Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2004323-Nocturnal-Chapter-1
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #2004323
Follow the path of an immortal as he copes with life as a human and protecting his lover.

Written by Nicholas Sword

'Caitlyn's point of view' written by Caitlyn Cox

Editing by Nicholas Sword and Gabrielle Showalter

Chapter 1

Romania 1230 (Nicholas' point of view)

         The birth of darkness and the death of a life....as I remember it was a very dark night and the moon gazed over the nearby residents. My breath could be seen against the cold night air with each inhale and exhale. My chest rose and collapsed as I took in what I could and let out the excess. My attention was turned up to the roof tops only momentarily as something blocked light from a lone star in the sky. It appeared to be a darkened figure.
         The sudden movement from the shadowed figure startled me as I was defenseless, however what was more startling was the direction in which the figure began moving. It leapt from the top of the roof down onto the ground without injury and began to take off in my direction. Because of this, I now bolted, trying to keep equal distance between whoever was chasing me; only turning back every now and then only to see the figure catching up to me until I was finally caught... within that single moment, my life changed... forever.
         It was only a few years after that, I was stalking down the streets of another large, populated street, possibly London, or perhaps something else. I tried to keep my distance from humanity between the night I was turned and now, but I was forced to be 'tested' with this ritual act of walking into large crowds. It was demanding enough that the sun was beating down upon my brow, but to make matters worse I haven't fed in quite some time. I occupied my eyes upon the merchants vend, clothes, tattered, lower class garments and blankets.
         I tempted to rid myself of the many thoughts and desire that writhed within my body and mind. The fish was dirty, nearly rotten but to most it was good enough to eat. They really couldn't be picky, nor could I. Simon wasn't letting me take hold of his accumulated wealth. I couldn't contain myself, I knew Simon was just a few yards away keeping a steady eye on me. He knew that I couldn't hold myself any longer. I could see he gently passing by the people on the street, making his way toward me. His gaze steadying me, calming me.
         Something in the wind, a scent. One that would forever be with me. It passed by me and as I turned, I saw her. Her thin, brunette hair that came just inches away from kissing her shoulders. My breath was momentarily stolen as her eyes turned to mine and stayed there for what felt like ages. Those perfect almond color eyes that matched her hair. Simon nodded as he placed his hand on my shoulder, "We must go..." his voice was concerned. I nodded, and as he pulled me away I drank in the final glimpse of her, pale, flawless skin and her petite stature. I knew what I felt, wasn't just hunger for her, but I'd have to wait, and so I did.
         I was ridding the bus to school unlike my brother who goes on foot, which only takes a few minutes for him. As usual with riding the bus I sat alone and already I couldn't stand it. My attention was averted as I smelt something, a human...but not just any human, this was female and she smelt really good! I knew whoever it was, they were mouth watering! Every fiber of my being screamed within, "You know you want her...she smells good doesn't she? Just bite her and get it over with. It's what you were meant to do...." I did my best to keep myself under control and stop my inner monologue. After all these years the thirst wasn't as bad as it had been. What bothered me more was the group of kids on the bus. They were much louder than I ever expected. Being the new kid, Eddie and I would be the first to be picked on most likely.
