. She’s been put in some kind of cell, like in prison. If she listens carefully, she can hear the thrusters of a spaceship. She must be on one of the Galactic Police’s prison ships. Her clothes are gone and replaced with orange prison clothing. She tries to move her arms, but they’re pinned to her sides in some type of straightjacket. Connected to the shoulders of the metal straightjacket are silver chains, which are connected to the floor. She tries with all her might to stand up or at least free her arms, but even with her enhanced strength, her efforts prove fruitless. Purple bolts of shadow energy surround her as she puts all her effort into breaking the straightjacket’s crushing hug. These must be special restraints meant for the most dangerous prisoners, thinks Alice. Fuck.

“LET ME THE FUCK OUT!” Alice screams at the top of her lungs, thrashing in her chains.

“Shut up in there!” an armored guard shouts at her. “You’re not going anywhere after what you did.” The guard is in gray and yellow armor from head to toe, holding a grey and yellow plasma rifle.

“What exactly did I do, smartass? And is my daughter okay?”

“Don’t play dumb with me, Hamanaka. You know you killed her.”

Alice feels tears well up in her eyes. “…s-s-she’s dead..?” she stammers. She feels her heart break as she has the feeling of overwhelming loss. Not my little girl. Anything but my little girl…

Yes, you idiot. Not that it was a big loss or anything, I always found her annoying,” the guard teases.

Alice screams as white Reaper energy starts moving across her face, forming a Reaper mask and a white aura surrounding her.

“You’re going to let me the fuck out of here, or I’m going to kill every last living thing on this damn ship!” Alice shouts as she Reaperfies, her mask now completely formed. She thrashes at her chains and straightjacket even harder, Reaper energy being pumped through her arms and legs, the rest of her body slowly Reaperfying and being covered in Reaper energy. The loss of Alicia has caused Alice to lose control of her Reaper powers.

“Hahahahaha, forget it!” the guard taunts. “Those are our new restraints meant for Class 10 entities, they can hold even y-“


The chains holding Alice down pop out of the floor as she stands up, insane levels of Reaper energy flowing through her. Using Reaper energy, she morphs her forearms and hands into single white blades, and forcibly cuts through the straightjacket. She lifts her knee up to her chest, aiming her foot at the cell door, white bolts of Reaper energy crackling around her leg.

“Now you’re all gonna fucking die,” Alice roars, feeling bloodthirsty as she kicks the iron door down with a loud clatter.

 The armored guard tries to lift his plasma rifle, but is too slow as Alice Flame Steps over to him and uses the blades on her forearms to decapitate him. The guard’s blood sprays all over the hall and Alice’s arms as she morphs her arms and hands back to normal, picks up the rifle, and flows Reaper energy through it, turning it pure white and increasing its power exponentially.

Alarms blare because of Alice’s assault, and armored guards come running towards her. Because she Reaperfied the rifle, it can shoot through the guards’ armor easily. With the speed and accuracy of a sniper, she shoots them down one by one, hitting most of them in the head. She puts her hand through the armor of a guard that comes too close and rips out his heart, crushing it in her hand in an explosion of blood. She Flame Steps right in front of another, lifting him into the air by his throat with her free hand. She looks him dead in the face as she shoots flames out of the hand that’s holding him, melting his armor, and burning him alive with the purple flames. He screams in agony as he's burned to death. Covered in blood that isn’t her own, she shoots the very last guard in the arm and the leg, and walks over to him, closely pointing the rifle straight at his head. Alice, now calmed down a bit after temporarily losing control, wants answers.

“Where the fuck am I?” Alice demands, charging the rifle.

“Y-y-you’re on a Galactic Police prison ship called the Maria. Right now it’s on course to pick up prisoners from the planet Sarr.” the guard stutters in fear.

“And what do you know of aliens made of red crystals?”

“Y-y-y-….” the guard tries to speak, but can’t.

BLAM. Alice shoots him in the shoulder.

“Fucking answer me.” Alice commands.

“You mean Crystalanians? They’re from the planet Quartz. They’re known to be the strongest creatures in the universe. Their swords secrete a poison that stops all regeneration. Their teleporting ability is unmatched and no one has ever even managed to scratch one. They’re unkillable!”

“…We’ll see about that. Where do you keep all the prisoner’s weapons and clothes they came in with?”

“Over there,” the guard confesses as he points over to a locked room with an eye scanner. “But you need a a guard’s eyes to get in there and I won’t-“


Alice shoots a bolt of white-hot plasma through the center of his forehead, picks up his body, and drags it over to the eye scanner, takes off his helmet and scans his eyes. She de-Reaperfies, and enters the room.

Hold on, Alice. You gotta have a plan, thinks Alice. I can’t go around being all fucking upset like this for the rest of my life. I gotta have a fuckin’ plan. There must be some way to save Alicia. Wait… I could.. find the Legendaries. Legendaries are special shadow entities that have unique, hereditary powers. Kill and absorb them to steal their powers. Find all the Legendary Swords that my pentagram necklace won’t let me teleport to my hand. Train my Reaper powers to become even stronger. And finally, find the Sword of Eons, use it to go back in time before Alicia was killed, annihilate the entire Crystalanian race so none of them can kill her, then go forward in time and see Alicia again!

