Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2003048-The-Thing-2
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #2003048
This is a fan sequel based on John Carpenter's 'The Thing' I own no rights to it.


Day 1 "Pilot"

In 1982, an alien spacecraft is discovered beneath the Antarctic ice by a Norwegian research team and the creature that had piloted the space craft is taken back to their base trapped in ice. However the ice melts and it destroys the base. Afterward the creature escapes to an American base where it repeats itself. However unable to escape, it is frozen in the ice once again where it remains for 32 years until it is discovered by Hiroshi Hatake and brought back to their base for studies. (they find the frozen bodies of Childs and Macready) One of which are a Thing...

Two days earlier, Peter Farragut is running. He manages to enter an access-controlled area and is grabbed from behind. Hiroshi Hatake and Daniel Aerov enter a work area that includes opened animal cages. They find two men who have been killed and Peter who is alive. Hiroshi offers Peter water. After Peter ingests the water, something throbs in his throat. The_Thing_2014_html_m490af68c.jpg Daniel asks what it was and Hiroshi responds, "Progress."

At Headquarters of the Centers for Disease Control, Alan Farragut briefs new field officers. An attendee is staff member Sarah Jordan. He cites an outbreak of cholera in London, England that was contained by removing the handle from the pump on a contaminated well. His presentation is interrupted by the arrival of Julia Walker. Alan learns that a distress call has been received from a remote research facility by a U.S. Army listening post, asking for help in front of a possible retrovirus contagion. At a meeting of the response team, Major Sergio Balleseros says he will be accompanying the team to represent the Army. Julia tells Alan that his brother Peter is one of the affected people. Dr. Doreen Boyle is also on the team.

During the helicopter transfer, Alan assigns different tasks to the Response Team members; himself and Sarah will deal with the investigation concerning the dead people to establish the extent of the illness, Julia will focus on the cause of the illness while Doreen (to which he refers to as Irina) will collect samples from animals in Peter's lab trying to trace back the source of the illness. Moreover, Alan informs the team to act following the BSL 4 protocol until further orders.

Upon arrival at ABS, the Response Team members meet Doctor Hiroshi Hatake, director research of the facility, and his head security Daniel Aerov. They inform the newcomers that there are no further infections, and since "most likely" the virus do not travel airborne no quarantine regime was established in the base. All Response Team members have an RFID chips injected into their left hands that supposedly give them unrestricted access to the facilities on the base. In the elevator travelling to the underground levels, Hatake informs Alan that 106 scientists from 35 nations and 15 support stuffs are currently in the base.

Alan and Julia visit Peter in a room where he is constrained. While Alan talks to Peter, Julia takes a sample of Peter's blood. Peter whispers to Alan the words "White Room". Julia tells Alan the blood is black. Peter breaks free of his restraints and tries to needle of the blood sample sleeve into his brother screaming the words "everyone lies!!!". Julia manages to inject some drug into Peter to bring him under control. In the meantime Daniel informs Sarah that there is just one hour satellite for day to exchange data with the outer world.

Doreen and Sergio examine Peter's lab and find genetically modified neutered dogs. Doreen is incredulous when Daniel Aerov tells her that there are no experimental monkeys.

Alan, Julia and Sarah enter the holding area where the bodies of the two scientists who were working with Peter are in body bags. When Sarah opens one of the bags, they find that soft tissue has dissolved into a black goo that flows onto floor. The_Thing_2014_html_m5106073e.jpgSarah vomits into the mask of her hazmat suit. Back in the locker room the three agree that they have never seen anything like what came out of the body bag. Julia asks Alan if he still believs they are dealing with a retrovirus and he replies that other possibility are hemorrhagic fever, Ebola or Marburg, but nothing explains such a degradation of tissue.

Doreen determines that the virus is not airborne through a PRC test and that it is safe to remove their hazmat suits. When Balleseros disassembles a drain, Doreen finds fur from a rhesus macaque in the trap. Monkeys are among the main agents of zoonotic transfer of virus from animals and mans and viceversa.

Julia Walker goes to Hiroshi's office to learn the purpose of Peter Farragut's research. Hiroshi tells her that Peter was working on mutagens. Hiroshi asks Julia if she has children.

