Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2003369-Henrys-Army-of-Five
Rated: E · Fiction · Children's · #2003369
Novelette written for my nieces and nephews. Contest entry. Word count 13,331.
Henry's Army of Five

Chapter 1 - Henry's Nightmare Come True

There were always rumors about some type of hostile takeover, but we all just held on to a hope that it would never happen.  People said that the government was planning on separating all the parents from their children.  The parents would become slaves and the children would be brainwashed into becoming the kind of adults the government wanted them to be - mindless and obedient.  It seemed a pretty far-fetched idea... until it actually happened.

They came in the middle of the night like bad dreams often do.  I tried to alert the family by barking loudly and lunging at the first soldier I saw, but they tasered me quickly.  I could see and hear everything around me, but I was helpless to save my family - a dog's worst nightmare come true.  I watched as they separated the children from the parents and then left me for dead.  As soon as I was able to move I decided to run as fast as I could to the cousins' house.  Maybe I could get there before the soldiers could and at least save one part of my family.

Those soldiers had their big trucks, but I knew all the short cuts.  I was small so I could make my way through the brush better than even a bigger dog could.  The soldiers were on Taylor and JJ's street, but they had not made it to their house yet.  I decided to try to wake Taylor first since she was the oldest, but I really should have went to JJ's room initially.  He is easier to wake up.  When Taylor finally woke up I grabbed her pajama shirt and made her follow me to JJ's room to get him up.  Both children were confused, but trusted me enough to know I was there in the middle of the night for a valid reason. They quietly followed me.  I led them to a secluded spot outside and then ran back in to get their parents, but I was too late.  The soldiers had entered the house.  I could not afford to get tasered again and leave Taylor and JJ alone any longer so I stayed silent and kept out of sight.  It killed me to stay quiet and not fight as they took Taylor and JJ's parents away, but even they would want me to take care of their children first.  Their mother glanced at me and I could see a slight bit of relief in her tear stained eyes.  I think she knew I would protect Taylor and JJ no matter what.

I went back to the place I had hidden the children.  They were both quietly crying so at least they knew what was going on.  The scary rumors had come true.  We stayed there until the soldiers had cleared out.  Every time I heard a child scream for their mother or a mother scream for her child I had to fight off my instinct to run and help.  Taylor and JJ were my top priority now.  I needed them safe.  The three of us could regroup and eventually find the rest of our family that the soldiers had taken away.

Just before dawn I felt it was safe enough to move the children to an area further from the homes.  I knew the soldiers were probably going to be searching for Taylor and JJ and any other children that may have escaped.  There was a hidden cave near the river.  I went there sometimes to bury my best treasures.  I have gone there for years and never once saw a human wandering around so I knew it would be a safe haven for now.  The children were exhausted from everything that happened so I watched over them as they slept.  I tried to think of what do to next as we all three hid out in my secret cave.  It was not going to be easy, but I was going to rescue my whole family no matter what.

Chapter 2 - Phase 1

"I need to go back to the house and get some supplies.  We need food, and more clothes. I need to get my fishing gear, my good knife, my bow, and my dart gun.  All that stuff."

"JJ it's too dangerous to go out during the day.  I agree that we need to get some supplies, but we need to go at night so that there's less chance of us being seen."

"We?  There is no 'we' Taylor, you're staying here in the cave with Henry.  It's too dangerous for a girl to be out there with all the craziness going on right now."

"Ummm, I'm sixteen, and I am also older than you so you don't get to call the shots.  I know you mean well JJ, but I am not letting you go out there alone.  If we are going to make it through this we have to stick together.  Ok?  Together - agreed?"


"Say it JJ."

"Fine - together.  We stick together," JJ complied.

"Thank you."

I would have rather them both stay in the cave and I venture out to get all the supplies.  However, since I only weigh 5 pounds it would have taken a million trips for me to drag all the supplies back to the cave so I had to agree to the kids' plan to stick together.  We waited until it was dark and then we set out on our adventure to the house.  I made sure it was perfectly safe before I let the children enter.  They quickly started gathering bags of food and clothes and other useful items.  I led them safely back to the cave and then left them to go to my house.  I needed to look at it one more time.  I came back with Grace's favorite stuffed fox.  I dropped it in front of Taylor and JJ so that they knew the next part of our plan - to find Andrew, Grace, and Faith and rescue them.

"We know Henry, we know.  Don't worry, we will find them.  We will get our family back.  JJ, I think it's time you teach me a thing or two about your bow and dart gun."

"Yeah, I think you're right.  But I think the first step is finding where they're holding the kids.  Our parents are stronger and can hold out longer.  Grace and Faith are only nine and four years old.  I am sure they are terrified.  And even though Andrew is fourteen like me I'm sure he is scared too.  We have to locate them first and then rescue them.  I can go scout around and see what I can find out.  I know you want us to stick together, but you also know I track best on my own.  I know this land like the back of my hand.  I promise you I won't get caught."

"JJ I don't like the idea of you going out there without me.  We really do need to stick together.  I'll come with you.  We can look for them together," Taylor pleaded.

"Come on Taylor, you're the smart one.  Think about it logically for a minute.  This is a hunting mission.  I am the best hunter around these parts besides Daddy.  You know you'll only slow me down.  Let me do this on my own, it will be faster.  I know you're scared, but Henry won't let anything happen to you while I'm gone."

"JJ, I'm not scared to stay here alone, I'm scared to lose my brother like I've lost my parents and my aunts and my cousins.  You take Henry, he can see, hear, and smell better than you can.  I will be fine here.  I will keep myself busy by making this cave more like a home.  Hurry up and go before the sunrises and before I change my mind."

"Alright, I'm going.  But let me show you how to use this dart gun first.  Before I walk in I will whistle like a whippoorwill so you'll know it's me.  If you hear anything else come in without that signal I want you to open fire with this dart gun.  Aim for the face.  While they are shrieking in pain from that then stab them in the heart with this knife.  I know how you feel about violence and weapons in general, but Taylor, this is life and death.  You have to defend yourself and defend our new home.  We can't let them take anything else from us, ok?"

"Ok, JJ.  I understand.  Now go.  And be back before the sun comes up.  I mean it."

I watched the children hug each other tight and then JJ and I took off to find my other kids.  JJ was a great tracker, but I was better.  The scent of each one of my children was imprinted in my nostrils and I was bound and determined to get to them.  JJ and I tried to survey the compound where they kept all the kids.  It was heavily guarded as expected and surrounded by a tall fence with plenty of barbed wire.  I made JJ stay hidden as I ventured closer to try and find an entry way.  There were advantages to being the color of night and only weighing 5 pounds.  I went all around that place and found no entry way for me, but I did come up with an idea.  The sun was about to rise so JJ and I had to head back to the cave.  I would come back tonight on my own when the children were asleep and put phase one of my plan in place.