Alice, now in a better mood after figuring out what she needs to do, feels like a child on Christmas as she looks at all the different weapons and armors various prisoners came in with. She sees plasma pistols galore, all kinds of armors, grenades, and even some strange alien swords. She finds her bin. She undresses, puts on her necklaces and rings. She makes her sword phase back into the black ring on her pointer finger, where it will be hidden until she needs it again. She starts putting on her black tank top when she realizes something. Damn, I can’t just go out in the open like this again, Alice thinks. I’ll have to disguise myself in some way, or else they’ll move heaven and Earth to arrest me again.

Alice picks out a long purple button up vest, a short black open vest, black jeans with purple stitching, a tan belt with tan gun holsters on it, a black cowboy hat with a purple band around it, and black cowboy boots. She uses her flame powers to turn her hair to purple flames. She doesn’t know why, but she’s strangely drawn to this form.

“Disguised, bitches!” Alice triumphantly shouts. She walks to the entrance of the ship, opens the door, and is sucked out by the vacuum of outer space, which isn’t a problem because she is able to breathe in space, and she is able to fly. She looks over to a very dry looking planet, and just has the overwhelming desire to go there. There! thinks Alice. I’ll get stronger there! She doesn’t know how she knows that. But she flies toward it as fast as she can, meteorites coming close to hitting her as she flies through space.

Alice lands on the dry planet with a crash, desert dust flying off the ground and around her as her feet touch down. She walks towards the little town she sees in the distance with its shabby Western buildings, looking curiously at all the cacti spread around the desert. As she reaches the edge of the town, a little man wearing a ten gallon hat that was far too big for him stopped her.

“I haven’t seen you round here, who are you s’posed to be?” he drawls.

“Uh, my name’s…” Alice says as she puts on a Southern drawl of her own. Fuck fuck fuck, why didn’t I think of a name?!


They both hear gunshots not too far from where they’re standing. Not surprisingly, Alice goes running towards the gunshots as the little man tries to stop her.

“Don’t! Those are the bandits that frequent our town. They demand all our water and weapons every time they come, and if anyone resists, why, they’ll kill every one of us!” the man pleads with her.

Alice says nothing as she keeps running towards the gunshots. Eventually she sees a pair of men wielding silver .45 caliber revolvers, pointing them at the townspeople. The man on the left has on a flannel shirt, blue jeans, brown boots, and a gun holster. The man on the right is dressed the same, only he’s wearing a black button up shirt and a bandana over his face.

“Y’all know the drill! Hand over your water and any weapons and ammo you might have. If we have to check and we find anything you’re trying to hide, the whole town dies!” the man on the right shouts, waving his pistol at the townspeople.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Alice challenges, feeling her temper rise. If there’s anything that bothers her, it’s a bully.

“Looky here, James! New meat! You don’t seem to know how things work around here, little lady. We come, we take all the water and weapons, we go. Anyone who acts up gets killed. You looking to get killed, girl?” the man on the right explains.

Alice says nothing as she Flame Steps to in between the two men, putting a hand on each of their pistols.

“Damn, Ryan, shoot her!” James shouts, but both men are too slow as Alice uses leverage to pry the pistols from both of the men’s hands. She stylishly flips the pistols through the air, catching them by the handles, simultaneously points each pistol at each man’s head, and pulls the triggers.


Alice lets a big smile spread across her face as she spins the pistols on her fingers and slips them into the gun holsters on her belt she luckily took from the prison ship. The men fall to the ground with a simultaneous THUD, their blood pooling onto the ground. The townspeople start cheering and gather around Alice, a man in a top hat wearing a sash that said MAYOR on it coming close to her.

“What’s your name, little lady?” he asks.

“Uhh.. “ Alice thinks. Well, I did a Flame Step, didn’t I? Just like Blaze… Blaze is another shadow entity that Alice met a couple years before Alicia was killed. She gave Alice the purple flame necklace that allows her to use flame powers, and taught her how to Flame Step. Blaze was a Legendary. She was killed in battle, and Alice absorbed her body, gaining her true flame powers, without needing to wear the flame necklace, and amplifying those powers greatly. The only reason Alice still wears the flame necklace is it’s all she has left of Blaze. “The name’s Blaze!” she says with a big smile.

“Well, Blaze, it’s some kind of miracle you showed up when you did. The thing is, we just lost the town’s only Sheriff yesterday, and frankly, we need a new one. A stronger one. We want you to be Sheriff.” the mayor says, holding out a gold six-pointed star pin that said SHERIFF on it. The townspeople cheered even louder.

Nobody knows me here.. I could be anyone I want to be. Blaze realizes, looking at all the people cheering for her. I can be Blaze, the Sheriff of this town. I can be a hero to these people. They need a protector, and I think that can be me. I’ll be going back in time once I find the Sword of Eons anyway, so I have all the time in the world.

“Sheriff Blaze… I like the sound of that. I’ll do it!” Blaze proudly states, the mayor pinning the badge onto her shorter black vest.


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