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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Adult · #2001287
Every great love story has two sides.
Just a Mouse Click Away

Chapter 1

Josephine's POV

My name is Josephine. I grew up with everything I could ever want.  My mother worked two jobs to support my brother and I, while my dad drove a truck.  Money was tight but mom made sure us kids had it all.  With my brother, it was soccer; he loved it and he was great at it.  She sent him to soccer camp ever summer, he played every season and she even paid for a trainer in the off season.  He went to law school on a full scholarship playing soccer.  For me, it was dance; ballet to be specific.  I took my first class when I was 3 and was hooked instantly. I was always told ballet was in my blood, that I was a natural.  I took every class that was offered, did every recital I could, performed in every talent show I found. Ballet is who I am. After graduating high school I auditioned for the New York City Ballet. I actually got in as an understudy; that alone is an honor, I loved it.  After a few years of performing I decided I wanted to share my love for dance on a more personal level; I decided to teach. I eventually opened my own school of dance. I have one of the most successful dance schools in the city. I had everything I could ever ask for. My own business, doing what I love and great friends.

         Be careful in how content you become with your life. You never know when it could all be gone in an instant. Trust me, it happened to me. I stayed late at the school to do some book keeping and work on choreography for a recital my preschool class was doing at central park the next month. It was pretty late when I left the school and I was ready to get home. I was a few minutes from my house when a 16 year old girl busy texting on her phone blew through a red light hitting my car. Next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital. The doctor told me I was lucky to be alive. Jackie, my roommate and best friend told me my car was mangled. I was beat up pretty bad and had to have surgery on my hips, knees and one ankle. It killed me to think that I may never dance again. I've been in physical therapy pretty much every day since my first surgery. I really hate this.


         6 months have passed and I've made some improvements since my accident.  I don't use crutches as often but I still have an ugly leg brace on my right leg.  All the turmoil from the wreck has made me so depressed.  My roommates get on me all the time about not doing anything but sit around.  What they don't get is, I don't have much of a choice.  It's hard to do anything in the city with a leg brace, and to be honest I just don't want to do anything.  Between physical therapy, doctor appointments and attorney appointments, I just want to be left alone.  The girl that hit my car didn't have a driver license and the car she was driving wasn't insured.  Her parents have been trying to fight the lawsuit against them for the accident, they keep telling my attorney they have no money and shouldn't be held responsible since their daughter stole the car.  My insurance company is also in a legal war with them for damages to my car.  It's just too much to take at times.  I guess I was sitting around too much doing nothing, my roommate Jackie took my laptop from me then logged me into some sort of chat room.

         “Jackie, I appreciate you trying to cheer me up but I'm not in to online chatting.” I sighed.

         “It can't hurt to log in and chat with someone.  Anyways, I already have you registered, all you have to do is make up a name.” She pushed.

         I didn’t quite understand what she meant by making up a name.  I told her to just use my name and she just shook her head at me telling me it doesn’t work that way.  I shrugged my shoulders not really wanting to have this conversation to begin with. I didn’t really care, I honestly had no intentions of talking in a chat room anyhow.  She tilted her head to her side twirling her black hair in her fingers like she does whenever she’s in deep thought, staring at me with her big eyes determined to find the perfect screen name. 

         “I got it!” She exclaimed happily. “DancingGirl”

         UMM...No.” I quickly replied. “That makes me sound like a stripper.”

         “Fine, you figure it out then.” She sighed “I've got a class to teach in an hour so I got to go.”

         When Jackie reminded me she was on her way to the school to teach a class, my heart sank.  It was my class she was teaching today.  Jackie and my other roommate Shelly had to take over teaching my classes in addition to the ones they were already doing.  I know Jackie could see the sadness in my eyes when I told her to tell my class hi for me.  Both her and Shelly have been trying to convince to come by the school to see my students but I’m just not ready to face that missing piece of my life yet.  I just gave her small shrug sending her on her way.  She quickly gathered her dance bag and keys as she headed out the back door, but not before reminding me to sign into the chat room.  Maybe she’s right, maybe I need to socialize even if it is just in some random chat room.

I stared at the laptop screen reluctant to go any further.  I filled out my profile being as vague as possible and used a picture of ballet shoes as my profile picture then just clicked on a room.  I said hello then sat back to see what will happen.  I received bunch of chat boxes popping up everywhere.  I was a little overwhelmed. Some of the private messaged were a little obscene, I hit the block button on those and tried to sort out the rest.  I stopped and smiled when the last one popped up.