Alan examines Peter's living quarters. He finds a thumb drive contains video diary entries. Sarah enters the room to inform him that the tissue sample are ready. In the first video Peter describes incidentals about his life and mentions that he is seeing someone whose initial is "T." While he is speaking, Peter makes a sign with his right hand that Alan explains the brothers used to use to warn each other about the dangers of their father's drinking and anger.

Julia calls Alan back to isolation, where Peter has awakened and escaped by forcing his way into the air duct system. Hatake berates Alan for leaving a bone saw where Peter can reach it. At Hatake's orders, Aerov seals the air ducts and floods them with a gas that should disable Peter Farragut. Alan insists on participating in the recovery and enters the air ducts wearing a mask. He senses a presence in the ducts with him then finds a body which he first believes to be Peter's. The body proves to be that of a security guard who has been killed and had his right forearm sawed off. The bone saw is abandoned nearby. The body is removed from the duct. Alan asks himself why Peter is stronger.

Doreen and Sergio force their way into a laboratory after their RFID chips do not work and find a living monkey that attacks Doreen. After Balleseros kills the monkey, something throbs in its throat.

After Julia returns to the laboratory being used by the team, she and Sarah talk about Alan. Julia says that Alan "picked a good one." Sarah tells Julia that there is nothing romantic about her relationship with Alan. Julia responds that eight years ago she would have said the same thing. At Sarah's suggestion, Julia searches for viruses that don't meet modern definitions. She finds one that measures only fifteen nanometers. Julia goes to tell Alan what they found.

In his quarters, Sergio Balleseros removes parts for a miniature satellite dish from his clothing. He goes outside ABS and communicates with an unknown site. As he turns back toward the base, he realizes he is standing in a field of frozen monkey corpses. He goes back inside and talks with Hatake, who is secretly listening to Alan, Sarah and Julia talk about the virus they found and about how it is changing Peter in an unknown manner. Balleseros tells Hatake that the schedule for the "delivery" changed when the CDC showed up. Balleseros also says that the people both Balleseros and Hatake work for are not happy and that Sergio has to clean up Hiroshi's mess. Peter Farragut uses the RFID chip in the security guard's severed limb to access the sun room, where he attacks unknown persons. Blood flies.

Day 2 "Vector"

Doctors Haven, Bryce and Sulemani describe being attacked by Peter Farragut in the sun room and constrained to have an oral contact with him. (They're Things) They also tell Sarah that there were three other scientists who ran. Informed about the aggression, Alan says that R nough of the virus is now 6 and 18 new cases are expected. Alan leaves Sarah in charge of isolation and sends Julia to work with lab rats to learn rates of infection, although she objects and wants to participate in the search for the missing three. Hiroshi Hatake provides to Alan the personnel records of Doctors Tracey, Raver, and DeKlerk, who are missing. Alan and Sergio, along with a security team, start a door-by-door search of the missing persons.

Peter observes Julia from an air duct while she is preparing dogs for analysis. She hears a loud noise coming from the air duct, and looks rather worried.

Alan, Sergio and Daniel go to Dr. Tracey's room. it's vacant, but Sergio sees evidence that she tried to break out of ABS through the window of her room.

While Doreen is analyzing post-mortem the monkey Sergio has killed, Dr. Tracey engage her speaking in a confusional way and referring to herself as "us". She doubts about the identity of Doreen and claim she doesn't want to be forced to the White Room, like Dr. Hvit. Doreen promise Dr. Tracey to help her leaving the base with the helicopter, but is accused again to be a liar.

Julia, while sitting in Hatake's office monitoring video tapes from Peter's lab, hear a loud noise, but Hiroshi tells her is just a common base settlement and suggests her to have some hour of rest because sleep is essential in the artic. Suddenly, Julia watches a tower of cages falling to the ground, apparently without any external hint. She asks again to Dr. Hatake the actual Peter's field of research, strongly doubting this to be mutagens research.

Sarah, dressed with the suit again, tries to attend to Dr. Haven, who is in pain and worried that the other two scientists will turn against him. She goes to the drug stockroom at level G for some morphine.

