Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2003848-Why-Am-I-Dead-season-1-episode-2
Rated: E · Short Story · Ghost · #2003848
Find out what happens when you've died but can't pass on to the other world.
Episode 2 "Dream Walking"

I shook as I cringed in pain. I could hear in my head the voice of my new friend Matt. I struggled to speak, "What...exactly...are you doing to me?"

Matt assured me, "It's alright. It's called Dream Walking. It's when a ghost can penetrate a spirit or human mind. They can look at memories and dreams and relive it as they lived it. It's easier for the dead though because they put up no resistance."

I grabbed at my head and grimaced. I managed to bark out, "Just find out why I'm dead already!"

Matt appeared now and sighed, "It's not that simple. It takes a lot of focus and practice to master this."

I rubbed the back of my head and blushed, "Maybe I'm just pushing you too hard?"

Matt shook his head, "No I just need to get past your recent memories...you really think I'm attractive?"

My face burnt red as I blushed and tried to hide my face. I felt about two feet tall now as he looked me over. I shrugged. My voice shaky, "Do you think you'll ever find out?"

Matt nodded, "Eventually you will, but if I can crack the code so to speak I can find out....let me try again?"

Matt covered the space between us and placed his hands upon my forehead. He grinned, "Clear your mind...let nothing stop me from entering it...and...." When I closed my eyes for a brief moment and opened them he was gone!

It wasn't like he was in my mind...more or less I could just hear his voice and he could see my thoughts both recent and past. He spoke to me, "I can....I see something....a car......"

I shook my head, "The more you dig....the greater the pain!" I gritted my teeth as he keep going in deeper!

Matt reappeared again. He shook his head, "I can't get any deeper at the moment. I need to rest..."

I smiled as I took him in, "Ghosts...rest? Really?"

He nodded, "Yes even the dead can sleep...and dream. We're more of energy in the form of out former selves."

As I turned Matt lowered his gaze and followed. I turned and stopped him, "Just...wait here okay? You get some rest...I just need some time to think."

He smirked and nodded. I waved goodbye as I vanished. I knew where I wanted to go but decided not to. Instead I ended up at my house. I looked around to find that everything seemed the same. The walls were the same color and the carpet was just as I remembered it. I walked into the kitchen and found my parents at dinner. I didn't fully walk in, instead I hid with my head peeking out.

I felt just like a child again, snooping around and spying on my parents while they were secretly talking or fighting. They went about their dinner normally but I noticed that my mother didn't talk. She barely ate and it seemed like she didn't even belong. My father and little brother were talking bout soccer and acting normal...but not my mother.

I wanted to reach out, tell them that everything was alright...that I was in a better place but that wasn't exactly true. That and they wouldn't be able to hear me. After all I was still dead. I noticed tears being fought back by my mother but no one was there to comfort her...I didn't understand. Perhaps they had not noticed with their conversation going on. My father had a knack for becoming so engrossed in things.

I sighed and thought about Matt, thought about how much it meant finding out why I was dead. I vanished again and appeared back with Matt. Matt nodded, "Feeling better?"

I smiled, "I visited my family. They're doing good I guess. At least from what it looked."

Matt ran his hand through his hair, "Yeah I'm sure they're fine. I've had some time to rest, doesn't take long to rejuvenate myself. Want me to try again?"

I could see something in his eyes...almost as if he knew something I didn't. I wasn't about to ask thought, there's a distinct line between curiosity and being nosey. I nodded and replied, "Yeah but first I want to know something."

They'd been in what looked like an abandoned art studio. Matt had brought her here after the funeral and said she could stay. Matt waved for her to have a seat and nodded, "Well I'd say shoot but... that would just sound corny would it not?"

I laughed and smiled, "It's actually about...well.....you. How did you die?"

Matt sat down just inches away from my face. His eyes conveyed his level of sadness as he turned away. I continued, "Matt....why didn't you ever move on?"

He shook his head and smirked, "I would have...believe me after the first few months I tortured myself wanting to be with her still. After a while though I just gave up. I knew I was dead and there was nothing that could change that. I tried moving on but my door....once you're at peace a door appears to you. It's yours and yours alone, designed specifically for you and believe me when I say you only get it once! But for me...for people like me....people who..."

I cut in, "Killed themselves?"

He nodded, "Yeah, we don't get one."

I nodded and sighed, "I'm so sorry this happened to you. But at least your not alone in this?"

Matt looked back into my eyes as he leaned back in the chair. His voice was filled with so much regret, so much certainty, "Yes I am...because once we get your memory back and you know why you died there's no reason for you to stay here. You'll get your door and I won't. That's your happy ending...I...I don't get mine."

I frowned knowing he was partially right. I tried to smile but it just didn't work. It hit me then that maybe this was why I couldn't remember why I died. Maybe I wasn't suppose to because I was suppose to keep him company? Maybe we were destined to meet so we can pull each other together through the after life? Like Ying to Yang maybe we were suppose to be friends?

In Matt's mind he could see the car, see the rain and see the faces. The horrific event that landed his new friend in this place of eternity. He could see the car crash that ended her life....and ultimately would change his.

© Copyright 2014 Adam Sword (nicksword at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2003848-Why-Am-I-Dead-season-1-episode-2