Tim's POV

The past two years have been so hectic.  I've been going through a nasty divorce and fighting for custody of my daughters.  It's been a long fight but I finally have my girls and my divorce is finally complete.  My friends get on me about not having a life but I tell them my girls are my life.  But I guess at some level they are right.  I was checking my email one day when I saw an ad for a chat site; so out of curiosity I clicked on the link and registered.  I guess while I'm online I'm going to be BusyDad.  Yeah, I know it's not very imaginative but it describes me perfectly. I played around with the profile and the picture to use.  I decided on a picture of my girls at their ballet recital with their pink tutu's.  I randomly picked a chat room then sat back in my chair to read the conversations going on.  I've never done this before and didn't know what to do really.  I began clicking on random people reading their profile.  I noticed one girl in the room came on and simply said "Hello form NY City" but didn't type another word.  I looked at her profile but it was very vague.  She didn't say much.  Just her age, gender and that she was a ballet instructor.  I clicked on "Message Me" and typed my hello.          

BusyDad--Hello from Hawaii, BalletGirl.


BusyDad--LOL..Aloha.  How are you?

BalletGirl--Good.  And U?

BusyDad--I'm alright.  You'll have to excuse me.  I've never done this before...

BalletGirl--Really??  How funny me too.  My roommate set this acct up for me.  I've never chatted online.

BusyDad--WHEW!! I don't feel so lost now.

BalletGirl--So, BusyDad, are those your girls in the tutu's?

BusyDad--Yeah, those are my angels.

BalletGirl--Very pretty.  Halloween?  Or do they dance?

BusyDad--Well, my oldest does.  My youngest don't anymore, she didn't like it.  So you teach Ballet?

BalletGirl--Well, I used to.  I haven't been able to dance.

BusyDad--Oh.  Sorry.

BalletGirl--It's ok.  I was in a car accident and had to have surgery on my leg.

BusyDad--I'm so sorry.  That's rough.

BalletGirl--Yeah it is.  I'm not used to doing nothing.  But it's ok, I guess.

BusyDad--So does BalletGirl have a name?

BalletGirl--Yes she does.  LOL

BusyDad--LOL…I see how you are.  Does BalletGirl want to tell me her name?

BalletGirl--LOL…Ummm…Ok.  It's Josephine.

BusyDad--Nice to meet you Josephine.  I'm Tim.

BalletGirl--Nice to meet you too, Tim.

         Josephine and I chatted for the next couple of hours.  We talked about everything from family to our jobs. I added her to my friends list before saying goodbye for the day.  I don't even know what she looks like but she really intrigued me.  She made me laugh like I haven't laughed in a long time.  I told her I hoped to talk to her soon before logging out.  I do hope I get to talk to her again.


Josephine’s POV

         Another two months have passed; I'm still not a big fan of online chats but I do talk to Tim pretty much every day.  He seems like he's a real nice guy. I actually look forward to our chats. There's been a few nights where our chats lasted till the early morning hours.  It sure makes all this down time more bearable. He's asked for a picture a few time but I usually change the subject.  I don't know if I want to show him my picture, after all I haven't seen his yet.  Jackie gets on me all the time about sending him my picture.  She doesn't understand why I won't do it.  I'm suppose to meet him online this afternoon, but I forgot about a doctor's appointment I had to go to. Since Jackie was going to be home I ask her to watch for him to pop up then tell him I had an appointment.
         When I came home later that day I had a note from Jacking letting me know she talked to Tim and made fun of me for him calling me Josephine.  She let me know her and Shelly will be home later tonight and to call if I needed anything.  I was already feeling down and frustrated when I got home, then I felt even worse be reminded I can’t go out with the girls like I use too.  I really miss girls night.  Feeling completely sorry for myself, I wrapped up in Jackie’s wool blanket with a gallon of ice cream and the remote control.  I dozed off watching a Kardashian marathon on TV eventually getting woke up by my phone.  My mom called with her nightly check in, encouraging me to get out of the house more and come see her. After spending an hour convincing her I was fine I noticed the time on the clock and decided to check online to see in Tim was on.

Josephine--Hello?  You here?........OK, well I guess I missed you.  TTYL.

Tim--WAIT......Still here?

Josephine--Yeah, I'm still here.  Sorry about earlier.  Forget I had appointment.

Tim--I understand.  Everything go well?