Sergio, Alan and Daniel find one of the three missing persons, Dr. Henrick DeKlerk from aerosol division, who was hiding hinself in the stairwell. While he is moved to the infirmary, Alan tries to calm down the mob who has watched the capture and denies the possibility to evacuate the base claiming that he will do his best to solve the situation. Julia, who has listened his speech, informs Alan about what she has seen in the video tapes. Alan is concerned that she has not followed his orders and Julia, after suggesting this is just a way he wants to punish her for what happened with Peter, run from him.

Sarah finds the morphine in the drug stockroom but is interrupted by Peter, who bangs on the cage where she has taken shelter. Peter tells Sarah that Walker is at ABS for a reason. He then jumps straight upward into an opened air duct.

From injection notes in Peter's document, Sarah discovers that Peter had injected rats in the then-fallen cages 0.2 cc of NARVIK-A and 0.2 cc of NARVIK-B, respectively. Dr. Hatake tells her that he normally encourages his scientists to probe new formulas, and that Peter was working in collaboration with the two dead scientists. Julia suggest Hatake to replicate Peter's experiment in order to directly study the results.

Dr. Tracey is talking with an imaginary person in front of her about something "they" have created in order to be used like a perfect weapon. Now "they" have lost control of the virus. Doreen tries to escape but is blocked and pushed to the ground by Dr. Tracey, who spit black blood from the mouth. Doreen has now the chance to escape, but Dr. Tracey seems to turn back to mental sanity and asks for help before collapsing.

Words arrives about Peter and Sarah. Alan, Sergio and Daniel arrive at the drug storage area and Sarah explains her encounter. She describes the look in his eyes as being not quite human. Alan is encouraged when Sergio finds empty morphine vials because that tells him that Peter is aware enough to self-medicate for pain. Sarah tells Alan about Peter having said that Julia was at ABS for a reason. Sergio finds black fluid in the opened air duct and thinks Peter let it in order to be followed.

Daniel calls for a security team. Sergio enters the air ducts with a stun baton and Alan monitors Sergio's progress in the search for Peter. Sergio encounters Peter in a duct and somehow manages to stun both of them but Peter escapes afterwards.

After extracting Sergio from the air duct, everyone proceeds toward a reported attempt to escape from ABS.

Julia discovers that dogs infected with NARVIK-A are decimated with nearly 100% mortality rate, while NARVIK-B has 100% infection rate and 0% mortality rate. Suddenly, one NARVIK-B infected dogs breaks the glass and attacks one uninfected rat forcing a tentacle like thing passage through their mouths. It then shakes and tentacles shoot out from it's back! The_Thing_2014_html_27fb0ad5.jpg Sergio is quick to shoot it to death before it can attack anyone else.

Sarah finds out that morphine is not working with Dr. Haven. Dr. Bryce threatens her with a syringe, asking to exchange her with their evacuations from the isolation fearing that no one can be trusted paranoia runs ramped now.

Alan and Daniel come back to solve the Sarah situation, while Sergio goes outside to stop the escape from ABS. Dr. Hatake speaks with Dr. Bryce and Sulemani trying to negotiate the release of Sarah. He claims that the Release Team is working on an antiviral therapy and they have to wait for the animal trial to be performed. Alan enters in the isolation room and asks again for the release of Sarah. Upon refusal, he undress the suit and claim that now they are in the same position. Dr. Bryce lets Sarah free.

Julia reports to Alan and Sarah about the result of her experiment. NARVIK-B is a pathogen agent with extremely focused behavior of patterns. NARVIK-B virus injects something into the body that mimics cells and repairs them, making the body stronger.

Alan asks Julia to go to the isolation zone to check the infected patients. He claims that if she is right, they don't have to deal with a single virus anymore.

Outside the base, Sergio finds a man who is about to leave with a snowmobile and asks him to return to the base. The scientist tells Sergio that in the base dangerous procedures were performed, like transgenic experiments and the virus vault.

He claims that the monkeys have been subjected to an abomination and wants to reach the civilization to inform the newspapers about all of a sudden. Sergio takes a knife from his uniform and stabs him to death.

