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by jazjaz
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #2002509
Yuki is admitted to a PTSD hospital, unknowingly into one of Magician's Pentagram's Bases



A little boy with light blue hair is crying near a tree on the ground, he has a scrapped knee and a toy ball is on the ground next to him. He is wearing a white jacket and blue shorts and red shoes. Another boy with white spiky hair roughly his age is standing next to him.

“Come on its just a scrapped knee, you’re no fun to play with” The spiky haired boy said trying to stop the other boy from crying.

A man with silver hair in his late twenties approaches him. “What’s wrong, why is he crying again?” The man asked

The light blue haired little boy looks at the man and recognizes him as Ben “He tripped as we were playing catch” The white haired boy said with slight disappointment

“Come on, let Uncle Ben make it better” The man’s hand starts flashing as he touched the little boy’s scrapped knee. In a moment the light fades and the boy’s face turned to smiles. The scrapped knee has been healed.

“Wow that magic is really cool; could you teach me that someday?” The white haired boy said

“Sure very soon everyone will be able to do this trick” Ben said smiling as he rubs the light blue haired boy’s smiling face.

Present Hospital

Inside a hospital room Yuki is dressed in a white shirt and pants and is sitting on a bed. He is playing with a handheld video game and is having fun with it. Kaito and Amber are in the room as well they have some scrapes and scratches on their arms and legs and Kaito’s cheek has a bandage on it.

“Come on push faster” Kaito said as he couches Yuki on the game. The game is an adventure game Zelda and Yuki is falling through holes over and over in the dungeon and his player is dying.

Yuki turns off the game as it ended and tells Kaito “Sorry I’m not very good with this type of game, maybe I should try another?” Yuki said with an embarrassed expression

“Oh sorry racing and these things are the only games I installed here. You don’t like adventure dungeon crawling games?” Kaito said with a smiling expression

“Well I never played them before.” Yuki said as he thinks

Cher has told Kaito what Yuki’s type of games are: shooting gallery, rhythm, and cooking. But Kaito avoids them on purpose as to keep Yuki’s mind off what happened to Nina.

Cher and Alex knocks, shortly the door is opened by Amber to let them in.

“Hey how is my favorite brother. Look I brought you some lunch” Cher said in a cheery expression as she walks further in the room with Alex.

“Oh hi sis, thank you but I still have my hospital lunch that I haven’t finished yet” Yuki then points at the half eaten food on the metal tray wrapped in plastic on the table.

“Well you should eat this, it’s from Matt’s place” Cher said as she opens the pack to show the steak.

“Wow that looks just like Mom’s cooking” Yuki said smiling

“Who’s this Matt?” Amber asked

“Oh that’s the owner of the restaurant below our apartment. I knew the guy for a long time now and he gave these free of charge when he heard you were in a hospital” Cher said

That statement was a lie on Cher’s part, cause as much as Matt wanted to give a free lunch to a sick relative of a loyal customer every once in a while, Cher would be a bad example. Cher is a big eater and she barely makes enough to pay all her bill so instead she was this close to begging Matt for the free lunch.

Yuki grabs the boxed lunch and then a spoon and fork. “Time to eat” Yuki said with a gleam of delight on his eyes

“How come Alex is here too? You can’t both be here away from headquarters can’t you?” Kaito asked which causes Alex and Cher to react like it stroke a nerve.

“Um well that’s a funny story” Alex said and he and Cher has a laughing expression

Providence Headquarters

Keith is glaring at Alex and Cher in seething anger. Notes and reports are on the table with pictures of Yuki.

Vivian’s investigation on Yuki has apparently finished and she has reported back to Keith and he doesn’t look happy.

“Chief we know what you’re going to say” Alex said

“Yeah it was unquestionably wrong not to tell headquarters about a definite enemy target” Cher said

“It was also wrong to cover it up for this long. And I’m sure we can’t say we were doing it to protect the kid when we could have made it worse” Alex said

Alex mentions agreeing with Cher about keeping Yuki and his powers a secret to the department and still did so even after repeated attempts on his capture.

Alex takes a deep breath and then says “It’s all her idea” Alex points at Cher

“What?” Cher screams in anger at Alex “You can’t just throw me out the bus”

Keith slams his hand on the table to stop the pair’s arguing. “You’re both suspended till further notice.”


