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Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #2001439
A house sitter receives a surprise guest after reading an ad for a private massage.
Lynn Main entered Miranda Green’s apartment. She was going to be staying there for the week while Miranda was on a cruise with her friend Marcus. As Lynn deposited her purse on Miranda’s kitchen table a section of the newspaper caught her eye. She picked it up, noting that it was the classifieds section. Her eyes alighted on an ad that was circled in yellow highlighter. Lynn couldn’t help but read the ad.

“Male masseuse looking for freelance work; willing to make house calls, and will massage every area that will allow for total relaxation, including the areas usually hidden under a towel. Customers must be 18 years of age or older.”

Lynn set the article down shaking her head. It was so typical of Miranda to leave something like that out. It surprised Lynn that her friend had not handed her the article directly, and tried to coerce her into making an appointment. Lynn had not been with a man since she had broken things off with Richard. She had caught Richard in the midst of cheating with another woman in her home on her couch. After she tossed them both out on their asses she made a vow to be celibate for the next whole year. Miranda told her she was over reacting with the vow part, and tried to get her to break it at every opportunity. She even went as far as to offer her Marcus for an evening.

“I guarantee one night with him will have you aching for sex again,” Miranda urged.

Lynn refused her friends generous offer, and remained celibate. Lynn was not a complete fool. She was a healthy woman with needs, and she had no trouble satisfying those needs with an erotic novel and a trusty B. O. B.

After Lynn deposited her suitcase in Miranda’s bedroom she settled in on the comfy sofa with the novel she was currently in the middle of. It was a novel recommended by Miranda that was written by a British author. The sex scenes were detailed yet tasteful, and the male protagonist made Lynn wonder if she gave up men too soon. Her lustful reading was interrupted by Miranda’s musical door bell, which had been set to play the theme song from Sex in the City. Lynn placed a book mark in her book, and moved to the front door.

The man on the other side was tall; bronze skinned, platinum haired, blue eyed, and spoke with a heavy European accent. He wore a black t-shirt that was a size too small, and a pair of blue jeans that were just the right size. He stared down at the little woman in front of him with warmth and curiosity in his eyes.

“Hello,” he spoke softly caressing each syllable as it left his mouth. “I am Pietro, I have an appointment with Ms. Main?”

“I’m Lynn Main,” she stared up at him in confusion, “but I don’t remember scheduling anything for this afternoon. This isn’t even my house,” she blurted, and covered her mouth to prevent anything else from coming out.

“The appointment was made by another client of mine,” Pietro offered. “Miranda Green, she assured me you would enjoy the surprise.”

Lynn’s sex clenched each time he rolled the letter R over his tongue. She caught herself imagining that tongue rolling over certain parts of her, and shook herself out of that fantasy immediately. Her phone rang, and Miranda’s name appeared on the caller ID. Lynn stabbed the answer button and stepped back from the door. She eyed Pietro torn between inviting him in, and slamming the door in his face. That’s not fair, she chided herself. It’s not his fault Miranda was going to great lengths to make her uncomfortable.

“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do,” Lynn announced to Miranda after she offered a cheery innocent “Hello.”

“I take it your surprise arrived,” Miranda giggled.

“He’s standing outside your front door,” Lynn affirmed. “What in the hell are you trying to pull?”

“You, out of the funk you’ve put yourself in,” Miranda countered. “He’s a total gentleman. He won’t do anything you don’t want him to; at least not a second time. Didn’t you read the note I left for you on the kitchen table?”

“I read the ad,” Lynn affirmed locking eyes with Pietro who looked concerned. He’s probably wondering if he’s going to get paid for standing there. “Miranda, I don’t have any money to give him.”

“Relax honey,” Miranda laughed. “I’ve already paid him for a delux package. All you have to do is relax and enjoy. I have a bottle of that sweet wine you like in the fridge. I highly suggest you uncork it, poor yourself a glass, and let Pietro uncork you.”