Julia notices that Sarah has a tremor in her right but she claims to be fine. Doreen enters the room where they are preparing to enter the isolation zone and asks for helping her with Dr. Tracey, who is in advance stage of disease but is filled with monkey juice (downer). Doreen wants to refer to Alan what she has discovered about the monkeys.

Sarah, Julia and Doreen enter the isolation zone with Dr. Tracey to bring her to the ICU chamber (intensive Unit Chamber). Suddenly, Dr. Haven mimics a collapse to distract them and allows him, Dr. Bryce and Dr. Sulemani to escape.

Alan meets Hatake and they argue about the way to handle the situation. Alan accuses Hatake for not having told him the full picture and complete access to the base. He wants to know how the patient disappears and how Doreen has been attacked by an infected monkey she was told didn't exist. Moreover, he directly asks why Peter was messing around with the worst contagion ever since in the world.

Hatake replies that he would have never encouraged something so reckless. They agree that the sharing of informations is the best way to get out of this situation alive and start to organize a containment plan.

Sergio goes to bury the body of the dead scientist under the snow. He takes a second to catch his breath and notices a trail of blood... he looks down at the corpse, not noticing that it's not only a Thing, but that it's still alive!

Sarah faces again a tremor in her right hand.

In his office, Dr. Hatake watch a photo album containing pictures of Julia from the past, then he starts to look into a microscope seeing that the thing's blood is copying human cells and assimilating them.

It's then shown that Sergio comes inside.

While making a shower, Julia is approached by a shadow, who she doesn't see... (She becomes assimilated by Peter)

Day 3 "274"

Julia Walker awakes in the shower. Alan Farragut has covered her with a towel and is bending over her. When he asks what happened, she tells Alan that she does not remember anything, whipping away blood from her nose. Alan tells Julia that she needs some sleep and that he will escort her to her quarters. He leaves her so she can dress. While waiting in the hall, he hears a noise. Entering a laboratory, he finds his brother Peter, who asks for help and collapses.

Doreen Boyle and Sarah Jordan deal with the ABS staff, who are frightened.

Hiroshi Hatake watches the interaction. Daniel Aerov tells him the security teams are still searching and reminds him that the base has been locked down for thirty-two hours. Sergio Balleseros says that there have been two more attacks. Alan brings Peter in to an isolated area. He tells Hiroshi that Peter surrendered himself.

Hiroshi is not comfortable with the security for Peter. He allows Alan to set up operations on Level R, the original laboratory. Level R is the maintenance area of ABS and has separate air circulation. It had been used for experiments in controlled fusion. Alan decides to turn Level R into an isolation floor for the people who are known to have attacked others.

Julia returns to the shower and stands there for a moment. She stands in front of a mirror and stares at herself.

Alan reviews the situation with Hiroshi. There are eighteen sick, including Peter; three people are unaccounted for; and two are presumed sick. The total is twenty-three. Alan wants treatment facilities on Level R for forty people. While they are talking, the turn a corner and come face-to-face with Dr. Sulemani. She apologizes for running and says "they" made her do it. When she approaches Hiroshi, Daniel shoots her in her abdomen. Alan saves Sulemani with Hiroshi's help then criticizes Daniel for panicking and shooting without necessity. Alan threatens to pull the response team out if his demands are not met.

Julia is caring for Peter and asks rhetorically what he did to her. Peter starts mumbling and Julia leans over try to hear until Alan knocks on the windows to summon her. At a meeting, he explains to the team how they will be sealing off Level R. He then assigns Julia and Sarah to work on a test for NARVIK-B and Doreen and Sergio to try to learn more from the monkey.

Daniel and Alan argue about the shooting and Daniel says that the only reason Alan did not shoot is that he did not have the gun.

While Julia and Sarah are working together, Julia notices the tremor in Sarah's right hand. Sarah writes the tremor off to lack of rest and Julia goes to get another blood sample from Peter.

Sergio and Doreen return to the lab where she had been working with the monkey and find it gone and the lab completely cleaned. Doreen wants to confront Hatake, but Sergio convinces her she would be wasting her time and offers to get her another sample.

Julia draws Peter's blood then removes her face mask and begins a monologue about how unhappy she was with Alan and how she thought she could handle "this."