I didn't make a move until I heard both of the children snoring.  JJ snored as loud as my mama so it's good we were secluded out here.  My mama was JJ's Aunt C.  She lived with Andrew, Grace, and Faith along with her sister, my Auntie A.  I missed my grownups very much, but I was on a mission to find the rest of my kids first.  And that's exactly what I was going to do.

I stopped by my home on the way to the children's compound.  I picked out my ripest bone and took it with me.  I picked the darkest corner of the compound and pushed my bone through the fence hole until it was on the other side.  And then I waited.  I waited over an hour, but my plan began to unfold.  A lone white wolf came over and started digging a hole until he reached my bone and I watched him run off with it.  He got a free bone and I got free labor.  My paws are tiny so it would have taken me forever to dig what it took him minutes to do.  I crawled under the fence and began sniffing out my children.  I found Grace first.  She was impossible to wake up unless you tickled her feet and that would make her laugh out loud so I decided to pull out some of my fur and I placed it in her open palm.  She would know what it meant when she found it.  I loved all my kids, but Grace was my best buddy.  She would know exactly what that fur in her hand would mean.  Faith and Andrew were both in separate bunks, but I found all three.  I let them sleep.  I could not risk them waking up any of the other children or the guards.  Before I left I checked on my Grace one more time and used my mouth to get some stray hairs that were on her pillow.  I needed JJ and Taylor to know I found them.  I hated leaving them in that place, but I was relieved to know they were all in the same compound and they were all still alive.  Phase 1 of my mission had been completed.  It was time to prepare for Phase 2.

Chapter 3 - Phase 2

"Why does Henry keep trying to show me strands of your hair Taylor?  Does he want me to use it for fishing line or something?  We aren't that desperate, I've got my fishing gear right here."

"Come here Henry, let me see what you've got boy.  Oh my gosh, JJ, this isn't' my hair.  It's too long.  I think this is Grace's hair.  Henry, did you find Grace?  Did you find the kids?"

I let out a low gruff and started wagging my tail and doing my happy dance to make sure they understood that yes, I had found the rest of my kids.  And they understood.  It was going to take a lot of work and cunning to rescue them, but JJ was a hard worker and Taylor was the smartest kid I knew so together we could do it.  It would just take some time to work out all the logistics.

"Ok, JJ, this is what we're going to do.  Every evening between midnight and 2 A.M. I want you and Henry to go out and watch the compound.  Find out how Henry got in and watch that spot very closely.  Pay attention to guard shift changes.  Pay attention to where they are standing at all times.  We will do this for at least the next two weeks.  We need to memorize their routines for each night of the week to see if anything changes.  I will go to the compound every morning as the sun rises so that I can clearly see what we are up against.  I will sketch everything I see every morning for at least two weeks."

"Sounds like a great plan of attack Taylor.  I am on board," JJ said with enthusiasm.

"No, JJ, this is not a plan of attack.  There's you, me and a five pound toy poodle with a dart gun for protection.  This is a rescue mission.  Let's be clear about that.  I don't need you thinking you can take on the whole army with your knife, bow, and dart gun."

"Fine, it's a rescue mission.  Got it."

"We need to send Henry in there to let the kids know we are here to help.  We've got to give them some hope.  Even the smallest glimmer of hope can shine through the darkest of times."

I started making some noise to get Taylor and JJ's attention.  I pulled out some of my fur and then laid it in Taylor's hand.  They didn't seem to get what I was trying to say so I did it again and put some fur in JJ's hand.  Then I ran over and grabbed Grace's fox.

"Oh my gosh, it looks like Henry has already given the kids some hope.  He left some of his fur with Grace.  Great job Henry."

Taylor rubbed my head in approval and I gave her hand a quick lick of thanks.  We had our Phase 2 plan in place and I felt that we were on our way to getting our family back.  I was finally able to get a little bit of much needed sleep.


We began to put our plan into action.  Every night I would go with JJ to scout out the compound.  We both made detailed mental notes of what we saw.  Taylor's instincts were right.  The guards did have a strict routine and stuck to it like clockwork.  It was smart planning to know where each guard would be at certain times and to know the shift changes.  And we knew who took unofficial smoke breaks.  And we also knew who texted or played video games or watched YouTube videos during their shift.  The guards did not seem to take their jobs that seriously, but who was left for them to guard against?  All the adults were locked up tight in another compound.  Learning the guards' relaxed habits was very helpful Intel.

I would also go with Taylor every morning to observe the compound during daylight.  It's amazing how much more you can see with a little sunlight.  Taylor was an excellent artist and her sketches were perfect.

"Ok, Thursday night seems to be the best night to start Operation Rescue.  The two guards on the south rear wall both watch something intently on their phones from 1-2 A.M.  They are probably watching the same dumb show since you said they seem to laugh at the same time even though they are several yards apart.  We will plan our rescue during this time, ok JJ?"

"Ok, Taylor, but it doesn't matter how good that show is, those guards are going to notice two kids coming in and five kids leaving.  No show is that good."

"Come, on JJ, give your sister some credit.  Henry is going to drop these nice sleeping pills into their pretty stainless steel cups that they always have at their guard stations.  Once the guards are asleep Henry will go get Andrew and lead him to the girls.  Then he will lead them to the part of the fence that he crawls under.  We will have to make it bigger with these garden trowels so the kids can get out easily.  And we will cover it up to try to disguise how we got them out as best as we can.  What do you think?"

"Sleeping pills?  Garden trowels?  When did you get all this stuff Taylor?"

"You put together your bag of weapons and I put together mine JJ."

It was the first time I had seen Taylor smile since that awful night the soldiers came to steal us.  And she deserved that smile.  It was a great plan.  Still, JJ had his doubts.

"But how will the kids know what is going on?  I mean they need some kind of heads up.  And Grace and Faith sleep like the dead, Henry probably won't be able to wake them up.  And Faith, she is only four. She is going to totally freak out.  I don't know Taylor.  I just don't know."

"We will get Henry to take a note to Andrew and Grace.  We will let them know exactly what day and time Operation Rescue will take place.  Andrew is a smart kid.  He will figure out how to get to Grace and Faith.  If he is as smart as I think he is then he will just let Faith sleep through the whole thing.  I believe the girls' bunks are right next to the wall we've chosen because of the pink curtains on specific windows.  They have princesses on them so I am certain that's where they keep the younger girls to try to appease them as much as possible.  Andrew won't have to carry Faith very far.  Besides his adrenaline will kick in, trust me.  Feeling better about our plan now JJ?" Taylor asked.

"Yes, I do feel better.  But if we are able to pull this off, what happens after?  I mean it's going to be obvious three kids are missing from the compound.  They will be searching everywhere."

"I have thought of that too JJ.  We will lead a trail from the compound away from our cave.  We will make it look like they jumped in the river on the east side.  I already took extra shoes and clothes from our home before I even hatched this plan.  You know Mama always kept extra clothes for them at our house.  Like I said, you packed your supply bag and I packed mine.  You and Henry will lead the kids back to the cave while I leave evidence of the fake trail.  I will leave their compound shoes by the river.  Everyone knows there are gators in that river.  They won't search long.  Trust me."