“And there you go” Cher said slightly smiling with embarrassment

“I’m sorry for getting you into trouble” Yuki said as he stops eating and becomes guilty

“Oh no now you two did it” Amber said slightly annoyed

“Oops” Cher covers her mouth as she remembered not to say any bad news to Yuki

“I-it’s not a problem, its not like we’re fired right?” Alex said as he approaches Yuki and cheers him up “Besides we both agreed to this so it’s ok”

“Yes” Yuki said as he felt less guilty

“Still you’re both screwed, good luck watching tv all day long and eating potato chips all day long” Kaito grins

“Really, last I checked you know about all this too. Maybe I should speed dial your commander in West, lets see what he would say” Alex grins as he takes out his cell phone.

“You wouldn’t dare” Kaito screams and then runs towards Alex as he prepares to make a call. Kaito jumps at Alex, both of them falls to the ground as Kaito tries to grab the cell phone.

Yuki, Cher and Amber starts panicking as Alex and Kaito are fighting over the phone on the ground

“This is a hospital behave” Cher said angrily

At that moment a man in a business suit and pants with silver hair in his forties enters the room. The man is holding a basket of fruits and he is with a younger woman in her twenties and she is wearing a dark shirt, skirt and heels. The woman has brown hair.

Because of Alex and Kaito’s commotion, no one has noticed the two people by the door. Alex moves his hand holding the cellphone away to annoy Kaito. Kaito then swings his hand at the phone Alex is holding and it flies toward the man with silver hair.

The younger brown haired woman punches the incoming phone away before it hits the man and the phone drops to the ground in pieces.

The room is filled with silence as everyone sees the two people that entered the room.

“Oh dad, you’re here” Amber said as she runs toward the silver haired man.

“DAD?” Kaito is surprised at how Amber addresses the man

“Ooooh pretty bad first impression Kaito” Alex teases Kaito

“Ahhh” Kaito screams and then walks toward Amber and the man with silver hair “I’m so sorry sir” Kaito then bows apologetically

“And you are?” The man asks with slight surprise

“Oh this is Kaito Phelps, one of my classmates that I was telling you about” Amber introduces Kaito.

Yuki tries to peak by moving his head left and right to see the two people but Amber and Kaito are blocking his view.

“Oh yes, the one with the sword” the silver haired man said as he extends his hand

Kaito takes out a black hilt from his pocket. “It’s not exactly a sword” Kaito said with one hand scratching his head with slight shyness

“May I see it?” The silver haired man asked as Kaito hands it to him

“Hmm” The silver haired man takes a look at the hilt from all sides, and then weighs it with his hand

“But it only works for me sir” Kaito said

“Like its tailor made? Really let me see” The silver haired man asked

“O-ok” Kaito smiles as he takes the hilt back again he then steps back a bit and activates the hilt and a ray of purple light gives the hilt a shining edge like a light saber.

“It runs with my own energy” Kaito brags

“Huh it’s not a light saber like in Star Wars?” Amber asked

“No I’m more like that other hero from DC…” Kaito said

At that moment Amber interrupts Kaito, “Dad why don’t you introduce yourself first just to get formalities out of the way?”

“Oh that’s right I’m sorry, my name is Derek Vang, Amber’s father” Derek extends his hand and Kaito accepts the handshake with a surprised glance on his face

“Derek Vang? CEO of Humongo Corp the largest conglomerate of machines and gadgetry in Abayant?” Alex is surprised

“The same” Derek answers and introduces the woman next to him “This is my assistant Julie Hertz”

“Nice to meet you” Julie said as she bows her head

“No way I can’t believe it; Amber why didn’t you tell us any of this before? And your surname” Cher asked

“Grey is my mother’s maiden name and it doesn’t change anything does it?” Amber smiles

“Wait what? I’ve been bragging to a billionaire?” Kaito thinks to himself as he is still coping with the shock to find out that Amber is a billionaire heiress.

“Amber is a billionaire?” Yuki tries taking a look at Derek but his view is still obstructed and he couldn’t stand off the bed cause of his twisted ankle.

“That was quite the punch earlier” Cher compliments her

“Yes, Julie also doubles as dad’s bodyguard and she also thought me everything I know” Amber said

Everyone is interrupted by a thud on the ground and a small “oww”. They all follow the direction to see Yuki falling on the high hospital bed and falls on his behind.

“Ahh Yuki you shouldn’t try to stand” Cher said as she runs to where Yuki just fell.

Derek looks at Yuki and is shocked. “I-it can’t be” Derek whispers

“I’m sorry sis I couldn’t see” Yuki said as Cher helps him on to a chair.

