Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2000901-Dont-Mess-with-the-Devil
by The Vu
Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #2000901
Don't Mess with the Devil
Don’t Mess with the Devil

John was the adult son of one of the richest men in the world.  His father had controlling interest and head of a Billion dollar company.  John was spoiled and was obsessed with gaining fame and fortune.  He was always scheming on how he could get control of his father’s interest and become head of the company.  When his father started having some health issues he knew he had to come up with something soon or his father’s shares would be split equally between family members. 

One night as he lay in bed thinking how he could take control of the company he fell asleep.  The devil came to him in a dream and said he knew what John wanted and he could take care of it, but in return he would have to give his soul to devil when he died.  John wanted the company so bad that he agreed.  The devil pulled out a contract, pricked John’s finger and signed it with his bloody finger print.  He said an attorney that worked for him would contact John in the morning.  He would have a new Will ready that would give John all of his father’s shares in the company.  His father was in the hospital so John and the attorney would have his father sign the will and have one of the nurses witness the signing and say he was of sound mind when he signed it.  The devil knew the family would take him to court so a witness is necessary, but don’t worry the judge worked for the devil also.  They even filmed John’s father explaining the reason he is giving his shares to John.  If he divided the shares evenly among the family they would fight over everything and harm the company.  He did give each of them 5% of his shares in the company which would give them plenty of money for life.  Within 6 months after your father signs the Will the company will belong to you.  When John woke up his finger hurt and was bloody and he knew then what he had done.

The devil was good on his word and by the end of the 6th month the company belonged to John.  Soon after, the devil visited John in his dream and showed him the contract.  The devil said he had fulfilled his side of the bargain and now John’s soul belonged to the devil and would take possession of it at his death. 

This upset John but since he was so rich and powerful he figured he could beat the devil at his own game.  John had already started looking for the “fountain of youth” because he knew from his father he couldn’t take the money with him, so he wanted to live and be rich forever.  He had read about some research from a scientist that was testing a new treatment for eternal youth.  He visited the man at his laboratory.  The scientist showed him 10 mice that he injected with the serum 11 years ago and they are still going strong and still having babies.  Then he injected 2 chimps ten and a half years ago and they don’t look a day older, then he injected himself 10 years ago and he has not aged.  He showed him a picture of himself from 10 years ago and he had not changed at all.  The scientist estimated someone could live at least 200 years and maybe even forever.

John wanted the treatment but the scientist said it is still in testing. John insisted so the man said it would cost him $20 million up front and John agreed.  John figured if he wouldn’t die then the devil couldn’t get his soul.  After the treatment John felt so alive, invincible, indestructible and even more powerful than before and could do anything he wanted. 

Now John could concentrate on the Fame part of his plan.  He was very good looking, a playboy and had different ladies every night.  Since John had all this new money he was very loose with cash and basically bought the women.  John also liked fast cars and was an amateur race car driver.  Now that he was head of the company, he had the company sponsor the race team and write it off on the advertisement budget.  He could now afford the best cars and mechanics and could compete with the big boys as he started winning races.  John was a very aggressive driver, taking chances and would cut in front of other drivers knowing they would have to slow down to let him in or crash.  One time he tried to pull in between two cars but there wasn’t enough room, so he ran the outside car into the wall.  Then he took the crashed car place to move up, so John was not well liked on the circuit. It didn’t matter, he would do anything to win and no one would stand in his way to get what he wanted.

During his last race he tried to cut off another driver but that driver did not back off and their cars connected.  This spun John’s car sideways and another car hit him broadside which caused his car to flip over several times and land upside down.  John tried to undo his seat harness, but he could not move his arms.  The emergency crew arrived and pulled him out of the car, put him on a stretcher, secured his head and put him in the ambulance and rushed him to the hospital.  John passed out on the way there. 

When John woke up he was in the hospital and shortly afterwards 2 doctors came in.  They said somehow his helmet hit the pavement and broke his neck and severed his spinal cord.  There was no procedure or cure to repair the spinal cord and he would be paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of his life.  That is when it hit him that he was going to live forever.

Later the devil visited John again in a dream and said “You should have known better than to mess with the devil”. 
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