"That's right, there are gators in that river Taylor.  I don't want you near that river by yourself.  I will leave the fake trail and you lead the kids back to the cave."

"No, JJ, it has to be you and Henry leading the kids.  In case there is trouble, you and Henry will be able to defend the kids better than me.  Trust me, I've got this.  I have been going over it a million times in my mind.  This will work.  I will be fine."

"Well, I am sure there is no use arguing with you.  Fine, but we need to start gathering some more supplies to prepare.  It won't be safe to leave the cave day or night once the kids get out.  At least for a week or so until we know they have called off the search."

"You're right, let's start working on that."

"Well, glad I could contribute something to your master plan Taylor."

"Aw, come on JJ, there is no way I could pull this off without you and Henry.  I mean you are the one who found the compound in the first place.  And gave me so much great information on what happens at night.  Operation Rescue would be Operation Failure without you and Henry.  We each play vital roles, ok?"

"Ok, sorry about that Taylor.  I'm just tired and stressed.  We can do this.  We will do this - together.  It's a really good plan.  I'm proud of you."

"I'm proud of us," Taylor said.

Chapter 4 - Operation Rescue Commences

Taylor wrote two notes for Grace and Andrew.  She folded them into tiny cranes and I left them for Andrew and Grace.  Grace slept right through it of course, but Andrew woke up when I left him his note.  All the note said was "9/18 1:10am" but it meant the world to Andrew.  He and I have never bonded much.  He was never mean to me or anything like that.  He just never wanted to snuggle me or hold me like the others.  I can respect that.  But in that moment he picked me up, squeezed me, and started crying a little into my fur.  I had never seen him so emotional.  Even the tiniest bit of hope by way of a paper crane can be life changing.

"Ok, so Operation Rescue is officially in effect.  Henry has delivered the notes.  There's no turning back now.  They are counting on us."

"Yes, they are.  Hey Taylor, why did you take the time to fold the notes into those tiny cranes?"  JJ asked.

"One day I was trying to teach Grace how to make a crane.  Andrew wasn't really paying us any attention, or so I thought.  But later I looked over and he had made himself a crane.  I knew both of them would see the crane and immediately know it was from me."

"Oh yeah, I remember that day.  Faith was running around the house with two cranes in her hands pretending they were flying."

"Yeah," Taylor smiled.

All three of us got quiet remembering that moment.  It seemed like a lifetime ago now.  I was so ready to get all my kids back together so that I could watch over them and protect them.  I would take on the whole wide world to get my family back.

It was a week before Operation Rescue and time for our practice run.  We were going to do everything as planned except JJ and I would follow Taylor to the fake trail by the east side of the river so that we both knew where she would be going just in case anything went wrong next week.  Taylor made two more cranes for me to deliver to Andrew and Grace.  Taylor drew a picture of a butterfly bursting out of a cocoon.  When I delivered the notes both Andrew and Grace were awake.  It was the first time I had seen Grace awake since they were taken away.  Before she opened the note she picked me up and just held me so tight.  It felt so great to be back in her arms again.  When she opened the note she got a smile on her face and gave me another good squeeze.  I wanted to stay with her the rest of the night, but I had to get to Andrew and carry on with the rest of our practice run.  Tears started to quietly roll down her cheeks as I hopped off her bunk to leave.  I jumped back up and quickly licked her tears and then ran off without looking back.  If I had looked back I would not have been able to leave her.  Andrew was less emotional this time, but I could tell he was glad to see me.  And he smiled when he opened his crane.  He gave me a nod and a hug and then I left him.  I ran through the girls dorm again, peeked in on Faith, and then ran to my hole.  Taylor and JJ had it dug out.  I popped through to the other side and they quickly used the trowels to fill in the hole.  Then we followed Taylor on the fake trail without a word.  Once we got to the spot on the river Taylor planned on leaving the shoes we turned back around and headed back to the cave.  We were safe and sound back in the cave well before 3:00 A.M. which was the next guard shift change.  Our plan seemed full proof.


This was the longest week of my little doggie life.  Even longer than when I was at the foster lady's house with all those bigger dogs that kept eating my food.  But finally 9/18 came.  None of us had slept very well all week, but our nervous excitement and adrenaline was sure to get us through the night.

Just like all the Thursday evenings before the two guards on either side of the south rear wall were watching their show on their phones.  I snuck in and dropped the sleeping pill mixture that Taylor had put together.  The water in both the guards' cups sure didn't smell like water.  It reeked of alcohol.  Not very admirable, but it would probably help our escape even more.  We waited for the guards to fall asleep.  It did not take more than fifteen minutes.  I took off to get Andrew.  He was ready.  I led him to Grace and then to Faith.  I started to feel sleepy.  My legs felt so heavy.  I was trying to lead them back to the escape hole as fast as possible, but my body was not cooperating.  I think I may have accidently swallowed some of the sleeping pill mixture.  This can't be happening.


"I think he's waking up.  I saw his leg move.  Don't worry, he's going to be ok.  He may be small, but he is fierce.  Henry, are you ok buddy?"

I could hear JJs voice, but everything was blurry.  But nothing was wrong with my sniffer and I could sniff four of my kids and that made me happy. Wait, four... Taylor.  Where was Taylor?

"Whoa, easy baby boy, easy," I heard Grace say.

Grace had a tight grip around me, but I had to go find Taylor.  I needed all my kids together, all of them.  So I took off running out of the cave.  My vision was still blurry, but I was relying on my sniffer and my memory of this trail.

"Henry, no, wait, come back!" Grace yelled.

I could hear Grace screaming for me, but I had to go.  I had to find Taylor.  I knew JJ could take care of the kids while I was gone.

"It's ok Grace, he went to get Taylor.  He'll be back in no time and you and Taylor can make little cranes together again.  Don't worry, ok?"

I could hear JJ's voice as I finally exited the tunnel of the cave out into the open.  I could hear the worry in his voice.  He knew Taylor had been gone too long.  Something had gone wrong and I was determined to make it right no matter what.

Chapter 5 - Surprise Attack

It became obvious to me why Taylor had not returned yet.  There were guards searching around our fake trail, which would have been ideal if Taylor had already returned back to the cave.  Her scent was strong so I knew she was near.  And the guards were still searching and gave no indication that they had found anyone.  She was hiding out.  And doing a great job of it because I could not see her either.  I had to get those guards away from her scent.  I had to distract them.  I ran out of my hiding place and started growling and barking at them.  When they saw me I ran away from Taylor's scent and away from the cave.  I just needed to get them out of the way on a wild goose chase so I could double back and find Taylor.  My plan would have worked had it not been for the various traps the guards had already set up to try and catch the missing children.  I got caught in a net.  The more I struggled to get out the more entangled I became.  This was a disaster.