         Luckily it didn't bother me that much, in fact it sort of became a ritual to be mocked because of my appearance. I figured Eddie and I would stand out more than anyone else, it's only natural that we would. Our kind were far different from humans and to the untrained eye we'd blend right in but there was always something that could give us away. I brushed my hand over my short, dark hair trying to focus on getting through today. I thought of the many similarities between me and Eddie. One of them being our hair styles. Both of us had short, dark hair. Along with that I thought about our appearances however I'm more muscular than him, he's more charisma. But on the other hand he was loud and I was distant and shy. God, eternal life couldn't suck anymore for me!
         My stomach began to toss and turn, I knew what this meant. I despised the need to feed, I felt weak and pathetic even while hunting for animals. Luckily the bus pulled up to the shanty school as I ran my eyes up and down trying to figure out why on earth I was so eager to start life in this town. Yeah that's right I picked this town, figured the size would make things easier. Little did I know with an easy life would also bring a dull one. Well a life even more dull than usual.
         The thing is, being immortal has its drawbacks; for instance we are affected by the sun, just like in the movies. We don't catch fire though, just burn like a normal human would only much, much quicker. Sadly for us we moved to a town with sun almost all the time.
         What I hate about moving is that my parents are just about rich, when you live as long as us you tend to get money faster than you get bills. So the whole town knows when we've arrived and they watch us like hawks with interest. Hoping to leech off of us, but in reality not willing to get closer than what they have too out of fear for us being so weird and all. Also my family has pays the teachers off so Eddie and I don't take gym class. I guess though that's the only good thing about school. No running, no lifting weights, no goofy clothes yeah it sounds pretty good actually.
         I took note of the many freshmen, sophomore, juniors and seniors being lead off into different areas, the sophomores however crowded the cafeteria. I entered silently feeling like a cow going to the slaughter as we were about to get a big spiel on the school and how things are run. I listened to the counselors just to pass the time. However within seconds of them starting my interest faltered and I became bored. I sat down with Eddie as we kept to ourselves. Quiet as the dead, or whatever we are in order to blend in with everyone else.
         "I think they just like to hear themselves talk half the time!" He finally murmured to himself. I nodded in response and continued to listen. It didn't interest me the slightest, but some times I think Eddie just likes to hear himself talk as well. We never fought though, he suffers through my problems and I suffer through his. That's how our family works.
My eyes scanned the crowd of sophomores as they came upon one....a girl. My nostrils caught her scent and immediately I shifted in pain. This wasn't just another girl....this was....well she was very appealing. I sighed, "Her again...." Eddie could mentally understand and feel my pain. I calmed myself and dismissed it all just as quickly as it happened.
         After they quit rambling on and on I went to find my locker and hang up my hoodie. I wore a black hoodie and black pants. Black was the color I admired the most and of course I was always labeled no matter where I'd go. After the sophomore poured out of the cafeteria they proceeded to there first class, mine happened to be History. I walked in and noticed Eddie sitting clear in the back of the large room with his feet propped up on his desk rocking in his chair ever so precise as to not fall over.
         "Yo bro what's up, take a seat here!" He nodded to the one in front of him, the one right next to the window. Reluctantly I slid in in front of him. The sun crept in and caught my skin, mercilessly burning me. However painful it became I decided to endure it.
         Usually Eddie wasn't safe in a room of humans, he doesn't have the strength to control the thirst as well as I. The teacher walked in before I could change my seat and started talking about the semester and what is to be expected. The course seemed easy enough; I mean history was like a second language for me. Considering I experienced most of it, or at least lived through it all. I had met what in today's standards would be consider huge famous people such as Christopher Columbus.

