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by BarryN
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2001225
Chapter 21: World meet the mighty MEGA WOMAN

         Chapter 21: World meet the mighty MEGA WOMAN

Liz, now in the supremely powerful Mega Woman mode, flew towards the train. Tom, his head still pounding from Mega Woman's telepathic transmission was glued to the TV. The world was about to meet Mega Woman.

         Hank Riley was sweating. A lot. His co-engineer was on the radio frantically asking for help. Hank's hands were on the airbrake, an airbrake that until a few minutes ago was working. Now, it was not.

         "I can't slow her down! What is headquarters saying?" he asked his partner Nick.

         "They are telling us to derail her man! With what we are carrying, if we get into the city and have an accident, the whole damn train will blow. Along with anything within several thousand feet. Whoever thought putting a train together carrying nothing but fuel was a god damned idiot!" Nick said.

         Hank looked ahead. If he was going to derail it, he had to do it now. He quickly reached into his back pocket and got out his wallet. Out slid a picture of his wife and kids. Hank let out a heavy sign and touched each of their faces. HE turned to Nick. "Okay. Let's, let's do this," he said. However, Nick didn't move. "Nick? We gotta act man. Now!"

         "Look outside," Nick said. Hank looked out the side window and gasped. Flying alongside the train was the biggest human he had ever seen.

         "What the fuck..." Hank gasped as both men's' jaws dropped.

         "Hello gentlemen. I am Mega Woman and I am here to help. I take it we need to stop this train?"

         "M...ega Woman?" Nick gasped.

         Mega Woman smiled. "Yes Nick. Mega Woman. Now, how about I get you boys out of this traveling death train and then come back and stop it? Sound good?" Mega Woman said.

         Both men looked at each other. "O....kay..." they both said at the same time, more in shock that they were seeing a flying hugely muscled superwoman than the fact they were a few seconds ago contemplating death.

         "Good. Now, if you all would open the door, I can take it from here," Mega Woman said.

         "Um, yeah...s...sure," Hank said as he opened the door to the locomotive.

         "Thanks. Now, hold on boys," Mega Woman said as she grabbed the men and took off into the sky.

         "Whoa! Holy fucking shit!" Nick screamed as he and his friend rose into the sky.

         "What the fuck are you?" Hank screamed as he closed his eyes.

         "Easy boys. Flying Mega Woman airlines is the safest mode of travel in the world. And as I told you, I am Mega Woman," she said as she slowly descended into a parking lot of a McDonalds.

         A large crowd came pouring out of the restaurant, many with their cell phones out taking pictures. Mega Woman landed, the ground cracking under her muscled weight.

         "Well we are here gentlemen," Mega Woman said as people snapped pictures and took video.

         Henry and Nick opened their eyes. Nick slowly backed away from Mega Woman. Hank turned to face her, his head even with the big blue M on her mighty chest. He extended a shaking hand.

         "Th...thank you Mega Woman," he said.

         Mega Woman smiled. She gently shook his hand. "You are welcome Hank. Now, if you and these good people will let me, I have a train to stop," she said as she let go and quickly flew off towards the plane.

         At the same time Mega Woman was talking to the engineers on train, Tom was watching it unfold live on TV.

         "I, I don't have a good way to explain this Steve, but, but there appears there is a really large, muscle bound brown haired woman wearing a blue and white outfit and cape. It, well it doesn't appear, she IS flying next to this train. This, this is amazing. It is like she is a real life superhero. And Steve, she just grabbed the two men from the train and flew off! This is incredible!" the reporter in the helicopter said back to the station. Tom was on the edge of his seat as Mega Woman soon returned, flying by the train.

         "Hmmmm...." Mega Woman thought. She knew she had to remove the locomotive from the rest of the train. She narrowed her eyes and a beam of heat escaped them, hitting the link between the locomotive and the rest of the train. ERNG! The locomotive was separated from the train.

         Mega Woman flew to the front of the locomotive. With ease she lifted the front of it over her head. She maneuvered her thick hands under it until she was holding it over her head.

         "Steve, these pictures speak for themselves but, but I have to keep reporting. This massive woman is lifting. Yes, I said lifting the locomotive over her head like it weights nothing. That thing has to, HAS TO weight several hundred thousand pounds! And she is lifting it like a toothpick!" the reporter said.

         Mega Woman let her right hand go; now holding the locomotive with one hand. She gave a thumbs up to the helicopter as she flew the locomotive into a field. She next turned it on its side and gently laid it down.

         "This way, the wheels can keep turning but it won't go anywhere," she thought as she turned her attention to the forty car train. With a WHOOSH she flew back towards it. She quickly maneuvered herself to be in front of the train. She extended her hands and grabbed the first car. She squeezed, her fingers denting the steel with ease. She flexed her arms (more for the camera than because of the effort) and poured on her flight power.

         The sound of screeching metal was heard as the train began to slowly slow down.

         "Again, incredible does not cover it! This super woman is, and I can't believe I am saying this, but she is stopping the train using only her muscles! I mean this train, it could weigh millions of pounds, plus it is going 40 miles per hour. The amount of brute strength....brute power to stop this train is just incredible! We are witnessing the world's first super human!" the reporter said.

         The train kept slowing down until it came to a complete stop. Mega Woman let go and floated down to the tracks. She turned around and smiled. The train was stopped well before the city. She had done it. She had saved the day.

         She heard the sound of several trucks and cars heading her way. It was the media. "Good," she thought.

         Several reporters jumped out of their vehicles cameras and video cameras in town. Many were screaming questions at her. Mega Woman raised her hand and they quieted down.

         "Hello. My name is Mega Woman and I am sure you have many many questions. I do not have time to answer them now, but rest assured that the city is safe," she said.

         "Where you the mystery being who crushed the navy boats last week?" one reporter shouted.

         Mega Woman frowned. "Yes. I am. And I am sorry about that. I was, was testing my strength. Rest assured that I offer my full help and assistance in helping the Navy clean up that mess. The world needs to know I mean no harm. I am here to help," she said.

         "How did you get so powerful? How strong are you? How fast can you fly? Are you human?" were the questions being yelled out. Mega Woman floated a few feet into the air and the crowd quieted down.

         "I will contact one of you for an interview. The world needs to know, deserves to know, about me. But for now I must go," she said as she rocketed into the air and headed back towards her building, a giant smile on her beautiful face.

© Copyright 2014 BarryN (barryn1978 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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