As the guards got closer to me I closed my eyes and began to pray for Taylor and for my other kids.  And then I heard a ferocious growl.  I opened my eyes and saw that lone white wolf, the one that had dug the hole for me at the compound.  The guards were terrified of him.  I was amazed that they did not shoot him right away.  They did not shoot at him at all.  They just ran away yelling.  It was so strange.  Once they were gone the wolf chewed through the netting that held me captive.  When I was freed I gave him a nod of gratitude and then tried to find Taylor's scent again.  She was close by so I didn't have to run far.  Which was good because my legs were sore from the netting.  She picked me up and ran back to the cave.  And finally, after what seemed like forever, we were all together once again.

"Oh my God Taylor, I was so worried about you, what happened out there?" JJ asked.

"The guards came so quickly.  I mean, I was glad that they took the bait and followed the fake trail, but I wasn't prepared for them to come so quickly.  And it was taking me longer than I had thought because I was so worried about covering my tracks on the way back to cave.  That's when I saw them; I was on my way back but I was trying to cover every foot print I left.  I had to climb up the nearest tree and just wait it out when I heard the guards.  I would have been there forever if Henry had not come along to distract them.  He was so brave.  When he distracted them I started to run back to the cave but I heard him yelp.  I couldn't just leave him.  I had to go see if I could help him.  I was so afraid they were going to kill him.  And I think they would have, but out of nowhere this huge white wolf jumped out and scared all the guards away.  Do you remember the legend of the white wolf JJ?"  Taylor asked.

"Yes, I do.  You know, there were a few times on my hunts I felt like I was being watched, like someone or something was following me.  One time I swore I saw the white wolf.  I never told anyone because I didn't think anyone would believe me.  And I was also worried if Mama did believe me she would not let me go hunting anymore because she didn't want me to get eaten by the white wolf."

"What's the legend of the white wolf?" asked Andrew.

"Well Andrew, the legend says that long ago a white wolf was born and the pack rejected him because they were afraid his difference would bring danger.  He was all white and the others were a mixture of brown and gray.  It's not like we get a lot of snow around here in Georgia.  So he was hated by the wolves because of his white fur and hunted by man because of it.  One day a group of hunters had him surrounded and they shot him.  He was shot in the head and he went down.  The hunters began to celebrate.  Then the lone wolf rose up from the ground as if he had not been injured and killed all the hunters but one who lived to tell the story.  They say that lone white wolf is actually a vicious ghost now."

"Do you really believe he's a ghost?" asked Grace.

"Well, all I know is that those guards believed it and that's the only reason Henry and I are here right now.  So whether he is a ghost or not, I am grateful he was there.  He saved us" Taylor replied.

I gave a low gruff bark to throw in my two cents.  I was very grateful for that white wolf.  I have seen him more than once.  And I had heard different people talk about the legend.  He never seemed vicious to me. He always just seemed really lonely.  He could have killed some of those guards today if he really wanted to.  But instead of chasing after them he stayed with me to free me.  He could have easily killed me too, but he chose to rescue me.  He certainly didn't have to do that.  He didn't have to get involved at all.  I have a feeling he was watching over Taylor.  I have a feeling he had been watching over all of us for a while.  Maybe he saw us as a pack, a pack he would like to be a part of.  If so then he has my vote, and I am pretty sure he has Taylor's vote too.

That night I had three extra children to guard and watch over but I felt so much peace knowing we were all together and my kids did not have to spend one more minute locked up in that compound.  I think we all slept better than we had in a long time.

Chapter 6 - How the Five Survive

After a few nights had passed JJ and I went to the compound just to see if we could figure out if they had given up on the search.  Andrew wanted to come too, but JJ said he needed to stay and protect the girls.  Really I think it's because Andrew isn't exactly the scouting type.  He had his own strengths, but JJ was much better at this kind of thing and it would be too risky to bring anyone else along.

They had changed the two guards from the south rear wall.  They were probably thrown into the prison with the parents.  And no one had their cell phones out any more.  No one looked relaxed either.  The whole atmosphere had changed from before Operation Rescue went down.  Each guard station had two guards in it when they only had one before. It would probably be impossible to try to break in or out now.

We did use the two guards in each guard shack to our advantage though.  They were talking about the escape.

"I'm sure those kids were either eaten by the gators in the river or by the white wolf.  Either way I don't care," angrily said by the first guard.

"Don't let the commander hear you talking like that.  He'll lock you up like he did the two drunken guards that fell asleep the other night.  Those guys are never getting out."

"Well, I tried to tell them both that they would get caught drinking on the job, but they didn't want to listen."

"Well, I'm just glad they're calling off the search tomorrow at sunset.  I am sick of this double duty crap."

"Yeah, me too," the first guard agreed.

After we found out what we needed to know we headed back to the cave.  It was a relief to know the search would be officially called off tomorrow afternoon.  We still had to be very careful, but it would take some of the pressure off.  I was proud of the kids for doing so well.  The cave quarters were small for five children to be cooped in for days.  Before the night the soldiers came there is no way these five kids could have stayed in the same room together for this long without some type of argument.  But after everything that has happened they were just all happy to be with one another again.

Each of them had their strengths and they all did their part in making the survival process work.  Taylor was the mother figure.  She took care of everyone.  She also made the cave more like a home rather than a dark hole in the side of a mountain.  She was extremely crafty and sectioned off parts of the cave so that everyone felt like they had their own room of sorts.  She also taught everyone how to make candles out of crayons.  It was a fun way for the younger girls to keep busy during the day.  JJ would take care of making sure we always had fresh water and food, and would even catch our dinner when we got tired of canned food.

Andrew had the engineering mind.  He thought of great ideas to help keep us safe.  For instance, he designed a fire pit of sorts that caused the smoke to disappear before it rose above the trees and blocked in the fire light so that no one would be able to see evidence of our fire from the compound or prison camp.  He also thought of the idea of confiscating all the electronics in the abandoned houses and put them on a charging rotation so that we always had at least two fully charged phones or tablets in the cave.  We used the tablets to keep each other entertained and to gather information on what was going on in the outside world.  We were not able to call anyone for help because we were afraid all the good guys were locked up and we could not trust any other adults right now.  Eventually the guards turned off the power in all the homes, but it was a nice system while it lasted.

Grace helped to keep Faith calm.  She was such an attentive big sister.  They were very sweet to watch.  They had always been close, but you could tell that this ordeal had made them even closer.  They were the best of friends.  Grace would also help JJ fish, gather wood, and scout the perimeter.  She was very quiet so JJ did not mind her company and enjoyed teaching her things.  She was a quick and patient learner.  She was very strong for her age too, very athletic, so I know it took some of the load off of JJ at times.

Faith is the one that kept all of us going.  Her innocence helped us to not lose hope in humanity.  She would often say, "It's ok, we will all see our mommies again."  Her attitude matched her name; she helped us all to keep the faith that we would see our parents again soon.

Speaking of which, now that the kids had settled in together in our cave home I was itching to plan Operation Rescue II.  I was ready to get our grownups back.  And I wasn't the only one.

"Hey, JJ, are you awake?" Taylor whispered.

"Well I am now, what's up Taylor?"

