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by Lance
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2003382
I had to cut the story into parts because of size.
Captain Ranaz said, "She did not say anything about taking one of your ships to talk to them. I am fairly certain she wants to take her own ship, or rather my outland bandit scout ship. Jules, you know where it is. Go prepare it for a small trip. Ambassador Onix, if we aren't back in three hours, assume we are captured and come looking for us. Commander Ja Onix, you have command of the ASC Blazing Star until I get back. End transmission."

The com officer pressed a button cutting the view screen off, and switching it to a view of the fleet. Before any one could stop him,
Captain John Ranaz turned and left the bridge. Three minutes later, the small outland bandit scout ship left the ASC Blazing Star.

Just before the scout ship left the Torinuga system, Captain Terra Jones pressed the com panel of the bridge of the ASC Lone Star. She said, "John, I just wanted to wish you luck. And don't you dare die. You hear me, come back alive."

Captain Ranaz pressed the com panel of the scout ship. He replied, "Don't worry I have no plan of dying this day. See you soon."

Captain Jones replied, "Godspeed."

The ship left the Torinuga system and went into hyper space because it lacked the equipment necessary to open an ION Rift.

Shortly after going into hyper space, Jules said, "Captain, your Myoxian said something strange to me a few days ago. She said that no mater how hard she tried, she could not read me. What exactly did she mean?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "Myoxians are mind readers. Trust me, her not reading your mind is a good thing. We don't want anyone to know what you really are yet."

Jules said, "You are going to tell them eventually, right?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "Just fly the ship, Jules"

Jules replied, "I can't fly the ship. I don't know where we are going."

Captain Ranaz set course for Algeria. "There now you can fly the ship."

Jules blinked. Her deep blue eyes became fluorescent. "Yes captain." Jules said, "You going to help or are you just going to sit there?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "You're in the pilot seat. I am in the gunner seat. When you need my help, I will help."

Jules said, "You better be glad I like you. Most people wouldn't do something like this if they knew the likely hood of returning is almost zero."

Captain Ranaz replied, "First, almost zero is not the same as zero. Second, if I didn't know what you are, I would not be here. Third, this was your idea."

Jules said, "Don't remind me."

Captain Ranaz replied, "Here we go."

The ship came out of hyper space. In orbit around Algeria were seven ships from the unknown alien attacker.

Jules said, "Oh, this does not look good. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Now will you help?" She turned in time to see Captain Ranaz fire a full barrage of missiles.

Captain Ranaz said, "Do what we came to do. Then get us out of here."

Jules replied, "No argument from me."

Captain Ranaz fired a few more missiles at the enemy ships.

Jules said, "Where is the moon. This planet has one right?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "There is on to your left. All of the enemies are in-between us and it. There is one up and to the left. But by the time we made it to it, the enemies would destroy us. And there is one to the right. The only thing between us and it is that weather satellite."

Jules replied, "That's it then. Hold on to something." Jules pushed a button on the control panel. The ship turned towards the moon.

Captain Ranaz said, "Do you actually intend to Scan them, or are you going to cut and run?"

Jules replied, "Hopefully I can get one of them to come to me. That way we can scan them and not be over run by sheer numbers."

Two of the enemy ships started following the scout ship. Jules turned to look at Captain Ranaz. "How many are chasing us?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "Two of them. Why?"

Jules said, "How old is that weather satellite?"

Captain Ranaz said, "Jules, please don't do anything stupid. Like get me killed."

Jules replied, "I just want to know how many people will be upset if I were to hit it."

Captain Ranaz replied, "Well, for starters, I will if you wreck my ship. Second, Terra will be if you get me killed. Third, the Agricultural committee will be... on second thought, they will have to put up a new one when this is all over anyway. They shouldn't mind if you knock the old one out of the way."

Jules rammed the satellite with the ship causing it to bounce off, fly back, and hit one of the enemy ships. The enemy ship was damaged by the debris and could not continue pursuit.

Captain Ranaz said, "One down. One to go."

Jules said, "I need it to get a little closer. We want to be sure right?"

Captain Ranaz said, "Sometimes I think you enjoy this."

Jules slowed down a little, allowing the pursuing ship to close the distance some. She pressed a button on her control panel and scan the ship. She looked at the display and said, "I was right. It is them."

The pursuing ship launched two torpedoes. Captain Ranaz fired counter measures.

One of the torpedoes hit the counter charge and detonated allowing the other one to continue pursuit. Captain Ranaz, after studding his display, said, "Okay, that did not work. Jules, one made it through. Time to see if you are as good as you say you are."

Jules replied, "Oh, I am much better than you think." She pressed a series of buttons putting the ship into a complex flying maneuver. The torpedo kept track of her though. She turned so that her ship was heading straight at the enemy's ship.

Captain Ranaz looked a his display screen. He said, "Jules, are you going to do what I think you're doing?"