“You must be Yuki, Amber has told me so much about you” Derek said as he approaches him

“Y-yes, I-it’s very nice to meet you sir” Yuki said as he very shyly extends his hand for a handshake.

“U-um have I seen you somewhere before sir?” Yuki asked with confusion

“Hmm I don’t think so, maybe you saw me in television” Derek said

“T-that’s right” Yuki said shyly

“Thank you for always saving my daughter, I’m very sure you would someday make a good husband for her” Derek said teasingly

“Waah” Yuki gets flustered while everyone else

“Dad must you confuse my friends” Amber starts pouting

“Huh? I was serious” Derek said

“This kid is so damn lucky” Kaito thinks to himself as he is shaking with envy.

Alex notices Kaito shaking and asks “What’s up with you?”

“Derek” Julie points at her watch

“Oh that’s right” Derek said as he also notices the time, he then looks at Yuki “Yuki I’m afraid I have to go. I’m sorry for such a brief stay”

“I-its ok thank you sir” Yuki smiles as Derek touches his sprained ankle. Derek is slightly surprised as he touched Yuki’s ankle.

“This feeling is so familiar” Yuki thinks to himself

“Aww, dad you’re leaving already?” Amber pouts

“I’m afraid I have to, I have an emergency meeting with the board” Derek said as he smiles with embarrassment on his face at Amber. Then he looks back at Yuki “Just rest a little and I’m sure you’ll be fine” Derek said as he proceeds to leave the room with Julie

As Derek and Julie walk the hallway outside the room, Derek whispers something to Julie “This place is dangerous”

“Tell me about it, that phone almost hit you” Julie said with a half joking expression

“That’s not what I meant” Derek said seriously

“What?” Julie asked with a curious expression

“Never mind, it’s not a problem” Derek said as he stares at the doctors and all the patients as they are walking past.

“Huh? Ok” Julie said still confused

Derek thinks to himself “I sense nanites nearby, did he already…” Then Derek pauses with a sad expression. “Is this destiny Mary?” Derek said as he and Julie walk further away

Yuki’s room

A doctor with black hair and glasses in his twenties wearing a doctor’s coat and pants has just entered the room. “I brought the patient’s scans”

“How is he doctor?” Cher asked in a worried expression as she approaches the doctor

“Just a few scrapes and the sprained ankle, no problem” The doctor said with a cheerful expression

The doctor then whispers at Cher “But remember what we talked about earlier”

Cher immediately knows what he is talking about. She is well aware of Yuki’s mental situation: He tried to protect a girl, Nina but she turned out to be a psychotic killer who Yuki had to kill in self defense and what’s even worse is that Yuki ends up liking the girl. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is very common in patients that were involved in a life threatening situation. Even police officers and Providence members are required counseling regularly.

The doctor continues talking and addresses Alex “I’m afraid visiting hours are almost over”

“I know we’re leaving in a few minutes” Alex said with a nod

Below the hospital there is a secret room which looks like a laboratory. About a dozen people in hospital coats are supervising test subject children in white shirts and pants. The doctors are injecting some kind of chemical on them; some are checking maintenance charts on the test subjects statuses. One boy is screaming while strapped on a table because of some painful side effects.

A man with black short hair in his forties wearing a doctor’s white coat and beige pants and black shoes is sitting on a table and looking at some results

“These are unacceptable; double the dosage of Clerion immediately” The man said

The man appears to be the superior and he is talking to a lesser cohort of his.

“But sir doubling the dose would create horrible side effects or even” Another man said

“Lead to insanity or even death? I know.” The man said with a carefree expression. Then he becomes serious and said “Whether they become soldiers of Pentagram or corpses is no consequence to us”

“Y-yes sir” The other man said as he bows and proceeds to leave the room.

Another man in a doctor’s coat and three other individuals enter the superior’s room “The boy is here sir just as expected”

“Excellent” The superior opens his visual monitor with a snap of his fingers and sees Yuki’s room and everyone. Yuki appear to be laughing as a joke is being told to him by Kaito and Amber is also talking with them happily. Alex and Cher are sitting on the sofa and talking.

“You know what to do” The superior said then he looks at the three individuals in the room

“Rejoice, you’ll get to play with him really soon. But which of you would it be?” The superior addresses the three individuals

The three people look at each other and smiles. The individuals are a red haired boy with a gold colored shirt and black pants with boots with black gloves. He looks slightly older than Yuki.

The next one in the room is a girl with orange hair wearing a green shirt and ankle high yellow pants and black boots. She looks about in her early twenties.