"Sorry, I just didn't want to talk to you about this until the others were asleep.  What do you think about trying to plan another rescue?  I really miss Mama and Daddy."

"I do too, but breaking them out is going to be so much more complicated.  I mean, they are keeping them at the old prison.  It has huge electric fences with barbed wire all over.  The guards are heavily armed and probably trigger happy since the escape at the compound.  Henry and I have done some late night scouting at the prison camp.  I just don't see how we would be able to safely pull off another escape, but I am open to any ideas that you may have."

"Well the first step would be the same as last time.  You observe at night and I sketch everything I see during the early morning hours.  I know this escape will be much more complicated than the last one, but that is a good first step to any plan.  We need to gather as much information as we can and then go from there.  I don't want the other kids to know yet.  I don't want to get their hopes up, ok?"

"Ok, sounds good to me.  At least it's a start.  I feel guilty being free while they are locked up."

"This isn't exactly free, but I know what you mean JJ."

I knew exactly what he meant also.

Chapter 7 - Our Pack

The white wolf always kept his distance, but he would let me see him all the time now.  And not just me, Taylor and JJ would spot him on our scouting missions.  It was as if he was on our side, watching over us.  Even in the middle of the night when I would go outside to check the perimeter he would be right outside our cave.

One day Grace and JJ were fishing before the sun came up.  Grace caught her first fish and it was a nice one.  I was so proud of my Gracie girl.  But what she did next made me even prouder.

"Way to go Grace!  You caught your first fish!  And he is a nice one," JJ exclaimed with pride.

"Thanks JJ.  How many fish do we have now?"  Grace quietly asked.

"We have six with yours.  We have more than enough for a good breakfast."

"More than enough?  So we don't need this one?"

"Aww Grace, I know you are tender hearted, but we eat these fish for protein.  We don't get enough protein from the canned foods.  We have to keep our strength up.  Your fish has lived a nice long life and now he can help make sure our lives last longer.  It's the circle of life.  Remember The Lion King?"

"Yes, I understand JJ.  I wasn't going to throw him back."

"Oh, ok.  Well technically he is your fish, you caught him, and he's your first one, so you do what you want ok?"

"Ok.  Thanks JJ."

We both watched her walk over towards a thicket of honey suckle.  She gathered up some pine straw, laid her fish down on it and walked back over to the river bank where we were.

"He likes to watch us from there," she whispered.

And with that the head of the white wolf pops out of the honey suckle thicket and grabs the fish.

JJ smiled and gave Grace a pat on her back.

"You did a great job this morning Grace.  Let's go back to the cave."

Grace had the right idea.  The white wolf was watching over us and he didn't have to.  And I will never forget the night he saved Taylor and me.  He deserved as much kindness as we could spare.  JJ must have felt the same way after the fishing incident because whether he fished or hunted game he made sure he picked up extra food for our wolf friend.  And the wolf showed his appreciation by trusting us enough to stay closer to wherever we were.  It was nice having someone around with as keen of instincts as I have.  Now there were two of us who could smell trouble a mile away.

Taylor decided to make our white wolf a camouflaged bed of sorts that blended in with the ground.  She put it right outside our cave.  Every night she would leave a little something on the bed for him.  I never saw him sleep on it, but the food was always gone the next day.  And that was enough to make Taylor happy, even if he never slept on the bed she made.

It was a gradual process, but eventually the lone white wolf had become a part of our family.  He became our trusted guard and we became his pack.  He and I were not exactly best friends and didn't snuggle up together at night, but we had a mutual respect for one another.  We had a shared goal, to protect these children at all costs.

I did get a little jealous at how Grace took to the wolf and how he took to her.  She was the only one he would allow close to him.  I know she was dying to pet him, but he was not ready for that yet.  But I could tell he enjoyed being near her.

I like my alone time, it's how I found this cave in the first place.  But dogs and wolves are both pack animals.  We are not meant to live alone.  We are meant to have a family to watch over and protect.  We are meant to love and to be loved in return.  So I don't mind sharing my role as the alpha male with him.  As long as he helps to keep my kids safe then he can stay.

Chapter 8 - Three Minds are Better than Two

"JJ, are you asleep?"  Taylor whispered.

"Nope,"  JJ whispered back.

"Ok, good.  I have been looking over my sketches and going over your Intel from the night scouting.  The only idea I have is a tunnel, but that would take forever to dig and would be very risky.  We could use your dart gun and some sleeping potion to put the guards out, but our parents are locked up.  All the gates are automatic.  Henry would be able to sneak in to give them notes, but other than that, I don't know how to get them out."

"Yeah, a tunnel would take a very long time.  We could do a small tunnel to sneak Henry in, but a tunnel large enough for people would just take too long.  I do like the idea of the sleeping potion darts.  Grace has been practicing with me and her aim is spot on.  She's a natural."

"I don't want any of the others out there.  It's too chancy.  What if she got too close to the electric fence while trying to hit one of the guards?  It's just too dangerous JJ."

"I can turn it off," Andrew whispered.

"Andrew?  Hey, sorry, we didn't mean to wake you," Taylor nervously said.

"It's ok, you didn't wake me.  I don't sleep well.  I hear all your late night planning and I have been trying to come up with ideas on my own.  If I had an L shaped bar, a rubber hose, and some duct tape I could use it as a ground and turn off part of the electric fence.  But an even better idea is to get me to the power box and the generators.  The gates are automatic just like you said Taylor.  But if I could make sure the generators did not work and then cut the power the gates will open.  It's a built in safety precaution in case of a fire.  The generators are used to keep the gates locked on the perimeter to keep the prisoners from totally escaping the grounds. "

"How in the world do you know so much about the prison Andrew?" JJ asked.

"I did a book report on it in the sixth grade.  Aunt C was friends with one of the prison guards so she was able to give me a tour.  I'm good with electronics and technology so I paid special attention to those things on my visit."

"Well good eye.  This is really great information.  If we could totally take out the power and catch them by surprise it would be an awesome advantage.  And if he we could let all the adults know ahead of time when the power outage would be then they could prepare to try to escape." Taylor said with excitement.

"Yes, the prison has eighty bunks for the guards and twelve hundred bunks for the prisoners.  There were twenty guards assigned to each of the four wings.  So the prisoner to guard ratio used to be 15 to 1.  If the prisoners were well prepared and the guards were caught by surprise then those are pretty good odds."

"That is really amazing that you remembered all that Andrew, but you took that tour three years ago.  Things may not be exactly the same now."  Taylor tried to not hurt his feelings.

"True Taylor, but think about it, they were not going to spend any money on renovating the prison.  The government is greedy, lazy and cocky.  They would probably keep things exactly as they were before since there was never a prison break in the past.  Even if Andrew's numbers are a little skewed, the prisoners do outnumber the guards.  And we have the element of surprise on our hands," JJ said.

"I have another idea too," Andrew spoke up.

"Well spit it out Andrew, this is all really great information.  We should have included you in our planning before.  Sorry for leaving you out."  JJ did feel bad for excluding him.