Jules just smiled. The torpedo locked onto the scout ship. Jules lead it straight towards the enemy ship. Just before the torpedo hit the scout ship, Jules made a drastic course change. The torpedo did not have time to correct its course and hit he enemy ship instead of the scout ship.

Captain Ranaz said, "Okay. I admit it. That was impressive. Take us home. No wait, I mean take me back to my ship. You do know how to get back right?"

Jules pressed the buttons that sent the ship into hyper space. As soon as the scout ship entered hyper space Jules blinked and her eyes returned to a normal shade of blue. She said, "So now what do we do?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "You tell me. You are the one that has knowledge on how to beat those things. What is their weakness?"

Jules said, "Just to correct you, I don't have knowledge on how to beat them. I did not actually fight them the first time. My people has knowledge on how to stop them. I am not sure if it will be any help though. Whatever our people's strategy was the first time, it clearly did not work. If it had, we would not be having this conversation. I can take you back to the tribe's home-world, and you can ask the elders."

Captain Ranaz replied, "No, I need to report back to the fleet first. Then I can decide what my next move is."

When the scout ship came out of hyper space, Jules noticed three other scout ships flying in formation around the fleet. She said, "Captain, we have company."

Captain Ranaz replied, "Yeah, I see them. Open communications with them. Let's find out who they are."

Jules pressed a button on the panel. She started to say something, but Captain Ranaz stopped her. He said, "To the unidentified scout ships, My name is John Ranaz. I am the captain of the Alliance Star Cruiser Blazing Star. I am an honorary member of the Akirra tribe. I suggest that we talk in person after we all land in the docking bays of my ship. If you would follow me in, then I will lead the way."

Jules piloted the scout ship into the docking bay. The other three scout ships followed her into it. The crew of all four scout ships disembarked form their ships.

Captain Ranaz said, "Welcome aboard."

The pilot of one ship looked at Jules. He said, "I know they don't use your real name, so what do they call you?"

Jules replied, "They call me Jules. Also, if you don't mind, don't say anything about my tribal tattoos. No body knows about mine, or the captain's. What brings you here anyway?"

The guy pulled Jules sleeve up so he could read the tattoo on her right arm. He said, "Well, if they call you Jules, then that makes me Anazi. My gunner is Benki. Unfortunately, he refuses to speak the language of the off-worlders. I don't know about the other two ships, but we came because we know that the enemy of old has returned."

Captain Ranaz replied, "I believe you are right. We just got back from a fact finding mission, and are our suspicions were verified. On behalf of the fleet, I thank you for your help during this time of need." He turns to the other two scout ship crews. "Care to identify yourselves?"

One of the remaining four said, "I was still reading her arm. Now that I have figured out where you get Jules from, I know how to abbreviate my name. I am Rondo. My pilot is Tythi. Not that it matters, but we are of the proud and noble tribe of Wolkien."

Jules said, "I have no problem with it, if you don't have a problem taking orders from Captain Ranaz."

Anazi replied, "What exactly is his tribal name?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "It would be better if you didn't know, that way you won't accidental say it when others are present. Just call me Captain Ranaz."

The last two unidentified outland bandits both started to talk. They looked at each other. One nodded at the other. The larger of the two said, "I am Wengu. My gunner is Jutah. We are from the tribe of Kilkorma. I never expected to meet a member of the Akirra tribe here. I thought the stories of females operating scout ships were made up."

Jules replied, "Oh, there are a few of us in Akirra. Thank you all for honoring us with your presence. Captain, you need to talk to whoever is in charge of the fleet. They need to know what we know."

Captain Ranaz said, "You right, Jules." He looked around. He saw an officer come into the docking bay. He said, "Officer, escort these people to some quarters. Jules, come with me."

Captain Ranaz and Jules made the way to one of the turbo-lifts. As they walked into it, a Torin walked up and stepped into it as well. The Torin said, "Captain Ranaz, so good to see you again."

Jules said, "Where did you come from?"

The Torin said, "You're not the only one with secrets, Jules."

Captain Ranaz said, "How much of that did you hear, Xi?"

Xi replied, "I picked the conversation up at if they call you Jules. It seemed that you didn't want them to know I was listening, so I stayed concealed."

Jules asked, "Captain, who is this?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "Oh, sorry. Jules, meet Xi Onix. Ja's twin brother. Xi, what brings you here?"

Jules replied, "They look the same. How do you tell them apart?"

Xi turned so that Jules could see the small scar on the back of his neck. He said, "I have a scar. Ja does not. Captain Ranaz I need to talk to my brother. Our business is our own."

Captain Ranaz pulled out his com link. He said, "Commander Onix come in please."

Commander Onix replied, "I thought one of those ships was you. Just to inform you, the IGA Council is waiting for you in the briefing room. All twenty-one ambassadors are in there."

Captain Ranaz replied, "In that case, I need to change before I get there. Also, your brother wants to talk to you. He is in the turbo-lift with me and Jules."