Outside, Sergio uses a power tool to remove a core sample from one of the frozen monkeys. The_Thing_2014_html_m4014412.jpgDoreen challenges Sergio's motives and honesty and he responds that there are people in the Army, including him, who are wondering if the outbreak was an accident.

Sarah tells Julia how she developed a test for the virus and tested three security guards as known negatives and Peter and Doctors Tracey and DeKlerk as positives. She notices what looks like an organism assimilating cells, cloning them, it's like whatever is inside them is becoming them, mimicking them! The two argue briefly about the finding and then on whether either of them should be tested. Sarah goes to tell Alan about their success and Julia destroys the blood samples taken, covering up that she is in fact not herself.

In a corridor, Dr. Bryce is trying to force his way through a steel door with a fire ax, yelling for DuChamp and claiming that SODRA is a cure. Guards disable Bryce and take him to isolation on Level R. Dr. Philippe Duchamp comes through the door and denies that there is any cure. Duchamp carefully secures the door he just passed through and leaves.

With Sergio watching, Doreen prepares a sample from the frozen monkey which THINGS OUT; she kills the growth. Doreen intends to ask Alan about the rapid growth rate, but Sergio convinces her to keep it between them so Hatake does not find out.

Hiroshi admits to Alan that SODRA is an anti-viral that has a near-one-hundred-percent success rate. It has been successful again H1N1, hepatitis, HIV and Smallpox. The only catch is that it has a 75% mortality rate. In saying that, Hiroshi admits that ABS has a store of smallpox.

The tests are ready and the staff of ABS is taken down to Level R in groups. Those who test negative are allowed to return upstairs. Those who test positive are required to stay. Alan and Julia discuss that it may be too late to save Peter.

When Daniel goes to move Sulemani and Bryce, Sulemani breaks out, leaving a murdered Bryce behind her. A panic ensues. Julia sees Dr. Sulemani attacking a guard and remembers Peter's attack. Daniel loses his pistol. Sulemani turns into a THINGThe_Thing_2014_html_3c15de02.jpg and charges toward Julia Walker (which if given enough time it would have passed by her, knowing that she too is a thing); Alan picks up Daniel's weapon and shoots the thing he had earlier saved. Daniel takes the weapon from him. Julia asks Alan why she was passed by... she says she could be infected....she says she has to stay down on Level R.

Hiroshi asks where Julia is and Alan explains. They discuss what the hell that thing was that attacked them and agree to do an autopsy on the remains. Daniel tells Hiroshi that they have to seal off Level R. Alan agrees, admitting that he has lost control of the situation. Alan says he is call in the Army for backup when the satellite is available.

Sarah returns to her quarters. Her hand shakes again and she takes some medicine. She removes her shirt, revealing a large scar at the spinal column.

Doreen comes to the room from which Alan is observing Peter. He tells her that he has lost 274 patients on the operations in which he has participated but today is the first time he has killed someone. Doreen encourages him. As she turns to leave, Alan asks about the monkey and she answers that her results are inconclusive.

Outside, someone wearing an army combat uniform places an explosive charge on the satellite dish structure.

Julia enters are rooms where the other infected and possibly uninfected people are sitting; she wipes the black mucus from her hand and removes her white coat. She removes a piece of cloth and cleans herself up. Everyone discovers that the satellite dish is destroyed and internal communications are disrupted.

Day 4 "Single Strand"

Imprisoned in Level R, the scientists are afraid that they have been abandoned, by both the CDC and Hatake. They organize a plan to force communication with the people in the upper levels of the base, by manually overriding the control node for the CO2 scrubber system, turning off the ability for the base to produce oxygen. The upper levels of the base will lose oxygen in approximately six hours since the shut-off. Dr. Julia Walker tries to convince them that this is a dangerous plan, but the scientists close her outside the large quarantine room they have occupied, labelled as R33. Suddenly, a person in a suit appears in front of her, making a clear sign to come with her, but the mysterious person disappears when Julia tries to follow.