The last person is a silver haired boy wearing a long black coat and white pants with red shoes. He looks the oldest in his mid twenties.

Later that evening
Yuki’s room

The room is quiet with Yuki sleeping on the bed wrapped in a blanket. Cher is sleeping on the sofa also wrapped in a blanket. Four men wearing doctor’s coats unlock the room quietly from the outside and slowly creep into the room.


Yuki opens his eyes, it doesn’t take him long to realize that he is lying on the floor with white, shiny tiles. He is wearing his sleeveless blue shirt and white shorts and he realized that he also has his shoes on.

“W-where am I?” Yuki begins looking around the room, the room is big but other than shiny tiles for floors and walls equally shiny, there is nothing and no one.

Yuki stands up and he is surprised to be able to stand straight without any pain from his sprained ankle. Although his right ankle is still bandaged Yuki noticed that there is no longer any pain on it.

“Greetings Mr. Mancio” A voice echoes in the room

Yuki turns around to see a man with glasses and black hair in his forties wearing a tie and a white coat in a virtual monitor. He is the same superior earlier who was ordering his people around.

“W-who are you?” Yuki asked

“I am James Collin a member of the prestigious Elemental Four” James said

“Elemental Four?” Yuki asks

“Oh how silly of me, Magician Pentagram’s top generals. I’m sure you know why you are here correct?” James asks

Yuki remembers what Alex and Cher told him back when he first got into Abayant City. They said Magicians Pentagram kidnaps children and is looking for special powers in individuals. In fact Yuki’s been targeted a few times before it’s almost elementary.

“S-so this place is…” Yuki asks in a surprised tone

“Yes this hospital is only a front for our headquarters. Despite her flaws I’d say she succeeded in the end” James smiles

“W-who succeeded?” Yuki asked as he stares at James on the virtual screen

“Nina, the girl you fell in love with and then killed in cold blood” James said mockingly

“B-but I only did that to” Yuki said in a sad voice

“Tomato- Tomato.” James used both pronunciations of the word indicating whichever reason is the same for him.

“But I never wanted…” Yuki said in a desperate voice

“Pish pash, I have a new dance partner for you” James said as he is dismissing Yuki’s reasoning

“Huh?” Yuki asked

At that moment the door on the other side of the room opens and the red haired boy from earlier enter the room.

Yuki gets into a defensive stance and steps back a little.

“I won the straws so I’ll be your dance partner, the name is Len” The boy said in a sarcastic tone. Although he is older than Yuki, both are around the same height. Len’s face has a big grin on it and his eyes are wide in appearance. One would think that he’s insane and sadistic.

Yuki steps back one step for every one step forward that Len makes. As Yuki is nearing the end of the room he steps sideways to encircle Len.

“I hear you’re a good shot.” Len said

Yuki is slightly confused but kept silent

Len stops and just stands straight “So come on, why don’t you hit me? Right here” Len said as he pounds on his chest

Yuki starts shaking slightly and sweating but still kept quiet

Len suddenly lunge at Yuki and Yuki steps sideways again to dodge. But Len stops halfway as though he was just waiting for a reaction

James is watching Yuki and Len on the monitor and is staring with silent anticipation

“Still no response? You were rather brave back at the apartment building” Len said grinning and laughing

“Huh?” Yuki takes a breath and remembers Lily seeing him and figures that Lily might have been the one that reported him.

“Even against Alister at the school. I figure you’d work better when you’re tensed up” Len said as he immediately thrusts his hand at Yuki’s face.

Yuki just stood still and unable to blink with fear as he is at a corner and Len stops his hand halfway. Yuki’s sweaty palms is grabbing tightly on the wall behind him.

James looks at the monitor on his computer and sees Yuki and Len’s diagrams. The whole room both are in appears to be an analysis chamber for combatants and James’s computer reads the results

“Heartbeat is fast but no change in power level” One of James’s men said as they look at Yuki’s heartbeat and scan. “He’s more like a scared animal than a fighter”

“Indeed, it appears making phony gestures won’t get us anywhere” James said

Inside the room, James’s voice can be heard from somewhere “Enough, you know what to do”

Len smiles “I’ve been waiting for you to say that”

Len immediately swings his hands in the sky and suddenly what look like small red flying hornets starts flying in the air.

Yuki gets surprised and looks at the hornets. He sees them not as hornets but flying red balls that are slightly smaller than tennis balls. Suddenly one of them fires something at Yuki and hits him in the left shoulder.