         "So class as an experiment how many of you have..." The teacher continued on and I paid no attention to his words, not to be disrespectful I just had other things on my mind. His voice was an interesting one that surprised me. He was obviously up in his age but his voice sounded like grit and sand paper rubbed together. He gave a whole new meaning to raspy and bad smoker. However I could tell that he'd quit smoking some odd years ago due to his wife forcing him because "he was to be a father and a good father doesn't smoke".
         As my attention danced off track my mind transformed into a vision, but it wasn't a full vision. I only see bits and pieces usually. The problem with seeing visions; is that they always change on you. I could see me standing in a field with.....just as soon as I could see her I brushed it off and luckily class came to an end.
         I remembered then how hot the sun light could get as I glanced down at my already red skin. I went to the bathroom to heal for a moment and before I could even get comfortable my skin returned to normal. I cringed at the sight of this stall, usually I never used the bathrooms, one because I didn't need to and two because they're always filthy. Since I was back to normal or as close to it as I could get, I then entered the hall ways. My next class was Science and I heard a voice calling out my name as I started on my way to class.

         It was a guy from the bus, I remember because he was constantly singing off key. This guy was decked out in black just as I was however he was much larger in weight than I. He wore a HIM hoodie and proudly displayed it.
He blurted out, "Hey there my names Keith Marsh, you're the new kid right? I heard people saying all about you and your brother. They said some pretty nasty things you know."
         I shrugged it off and we walked into class. See along with seeing the future, I could also read the minds of those around me. I can only do this with a few people though. I don't chose to do it either, it just happens. I happened to tune into Keith's mind and found out that he had been turned down by two girls in the last class. I chuckled silently to myself at his expense.
         Keith Marsh seemed like a decent person, I guess I could consider him a friend. I didn't plan on making friends; in fact I wanted to shy away from the idea as best as possible. I had a friend, a friend that knew what I was going through. That's why my brother was turned; I needed a brother and friend to talk to. I was so alone back then, and yet I still am. It wasn't because I wanted a friend; it was something else all together.... but that's his story to tell, this is mine.
After class me and Keith chatted some more about our favorite bands. His favorite was of course HIM while mine was KISS. I liked almost all kinds of music; however I was prone to metal, rock and classical. I could drift into a deep sleep while listening to Bach if only I could sleep. Sometimes I faked it, and found myself lost in either memories, thoughts or visions I'd get while laying with my eyes closed. However I was not that lucky. Our kind doesn't need to rest; we're always alert and always awake. A blessing to some but a curse to me. It was a small price to pay among the other prices to pay for being like this I guess.
         Finally lunch rolled around and time actually passed quickly today. Time was a concept I could really sink my teeth into. I could ramble on and on about time, and what time brings. Time brings sorrow, time brings death and time brings life.
         Lunch rolled around and proved to be a waist of time. Eddie and I sat by ourselves on the far right of the lunch room. Our lunch remained on our trays untouched as I began, "So any news to report?" My question was left out in the air for a few moments until he shook his head.
         He choked up, "Oh yeah hey you hear about the kid that puked his guts out? It was sick!!!" He chuckled and I joined in momentarily just to please him. However my attention was obstructed by her.....her scent once again rammed into me with no regrets. My eyes shifted toward her as she walked across the cafe.
         I turned away in pain and murmured to Eddie, "How does ditching the rest of the day sound?"
         Half jokingly of course he nodded and said, "Whatever works man but we only have a few periods left to go." I nodded and attempted to figure out where I'd go from here. I knew if I stepped onto the bus I'd smell her again, and I couldn't stand it anymore. Tortured by her once in a day is enough but continuously like this? No way, it was to much for me to handle.
         The rest of the time flew by without any more words spoken. I was thinking too much about....well the vision and her in general. I thought about her to the point that it really and I mean really bothered me. Eddie could see this easily written all over my face. My emotion expressed it as well. As quickly as the period came it left just as fast. As soon as the period was over I went on to my next class which was merely a Study Hall. As I sat silently, eyes closed, mind wide open I returned to the images that had flooded my memory moments ago, her in all her beauty and me as I was watching her like a lion waiting for the exact moment to pounce.
         The thought of this frightened me. It's that sort of thinking that makes a man loose his cool, and by man I mean a man like my brother or I. Loosing control was just something we can't afford to do. I banished the thought and continued to do nothing. Hoping the period and the rest of the day would end and sure enough it did. I safely made my way from the school, zig zagging between groups of students as I made my way to the bus. I was blessed to leave the school from which so much suffering had already occurred and as I boarded the bus I could smell her! Still from this morning, and in the same exact location too! I mumbled under my breath, "Why do you hate me so God? To give me such a trial as this?" Gladly I awaited the ride home and was equally glad at how quick my stop came without anyone bothering me, including her.
         I could sense that Eddie had already made it home on foot and wouldn't be bothering me the rest of the night. It wouldn't take a genius to realize how I was feeling. Even a human could see that I was facing a problem, a problem that wouldn't easily be solved if at all. Instantly dodging the voices of my "parents" Lyn and Simon as they chime in unison, "How was the first day?"
         I loose interest in what they said not to be rude but simply because I didn't want to hear it. My mind was trying to force out the vision and everything that happened today, knowing that tomorrow will just as easily beat today out and worsen my already complicated scenario. I sluggishly climbed the stairs and appeared before my room, not ready to go outside and hunt in the on coming night but rather par take in my various music collection. My collection varied from modern classical/symphonic metal band Apocalyptica to Canadian pop musician Lights.
         Hoping the music would drown out the images and events of today I stood against the wall closest to the door and drifted off into the music. Unsure if this was an actual power of mine whenever listening to music I seemed to....for a lake of better words teleport through time itself and be there whenever it was recorded. I could hear every instrument and every octave as if my ears were a microphone that was yet to be invented! However it was enough to take my mind off things, that alone was the only high light I could think of today. I deeply hoped tomorrow would and could somehow be better...