Captain Ranaz pressed the button to stop the turbo-lift at the deck his quarters were. He said, "Jules, go to your quarters and change into one of your robes."

Jules asked, "Captain, what's going on?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "We are about to address the entire IGA Council. We need to look presentable."

Jules looked at what the she was wearing, then looked at the captain. She said, "What is wrong with what we have on?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "It is customary to appear before the council in Parade Uniform. Which for you is a robe." The turbo-lift stopped just down the corridor form the captain's quarters. He stepped out into the corridor. He continued, "Jules, this is an official request from the captain of this ship. Go change." The turbo-lift doors closed. Captain Ranaz walked to his quarters.

Jules went to her quarters to change as well.

Several minutes later, Captain Ranaz emerged from his quarters wearing his Parade Uniform. Jules, Anazi, Benki and Jutah were waiting in the corridor. They were all wearing robes. Captain Ranaz said, "Just where do you think you're going?"

Anazi replied, "Same place she is. Besides, she made it sound like you are willingly walking into hostile territory. You can't honestly say you don't want backup."

Captain Ranaz said, "I think you miss understood. Yes, I know some of the ambassadors on the IGA Council are hostile towards me, but the council as a whole is neutral by principle. Also, I don't think I can get away with bringing four uninvited guest to a council meeting. I'm sure I can convince them to let Jules stay, but the rest of you must plead your own case."

Jutah asked, "So we can come then?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "I don't have the time to debate it with you any more." He turned and started walking to the closet turbo-lift. He continued, "It is up to the council as to weather you stay."

The outland bandits caught up to Captain Ranaz as the doors to the turbo-lift were opening. Captain Ranaz said, "Any of you armed?"

Jules and Anazi replied, "Yes."

Jutah said, "Is that going to be a problem?"

Captain Ranaz stepped into the turbo-lift. The four outland bandits followed him. Captain Ranaz pressed the button that would take the turbo-lift to the deck where the briefing room was.

As the doors of the turbo-lift were closing, Captain Ranaz said, "It might be. Depending on who is running security for the IGA Council. If we get into problems, follow my lead."

The turbo-lift stopped at the desired location. Captain Ranaz and the outland bandits stepped out of it. Captain Ranaz lead the way down the corridor. He turned a corner and stopped. Not realizing he was going to stop so quickly, Jules walked into him. Jules looked around the captain to see why he stopped. Standing in the corridor a few feet from them was Xi Onix.

Captain Ranaz said, "Xi, are you about to tell me that you are security for the IGA Council?"

Xi replied, "Yes, Captain Ranaz, that is exactly why I was summoned to this ship. Though I figured I had enough time to talk to my brother before the council got here. Unfortunately, that is not so. I will talk to my brother before I leave. If I were to search you and your friends, would I find any weapons?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "Yes you would. In fact you would find a lot. But we both know you won't search me."

Jules said, "If he is supposed to be in charge of security, shouldn't he actually search us?"

Captain Ranaz said, "He should, but is not going to. Can we go in now?"

Xi Onix replied, "You can. I'm not sure if your friends will be allowed in or not."

Captain Ranaz said, "They are here as consultants. They, well their people at least, have fought the enemy that is attacking everybody." He turned his head so that he was looking at Anazi. He continued, "Do any of you guys know how they were beaten last time?"

Anazi replied, "We put their planet into cryogenic freeze. It should have stopped them forever."

Captain Ranaz replied, "Well, that didn't work. We need to think of something else." He turned back to Xi Onix. He said, "We would like to go in now."

Xi Onix reached behind him and pressed the control panel for the door. It took three tries to hit the button that opened the door, because he was not looking.

Captain Ranaz, Jules, Anazi, Benki, and Jutah walked into the briefing room. Captain Ranaz looked around the room. When he saw the Basuyion Ambassador he said, "Oh my gods."

The Basuyion Ambassador replied, "Surely, I am not the first Basuyion you have seen."

Captain Ranaz said, "No, I've seen plenty. It's just that you are the first blue one I have ever seen."

The Basuyion Ambassador replied, "Ah. Okay. Blue skin is a rare condition among my people. I believe humans have an equally rare skin condition called Albentism."

Captain Ranaz said, "It is pronounced Albinism." He continued to look around the room. When he saw the Myoxian sitting half way up the side of the table he said, "Mirriam, what are you doing here?"

Mirriam replied, "In case you didn't notice Captain Ranaz, I am wearing ambassador robes. You're smart enough to figure it out yourself."

Captain Ranaz said, "I stand corrected, Ambassador Lul Dasta. So nice to see you again."

Ambassador Lul Dasta asked, "Is it true? Did you really rescue Terra Jones?"

The door opened and Captain Terra Jones walked into the room. She said, "Captain Terra Jones reporting as ordered."

Captain Ranaz said, "That was perfect timing, Terra."

