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by Retro
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2004511
When the world falls to total chaos a great power is created that can save them all.
The Blood of Hope

         In a time of great destruction a hero must rise to achieve redemption. In the distant future war will break out among man for control of the planet against three powerful armies. Destruction spreads across the ruins of the once blue and green planet with thousands of lives falling for years until a small group of visionaries was formed to create an end to the meaningless destruction. They built a secret bunker on one of the small islands of Hawaii spending time and resources to develop a powerful item with capabilities to end a war. The war nearly cost complete annihilation of the Earth until a result was made.

         "We're running out of time! At this rate their forces will soon be upon us from the mainland."

         "Just a little longer and the final component will be complete. Set the charges at full and put all power output to the machines even the backup power."

         "Sir with all output transferred to the machine the defense system will be rendered useless!"

         "That may be so, but if this works it won't matter anymore. This will be the key to peace at last."

         The machines roared, pistons rumbled, and turbines spins rapidly. Lightning bursts out of control from the batteries as the gauges goes off the charts and the vibrations tremble throughout the facility. After a sudden burst of light blazing throughout the building all went black and it became silent for a moment. Silence was broken by the sound of ticking echoing the room, a faint glow began to grow, and the job was done. One of the men approaches the item and held it with great care.

         "Success, this is our redemption, our freedom, our peace maker."

         The doors busted wide open and hundreds of troops swarmed into the building at a fast pace killing anyone inside. Their guards were on the move hoping to buy time for an escape but they were greatly outnumbered. Stepping out of the smoke and debris was a man wearing a navy blue suit with a top hat, holding a cane, and a silver mask to hide his face. Behind him is a large muscular bald man with golden teeth and a large hump on his back. The man in the mask drew his arm and commanded the behemoth behind him, "Kill them all and secure this object. If it leaves this island then the hopes of my empire will be up in flames."

         Marching on the shores another army approaches the building, however this army is led by a fat man in a plaid green suit wearing glasses and smoking a cigar. His second was a woman dressed in white with grey hair with a bull whip at her side.

         "I want it! I want it you hear me! I want this so called "object" before anyone else. Whoever gets it will be rewarded greatly and anyone who fails will be killed on the spot!"

         "Patience my portly master," the woman speaks, "our troops will be more than capable of obtaining this mysterious item from anyone inside."

         Crossing the bridge was the last army force, a group of vandals, thugs, and scoundrels armed with home-made weaponry and padded with poorly cut metal for protection. A large vehicle tattered with graffiti and emitting pitch black smoke approached the bridge and riding on to was the leader. A tall skinny man dressed in black with a red mohawk, a bottle of whisky in one hand, and a rusty revolver in the other.

         "YEE HAW! Come on people, there's a big prize inside just waiting to be snagged and no one is gonna chicken out until it's in my greasy hand. Come on move it!" The machine moves across the bridge with bikers following behind.

         The lab was in a panic. With their defenses dwindling by the minute only a small group of scientists were left with the prize at hand.

         "We're out of time! The island is completely surrounded, enemies have infiltrated the base, and our defenses have failed!"

         "It's not over yet. There is still a chance, we will have peace." They follow along to a hidden door under the stairs and down below into a room that was the start of a deep tunnel.

         "This tunnel will take us to a rocket waiting to take off. However the rocket will only hold one person. Whoever goes will have to carry out the rest of the mission, but remember the future is at stake." The scientists pondered for a moment until finally a voice broke out from the silence.

         "I say we send our hope with Doctor Atlantic. This whole project was his idea; it's only fair that he should survive to see the result."

         "No I cannot leave my fellow members of a crazy dream to be slaughtered by a stiff, a fat cat, and a hoodlum. This may have been my vision but it is not right to leave those who wish to see it behind."

         "That is the exact reason why you must go. You are the only one with the knowledge and wisdom to accomplish it."

         Dr. Atlantic stare down at the floor for a few minutes until finally he grabs the box and ran down the corridor to the rocket as he yells, "Your loss will not go in vain. I swear my no our vision will be realized for the entire world!"

         He reached the rocket climbing in with the box and prepares for launch, but before the hatch fully shuts the sound of gunshots echoed through the tunnel until he was sealed inside and the sight was shrouded by smoke then engulfed by fire as the rocked disembarked from the island. Minute by minute the island shrank until it could no longer be seen by human eyes and the prize desired by thousands was out of their grasp.

         One century has passed and peace returned to the Earth. Since the conclusion of the war the surviving people have cooperated and achieve greatness in technology. Developing machines that became capable of deep space travel and colonization of distant neighboring worlds slowly abandoning the Earth until it was lifeless. The leaders of war abandon the planet as well to other planets where they gain control of a world they could not share. As for Dr. Atlantic and the project for peace, was remained hidden until it was needed again one day.


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