Josephine--I guess.  He said it may be awhile before I'm 100% again.  I hate this.

Tim--I'm sorry.  I know you must be frustrated.

Josephine--Frustrated doesn't begin to describe it.

Tim--I know this sound easier then it is, but try to be patient.  You'll be better before you know it.

Josephine--I could just cry.

         Tim and I spent the next few hours chatting about pretty much everything.  He told me all about his friend Chris’s fiancée who is kind of going through what I am. He told me how she broke her foot and is struggling with hobbling around in a boot.  I shouldn’t have laughed but it was a funny story. 

         A few days ago he told me his oldest daughter had a ballet recital coming up, which should have been last night.  I was eager to hear all about it.  Maybe the truth is, I wanted to live through her for a short moment.  Some little reminder of my former life.  I could tell he was so excited to share every little detail; he was so proud of her. He offered to share pictures with me, I scrolled through the cutest pictures of a little brunette girl in a colorful tutu covered with sparkly flowers.  I didn’t know if I should smile or cry.  I paused and stared at the last picture; Two dark haired little girls, one with long wavy dark hair and the sweetest smile, his oldest with her hair pulled up tight in a bun and her tutu and the most handsome man smiling ear to ear holding the two girls close.  He had piercing green eyes,  long brown hair with hints of grey pulled neatly back in a ponytail.

         Josephine--So BusyDad is that you in the last pic?

         Tim--Yes.  That’s me.

         Josephine--Very Very nice.

         Tim--Oh yeah?  Really?

         Josephine--Uh huh.  Very Sexy.  I can finally put a face with the name.

         Tim--To bad I can’t do that.  **Hint Hint**

         Josephine--Ok Ok I surrender.  I’ll send you one. 

         Tim--It’s about time!  LOL

         Josephine--Ok, it’s sent.

         Tim--Wow.  Josephine, you’re very pretty.  Beautiful green eyes
         Josephine--Awwww, What a charmer.

         Tim--So BalletGirl, any big plans coming your way?

         Josephine--Oh Yeah!!!!  Guess where I'm going for New Years?

         Tim--Well, I know if I lived in New York I would be in Time Square.

         Josephine--Nope guess again. =D

         Tim--Haven't a clue.  Tell me.


         We spent the rest of the night talking about my brothers upcoming wedding and how his fiancée insisted to get married in Hawaii. We made plans to meet each other and spend time together when I get there.  I’m a little excited to meet him face to face.  We eventually exchanged phone numbers so we could text next week while he’s out of town on business and said our good byes.  He said he didn’t want to say bye just yet but he needed to get his girls ready  to go to their mom’s and he had some paperwork to do. Which was ok with me since my head was starting to get woozy from my pain meds I took earlier.  He told me to rest my sexy green eyes  and he’d chat with me tomorrow night then he signed off.

Tim’s POV

         I logged online earlier to speak with Josephine and ended up speaking with her roommate since she had an appointment that she forgot about. It worked out for the best though, her roommate offered to send me a picture of Josephine.  I was awe struck by her beauty.  Stunning doesn’t begin to describe her. I spent what felt likes hours staring at her picture.  Later that evening while cleaning my kitchen I hear my computer chime in the other room alerting me of an instant message.  Knowing it was Josephine I checked it right away. We talked for a long time about everything going on in our lives and making plans to meet later in the year.  We exchanged pictures and phone numbers before finally saying goodnight.  I didn’t want to say goodbye but  my friend Chris stopped by to pick me up, we had some work that needed to get done tonight.

         “So what’s with the goofy grin on your face?”  Chris laughed nudging my shoulder. “You look almost giddy.”

         “It’s nothing, I’m just talking to Josephine.” I mumbled while digging through a stack of file folders on my desk.

         “Josephine?  Who’s Josephine?”

         “She’s a friend I met online.”  I sighed, showing him her picture she sent me earlier that evening.           All Chris could say was “Wow.” 

         “Have you met yet?” He asked me.

         “No, she lives in New York.” I sighed as the realization of my feelings finally hit me. “I hated lying to her tonight.”

         “What did you lie about?”

         “I told her I had to pack for the girls and do some paperwork” I answered not knowing why I was feeling so guilty.

         “Well, it wasn’t really a lie.  You do have to work tonight.  And honestly Tim, the less people that know, what we’re doing the better.

         “I know.  Do we have a new lead on this guy?” I asked trying to get my mind on work.

         “Yeah. Come on.  Eddie already staking out the house.
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