(Caitlyn's point of view) Present, 2007

         Visiting my father was like pulling teeth for me. My original father left us when I was conceived; which made my mom's life a living hell. She met a man and remarried; but it went down hill. He's trying to come into my life; but I won't let him. We're better off without, at least I knew I was. Mike, I mean my dad; was driving me home as we both sat quietly in his truck. Usually my mom would have picked me up, but she despises driving forty five minutes to get to the trailer park.
         My names Caitlyn Lewter and I'm just your average 16 year old girl living the average troubled teenage life. However average wasn't a word used frequently around me or my family. We weren't your aspect of "normal" and at times I could care less because it was enough. I had the greatest friends anyone could ever ask for and they kept me content with life.
         As I sat, unaware that this year would be the year my life changed I noticed my father glancing at me frequently. As my eyes would drift over towards him, he was quick to turn away. Not wanting that awkward moment where I'd catch him, knowing he wanted to say something but he was only doing that to ease things. Was he really trying to find the courage to say something? My death glare wasn't easing the tension either so I broke off and stared out the window. I noticed the local Uni mart was going out of business, big surprise. I watched as shapes passed by and as the truck momentarily slowed, I saw him. A tall, dark haired man. Drop dead gorgeous, but I wasn't about to lower my guard and let anyone, including a total stranger know I could love. Although my expression betrayed me against my better judgment I knew there was something about this guy... I found a grin etched across my face, looking stupidly, I decided to turn away.
Mercersburg was the smallest town I had ever lived in and the emptiness was never welcoming. My vision trailed back to dad and I finally muttered the words, "I wonder if there will be a welcoming party?" Well knowing that their wouldn't be, but raising the question nevertheless.
He tried to laugh but there was to much anger in my words to decipher humor and comment on it by laughing. Everything was a dull color of grey to me anymore. Only my friends cheered me up and mattered. Eighth grade was just another year for me and I had my doubts about this year. There's a feeling you get when you're in the highest class at a given school. You feel important and it's almost like you're in charge.
I knew being a freshman would be like sixth grade all over again. The thing is I have no problems with maturity aside from the constant bickering of your parents about getting a job and a car. Oh and you have to worry about tampons and boys. My experience with boys ended in disaster. Girls if you're listening, boys are dicks; 'nuff said.
         I realized I was home and my mind dropped when I couldn't think of anything to say. As I began to leave the truck I heard a, "Hey girl, are you gonna give me a hug?" Dad half grinned and I knew I had to return it to satisfy him.
I leaned in and hugged him, "Bye dad, love you." The words tasted awful in my mouth. Every syllable was like a separate pill of cyanide. I brushed it off and kicked open my door.          
"If your mothers home tell her I want to talk." He quickly piped up and I once again death glared him. After running to the front door I kicked it open and yelled for mom.
"Dad wants to talk, I don't know what it's about." I sighed and ran to shut myself away in my room. Mom snuck out so my siblings wouldn't hear. I was almost positive my father wouldn't want them rushing to him. That would make the guilt or whatever he felt return to the surface.
My room was a simple room with four walls and crap clustered to the very ceiling that holds it up. I dreaded cleaning it, but I knew I'd have to sooner or later. I crashed on my bed and stared at the ceiling wondering if I could sleep. God must have been listening because I began drifting off. The next thing I remember is mom pushing my door open saying, "We need to talk."
I turned to my side and my alarm clock read 7:03. I jumped to my feet and went to my mom whom remained in my door way. To my amazement I didn't trip over anything this time. Normally I'd trip and fall on my face. Then once I picked myself up I death glared whatever was closest to me.