"It's ok, if it weren't for the planning of you two me and my sisters wouldn't be here.  I didn't want to over step my bounds.  I also didn't want to speak up until I felt I had a really good idea.  Like my night vision goggles.  Remember two Christmases ago when every boy under the age of fifteen wanted a pair of night visions goggles because of that movie Revenge of the Nighthawk?"

"Of course I remember, I had a pair too.  Come to think of it I need to go back to the house and dig those out."

"Exactly JJ.  We need to go to every single house and dig those out.  If we could sneak those into the prison for all the parents they would have an even greater advantage.  Even though the guards are armed they can't shoot what they can't see."

"Dang Andrew that is a great idea.  We can start tonight.  We will go every night and collect as many night vision goggles as we can.  Taylor, you can look at your sketches and figure out the best way for us to sneak Henry in so he can pass a note to our dad.  Daddy can spread the word.  This plan will take several weeks to put together, but I like it so far.  And Daddy can give us some ideas through Henry also.  You know Daddy; he probably already has several ideas on how to escape."

"Ok, boys, start gathering the night vision goggles.  Take Henry with you.  Me and the girls will be safe here.  You know our wolf likes to stay near Grace.  Which reminds me...  we have our wolf to help us this time,"  Taylor said with new hope.

"I love having our wolf around too Taylor, but I don't think he's as intuitive as Henry.  He doesn't have our parents' scent memorized like Henry does."

"True JJ, but he has the legend.  The guards are terrified just at the sight of him.  We can definitely use that to our advantage.  He can be a great distraction while Andrew takes the power out."

"You're right Taylor.  That is a great idea.  We are all three full of great ideas tonight.  I am feeling better and better about this rescue mission.  We can call it Operation Lights Out."

"Ha, love it JJ.  Operation Lights Out.  Perfect," said Taylor.

Chapter 9 - More Cranes

"Ok boys, what should our first crane say?  We want Dad to know all five of us are safe and planning an escape for them.  But I need to make it short and coded just in case Henry drops it or is captured."

"How about '5 of 9' or '5+ 4-'?  Do you think your dad would get that?"  Andrew asked.

"I think the '5 of 9' is a great idea Andrew.  I think Daddy would figure out that it means the five kids are safe, but we have four more to go, the four of them," JJ said.

"I agree with JJ, great idea Andrew."

"Thanks Taylor, but how do we get Henry in and out of that prison to deliver our crane?"  asked Andrew.

"Well, as I studied my sketches this spot right here has the most coverage.  If our wolf can distract the guards we can dig a hole for Henry.  Andrew can turn off that part of the fence like he said long enough for you to use your wire cutters to cut any excess fence below the ground that blocks Henry's route.  We don't have to turn the whole fence off right now.  We just need the fence off long enough for you to cut a clear path for Henry.  What do you think?"

"I think it could work, and Henry knows what to do and can sniff Uncle T out, but what about the wolf?  How will he know what we are planning to do?" asked Andrew.

"Good question Andrew.  We will let Henry tell him.  I think Henry has just enough wolf in him and our wolf has just enough dog in him for the two of them to communicate.  Just in case something goes wrong let's make a temporary hiding place away from the cave.  We don't want to lead any guards back to our home and we need to know exactly where to run to if something goes wrong," explained Taylor.

"Alright, Andrew and I will go prepare a temporary hide out.  We can go ahead and take the tools we need and stash them there.  We'll take Henry with us, don't worry."

So the boys and I went to find a temporary hide out somewhat close to the prison camp.  We hid our tools there.  It was a good cover but just for the two boys.  And they were right, the wolf and I were able to communicate well.  I knew he would be on board with being the distraction part of our plan.  And I knew he had the ability to scare those guards more so than I did.    But my small size made me the perfect one to sneak in and deliver the crane notes so I was not complaining.  Only the size of your heart matters in a battle.

The next night all the boys went to accomplish the first part of Operation Lights Out.  The wolf knew his role and waited for the rest of us to get in position.  Once he saw that we were in place he let out a loud howl and started pacing near the front gates of the prison.  He howled and howled.  If I had not known it was part of our plan I would have been creeped out myself.  We went to work.  Andrew grounded the fence; JJ cut away what he needed to from the bottom and dug a hole just big enough for me to fit under.  I ran as fast as I could while the guards were distracted.  I followed my nose sneaking through bars here there and everywhere until I found my Uncle T.  He was asleep so I left the crane in his shoe by his bed.  I wanted to find my mama too, but I knew I needed to get out of there to make sure the boys were safe.  As I was making my way out I got a slight whiff of my mama.  I had not seen or smelled her since that awful night the soldiers broke up my family.  I wanted to make sure the boys were safe, but I could not resist finding my mama.  I just couldn't help it.  I ran to her.  I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me until I found her.  She was asleep, but I had to wake her.  She looked so sad.  I needed her to know I was alright.  I jumped on her and nuzzled my head under her chin.  She woke up and thought she was dreaming.  Then she felt me.  She hugged me so tight and just cried into my fur whispering how much she loved me and missed me.  I scratched at the tattoo she had on her chest over her heart.  She had 5 red stars, each star representing one of her nieces and nephews.  At first she didn't know what I was doing.  Then she moved her tank top sleeve for me and I licked all five of those stars and licked her face.  Then she knew.  She knew the kids were safe and I was watching them.  She called me her good boy.  I selfishly wanted to lie in her arms all night, but I knew I had a responsibility to make sure the boys were alright.  I kissed her one more time and then left.  I left her crying, but she also had a smile on her face.  That smile that she gave me when I made her proud.  It was my favorite smile.

I ran out to the temporary hide out.  The boys were there.  The wolf was still carrying on acting crazy.  We decided to make a run for it back to the cave.  Grace and Faith were sound asleep, but Taylor was waiting for us.

"How did it go?  I was worried sick."

"It went perfectly.  The wolf did an awesome job just like you said.  One of the guards aimed his gun at the wolf and that had me scared, but then another guard quickly told him to not be crazy.  He spoke about the legend and told him shooting the wolf would bring bad luck on everyone.  You were so right Taylor."

"Thank goodness.  Well part one is done.  Now we have to really start planning out everything else.  We need to figure out what night to do the blackout and then give Daddy another note a month in advance.  He needs at least that much time to spread the word and come up with his own plan.  We can pick a new moon night.  Sneaking in the night vision goggles is going to be a task.  Henry can only carry one at a time.  Any ideas boys?"

"What do you think about asking your dad about the guard to prisoner ratio?  All the prisoners don't have to have the goggles, just selected leaders.  I think we need to go ahead and tell your dad what we are planning and let him make some suggestions.  I know writing a detailed note is risky, but this whole thing is risky."

"You're probably right Andrew.  I think we should tell Daddy what we are planning.  I can try to translate our plan into a sketch.  Daddy loves my drawings.  He will get what I am trying to say.  I can disguise it to look like a comic strip.  Instead of people I can use animals.  Black out on a farm with the same lay out as the prison. Animals with night vision goggles.  He'll get it.  And I'll include our white wolf.  I'm sure he heard the howling.  I want him to know the wolf is on our side.  He needs to know about all our assets."