In Hatake's office, Dr. Alan Farragut asks questions regarding the explosion that occurred outside the base. Daniel replies that they are still investigating. Dr. Hatake looks skeptical about the chance to communicate with the outside world, since the satellite dish is broken. The only possibility to receive help from outside world appears to be related to periodic supply drops. The discussion ends when Hatake tells Alan about his decision to abandon the people on Level R, since it is too dangerous to reopen it.

Sarah Jordan is in her room, trying to take some pills of Gabapentin to control her left hand tremors, when Dr. Van Eigem knocks at the door. She asks questions about the result of her virus test, specifically regarding the accuracy of the test, while she is convinced to be infected, showing to Sarah a suspected break-out on her right arm.

Alan tells Doreen and Sergio about the decision made by Hatake. Sarah joins the conversation. Doreen reports that there is a strong possibility of a zoonotic transfer between monkey and humans, but she can't make out the direction that the virus has followed to evolve. Sarah reports that she has carried on the work of Julia on the NARVIK A and B samples analysis in order to find a viable treatment option.

Alan and Dr. Duchamp realizes that the situation of Peter is critical, and Alan asks to treat Peter with SODRA immediately. Dr. Duchamp argues that SODRA has never been tested on human beings and it would be immoral to use it without proper testing. Alan gives informal consent on the behalf of Peter, being his closest relative.

Hatake and Sergio have a conversation about the explosion of the antenna dish. Sergio explains his actions, as a means of attempting to prevent anyone from informing the outside world about what is happening in reference to the base and their "uninvited quest". It is suggested that Hatake has created the virus upon request by their common employers. An environmental alert announces an immediate oxygen decrease on the upper levels of the base. Hatake says that he will handle the situation, personally.

Sarah repeats the rapid response test to the virus with Dr. Van Eigem, and, once again, the results are clear, but Eigem remains skeptical about her symptoms.

Peter undergoes the SODRA treatment and his condition seems to improve.

Sergio confesses to Doreen he is a member of a special investigation section of the Pentagon, sent to the base for an internal inquiry about illegal research. He suggests that Doreen should search for if the virus is capable of assimilating DNA. Doreen starts to analyze the virus with the gene sequencer.

Julia comes face to face with an infected patient and is "saved" by the mysterious person in the suit. When the mysterious person is convinced that Julia is not aggressive, she removes the gas mask and introduces herself as: Jaye. (Little does she know she just sealed her fate)

Dr. Van Eigem begins to have hallucinations and Sarah, finally, realizes that she is infected; thus, the test doesn't work. In reverse, Dr. Van Eigem, an oncologist, recognizes the symptoms of Sarah and claims she has a tumor. She agrees to keep this information as a secret between them, on the condition that Sarah tells no one that Dr. Van Eigem is infected.

After the DNA analysis has completed, Doreen discovers that someone has specifically created the virus. It's derived from an organism that can imitate cells perfectly. With one key goal in mind, survival, at all costs.

Just before Sarah is about to tell Alan that the test does not work, Peter, now stable, wakes up. Sarah claims that there is to her knowledge, no infected people at their level, but there might be some uninfected people on Level R.

Peter is confused and talks with Alan regarding a childhood event. Dr. Duchamp discovers that the virus is fighting back within Peter. Peter tells Alan that the only person of interest to Hatake is Julia Walker. Furthermore, he confesses that the romantic relationship between Julia and himself has occurred more than once. Then, he suffers a cardiac arrest. Alan quickly places him under artificial respiration, in a vegetative state, in order to preserve him until a treatment or cure is found.

Julia and Jaye find the initials "JLW" written with chalk on a wall. Julia claims that it was written by her and that it marks her initials. She slowly starts to make her way toward Jaye.... (Attacking and assimilating her)

Dr. Hatake and Daniel convince the riot scientists to turn the CO2 scrubbers back on, in exchange for help, giving his word of honor. Then, Hatake steals the gun from Daniel, killing the scientists attempting to initiate a riot. He orders Daniel to return upstairs, while he starts searching for Julia.

Doreen explains to Sergio that the virus is being used as a means of manifesting select qualities and traits within human beings. But, before she can report her discovery to Alan, Sergio kills her and arranges the lab to indicate that an accident had occurred.

Hatake meets Dr.Haven who stands aside to let Hatake walk by without being attacked.

Day 5 "The White Room"

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