“Ahh” Yuki screams and touches his left shoulder as he falls to his knees.

“Hurts like hell doesn’t it? Feels like you’ve just been hit by burning coal” Len said still with a wide grin on his face

Yuki looks at his shoulder and sees a small circular burn mark on it “W-wait you people need me so you can’t”

“Don’t worry its not enough to kill. But you should start fighting back” Len said

Yuki sees a vision of the red balls firing the next barrage of shots so he immediately spins to his side just in time when the balls fired and he dodged it

“Now that’s better” Len said in a happy mood.

The henchman looks at Yuki’s scan again and sees a change in his readings “Heartbeat starts showing changes”

“Hmm” James ponders

The three red balls fly on Len’s left and right side and the third one above him. They then each fire another set of shots at Yuki and Yuki uses his power to dodge again. Yuki then uses his power and creates ice needles and holds them between his fingers. As Yuki dodged he crosses his hands in front of his head and then swings them in opposite directions, the needles between his fingers launches and hits the balls with accuracy, successfully destroying them.

“Wonderful” Len said then he waves his hands again and another trio of red balls materializes and flies on the sky

The balls start firing another set of shots and Yuki uses his power again to dodge. He then crosses his arms in front of his face again and created the needles like before. Yet again he launches the needles but suddenly the balls dodge his attack by moving away

“H-Huh?” Yuki is surprised but suddenly gets hit by the barrage of shots the red balls made to counterattack. Yuki is hit two times in the chest and another on the left knee. His blue shirt is burned on the area the shots hit and his skin on the affected parts is burned circular again. Yuki once more falls on his knees as he touches himself in pain.

“Aww not so easy this time huh” Len said with a cold remark

Yuki immediately takes out his needles, releasing 6 needles instead of the 3 he did before and uses his future vision.

“Huh?” Len looks with curiosity as well as James in the control room.

Yuki then dodges another barrage of shots and crosses his hands again to release three of the needles. The red balls dodge just like before but at that same second Yuki once again crosses his hands and launched the other three needles still held between his fingers and succeeds in hitting all three balls.

Control Room

“He used his power to predict where the balls would dodge and then fired another set of shots at the right moment?” The henchman next to James said

“Magnificent, Magnificent” James said in a very impressed voice

“Aww but you missed such an obvious shot” Len said as he points to himself

Yuki is still catching his breath and is surprised at Len’s remark. He appears to have an insane desire to die which scared Yuki the most compared to everything else.


In what looks like a jail room, Cher wakes up. “Where am I?”

Cher tries moving but feels really out of the weather and drowsy. Cher feels a sting on her arm indicating that she was injected with a drug to pass out.
Cher forces herself to stand up and although she feels limp, with a few tries she is able to stand up. Then she sees the area and finds herself at a cell with bars, the room was dimly lit like a dungeon and the floor is thick and grey like a dungeon

“Yuki, where are you?” Cher looks around but sees that she is alone in the cell. There is only a door in the middle with a computerized lock. Cher immediately tries to kick the bars to break them but she feels that her kick was so weak they barely caused a dent.

“What’s going on?” Cher thinks for a short moment and then realizes that the room must be packed with an elemental nullifier.

Back to Yuki and Len

Yuki takes a deep breath and said in a hesitant voice “I-I don’t want to kill you”

“Really, and why not?” Len asked sarcastically

Yuki is quiet and shaking

“Playing the goodie two shoes huh, but your hands are tainted already” Len said

Yuki is shocked by the remark and remembers exactly what he meant “I didn’t want to do that” Tears start flowing down Yuki’s face

“I just wanted the nightmares to stop” Yuki said

Len starts taking a few steps toward Yuki “Aww isn’t that TOUCHING” Len suddenly punched Yuki on the face which sends him flying a feet away and he falls to the ground.

Yuki takes stands up, he takes out a needle and starts holding it like a knife, but his hands are shaking horribly “S-stay back” Yuki screams and starts moving back

Len starts laughing “Or what? You’re going to stab me?”

Yuki throws the needle which missed Len on purpose, Yuki throws another two needles, and one of them missed but the other hits Len’s left shoulder.

“Humph” Len smiled and lunged at Yuki again this time finishing his attack by knocking Yuki to the ground

Len then grabs the fallen needle that Yuki was holding and then thrusts it through Yuki’s left shoulder. “AAHHH” Yuki starts screaming as Len laughs just as loud

James’s voice is heard “Enough Len, take him back to the cell”

Len looks at Yuki on the ground. He appears to have fainted.

