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Sorry for the long wait. The game is back, and some things are about to change. |
(Previously on Big Brother Posted: Week 3 belonged to the Glamour Girls as they took control when Tiffany won Head of Household, and Lynette won the Power of Veto. The house was divided when an argument over the saboteur turned into a huge fight, and the houseguests were on the spot for the three players who voted to save William. Tiffany nominated Austin and Ryan, who admitted they voted for Skylar, leaving one person still missing. Lynette and Tiffany, wanting to avoid making enemies, decided to try to evict the most expendable one, their alliance member, Karissa. Once the plan went into action at the Veto meeting, the Austin and Karissa alliance was finished. Karissa reacted with anger, and revealed to the whole house about the girls' alliance, but in the end, she left the house in an anonymous vote.) On this episode: We kick the week off with one player having a secret to reveal A new Head of Household will be crowned Alliances are sticking out like sore thumbs, so what will they do to survive? Who will be nominated for eviction? And how will the houseguests react when they find out it's a double elimination week? It all happens now on Big Brother Posted!!! [Flashback] Host: In a vote of 5-0, Karissa, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house. Confessionals: (Austin) Surprisingly, I am not so sad to see Karissa leave. I hate her now, and I was glad to see her go. Goodbye, b****. Confessionals: (Lynette) Turns out Karissa was cleverer than we thought. Who knew putting her up could reveal so much about her? Confessionals: (Skylar) Damn! This week was probably the weirdest week in Big Brother house. The fights, the relationships, the alliances. I barely even knew this would possibly happen, but it is a new week, and I got my head held high for the HOH. Host: Houseguests, I have a very special announcement to tell you all. Someone in the house has been hiding a secret from you all. I am surprised nobody guessed yet, but this person is not whom they seemed to be, but you can cross this person off your hit list, because this person is not the saboteur. Would the person I am speaking of please face the others? ???: You probably was not expecting this, but here goes nothing. I... am secretly a girl. Ryan: What now? Skylar: Impossible! Lynette: What the hell? Austin: It is kind of not that hard to believe... [Guys' Room] Bren: I can't believe I never saw this coming, and now you leave to the girls' side. Candi: I know. It was fun hanging out in here. Skylar: I could have sworn you were gay, but it's different now. Candi: Hehe... I could have kept it more of a secret. See you in the HOH competition. Ryan: I am actually going to miss hanging out with her. Skylar: -_- You can still see her in the house. Ryan: Oh yeah... [Girls' Room] Lynette & Tiffany: Welcome to the Girls' Room, Candi! Candi: Hey! What a surprise! Thank you for the warm welcome. Lynette: No problem. So there was another girl in the house this whole time? Who knew? You will make a perfect replacement for that no good Karissa. Tiffany: I am actually glad you are a girl. At first, I thought you were gay, but it's different now. Candi: Okay... Having a little de-ja vu here... Confessionals: (Lynette) Now that Candi revealed herself to be a girl, she is kind of acting a little different now, but I am not complaining. She seems really nice now. Confessionals: (Candi) I have seen the error of my ways since I entered the house, and it looks like I might have to be a little nicer in order to stay in the game. Host: Houseguests! It is now time for the Head of Household competition. Please make your way to the backyard, and the challenge shall commence. [Backyard] *Houseguests enter the backyard to a big electricity box* Host: This is the HOH competition. As previous HOH, Tiffany, you are not eligible to compete. Houseguests, this challenge is called "How Shocking!" You are now all technicians, and you next task is to fix the power box. There are 8 circuits, but as always, one circuit does not work, and will shock whoever touches it. Your job is to choose any circuit, except the one that shocks. If you get shocked, you are eliminated. Every round, there will be one less circuit. Last person standing is the new HOH. Host: Now please head to a circuit. Skylar: Circuit 4 Bren: Circuit 6 Candi: Circuit 2 Lynette: Curcuit 1 Austin: Circuit 7 Ryan: Circuit 5 Host: Now please, grab hold of your wire. ... Lynette: YEOWCH! That really hurt! Host: Sorry, Lynette. You are eliminated. It is now time for Round 2. Skylar: Circuit 5 Bren: Circuit 2 Candi: Circuit 6 Austin: Circuit 1 Ryan: Circuit 3 ... Skylar: Owch! Gosh darn it! Host: Skylar, you are out. It is now Round 3. Bren: Circuit 3 Candi: Circuit 2 Austin: Circuit 1 Ryan: Circuit 4 ... Bren: Dammit! It hurts! Host: Bren is out. It is time for Round 4. Candi: Circuit 2 Austin: Circuit 3 Ryan: Circuit 1 ... Candi: Hey! That shocks! Host: Candi is out! It is now the final round. Austin: Curcuit 1 Ryan: Circuit 2 ... Austin: OUCH!!! Host: Austin is out, which means that Ryan is the new Head of Household. Ryan: No way! I won! I won!!! I am the new Head of Household!!! Skylar: Yeah! Congratulations, Ryan!!! Lynette: Congratulations