"Henry, do you think you can deliver at least one more message?"  JJ asked me.

I barked to let them know I was on board.  They decided to wait a couple of more nights before I went in.  And I made sure the boys knew I was going alone this time.  I am small and fast.  If I know they are safe in the cave I can take my time and dodge the guards.  And also maybe have some more time with my mama.

Chapter 10 - And Four Minds are Even Better

When I delivered the note to Uncle T he told me to go visit my mama and then come back to him before I left.  I was more than happy to go visit my mama.  And she was more than happy to see me again.  She kissed me all over and patted my fluffy head.  She held me like a baby which I used to not like very much, but right now it felt perfect.  We sat together for a little while and then she told me I needed to go because it was time for the guards to do their rounds.  She gave me one last hug and I kissed her face and then made my way back to Uncle T.  He had written a note for me to take back to the kids.  And off I went to deliver his message.

"Oh no, something went wrong, Henry wasn't able to deliver the note," Taylor said with disappointment.

I ran over to her and dropped the note in her lap and tried to open it with my nose.  It wasn't working so well.

"Taylor, I think Henry wants you to open the note.  Here Henry, let me help you out buddy."

JJ opened up the note so they all could see that the mission had not failed.

"Taylor, it's from Daddy; Daddy wrote us back on your comic strip. Look!"

Taylor, JJ, and Andrew gathered around to look at the note.  They were all so excited.  It was like a puzzle, trying to figure out what their dad was trying to say.

"See this here, he's telling us how many guards.  He's got 14 x 4 with four bird wings drawn.  I think he is saying 14 guards per wing.  That's even better odds than we thought before.  And see here, he's telling us two goggles per wing.  That seems manageable.  But I am not sure what this box with the wolf means," Andrew said as he decoded the note.

"It looks a map legend.  He is making reference to the legend of the wolf.  I'm not sure what it means except maybe he knows our wolf has something to do with the legend," Taylor said.

"Well this part is easy, a heart and a fist.  He loves us and wants us to stay strong.  Look, he's written something on the moon.  It looks like six lines.  What is that?" JJ asked scratching his head.

"Eleven eleven eleven.  November 11th at 11 P.M.  Your dad is telling us when to do the blackout.  There must be something significant about that date," said Andrew.

"At least we don't have to worry about picking a date any more.  He will spread the word about November 11th on the inside.  That means all we have to worry about is getting the eight pairs of goggles in.  Henry can sneak those in one at a time while the wolf distracts the guards.  That will take care of that," said Taylor.

"On the night of the blackout we can bring the rest of the goggles and hand them out.  We can also hit as many guards with the sleeping darts as we can," said JJ.

"I'm coming too," Grace quietly said.

"Oh, hi Grace, we didn't mean to wake you.  Go back to sleep sweetie."

"No Taylor, I'm coming too.  I'm just as good as JJ with the dart gun."

"Me too, me too!  I'm coming too!" Faith had woken up also.

"Look girls, it's just too dangerous ok?  We need you to stay safe and sound here in the cave.  Everything will be alright.  You'll see," Taylor tried to sound convincing.

"Taylor, Grace really is a good shot.  We need all the help we can get taking the guards down.  She's actually better than me."

"I believe you JJ.  I believe Grace is an awesome shot, but it's just too risky.  Besides, we can't leave Faith here all by herself.  It's going to be chaotic and dangerous.  It would be irresponsible of us to let the smaller children be involved.  I'm sorry girls, we need you both to stay here and guard the cave on the night of the rescue ok?  It's a very important job.  Grace, promise me you'll keep Faith safe for us?"

"Ok.  I promise," Grace whispered sadly.

I watched the tears well up in my Gracie girl's eyes.  She seldom cried.  She was a tough girl, but I knew her faces.  She was very sad and disappointed right now.  I walked over to her and crawled in her lap.  She and Faith quietly began to pet me.  I hated to see them sad, but Taylor was absolutely right.  It was way too dangerous to have our little girls in the middle of all that.

Chapter 11 - Preparing for Operation Lights Out

We were all working together to get ready for Operation Lights Out.  I had delivered the eight goggles inside the prison to Uncle T.  We left it up to him to hand them out to the appropriate people.  We knew we could depend on him to get everyone on the inside prepared.  JJ was busy teaching Taylor and Andrew how to handle the dart gun.  Neither of them were as good as Grace, but they were getting better.  I could tell Grace was sad while she watched them practice, but she didn't complain.  She just quietly helped prepare the darts.  Taylor mixed our sleeping pill stash with passion flowers that the girls had been gathering.  It's a natural herb that causes sleepiness.  JJ wanted to put enough of the sleeping potion to make the guards never wake up, but Taylor said that would be wrong.  So she was in charge of the dosage and pre-mixed them.  Grace applied the mixture to the darts and loaded all the darts in the pouches that Taylor had made.  Taylor also made bags that made it easier to carry the goggles in.

Andrew studied Taylor's sketches over and over again to memorize the path he would take to kill the power of the generators and the power box.  Andrew was very good at electronics and being precise so we had no doubts about his part in the plan.

"Okay y'all tomorrow is the big night.  We have done everything we can do to get ready.  I just want to say I am so proud of you.  Everyone has stepped up and done an amazing job.  Faith, you have been the best little helper we could ask for.  You're such a big girl.  Grace, we never would have been able to get all these darts ready without you.  And I think you're the reason we have the wolf fully on our side now.  You're our wolf whisperer.  Andrew if it were not for your ideas we'd be nowhere in this plan.  Without your ability to handle the power outage there would be no Operation Lights Out.  JJ, thanks for always making sure we have food to eat, for doing all the scouting, and training us on how to defend ourselves.  You make us feel so much safer.  Henry, you're the smartest and bravest dog I know.  Our wolf is too shy to come in here for our meeting, but I have a big piece of fish to give him in a few minutes to thank him.  Really y'all, I am so proud.  No matter what happens I am grateful to call you my family.  Hands in everyone," Taylor put her hand out towards the others.

I watched my children put their hands in together.  My heart was full of pride and joy.  These kids had been through so much.  It would have been so easy for them to just give up.  To fight each other and complain about the way things were.  But instead they focused on a rescue mission.  It really was amazing.  Before I was adopted by Mama I lived with a family that was cruel and selfish and it made me lose all faith in humans.  All they did was fight and yell at each other.  This family has turned all that around.  Even through the toughest times they band together like a true pack.  They were my brave and courageous army of five.