Jail Cell

Cher is trying over and over to kick the bars and break them down but to no avail. Suddenly the door on the room outside the jail cell opens and Cher immediately sees Len carrying an unconscious Yuki with one hand. Cher noticed the few burn marks on Yuki and the ice needle still lodged on his shoulder.

“You bastard, what did you do to him?” Cher asked in a loud voice

The electronic lock on the jail cell opens with the card Len swiped on it and Len immediately threw Yuki at Cher. Cher catches him with both arms and immediately the cell door closes again.

Len pulls out the ice needle lodged into him and the bloody needle falls to the ground. Len makes a sarcastic look at Cher. He grins and leaves the room without a word.

Cher looks at an unconscious Yuki that she is holding with worried eyes.

A Moment Later

Yuki opens his eyes and sees Cher’s face looking at him.

“Thank goodness you’re awake” Cher said

“Sis” Yuki said, suddenly he starts crying and hugs her. “They said I was tainted. My hands are already covered in blood. Was what I did so wrong?”

“It was self defense, everyone knew that” Cher said

“But why do I feel so bad, I should have just listened to you and stayed home” Yuki said still crying, his voice gets a little inaudible because of his crying

“No, I was wrong when I forced you to suppress it. Mom knew too that’s why she gave her blessing. I knew about the nightmares you kept having. They’re never going to stop if you had stayed home” Cher said

“I just wanted to save people, I just wanted to know why I have this power” Yuki said

“I know when we get out of this. I’ll get everyone, even drag the head of Providence out of her chair to help you if I have to” Cher said

Yuki starts smiling “Sis you couldn’t even flip scrambled eggs in a pan without ruining it”

“That’s different” Cher said with embarrassment

“I know, thank you sis” Yuki said as he starts smiling

Suddenly someone enters the room which gets Yuki and Cher’s attention. It is the same doctor that entered Yuki’s hospital room earlier and the same doctor with black hair and glasses in his twenties that Cher talked to about Yuki’s health.

“I know you, I should have known” Cher said angrily as she recognized the doctor. Cher then charges at the metal bars again to try to break it down.

“You should save that anger when you finally get your hands on them” The doctor said and immediately he swipes takes out what look like a small circular chewing gum and sticks it on the door.

“Huh? What are you trying to do?” Cher said angrily while Yuki is surprised

“You two should back away” The doctor said

Yuki and Cher does what they are told and the chewing gum that the doctor sticks on the lock exploded. The computer lock blows up and the door to the cell opens

“Are you two going to stay there or are you two going out that cell?” The doctor asked

“What?” Cher asked

“Relax, he’s one of the good guys” A voice is heard from the door of the room.

Yuki and Cher looks to see Kim also wearing a doctor’s suit, his eyes are covered with shades.

“Kim” Yuki said in relief

“What’s going on?” Cher asked

“Here’s the thing” Kim starts explaining


The doctor continues talking and addresses Alex “I’m afraid visiting hours are almost over”

“I know we’re leaving in a few minutes” Alex said with a nod


“That line meant it was time to start the plan” The doctor said

“We talked to all your friends except for the two ladies and the boy here” Kim said. He was referring to Yuki, Amber, and Cher

“What plan?” Cher asked

“Alex used his power to doctor the camera feeds so it would look like we were leaving but we stayed nearby and waited for an opportunity” Kim said

“My team has infiltrated this place months ago, we were going to wait a while longer in but we decided to jumpstart the operation earlier than planned.” The doctor said

“We had to use bait but telling you two would be detrimental to the plan” Kim said

“You used us is that it?” Cher said angrily as she is about to attack the doctor

Kim moves between Cher and the doctor “I’m sorry it was either using you or waiting and for every second we wait more people will get hurt”

“And Alex and Kaito agreed to this?” Cher said

“Alex is suspended so he’s not really your partner today and Kaito is in our commander’s palm” Kim said almost laughing

“What?” Yuki asked

“Oh never mind” Kim said then he looks at the doctor and said “This is Sam, he really is a doctor in Providence so let him take a look at you”

Sam approaches Yuki and stares at him from head to toe. “You have a needle lodged on your arm” Sam said

“Huh? Oh yes that’s right” Yuki just remembered his own needle that Len lodged in a few minutes earlier

“Here let me pull it out” Sam said as he extends his hand

“Huh? Its ok you don’t have to, it’ll melt later” Yuki said slightly scared

“It’s an ice needle? That’s even worse, the cold could damage your organs” Sam said slightly surprised