Captain Jones replied, "Why do you say that?"

Captain Ranaz said, "The Myoxian Ambassador was just asking about you. Ambassador Lul Dasta, I believe your question has been answered."

Ambassador Lul Dasta said, "So nice to see you again, Terra."

Captain Terra Jones replied, "Like wise, Ambassador."

Jules asked, "Somebody going to tell me what is going on here?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "Terra, Mirriam, and myself were all at the academy together. Same year."

The Algerian Ambassador said, "In that case, I think Ambassador Lul Dasta should be removed from the council."

Captain Ranaz replied, "Ambassador Kunqwi, you have no right to remove another ambassador from the council on the grounds that they are friends with some one you dislike. Giving how the ambassador for each world is elected by the government of that world, the only way any ambassador can attempt to remove some one else form the council is if they have proof that the other ambassador has committed a crime. Then a majority vote is needed. And I know that you would never get one of those. So I suggest you end all of this foolishness."

Jules asked, "Any one going to make introductions or do I just guess?"

Captain Ranaz said, "Ambassadors of the IGA Council, allow me to introduce Jules of Akirra, Jutah of Kilkorma, and Anazi and Benki of," He turned to Anazi. "What tribe are you two from?"

Anazi replied, "Nostus."

Captain Ranaz said, "Anazi and Benki of Nostus. You know their race as Outland Bandits. Guys meet the InterGalactic Alliance Council. And for those of you who haven't met her. It is my honor to introduce Captain Terra Jones, my fiancé. Now, let's get down to business. Ambassador Onix, do you want me to stat? Or do you prefer to do it?"

Ambassador Onix said, "We are here to discuss the recent attacks on Alliance worlds. The enemy is far more advance then us. And the only person that has offered an idea other than run and hide is Captain Ranaz and Jules of Akirra. I think we should listen to them, and see if they have a plan."

Captain Ranaz said, "The first thing you need to know is that the enemy attacking everybody is Drackonia. I know all of you have legends concerning them. Let me assure you, they do exist. Also, the Lathier exist. That is not the real name of their species but it is the closet pronunciation. I would tell you the real name, but then we would have to kill all of you. And I actually want a few of you to survive this."

Ambassador Kunqwi said, "Now I know you aren't fit for command. Neither the Drackonia nor the Lathier exist. There is no evidence anywhere that either race ever existed. Is any one buying this garbage?"

Jules replied, "Trust us when we say that the Lathier exist. We would know. We are them."

This comment caused all of the ambassadors to respond in shock, awe, and confusion.

Captain Terra Jones asked, "John, for those of us not from Torinuga, can you tell us who they are? Or at least what they are called on other planets."

Captain Ranaz replied, "On Algeria they are called Lat-tet. Bringers of knowledge. I know what you are thinking, Terra, and the answer is yes, they are the ones that taught the InterGalactic Alliance how to speak Human English as the common tongue. Which means that they visited Earth before the IGA was even founded."

Captain Terra Jones asked, "Why would they visit Earth? What good would it do them to do so? How could our language be of any use to them?"

Anazi replied, "Our legends tell of a hero from a distant star. Some of our people went to that star system to learn their ways. They were quite displeased when they discovered that humans had not even master flight, let alone reached the stars. They knew that they would have to wait a long time for the hero to come form there. In the long years since, we have used the time to prepare the rest of the galaxy for the arrival of the hero who would... I guess the literal translation is slay the Drackonia."

Captain Ranaz said, "Of course the ancient people of Earth had no understanding of the Lathier language and did not realize that the Lathier were an alien race completely different form them altogether. So they made up a name for them. On Ancient Earth, the Lathier were called sprites. Or possibly pixies. I think the two are in fact the same."

Ambassador Kunqwi said, "So, now you are saying that Captain Ranaz has some kind of messiah complex? That is what you are saying isn't it? That he is the one person in all the galaxy that can stop the Drackonia."

Captain Ranaz said, "I don't recall saying that I was the hero from Earth. Anazi, did you say who the hero from earth was?"

Anazi shook his head no.

Captain Ranaz started to say something, but before he could his com-link chirped. Commander Onix's voice came over it. "Captain, sorry to interrupt, but there are a few ships just entering the system now. The ships read as the same metal that makes the outer hull of your scout ship. They are asking for you and Jules."

Captain Ranaz said, "Ambassadors, this meeting unfortunately must come to an abrupt end. Thank you for your time."

Ambassador Kunqwi said, "We're not done here."

Captain Ranaz replied, "Oh, don't misunderstand. You can stay as long as the IGA Council is in season. I must go to the bridge to welcome the reinforcements to the fleet. I have to do this because I am the only officer of the armada that speaks their language. Ambassador Onix, as soon as you get done here, make sure some one removes Ambassador Kunqwi from my ship."