“Miranda!” Lynn exclaimed, but the phone had gone dead. She looked up at Pietro, and considered her options. Miranda had already paid him, so if she sent him on his way it would be Miranda’s loss. On the other hand, it could also be Lynn’s loss if she knew her friends tastes. Miranda enjoyed sex, and the pleasure it gave her. Lynn trusted Miranda’s judgment, so there was no reason for her to think that this man would harm her if Miranda trusted him. Lynn sighed and set her phone on the coffee table. “I’m going to poor myself some wine. Would you like some?”

“No, thank you,” Pietro smiled. “I do not drink while I work. I will set up while you prepare yourself.”

Lynn watched him walk to a station wagon, open the hatch back, and pull out a large table. He came toward the front door carrying the table in one hand, and a large duffle bag in the other. I guess we’re really going to do this, Lynn sighed as she left Miranda’s living room, and went back into the kitchen. She pulled the bottle of Resling out of the wine drawer in Miranda’s fridge and proceeded to uncork it. The dulcet sounds of instrumental music flowed from the living room sound system, and caressed her ears as she poured herself a healthy glass of the golden sweet liquid. The sounds of the lurid music were accompanied by sonorous male humming. Lynn took a sip of her wine, and went back into the living room to find Pietro humming as he set up his table, and covered it with the padding and blankets he produced from the duffle. He took the liberty to draw Miranda’s privacy curtains, and closed the front door; cutting off the outside world from what would be taking place. The room was lit by soft candles that he had strategically placed in areas that would provide a warm ambient glow. He turned to face her leaning back against the table.

“Have you done this before?” Pietro enquired.

“No,” Lynn answered in a choked whisper. She took another sip of wine to lubricate her throat.

“You will need to undress,” Pietro pushed off the table and took a slow step toward her. “I can assist you if you like.”

“No!” Lynn stepped back anxiously. He froze uncertain what to do. Lynn realized she might have been a bit too brash with her answer. “I’m sorry I’m just not used to such a forward offer. I’ll undress in Miranda’s room, and come back out here. Are you sure you don’t want a glass of wine?”

Pietro considered taking her up on that offer. He would need to be very careful with this one. She was not as relaxed and accepting as Miranda. “No, seniorina, I will wait for you to be ready.”

Lynn slipped into Miranda’s bedroom and set the glass of wine on the nightstand. She took a sip of wine before removing each article of clothing. Once she was naked she realized she did not pack her robe. She took Miranda’s silk robe from the back of the door, wondering why it was there. She really set me up for this, Lynn mused. She secured the belt of the robe as she turned the corner into the living room. Pietro was standing by the table waiting for her with a linen sheet in his hands. He turned his head away to give her privacy as she removed the silk robe. When he turned his head back she was laying down on the table. He laid the cool rectangle of linen over her petite round ass.

Lynn shifted under the cloth reflexively when she felt his hands smooth out the cloth. She smelled something exotic in the air, and hummed appreciatively when he slid oiled hands over her smooth shoulders. She sighed and laid her head on the pillow he provided as his oiled hands slid down the length of her back.

“Mmm, that feels so wonderful,” she moaned softly.

“It is meant to,” he assured. “This is your first massage?”

“My first professionally done massage,” Lynn forced her eyes back open, and stifled a yawn. “Sorry, I don’t mean to fall asleep on you.”

“It is alright,” he needed her back as he spoke. “It will give me an opportunity to wake you in a creative way.”

Lynn tensed under his hands and pushed herself up to look back at him, being careful to keep her breasts covered. He smiled, and attempted to ease her back down by lightly caressing her arms.

“You read the ad, yes?” He inquired as his hands traveled back down her smooth back and rested on the cloth covering her ass.

“Yes,” Lynn answered uncertainly.

“Then you should not be surprised by this,”

He slid the cloth from her ass and rubbed the taught little buttock with his palms. He rubbed her tail bone with his thumb, sending pulses of pleasure to her sex.

Lynn gasped as her sex clenched in a minor orgasm. She made a sound of bereavement when he pulled his thumb away from her tail bone. She sighed with pleasure as his hands slid up her sides under her arms. He caressed the sides of her breasts with his fingertips. She giggled as his thumbs grazed her armpits.

“Sorry,” she apologized. “I’m a bit ticklish.”

