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Rated: E · Non-fiction · Hobby/Craft · #2004726
A group of women who captured my interests and changed my life.
                                                  The Sew~N~Sew Club


                                                          DW / short bio

wd. ct. 661

  Another Tuesday has come.  I sit, patiently waiting for my Mothers lady friends to come to our house and share their projects that they're working on at that time.  I was so impressed by them and the friendships my Mother shared with them for many years.

  I never listened to the idle chatter between them unless it concerned the projects they brought with them. Then I found myself getting so involved in all their projects with yarn, material, and hoops that required a needle and thread, or a crochet hook, or knitting needles and scissors.  The simplicity of it all. 


    I was so fascinated by the small heartfelt items that were created, beautiful things like gifts, throw blankets, stuffed toys, and baby slippers.  Decorations for their home. Those were one of my favorites.  And everything was handmade by these beautiful women.

    Some of them just becoming grandmothers, some dealing with their empty nests, or like my mother, she still had a child at home but no babies.  Which was me, but when I was eleven years old I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. 

My mother's friends pampered me because of my disease by bringing goodies for me with little or no sugar.  I remember how bland the treats were back then, but nobody really had Diabetes then and there were not many good tasting treats available at all.

      I never thought all those Tuesdays nights would give me such gratitude later in my life.  One of the first projects I  made was for my Jr. High math teacher.  She was expecting a baby and I decided to make her a hand quilted a baby blanket with a satin edge I sewed onto it.


    When I finished it I wrapped it up and presented it to her.  It brought tears to her eyes.  She was overwhelmed that I made her baby a blanket.  She made me feel so good inside from all her praise at my effort over this simple thing.

    As I grew up I worked at many different jobs, always thinking about how much I didn't want to be there. 

I never knew that sewing would enter my life again and challenge me every step of the way.  I had to work two jobs sometimes, one being my sewing, the other was many different factory type jobs, to being a security guard.

    Sounds crazy, but that's what drove me to challenge my ability to design something from just a thought.  With a  pencil and paper in hand, I began to create.  I was always asked to make curtains, but straight lines boarded me.  I had to turn them away those are still one of the things I won't sew.  My mother sewed for a high~end drapery company in Los Angeles for years when I was a child. She made them look so beautiful, like in a theater.  I was just not interested, as beautiful as they were, they were just not for me.

  Give me a costume, give me a wedding dress, or prom dress, cheerleading suits, even the local High School Mascot.  The best are Renaissance costumes.  Now that's what I call a fun job.  And don't get me started on Flower arrangements!  Another fav' of mine.

  That was thirty~five years ago now.  I had to slow down due to a mild stroke I had in 2012 and my other illnesses which in time will take something from me completely.  But until then, I do as much as I can do.  My metabolism is high, and that helps.  And when a sewing job comes up, I jump!  Just a little lower now!

  My son never knew what "name brand clothes"  were until middle school because I made most everything he wore.  Now,  these days I found another calling for the rest of my life and it doesn't require anything but an imagination. 

                                          And, that's why I'm here writing about it.

Thank you, Mom.  I'll always Love you

The End

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