Captain Ranaz turned and walked out of the room. Captain Jones and the Lathier followed him. Captain Ranaz, Captain Jones and Jules got into one turbo-lift. Anazi, Benki, and Jutah got into another one to return to their quarters.

Captain Jones said, "I'm confused. John, are you or are you not the one person that can destroy the Drackonia?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "Who say I was?"

Captain Jones pointed at Jules and said, "She did!"

Jules replied, "While it is true that many of my people believe that Captain Ranaz is the one who will defeat the Drackonia, he has not confirmed nor denied it. In theory, I say that he is. But he must accept that calling. So far he has not."

Captain Jones said, "What if he is not the one?"

Jules replied, "He has to be. No one else fits the requirements."

Captain Ranaz said, "Jules, first off, just because everyone wants something to be true doesn't mean it's true. Second, I am still wondering about it myself. I know how I am going to die. And I can't figure how my death will cause the end of the war. Third, I don't want to talk about this any more."

The turbo-lift stopped at the bridge. All three passengers exited it onto the bridge.

Captain Ranaz said, "Open a com channel to the lead ship."

The com officer pressed a few buttons on his control panel. An image of an elderly man appeared on the screen. Jules recognizing the man quickly turned her back to the screen, hoping that the man would not recognize her.

The elderly man said, "Like I don't know that is you, Jullilana."

Jules turned to face the screen, and said, "Hello father."

Captain Ranaz said, "High Chief Salura, so nice of you to honor us with your presence. I take it that you are in command of this regiment. Also, just for the record every body refers to your daughter as Jules. Many because I told them to call her that."

High Chief Salura replied, "Yes, Captain Ranaz, I am in charge of this regiment of ships. It does not surprise me on little bit that my daughter is her with you. Allow us to assist you in the coming battle."

Captain Ranaz said, "High Chief Salura, while I have you here, is there any special requirements for marriage among your people?"

High Chief Salura replied, "The ceremony is not important as long as a member of the tribe bears witness to it. However, immediately following the ceremony, both the bride and groom have to go hunting together. Each must kill a different animal. The two then eat both animals. "

Captain Ranaz said, "Okay, thanks High Chief Salura. Allow me to introduce Terra Jones, Captain of the ASC Lone Star. I intend to make her my wife."

Ambassador Ra Onix and Xi Onix walked onto the bridge. Xi said, "Ja, we need to talk."

Commander Onix said, "We'll talk later."

Captain Ranaz said, "Ambassador Onix, I need you to perform a wedding ceremony. I will then need to go down to Torinuga with Terra to hunt some animals. Com Officer, you can close the channel."

The Com Officer pressed a button the image of the old man was replaced with a view of the fleet.

Ambassador Onix walked over to where Captain Ranaz and Captain Jones were standing. He said, "As representative of the planet Torinuga, I am honored to join you two in holy matrimony. But are you sure I have a right to do so?"

Captain Ranaz said, "Ra, as an Ambassador you have all the authority to perform the ceremony. Now for the love of all the gods you believe in, make it quick."

"Do you John Ranaz, Captain of the ASC Blazing Star, take Captain Terra Jones to be you wife?"

"I do."

"Do you Terra Jones, Captain of the ASC Lone Star take John Ranaz as your husband?'"

"I do."

"By the power given to be by the IGA council, I pronounce you married."

Captain Ranaz said, "Okay. My wife and I are going to go down to Torinuga for a few hours. Commander Onix, have a shuttle prepared for me in docking bay one. Then have Mobius Orthua meet Jules in docking bay two. He is to take her over to her dad's ship. He is to wait there for her. Inform him that everything he sees over there is covered in the doctor patient confidently clause. You may then leave the bridge to talk to your brother."

Jules said, "Captain is this were we part company?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "Jules, I still need a combat pilot. And that is your job. I don't trust any one else to do it. I will see you in a few hours."

Captain John Ranaz and Captain Terra Jones left the bridge. Commander Onix spoke a few commands into his com-link, and then left the bridge as well.

Jules stood there for a few seconds. She turned to Lieutenant Dos Eska. She asked, "Where is docking bay two at again?

Lieutenant Dos Eska replied, "It is one deck down from where the Captain's scout ship is docked. Same area of the deck. You take the same path from the turbo-lift that you would take on the floor above it."

Jules said, "Thanks." She turned and left the bridge.

When Jules arrived in the docking bay, Mobius Orthua was waiting on her. His long orange hair, and the pair of fangs sticking out from his lower lip made him look more like a large feline than human. He said, "Are you the girl that I am supposed to take to another ship?"

Jules replied, "I'm Jules. You the doctor?"

Mobius replied, "Chief Medical Officer Mobius Orthua at your service. So where we going?"

Jules replied, "I will identify the ship you need to fly to when we leave this one."

Mobius said, "Why are you on this ship anyway? You clearly aren't IGA armada."

Jules replied, "The captain asked me personally. As a favor to him."

