Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2002760-Remmy
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #2002760
Remmy is looking to turn her life around, but it's hard when everything costs memories.

         A luxurious 3092 hyper-coil cored hover speeder, dubbed the 'HK-12", pulls up to the curb outside a small decrepit building. Out steps a girl with a full face gas mask on. She heads towards the back of the building where there are two BB-182's standing on either side of the door. Upon approaching, the BB-182's turn to face the masked guest. "Halt! The river bears fruit for sharks." Comes from the BB-182 on the right.

         In a static almost faded voice, "Full Faced Friends Force Fiends" comes from the woman. Both BB-182's turn back to the original state and the door behind them starts to lower into the ground. The woman walks briskly past the BB-182 units standing guard and into a small black room. After entering the room the doors come up from the floor to lock her in. A few minutes past and the lights start to flicker on. The walls are covered with mirrors and on the wall in front of her is a small box with 2 buttons on it. The woman presses the button that has a small 'D' on it. The room shakes and starts moving down. Minutes cruise by and the faint sound of music can be heard.


         The doors slowly slide open, letting flashing colored beams through the doors. Music is now pouring into the modest sized room the woman stands in. She costively moved from the elevator to the bar. A Gorgian walks up to the now stationed woman. "T'ka vell trow ma nos!" Shouts the Gorgian to a couple of humans that are reaching over the counter.

         "I'm here for Damian." The Gorgian looks her up and down before pointing to a small picture of the wall and makes a button pushing motion. "Thank you." She gets up from the bar and walking over to the painting. The painting is of a well dressed man sitting in a chair with a small bald woman next to him with a glass. The woman taps on the bald woman's head and walks through the wall. She phases through the wall into a long concrete hall. She walks further into the hall and starts down the passage. As she approaches a door at the end the music starts to disappear like a faded memory. She knocks on the door five times.

         "Ah, Remmy! Come on in and make yourself at home. I'm currently out but my MB (Memory Bot) should be just fine answering your questions." Comes from a small box in the corner of the door.

         Remmy opens up the door and walks into a room with several transfer terminals set up around the room and a wall of screens. In the middle of the room sits a small child with a wire in each arm and a giant cord hooked into the back of the neck. The child turns to face Remmy, "Hello, my name is X103D42DFG..." the child's name just trails on before he turns his head a little and says, "but you may just call me X103." Silence fills the room for a few seconds before X103 breaks the silence by saying, "Damian is currently out but I can be a substitute if you need. What can I help you with? More of the usual?"

         "My supply is low."

         "Perfect!" chimes in X103, "For the usual amount, it will be 5 hours. Are you okay with this?"

         "Do I have a choice?" Remmy snorts. She walks over to the transfer terminal marked in green with which she has been all too acquainted with. Laying down she closes her eyes. "I'm ready."

         "Let us begin!" X103 cheerfully chirps. X103 gathers various different cables around the room and starts attaching them from Remmy's head to the terminal. Grabbing the giant cable, X103 positions it behind Remmy's neck and says, "On the count of 3 I will plug it in. 1..." X103 thrusts the cable into Remmy's neck and chortles. X103 goes over to the pearlescent console on the side of the terminal where he starts to press buttons and turn knobs.

         Remmy passes out from the bio-cable in her neck. A small pinging sound starts to resonate from all directions and begins to grow in volume. Remmy can feel time being taken from her. The feeling of growing pains spreads around each limb, numbing them.

         "Wow, she went out like a light." laughs X103.

         "Won't you please be more considerate of my customers?" a man says as he enters through the door. "They are after all, in limited supply."

         "Aw, Damian you ruin all the fun!"

         "Go get me a drink while the process in completed. Also, while you are at it, get me 2 packages of snas dust."

         "Aye aye, Captain!"

         Damian turns towards the terminal with Remmy in it. "I see you are doing well. Let's take a little extra. You won't miss it... I promise."

         -Minutes pass-

         "Uwah." Yawns Remmy as she stretches. Remmy quickly scans the room for anyone as she pats herself down to check for missing items.

         "I see our stellar buyer is up! Would you care for a glass of... water?" Damian motions towards X103 who is standing next to him with a platter which sits a shot glass of water. X103 approaches Remmy and holds up the platter with the shot glass on it.

         "So what are the chances this water is top world water?" Remmy pulls out all the wires that were in her head. She fumbles with the gas mask buckles on the back of her head. The gas mask glides off her face revealing her half disfigured face with the left side of her face a goopy mess and the other side sports various scars. She reaches for the glass and swigs it down in one gulp. Remmy sits up and opens her mouth to say something but is quickly interrupted.

         "Well now let's get onto business. X103 please fetch the two boxes over there," as he waves his hand towards the other corner, "and that one over there." X103 swiftly gathers all three boxes then comes to attention next to him. "We have retrieved the usual amount and I added in something special on the side. Good luck on your endeavors." Damian says with a smirk pasted across his face. He stands up and walks over to his desk and waves X103 and Remmy to leave.

         Remmy ties her mask back on and slithers out of the bed and makes towards the door with the three boxes. Now on the other side of the door and half way down the hall. She can feel the warmth of the snas dust in the boxes, which makes her hold it closer to her chest. She sluggishly clomps through the phased wall and approaches the elevator. Just like every other time she slumps against the wall of the elevator and lets out a sigh as the elevator starts to rise. When she exits the elevator the BB-182s still stand still like a couple of Tenpy? statuettes. Heading towards the speeder she feels the cold nip at her exposed ears. She shifts herself into the speeder and sets the 3 packages onto the passenger seat. She boots up the hyper-coil and drifts off to a small alley.

         She pulls to a stop and grabs the top box labeled "Flammable - B&N". Ripping open the box a sweet smell floats into the car. Remmy grabs a small green baggie and inserts a used syringe into the baggie and pulls out a good amount of snas dust. Putting the syringe into the socket on her arm she squeezes the syringe and pours it all in. Within minutes of putting it in, her brain starts to speed up and time slows down around her. Pain pulsates through the left side of her face leaving a sharp needle like after effect. She looks over to the box on the bottom of the stack. Remmy grabs the box and sets it on her lap. What could be in there? It's Damian so it could be anything. The blade slides across the surface of the package leaving a fine cut line in the tape that held it together. Opening the mystery package she finds...

© Copyright 2014 Mike Penn (weaselofdeath at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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