“Oh no it won’t don’t worry” Cher said slightly smiling

“Well ok just take a deep breath” Sam said to Yuki

“Huh?” Yuki is confused then very suddenly Sam pulled the needle out which causes Yuki to scream in pain. “AHHHHHH”

“Why did you do that you idiot? He has ice immunity” Cher screams at Sam

“Oh is that so?” Sam and even Kim is surprised

“That’s odd I’ve never heard any elemental with immunity to anything” Kim said

Yuki is almost to the brink of crying again as he holds his shoulder in pain

“Shouldn’t we be leaving now? What the hell are we waiting for?” Cher said as she holds Yuki again

“Waiting for your friends to do their part of the plan” Kim said

“What?” Yuki and Cher asked

Camera Room

The room from earlier with the big monitor showing all the cameras with footages of the hospital suddenly explodes. The dozen people, which is two times less than the normal because it’s a night shift gets even more surprised when suddenly all the computer monitors short circuit.

“What the hell?” One man asked while another person reaches for a phone

“FREEZE, this is Providence you are all under arrest” A male voice is heard which startles everyone. They all look instinctively to see Alex with his right arm turned into a machine gun

All the people showed no hesitation and begin attacking with their element powers. They all use elements of different kinds and shoot them at Alex. The attacks are weak and are only a small line of fire like the range of flame thrower or a small hand grenade. Alex jumps to the air to dodge and fires with his gun. The bullets from his machine gun very easily eliminate all the attackers.

“That was a piece of cake” Alex said as he turns his machine gun back to his normal arm again

“You can’t help but smell the roses can’t you” A man in his thirties with gold hair and a mustache said. He is wearing a lab coat too

“Give me a break, Jordan” Alex said indicating that Jordan is also part of Sam’s infiltration group

This room is full of empty operating tables and glass tubes for people. The floors are metal and computers for tests are around.

Kaito is with the doctor that was arguing with James about doubling the treatment of Clerion. The man has dark blue hair and seems like a beginner in the job. They are fighting a few guys in lab coats too.

Kaito has his light saber sword on hand and the man named John has a gun on him, they are standing back to back while squads of people in lab coats are firing at them with different elemental attacks. Kaito slashes one guy when he got an opening and John gets a few shots in on another guy.

“Who would believe you’re a double agent. Kim told me you act like a goody good and piss James off a lot” Kaito said as he attacks stabs another enemy

“And who would believe that we were actually in the same division, the commander has said a few interesting things about you” John said

“Really, he must have a few things to say about me?” Kaito said expecting a good feedback

“He said you’re laid back, self centered and rebellious” John said

“What?” Kaito said angrily

“He said it not me” John said as he smiles at Kaito


James is in his private room in the lab when suddenly he hears explosions outside. He pushes a button and sees that all his cameras and computer screens all show blank footages. James does not look angry instead he is shown smiling as if he expected the sudden intrusions.

He then pushes another button on the table and said “Len, Jude, Anna. You know what to do”

“Roger” Three voices speak out to answer him from his communicator.

James then grabs a flash drive from his drawer and puts it in his pocket and proceeds to grab a suitcase with some documents as well, one of them Yuki’s research data and then proceeds to walk out of the room

Jail Cell

Loud commotions are heard outside where Yuki, Cher, Sam, and Kim are.

“Good they’ve started, we should get going too” Kim said as he points to the door. Everyone proceeds running outside.

Outside the Jail Cell as Yuki and the others are running. Yuki stops and asks a question “Wait we can’t go yet how about the other children?”

“They’re deeper in the lab; the others will get to them. We should get you out first” Kim said

“Ok thank you” Yuki said

At that moment a red ball flies above Yuki and Kim. Yuki senses the ball with his power and pulls himself and Kim away just as the ball fires a beam of light and hits the ground.

“That blast was bigger than before” Yuki said as he sees Len and three other henchmen in lab coats standing in a corner of the hallway with his arms crossed and the same cold grin he shows. He is blocking the door to the exit.

“Y-you again” Yuki said unnerved at seeing Len again. He even notices the injury on Len’s arm that he caused before.

Sam draws his gun and points it at Len. Cher makes a fighting stance with her hands and she steps one leg forward.

Kim stands up in front of Yuki and both of them prepare combative stances.

“I’m not done with you yet” Len said and four red balls hovered next to him.