on your first, Head of Household, Ryan. Bren: You did good, Ryan. Confessionals: (Ryan) Hell yeah! Just when I thought I was a total floater, I got this key! Woo hoo! I now have control of the house, and everyone is going to play Ryan's way. Confessionals: (Austin) I was really hoping that I could have won that Head of Household. Now that people know I was working with Karissa, not only do I not have any allies, but now I am probably the target of every person in the house. This is going to be a week of outwitting and survival if I want to win this. [Living Room] Candi: It feels so great to not be hiding this secret anymore. I finally feel relaxed and not so mad and angry. Skylar: That would probably explain why you acted so... agitated the past weeks. Candi: I guess so. I apologize if it was a problem to anyone. Ryan: Oh, no! It was not bad at all. Confessionals: (Ryan) Now we know the true Candi once and for all. She went from large and in charge to more relaxed and cool, and, you know, moderate. I am starting to like this new Candi a lot more than I originally did. I think I might even be in love. *Slaps himself* Get it together, Ryan! You are married to a beautiful wife. Tiffany: It is just nice to know now we all shared our secrets, and the mistakes of the past are gone. Lynette: I know. *Sits on the couch, but falls in into a trap filled with slop* Except for the saboteur... Candi: Oh my gosh! *Lifts Lynette out of the trap* Are you okay? Lynette: Yeah. Thanks for the help. Tiffany: I really hate this saboteur. Skylar: -_- Confessionals: (Skylar) Don't think we forgot what happened last week, Tiffany. You were caught red-handed at the scene of another one of your crimes. I had the last few hours trying to get the slop out of my bed. It does kind of make the blankets more softer, but still. I am going to make sure I team up with Ryan and get the real saboteur out of here! [Guys' Room] Bren: So how have you been, Austin? Austin: I have been fine, except for the fact that this could be the worst experience of my life. I feel so lonely in the house. Bren: I guess. How about we can work together? I don't have any allies either. Confessionals: (Austin) I am not sure if I am able to trust Bren? If I have learned anything, it is not to underestimate him at all, but it looks like I have choice. Austin: Sure, why not? It is always good to have an ally. Bren: Great. I hope we can do great together. [Living Room] Ryan: Who wants to see my HOH room? Everyone: Me!!! Ryan: Let's go. [HOH Room] *Ryan enters to his extravagant HOH room* Candi: Whoa! This room looks so cool! Skylar: It is truly 5-stars. Tiffany: This was so much cooler than my room... Austin: I hate to say this, but I wished the room was wrecked... Lynette: That is right, because your room was messed up by the saboteur. Ryan: Sorry that happened to you. It is a real shame you missed out. Well, thanks for visiting. *Everyone leaves except for Candi and Skylar* Ryan: We are still in an alliance, right? Candi: Of course. I may be a girl, but I can still work with some men. Skylar: Anyways, I was thinking of nominating Tiffany and Lynette. They are both strong girls who were secretly in an alliance. They should go on the block. Candi: How about Austin? He's pretty much useless now since he has no allies and no game. He should go up. Skylar: What about Tiffany? She is obviously the saboteur, and for some reason, Lynette's emotions always turn into reality in this house. I say we nominate those two. Ryan: Look. I'll think about it, and then I will make my decision at the nomination ceremony in a few hou- Host: Houseguests! Due to a short limit, the nomination ceremony will commence right now. Will the houseguests please make their way to the living room? Ryan: Damn! How inconvenient... [Nomination Ceremony] *Ryan brings the key slot thingy to the table to the table with all the houseguests sitting down. Ryan: This is the nomination ceremony. As the Head of Household, it is my duty to nominate two people for eviction. I will pull the first key, and that person is safe. That person will pick the next, and so on and so forth. *Ryan pulls out the first key* Ryan: Candi, you are safe. Candi: Thanks, hon. *Candi pulls a key* Candi: Bren, you are safe. Bren: Thanks, Ryan. *Bren pulls out a key* Bren: Skylar, you are safe. Skylar: Thank you, bro. *Skylar pulls out the last key* Skylar: Lynette, you are safe. Lynette: Thanks, Ryan... Ryan: I have nominated Austin and Tiffany for evicton. Austin, you are not doing so well in the game, so it is either misery in the house or putting the last nail on your coffin. Tiffany, for suspicion of being the true saboteur, I put you on the block. It is better safe or sorry. We might have to put you on a house trial to see if you are innocent. This meeting is adjourned. Confessionals: (Austin) God dammit! This is ludicrous is they think I am just going to give up like this. I now have an ally, and I am going to fight to do whatever it takes to be safe this week. Confessionals: (Tiffany) Do people really think I am the saboteur? It is not true. I saw someone do the crime, and I swear, I will make sure I find the real culprit and put them on the spot they belong. Who will win the Power of Veto, and will it be used on either Austin or Tiffany? Find out on the next episode of Big Brother Posted! |