Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2003049-Why-Am-I-Dead-season-1-Episode-1
Rated: E · Short Story · Death · #2003049
What happens once you've died? Do you remember how? Why Am I Dead explains Aliah's death.

Episode 1 "Funeral Day"

Life, the most precious gift one could ever receive or give. As I tell you this it's been only a few days since I've died, and as I think I can not draw a conclusion as to why I've died. I can only remember being taken to the hospital and the few minutes I lived upon arrival.

I lay on the stretcher as they wheel me in, "Move! Move! Get out of the way! We have to get her to the ER! STAT!" shouted one of the nurses. I couldn't see much, all was blurry and the ceiling was all I could make out. An immense amount of pain rushed over me and as I recall it was far beyond any limits of what I had once had.

I wasn't sure what the time was or how much time had elapsed between me arriving until I was entered into the actual ER, but all that ran through my mind was the pain, the excruciating, unbearable pain!

"Aliah... Hun we're going to find out who did this to you and..." Tears streamed down my mother's cheeks. Her soothing voice and angelic face calmed me, almost to the point where I was at peace and ready to die. After all I'd rather have no pain than this. This was just insufferable!

I tried to speak, I had the words within my head but my lips weren't working anymore. As I remembered, nothing worked! My arms, my legs, nothing! I thought to myself, "Oh god, was I paralyzed?" My eyes flitted down to my feminine chest, my blood covered breasts. Before I could reply to my mother I could hear a loud beeping... it went from being steady to erratic, then seemingly endless!

My mother choked up, her eyes red as tears covered her face, neck and hands... her hands, mysteriously enough were also blood covered! She broke down, "Nooooooo! Aliah, come on... don't go!"

Where was dad? Where on earth was my annoying little brother Mike? Wait no, on second though I rather didn't care where he was. Maybe it was best they weren't there? After that moment I flat lined...which I'm still not understanding what caused all of this I opened my eyes! I knew I was dead, only a total dip wouldn't get that. I didn't need anyone to tell me, I understood as soon as I opened my eyes and saw my broken, bloodied body bellow. I did however notice that I, the transparent Aliah was just as bloody as my corpse.

My mother was still clinging to me as a doctor came in, unhooked me and began jotting down what happened... trying to bring me back was pointless, both the doctor and I knew this. I was however new to this whole death thing but it seemed too good to be true. I could go anywhere I wanted and no one could stop me! I could vanish and freak people out, what everyone's dream is am I right? I could peek at all the guys in the locker room, haunt my brother... I could even visit my many pet like Sprinkles the fish that I forgot to feed.....The afterlife just seemed too good to be true and maybe it was, I didn't and still don't know.

A part of me wanted to stay with my mom; my body but really I wanted to be free! I wanted to go where I've never been, do the things I never could! All that limited me was my own imagination and the fact that I was dead. I wish I had the large eye shadow pallet that I'd just received for my birthday but in death there's no beauty. I'd been given that same #24 jersey I'd had on before I died....why am I dead? I kept asking myself over and over.

For the first few hours I learned three things, first is that as a ghost I can't be seen... big surprise right? I passed by person after person, most of whom I knew and chatted with before. I thought how ironic it was that each person was so different not just in appearance but in how they acted, but on the inside we all just want the same things out of life. Second thing that I learned was with focus and practice I can vanish and appear in other places. I do this by just simply thinking about it or having already been to it. Nothing was off limits now that I left my flesh shell.

The third and final thing I learned was that our beings change. Before I was the typical teenage girl looking for a job, a cute muscular boy friend and talked girl talk with others who nine chances out of ten ended up becoming your mortal enemy. I was after all only 15, still young and at times so badly wanting to be in love.

To take my mind off things and push my powers to the limit I traveled to many places such as France, Egypt and Canada. Soon I realized that it was all pointless, seeing the sights was fun but that's all I could do. I then realized just how alone I'd become! Then I'd realized...funeral time, oh great.....

Funeral day, as I lingered beside my casket I noticed my mother weeping and again my father and brother were not present. The priest was giving a nice service but my attention was caught on the two empty seats.

"Where are you guys?" My eyes lowered, they were prepared for the worst and at this point the worst would be tears. This was my funeral, not just a funeral, that to me was too much to fathom. As I turned I was nearly ran into by a man.

As I stopped myself he sighed, "Whoa sorry..." He continued walking until it hit me, he spoke to me!

I yelled back, "Hey..."

He tuned and flashed me a confused look, "Hey...?"

I cleared the gap between us and greeted, "Hi... you can see me?"

He nodded, "Yeah... why wouldn't I be able too?"

I sighed, "Because I'm dead? See that, that's my funeral."

The guy nodded, "Yeah I see that, well you'll be glad to know so am I... I'm Matt." he smiled and nodded, a small portion of black hair seeped through his toboggan . Matt was tall, about twenty two years old and extremely handsome.

I nodded, "Ohh I uhhh...never mind. I'm Aliah by the way."

Matt nodded, "So the most common question in the afterlife is 'How did you die'...so how did you die?" He chuckled a little.

Aliah shook her head, "I...I uhhh can't remember. Everything's a blur and the only parts I remember is the arrival at the emergency room. What about you?"

Matt looked to his legs, "Well you probably can't tell but I leapt to my death. Long story short till death do we part doesn't apply to everyone apparently."

The service was over and they began lowering my body. I began to cry, "Does it ever get better?"

Matt shrugged, "You learn to just live with it after a while, not much else you can do..."

It seemed like just yesterday I was out playing soccer with my little brother. I had the honor of getting him ready for the little league. Now I was just being lowered into a six foot hole. I sighed, "What do we do now?"

Matt leaned against a tombstone, "It's the after life, you do whatever you want."

Aliah nodded, "I wanna know how I died..."

Matt nodded, "Alright then, I'll help as best I can. Ha it's not like I've anything better to do." He smiled as I watched my parents leave the grave yard. Matt motioned for me to follow him as he slowly walked off.

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