“No need to apologize he chuckled. “I love to hear women giggle.”

Her giggle became laughter when he purposefully tickled her. She clenched her arms over his thumbs which lifted her upper body exposing her breasts. Pietro took the opportunity to slip his hands under her and massage the ample mounds of flesh. Lynn’s laughter transitioned into a surprised gasp as his palms grazed her tightened nipples.

“You like?” Pietro whispered in her ear. He was bent over her so that his bare chest brushed her back.

“When did you remove your shirt?” Lynn inquired.

“Just before I oiled up,” he whispered. “Now, could you roll over so that I can rub your front easier?”

Lynn debated for a moment, and decided she would indulge them both. It was then that she noticed her masseur was as naked as she. Her eyes roved over his ripped body, covered in a layer of dark hair. She averted her eyes when they lingered on his long veiny shaft. Her tongue traced her lips at the thought of tasting him. What is happening to me?

Pietro rubbed more oil on his hands and slid them over her smooth front. His thumbs circled her sensitive nipples causing her to arch an coo under his hands. His oily hands slid down her smooth, flat, stomach stopping just above her thighs. He ran his thumbs through the short triangle of hair at the apex. Lynn’s thighs parted for him, and his thumbs slid over her outer folds. She gasped, and moaned spreading her thighs even further.

“Touch me there,” she begged indicating her sex.

“I can’t sweetie,” Pietro advised. “The oil could cause a chemical imbalance that could cause---“

“Use your mouth,” she insisted.

Pietro leaned down and licked over the length of her sex. He wiggled his tongue over her clit, and sucked the bulb of sensitive flesh into his mouth. Lynn arched her back gasping and moaning as her hands rubbed over her heavy breasts. She screamed as his tongue penetrated her, and rolled his Rs over her sweet spot. His hands slid up and down her short legs as his tongue massaged her inner muscles. With one final howl Lynn’s entire body tensed, and released.

Pietro stood and lightly rubbed his hands over her body as she caught her breath. Lynn looked up at him through her eyelashes.

“I am not finished yet,” he advised. “Your friend bought the deluxe package for you.”

The table creaked as he climbed on top of her, and lined himself up with her opening. Lynn gripped his biceps, and looked up into his darkened blue eyes.

“You want this, yes?” Pietro inquired. He ran his fingers through her short red hair. “If no, all you need do is say so.”

“I want this,” Lynn heard herself whisper, “but can this table support us.”

“Yes,” Pietro smiled down at her. “You worry too much.”

Lynn’s eyes went wide as his long hard flesh slid into her. Her walls parted easily for him, and he was root deep inside her. His tip pressed against the back of her. He laid over her so that his mouth was at her ear.

“You are so relaxed and wet,” he breathed. “Am I hurting you?”

“No,” Lynn breathed.

Pietro pushed himself up on his forearms and moved inside her. Lynn’s hips bucked under him to meet his thrusts. Their eyes locked as the table jerked under their bodies. Their bodies moved faster and faster in a harmonious erotic rhythm. Their moans of pleasure harmonized into a crescendo of ecstasy.

“So, same time tomorrow?” Pietro inquired as he slipped out of her. He climbed off and redressed.

“Tomorrow?” Lynn inquired. She sat up hugging her knees together in front of her.

“Ms. Green paid me for the entire week,” Pietro explained handing her the silk robe she discarded on the floor. “I suppose she did not tell you?”

“No,” Lynn smiled up at him as she took the robe. She slid off the table and pulled it on without tying it shut. “How much would it cost for you to stay with me all week?”

“If that is what you would like, I could do that free of charge,” Pietro offered. “I would appreciate room and board.”

“I think I can manage that,” Lynn took his hand and pulled him to her. “I’m going to have to leave Miranda a very long thank you note.”

“I am sure she will appreciate that,” Pietro lowered his head, and pressed his mouth to hers, allowing her to taste herself on his lips and tongue. “How may I be of further service to you Ms. Main?”

“Call me Lynn,” she smiled up at him. “For now, you can keep me company, and we’ll see where the evening takes us.”

Word Count: 2,507
© Copyright 2014 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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