"Ok, let's go over the plan one more time.  I would rather be over prepared than under prepared.  Once the wolf starts the distraction Andrew and JJ run to the fence.  Andrew, you ground the fence and JJ cuts a hole big enough for Andrew to get in.  Andrew takes out the generators first and then the power box.  Andrew then begins shooting as many guards with the dart gun as he can.  Once he sees the parents coming out he hands out goggles and helps to guide the people without goggles.  JJ, once the power is out you and I enter the compound and begin to shoot as many guards as we can with the dart guns and also hand out goggles and guide the parents that need help.  I am sure Daddy has given the others some directions on what to do.  We all make our way to the front gates that should open easily with the power out.  The men can carry the sleeping guards into the prison and lock them in the cells.  Once all the guards are taken care of Andrew will turn the power back on.  Operation Lights Out over."

"Sounds easy enough," JJ smiles to try to ease the tension.

"And me and Gwace pwotect the cave until y'all come back wid Mommy, Aunt C, Aunt J, and Uncle T." Faith threw in her two cents.

"That's exactly right Faith.  You and Grace protect the cave until we come back with everyone we love," Taylor said as she held back her tears.

"And den Opawation Lights Out ova," Faith gave a big smile.

We all had to smile after that.

Chapter 12 - Operation Lights Out

Tonight was the night we had all been waiting for.  We were quiet at dinner.  After dinner Taylor went over the plan and made everyone repeat their parts.  Then after that JJ pulled Grace outside to have a talk with her.  I know he felt bad about Grace having to stay behind.

Before we headed out we all prayed together and then gave Faith and Grace a long hug.  I thought the girls might cry, but neither of them did.  Grace did not even look disappointed any more.  They were both being my brave girls.  It sure made it easier on the rest of us.

We all got to our places and waited until 11:00 P.M.  Taylor was going to let me know when to give the signal to our wolf.  As we were waiting for the eleventh hour something strange was going on in the prison camp.  A lot of the guards were gathering around the front gate with delicious smelling meat.  They opened the front gates and started making a meat pile.  It was crazy and unexpected, but we had to go ahead with our plan.

Taylor let me know that it was eleven o'clock and I signaled our wolf.  He ran towards the front gate with a blood curdling howl.  Our plan was in place.  I stayed by Taylor to try to protect her as best as I could.  Andrew did his part and the power was out and chaos ensued.  The guards were panicking.  They were all screaming something about the wolf.  Taylor and Andrew both were doing their best to hit the guards with their sleeping potion darts, but kept missing.  But somehow guards were falling down left and right.  I looked past the gate and saw Grace and Faith hiding.  Grace had a long dart gun.  She was the one taking out most of the guards.

I heard Uncle T tell the men to start gathering the guards.  They were dragging their sleeping bodies back into the prison.  They stripped them all of their uniforms and our men were putting them on.  It was organized chaos.  It was obvious Uncle T had prepared all our grownups on what to do. The men raided the weapons storage shack and handed out guns to all our people.  Once all the prison guards were in the prison cells Andrew turned the power back on.  Then all our people piled into the prison busses and trucks and drove over to the children's compound.  We were going to take it over.

I sat in my mama's lap on the way over to the children's compound.  It made me so happy to have all my family together again even though we were all still in mission mode.  Watching my grownups love on their children again after so long was the best feeling in the world.  And even after all she had been through Taylor was still putting others before herself.

"Daddy, we still have so many sleeping darts left.  Can we please try to put the guards to sleep before we use any of the guns?  Can't we let some of the best shots sneak up to the gates before we bust in on them with the busses?  They'll know something is up even with your uniforms on if they see all of you at once.  People are going to panic and get hurt."

"Taylor, these men took our children from us.  They deserve to be taken over as harshly as they took over our homes," Uncle T said through gritted teeth.

"I know you're angry Daddy, but we've already completed two rescues and no one was hurt.  Think about all the kids there.  They've already seen enough violence.  Shouldn't we try to rescue them as peacefully as possible?" Taylor pleaded with her daddy.

I saw Uncle T's face change.  It's like Taylor's words had melted away the anger and replaced it with a humbling pride in his children.

"You're right Taylor.  We'll try it your way.  None of us would be here on this bus if it weren't for all of you.  I'm really proud of all of you," Uncle T's tone had completely changed.

And so we parked our vehicles and waited for our dart gun sharp shooters to put as many guards to sleep as they could before we invaded the compound and saved the rest of our children.  No one was killed or hurt badly.  It was a daring rescue that had a huge pay off.  Watching the parents reuniting with their children almost completely erased the dark images of that terrible night they were separated that seemed like a lifetime ago.

Once we were all settled back into our normal lives we had a tradition of a big family dinner once a week.  At our first annual family dinner we all had some mysterious questions about the rescue answered.

"Daddy, why did all the guards make that meat pile outside of the gate the night of the rescue?" JJ asked.

"Well, I decided to use the legend of the white wolf to our advantage.  I added to the legend and started spreading it around the prison.  I made up a part that said November 11th of this year marked the 100th anniversary of the legend and at midnight if there was not a sufficient amount of the best meats left out for the white wolf then he would seek revenge.  I knew this would be a great distraction.  And it would open the gates for you all around 11:00 P.M.  I was not sure how you all planned on getting in so I wanted to make it as easy as possible and to have as many of the guards in one place as possible," Uncle T explained.

"Wow, that did help us!  That's how Grace was able to take out so many guards.  Speaking of which, Grace, you promised me you would stay in the cave.  I mean now I am glad that you didn't listen to me because you took out the majority of the guards, but still, you promised," Taylor looked at Grace.

"Well, you made me promise to keep Faith safe; you didn't make me promise to stay in the cave.  And I kept my promise.  I made sure Faith was safe.  JJ made a special place outside of the prison camp to shoot my darts.  The wolf guarded Faith and I.  And Andrew made a special dart gun for me to shoot long distances.  I'm sorry we didn't tell you, but we didn't want you to have another thing to worry about.  You were already doing so much," Grace quietly explained.

"Yeah Taylor, don't be mad at Grace. It was my idea.  You took care of us so well.  You are talented with so many things and those talents helped keep us safe.  Grace had a gift and she wanted to use her gift to keep us safe too.  I just could not deny her that.  So I decided to come up with a safe way for her to use her gift.  And Andrew used his gift to make the special dart gun.  It was a joint effort," JJ said.

My mama decided to join in the conversation at this point.

"All of you are the most amazing kids in the whole wide world.  It really is remarkable how all you survived this entire ordeal.  You not only survived, you saved one another, saved all the grownups, and then in turn saved all the other children.  You all are heroes, including Henry and our new wolf friend.  You used your individual talents and personalities to change what had gone wrong in our world.  It just goes to show that your age, your gender, your size, where you live, how much you have or how much you don't have does not determine how much you can change your world for the better.  As long as you have the right attitude and the right spirit and the right heart you can do anything.  You all taught us that lesson and we are forever grateful.  I am so proud of you and love each of you so much."

My mama perfectly summed up what I could not say myself.  I often heard that I was the best dog in the world.  It was always nice to hear and I would wag my tail in appreciation.  But the only reason I was the best was because I was surrounded by the five best kids in the whole wide world.  I loved my little army of five more than barks or tail wags could ever say.  I just hope they always know just how proud I am of them and just how much I love them all.

The End

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