Mom grinned at my dazed face and laughed at my hair. "I ordered some Chinese, there's not a whole lot left, but eat whatever.. When you're done eating there's something I want to talk about." I nodded and walked past the living room. My older sisters were memorized by whatever was on the television. I peaked into the bag of Chinese food like a vulture. I didn't care at this point, I was just starving!
Very little was left and what ever I did have couldn't stop my hunger. After taking a bite of rice I spit it out, "What the hell is this crap?" I muttered to myself. I sometimes mutter rather than talking to my siblings. I guess it beat going insane, but not by much. I retreated back into my room to fix my hair.
         I completely forgot about what mom said when I heard a noise that caught my attention. We always said the house was haunted and we believe in spirits but I paid no attention to it and fell on my bed. "I need more sleep." I murmured and in an instant I was out just that quick.
         I remember I always wanted a boyfriend, but not just your average man; one that was unique. I pictured my dream date and I hope I'd soon find him. My dream made little sense so far though. I woke and noticed me asleep on my bed. I didn't move, but I knew it was a dream because I often could tell when I was dreaming, and in serious times of stress I could force myself to awaken. How could I possibly look at myself sleeping when I was now standing in my door way though?
         I walked out of my room barely seeing where I was walking too. The lights were all out and the darkness proved to difficult to see through. Even my arms vanished, but some how I knew where to go. It was almost as if I was being pulled towards something or someone. Giving me another reason to believe this to be a dream. As I was being pulled, I could hear my own thoughts and I naturally knew my family was sound asleep. As I stopped in front of my front door I turned around one last time to steal a glimpse of my living room. I turned to open the door and the next thing I knew I was in a new room.
         There was enough light in the room to make out the closest objects. I instantly jumped to see someone to my left and a guy to my right. I figured they were brothers. I thought I recognized the younger guy to my left, so I bent down to take a closer look. He looked like the handsome guy...but I could be wrong. I was literally drawn to this person though and I wasn't sure why. To be honest he was indeed very attractive. In fact he seemed to fit my dream date category...was he the guy I saw?          
         My next actions were totally based on impulse, but I sat down beside him. The bed did in fact give under my petite weight, but it wasn't enough to wake him. I sat there unsure of what to do and every second that passed by I racked my brain for a reason as to why I was where ever I was.
         I lay beside him and placed my hand on his cheek. His skin was cold and the very last thing I remember was pressing my lips against his. There again I didn't know why I did that , but I knew there was something special about him. I embedded his looks into my mind. His hair was short and dark. He wore glasses but I could tell it was only for reading, and he was around five foot ten. After that I remember absolutely nothing.
         Before I knew it the first day of school was upon me the next morning and I was no where near ready! I dreaded the first day of school, I'd rather visit my dad in the trailer park! Luckily I spoke to my best friend Ariel before leaving for school. She was my closest friend and I trusted no one better than her. Usually I'd be late to school, but today I made it on time. I sat in the auditorium and flagged her down so we could discuss what we did over the summer. I figured it would be pointless though because she'd end up and call me after school was over anyway, but it still started off my high school career on a good foot, that was all I wanted right now and I was glad I got it!

         The bell finally rang and I jumped up to start towards my home room. My gaze was broken however when I saw someone I instantly recognized. He was around five foot ten and his dark hair was enough to make me randomly grin for the first time in months. Some how I knew deep down inside this was fate.

© Copyright 2014 Adam Sword (nicksword at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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