Mobius replied, "Yeah, he does that a lot. That is how he picked his entire senior staff."

Jules said, "I know. He told me. So are you going to fly this shuttle or not?"

Mobius lead Jules into the shuttle and started pre-flight.

As soon as the shuttle carrying Jules and Mobius Orthua cleared the hanger bay, Jules blinked. Her blue eyes became florescent. She said, "Don't tell anyone about this little ability of mine. I think the captain wants to keep it a secret. I think that includes my own people. Second sight is a rare gift." She looked at all of the Lathier battleships. She pointed at one. She said, "Take me to that one."

Mobius Orthua set a course for the ship she indicated. He asked, "What exactly are you planning on doing over there?"

Jules replied, "I don't know if the captain of either ship would want you to know. And given how one is my father and the other is Captain Ranaz, I am inclined to believe that I should not tell you. Don't worry. It's nothing illegal. Well, at least not in my society. I can't speak for yours."

Mobius Orthua replied, "Captain Ranaz told me to treat everything I see over there as doctor patient confidentiality. Meaning anything I see or hear from the time the shuttle left the hanger bay until the time it returns to the same hanger bay is strictly between us. Can I ask you one question though?"

Jules blinked again causing her eyes to return to normal. She said, "If it is about my eyes, or why Captain Ranaz doesn't want anyone to know, don't bother."

Mobius Orthua said, "Actually, I was going to ask how old are you? Because, and don't take this the wrong way, but you seem way to young to be the seasoned combat pilot everyone has been talking about the last few days."

Jules replied, "Well, in answer to your question, I am nineteen according to my peoples calendar. Which makes me one hundred and thirty six according to your calendar, if I did the math right."

Mobius Orthua whistled in response. He then proceed to dock the shuttle in the hanger bay of the Lathier battleship.

Captain Ranaz walked over to where Terra was laying. She was aiming her riffle at a large animal. Captain Ranaz said, "I wouldn't shoot that if I were you."

Captain Terra Jones-Ranaz looked up at him. She replied, "You said, we both needed to hunt something. Why can't I shoot the animal I want to shoot?"

Captain Ranaz said, "Well, for starters, it is illegal to hunt corvubilions. And second, that six foot tall animal you are sighting in your scope is the cub. The fifteen foot tall one to your right is the mother. So like I said, I wouldn't shoot that if I were you."

Terra looks at the larger animal on her right. She quickly decided to change targets. She saw a small feline-like animal and shot it. It took two shots to kill it.

Captain Ranaz said, "Okay, now we can cook that and then eat."

Terra looked at her husband, and said, "I am going to ask you a question. I want honest answer from you. Why are you and Jules so attached to each other?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "That's an easy one. When I crashed on her planet. I was near death. Jules not only talked her father into making me part of the tribe, but nursed me back to health as well. It was kind of hard to communicate at first, because we did not know each others language. We have slowly fixed that. Any other questions?"

Terra said, “What do those tattoos on your arm mean?”

Captain Ranaz replied, "The one on my left wrist is my tribal tattoo. It shows all of the Lathier to which tribe I belong. The one on my left shoulder is supposed to be destiny, but the Lathier didn't have one for mine, so they made one up for me. The entire right arm is my tribal name. I don't want any one to know want it says. Jules doesn't even know. But because you are my wife, I will tell you. It reads 'Dagoni Avenegi Gordas Othanic Salura'. or Dagos for short. And Yes that Salura is the same as High Chief Salura and the S in Jules."

A few hours later, Captain Ranaz, Captain Jones-Ranaz, Jules and Mobius Orthua returned to the ship. After they finished landing procedures, and exited their shuttles, Captain Ranaz said, "Jules did you take care of it?"

Jules replied, "Yes, Captain."

Captain Ranaz said, "Chief Medical Officer Mobius Orthua, you can return to your regular duties now. And remember, what you saw over there is confidential."

Mobius Orthua left the other three standing in the docking bay.

Jules said, "So now what do we do?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "We find a way to win this war."

Jules said, "Do you have an idea or do you plan to make it up as you go?"

Captain Ranaz said, "No, Jules, I don't have a plan. I guess I should have phrased it like this. We need to figure out a way to win this war."

Jules replied, "Well nothing sort of completely destroying the Drackonia will achieve that goal. So you need a way to do that."

Captain Jones-Ranaz said, "I have and idea. It will be risky."

Captain Ranaz said, "If your thinking about some type of bomb, I've already thought of that. It won't work. No way to get the bomb to the enemy ships."

Captain Jones-Ranaz said, "I was thinking about a thermal nuclear warhead actually. And if we make one of those we can launch it like a missile."

Captain Ranaz said, "I don't want to be the one responsible for bringing that technology back into the galaxy. It is probably best if it stays forgotten."

Captain Jones-Ranaz said, "Okay. We make a reasonable subistute. I am sure we can make something as powerful as a nuclear warhead. Humans can not be the only race that made a bomb that powerful."