“What’s your damage? You can’t beat all of us even with your goons” Cher said

“Who says anything about beating you?” Len said. Suddenly there is a computer voice that is heard making some kind of announcement

“Warning Self Destruct Sequence Activated, Evacuate Immediately” The computer announcement said

“Self destruct?” Yuki asked in surprise

“Are you really that hell bent on dying? Cher asked angrily

Camera Room

The self destruct announcement echoes in the camera room

“Self Destruct? Burn all the spoils huh” Jordan said

“We should leave now too” Alex said as he points to the door

Suddenly, tree branches started attacking them like whips. Alex gets in front of Jordan and makes a shield with his right arm to block the attack. The branches bounce back right to the other corner of the room where they see a girl with orange hair wearing a green shirt and ankle high yellow pants and black boots. She looks about in her early twenties. She is holding a small tree sampling plant in a vase and the branches are coming from its stems. The plant’s vase breaks and the plant falls to the ground as it starts growing

“I am Anna, I’ve been ordered to kill you both” The girl Anna said

“Are you crazy woman? This place is going to be destroyed” Alex said with a loud voice

“Everything for the glory of the Professor” Anna said in a calm voice

“A samurai for her master then” Jordan said

“Yeah” Alex said as they both brace themselves


“Ehh really this place is going boom?” John said in an amateurish voice

“Yeah do you believe that? I sure hope they got Yuki and Cher out safely” Kaito said

Kaito and John then see a shadow behind one of the big glass tubes.

“Whose there?” Kaito asked seriously

Suddenly the tubes with water starts shaking and they all broke apart and all the water suddenly starts moving on their own and starts forming into many basket balls.

John then sees a silver haired boy who came out behind one of the broken tubes. He is wearing a long black coat and white pants with red shoes in his mid twenties.

“And you are?” Kaito asked

“Jude, that’s all you have to know” Jude said in a cold voice

“Are you crazy? This place is gonna blow” Kaito said

Jude stares in silence without a change in his expression

“HAH? Are these how everyone here acts?” John said as he spreads his hands

“What’s worse, we still have to let the prisoners out” Kaito said as he looks at another door with a frustrated expression “That’s where they are right?”

“Yeah” John said and then nods

“Then go, I can handle him myself” Kaito said

“Ya sure? Ok” John said with a slightly joking voice and then runs to the direction of the other room.

Jude didn’t show any damn, he probably

“All I know is that we need to take him out” Kaito said as he raises his sword and John takes out his gun as they both prepare for battle.


“In ten minutes everyone will go to hell” Len said

“Why? Why do you want to die so badly?” Yuki asked with a confused expression

“Are you kidding do you even know how much I have to put up everyday? Its so boring, day in and day out its no fun anymore” Len said angrily

“You kill people and torture children; you make it sound like a damn chore” Sam said

“If you hate it so much then why don’t you kill yourself or let your cohorts kill you” Cher said

“Where is the fun in that? None of them would feel a thing” Len said dismissively “But you’re different” Len points at Yuki

“Huh?” Yuki asked

“You still have those eyes, those innocent eyes and that fear” Len said in a joyful expression

“So that’s it, you’re even more pathetic than I thought you were” Sam said with a big grin on her face

“What?” Len said angrily

Cher secretly pats Kim on the shoulder and when she got his attention Cher points to Yuki and a signal on her hand going in one direction. Kim nods in agreement

Cher then steps forward and then walks to the side “You’re too chicken to kill yourself so you spite someone weaker to do the dirty work for you” Cher said as she secretly pats Kim on the shoulder

Yuki looks with a look of pity and confusion

“Don’t you dare look at me like that” Len said angrily as he points at Yuki

“Oh don’t worry, he doesn’t have to” Kim said and very suddenly Kim grabs Yuki and uses his power of wind like an engine and charges at Len.

Len at the spur of the moment side steps to dodge and Yuki and Kim ram at the henchmen blocking the door and exits at a fast speed. Yuki’s screams are heard as Kim is holding him and going at a fast speed through the open door

“Damn it” Len looks at the direction where Yuki and Kim just past but suddenly as he looks back at Cher and Sam, he narrowly sidesteps instinctively to dodge a kick from Cher, instead Cher’s kick hits what’s left of the standing henchman straight at the face

Len makes some distance from Cher and makes an angry face

“Don’t worry unlike them we intend to stay and wipe you out” Cher said seriously while Sam stands beside her.

© Copyright 2014 jazjaz (jaz9684 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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