Captain Ranaz said, "Again. No way to get said bombs close enough to the enemy ship for it to work properly. And we can't set space minds, because it could take out our own fleet just as easily."

Jules said, "If we could get the bomb, I can get it close enough to the enemy ships to do some major damage."

Captain Ranaz said, "You're not suggesting a suicide run are you?"

Jules said, "Actually I was suggesting, taking the bomb, getting close to the enemy with it, and jettison the thing out the ship I am flying."

Captain Ranaz said, "That might work. But why you?"

Jules said, "I am the best pilot you have, and you know it."

Captain Ranaz said, "I am not arguing with you Jules. I just want to know why you think you get the honor?"

Jules replied, "Well, you don't fly. And I will be dead before I allow another clan to do it."

Captain Terra Jones-Ranaz said, "This is pointless. Why don't you both do it?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "All in good time."

Jules asked, "Hey, not to question your friend, but why have the Drackonia not attacked here yet?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "There are a few systems between where they are and us. Most of those are uninhabited. Oh dear lord."

Captain Jones-Ranaz said, "The Salmandrians! We have to send a ship to warn them. They're a peaceful race." The two captains ran towards a turbo-lift. Jules was a few paces behind them.

The turbo-lift deposited the three people onto the bridge. Captain Ranaz asked, "Has there been any contact with the Salmandrians since the fleet mustered at Torinuga?"

Lt. Dos Eska said, "Captain, welcome back onboard. To answer your question, twenty minutes ago, a certain ambassador tried to order us to go investigate this matter. I asked the ambassador to my planet to send another ship. The council wisely agreed with me, given as how three command officers were not on the ship at the time."

Captain Jones-Ranaz said, "Which ship went? And have they relayed a message yet?"

Lt. Dos Eska replied, "The ASC Dwarf Star went to check on the Salmandrians. They should make contact with the planet shortly."

A few minutes later, the com officer said, "Sir, we are receiving a from the ASC Dwarf Star. They report that the Salmandrians are fine. The whole society was underground when the Drackonia attacked. Their cities are ruined, but the people are fine."

Captain Ranaz said, "Give me fleet wide." The com officer pressed a button. Captain Ranaz continued, "This is Captain Ranaz of the ASC Blazing Star. We just got word that the Drackoia have attacked the Salmandrians. The Salmandrians are fine. We know now that the next target for the Drackonia is Torinuga. Be ready folks. You will see combat very shortly." He indicated that he wanted to close the channel.

The com officer did so. Lt. Dos Eska said, "Captain, you do have a plan, right?"

Captain Ranaz said, "We're still working on it. Terra, Jules, with me. Lt. Dos Eska, you have the bridge."

Captain Ranaz walked over to a turbo-lift. Terra, and Jules joined him in it. It deposited them on the deck where the senior officer quarters were. Captain Ranaz walked to his quarters.

Jules said, "Captain, what are you doing?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "I am going to get a data pad so we can figure out how much of a bang our bomb needs to make. We will then go build a bomb."

Ten minutes later, Captain Ranaz finished his calculations. The cargo bay that had been converted to a bomb factory was a mess with parts and tools. Captain Ranaz said, "I need a piece of wire two feet long. I will cut it to what I need as we go. There is one problem though. We need something powerful enough to charge the detonator without blowing up the bomb the second it is activated. I can think of only one thing. Jules, I need to ask you a favor."

Jules replied, "I had a feeling you were going to say that. I brought one with me when I came aboard. I was hoping to have it as a spare for our scout ship, but this is a greater need. Let me run up to my quarters and grab it." She ran out of the room before either captain could say anything else.

Captain Terra Jones-Ranaz asked, "What exactly are you two talking about?"

Captain John Ranaz replied, "She is going to go get a power source. That’s all you really need to know. In order for the bomb to have enough bang it has to have a lot of power. Too much and you blow yourself up when you arm the bomb. Not enough, and it fails to do the job."

Captain Terra Jones-Ranaz asked, "And she just happens to have a power source for you to use in her quarters?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "Funny how fate works sometimes."

As Jules was stepping out of the turbo-lift near her quarters, she met Commander Onix. She said, "Oh. You back. Did you take care of whatever it was you needed to do?"

Commander Onix replied, "Yes I did. You wouldn't happen to know where the captain is, would you?"

Jules answered, "He is three floors down in one of the storage areas. I don't know what you call them in the common tongue. He is building a bomb so you might want to wait a minute or two before going to talk with him. I got to run."

Jules moved toward her quarters and Commander Onix moved into the turbo-lift.

Commander Onix walked into the room where Captains Ranaz and Jones-Ranaz were. He said, "Ah. Here you are. If I hadn't run into Jules, I probably never would have found you."

Captain Ranaz said, "Is everything okay?"

Commander Onix replied, "It is now. Oh, if any one asks, I never left the ship."

Captain Ranaz replied, "Right. Well, as long as you are here, could you give us a hand?"

Commander Onix asked, "Do you know what you are dong?"

Captain Ranaz replied, "I have done some calculations. Feel free to check my work if you think I am doing something wrong."

Commander Onix said, "I wouldn't have any more knowledge of a bomb then you would. What about Jules? Does she have knowledge that could help us here?"

Captain Ranaz answered, "Unfortunately, her talents lie in other areas." Captain Ranaz continued to work on the bomb.

A few minutes later Jules walked into the room carrying a small object. She said, “Here you go Captain."

Captain Terra Jones-Ranaz looked at it and said, "You use that to power your ship? It's so small. There is no way that can be powerful enough to power your ship."

Jules replied, "Didn't any one ever tell you? Uh, Captain, how do you say, "Diest rendeer vassiege." in the your language?"

Captain Ranaz answered, "Don't judge an object based on sized. Okay so that is not a literal translation. But it is close enough." He took the power cell from Jules. He said, "Thanks, Jules."

She said, "No problem."

Captain Ranaz finished building the bomb. He said, "You all might want to stand back. I have no idea if this is going to work. I might just wind up blowing myself up for all the trouble." The other three moved back a little. Captain Ranaz flipped a switch. Instantly the display on the diagnostic tool light up showing that the bomb was fully active. Captain Ranaz carefully removed the diagnostic tool and closed the access panel to the bomb.

The other three people in the room let out a collective sigh of relief.

Jules said, "I knew you could do it, Dagos."

Captain Ranaz turned to Jules and said, "Hey, you cheated. I never told you my tribal name. Which means you looked with out my permission. I would prefer that you had asked me, but well you know now. I can't really do anything about it. I take it that you have read my arm. In which case you know what my full name is, thus you know what my calling might be. Please tell me that you aren't using your abilities on the members of my crew."

Jules replied, "I only used it on one person on this ship. Well other than your chief medical officer, but he wasn't on this ship when I used my ability on him."

Captain Ranaz said, "Which member of the crew did you use your special abilities on?"

"The big one that looks like it might be blind in his left eye. His name is Leoni Pertriva. He was born on a planet called Enton IV. Just for the record, he can see fine."

Captain Terra Jones-Ranaz asked, "Pertriva? Any relation to Alfonzi Pertriva?"

Captain John Ranaz replied, "His son actually. Leoni was place on board this ship at the same time Commander Onix was. And Jules, I already knew that Leoni can see just fine out of his left eye. Like I told Ambassador Onix, I trust every one on board this ship. Though I am glad to know that you thought he was suspicious enough use your ability on him. I assume it was to make sure I was safe on my own ship."

Jules said, "Yes, let's go with that. If it is any comfort, it was while the ship was on my planet."

Captain Ranaz said, "That doesn't really make it okay, Jules."

Jules replied, "Again we were on my planet. I say that makes it acceptable."

Captain Ranaz said, "Okay we disagree on this, and there is no way to get out of an argument if we keep going."

Captain Terra Jones-Ranaz said, "What are you two talking about?"

Jules asked, "Captain, is it okay if I tell them, yet?"

Captain Ranaz said, "Better yet, Jules. Show them."

Jules blinked. Her eyes became fluorescent.

Commander Onix asked, "What happened to your eyes?"

Jules replied, "I have a gift known as Second Sight. It allows me to see things others can't."

Commander Onix asked, "What kind of things can you see?"

Jules replied, "Well, everything. For instances, on the deck below us, several junior officers are playing a card game of some sort. If you give me a few minutes I might be able to figure out the rules for you."

Captain Ranaz said, "Jules, we don't have time for that."

Jules said, "That's what I thought. To continue on, Anazi, Benki, and Jutah are waiting out in the hall. I don't know if they are acting as security or if they are just waiting for the Captain to finish. I could go on, but I think you two get the gist of it."

The comm system went off. Lt. Tylina Dos Eska said, "Red Alert. All crew to your stations. Red Alert."

Captain Ranaz said, "Well, you heard the lieutenant. Report to battle stations."

Captain John Ranaz, Captain Terra Jones-Ranaz, and Commander Ja Onix all turned to leave the room. Jules blinked. Her eyes returned to normal. She said, "Captain, there is one last thing I need to tell you."

Captain Ranaz stopped, and looked back at Jules.

Jules said, "Just to let you know. Your wife is with child."

Captain Ranaz replied, "That's good to know. We have to report to battle stations. Jules, you got to the bridge. Find out how many there are. I will take the bomb to the ship."

Jules, Commander Onix, and Captain Terra Jones-Ranaz left the room and went to the turbo-lift. Captain Ranaz took the bomb and went to another turbo-lift.

Jules walked onto the bridge with Commander Onix and Captain Jones-Ranaz.
© Copyright 2014 Lance (king_pyro at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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